Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 196: Already arranged

Chapter 200 has already been arranged

Jian Xingfang didn’t even look at the voice behind him. The guards who had dropped the weapon were unclear, so they were stunned to see that he was still holding the weapon. Luo Jinglan was completely at a loss, and he was in the first place. The monarch and the guards are completely stupid!

They are facing the two of them, and only they can see the most clearly!

In the scene just now, the two of them walked forward, and the red silk that sprang out behind Nan Huofeng, weirdly and quickly flew around the guards, like a red cloud emerging behind her, beautiful and weird. After the red cloud disappeared, the intercepted and complete weapon had fallen to the ground. [The first publication of this book is Xianjie Novel Network]

The only Jian Xing Fang who didn’t respond in particular, smiled calmly. “You fought so hard, did you forget to ask us the opinions of these two parties?”

The King Divine Phoenix, who was taken aback, settled down. “Your opinions have been given to me!” This is really a little scared in his heart, he seems to have overlooked something important!

Jian Xingfang nodded. “Well, I have asked, and the answer we gave is no! But we will not accept the result set by the monarch!” He blinked at Luo Jinglan.

Luo Jinglan suddenly, he also forgot for a while, this pair of lovers didn’t talk about the fire power of the South Fire Phoenix, they were just simple, with the martial arts, self-protection is still no problem!

“I don’t accept it! So?” The eyes aimed at Nanhuofeng intentionally or unintentionally!

Nan Huofeng raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly. When she saw her smile that she had never shown since she came in, King Divine Phoenix was stunned for a moment, so beautiful, her smile is so beautiful, and her fiery red eyes , So beautiful, so… “You, you…” She was shaking with shock and pointed her finger at her.

Seeing the abnormal reaction of King Divine Phoenix, Jian Xingfang subconsciously looked at the person behind him, took a look, sighed, and patted his hand lightly, Huoer looked at him, he shook his head and waved his hand not to scare King Divine Phoenix , And point to yourself with the backhand, which means I will come!

Nan Huofeng shrugged, the red eyes and reddish hair have disappeared…

But the phenomenon she had experienced has been deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone present!

The King Divine Phoenix swallowed. “Needless to say, you want to leave and stay, I… I can’t stop even if I want to stop!” This is the most important thing he has forgotten, how could he forget that the other party has the most powerful person, as long as With the fire of Nan Juehuo, what he wanted to do was in vain, and if people didn’t deal with him, he should laugh.

He didn’t believe so much about what Wang Er said before, but now, the unusual thing happened in front of him just now, so he can’t let him not believe it!

“No, monarch, you misunderstood, Huoer won’t do anything here!”

“Even if you said it?” His words were full of extreme distrust, and his eyes were always looking at Nan Juehuo! “

“Never mind if I said it!” He straightened out confidently.

Nan Huofeng rolls her eyes and ignores him. She doesn’t know how to handle it, but that’s when he can handle it!

“Oh?” King Divine Phoenix raised his eyebrows. “Let’s talk about it, without Nan Juehuo’s help, how can you get rid of this… predicament?” With a ring of hands, waiting!

As soon as I heard that Nan Juehuo didn’t handle it, King Divine Phoenix had a lot of confidence again!

Jian Xingfang smiled mysteriously. “The monarch can’t feel it in terms of words, it’s better to show it to the monarch…” When the words fell, he stooped and picked up a broken knife with a knife handle. The guards around the Divine Phoenix Monarch immediately stood on guard and stood ready. What’s wrong, stand in front of the Divine Phoenix King!

Jian Xingfang held the handle of the knife in his left hand and flicked the fingers of his right hand. The remaining broken knives had broken into many small blades. With the palm of his hand, the blades were flying in his hand. The King Divine Phoenix couldn’t help but want to swallow his saliva. Who did you provoke? I haven’t heard that Jian Xingfang also has any abilities!

Nan Huofeng is not strange, ordinary people can’t do it, but with his own internal strength, there are a total of more than 80 years of internal strength. This little thing can make it fly with internal strength. It is normal. Up!

Luo Jinglan certainly doesn’t think Jian Xingfang has any abilities. On the contrary, he is surprised that Jian Xingfang has gained a lot of internal strength. It has only been a few years since Xingfang has progressed to this point. How is the gap between the two of them? Is it close?

Jian Xingfang’s arm suddenly tossed, “Watch out, Monarch!” The guards standing on both sides of the Divine Phoenix Monarch spoke in unison, and subconsciously surrounded in front of the Divine Phoenix Monarch.

Unexpectedly, none of the blades in that hand came in this direction, but where they disappeared, they were so fast that they were nowhere to be found!

At this time, Jian Xingfang spoke. “Since I caught it, don’t show up yet?”

When everyone was puzzled, there was a voice that really answered him. “Yes, little prince!” Following the voice, a person walked in lightly outside the door, and he was dressed in the costume of the king’s guard of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom!

The person who enters the door will give the courtesy of monarchs and ministers before going to the simple side. “Subordinates, see Little Prince!” He lifted his hand up, and it was the blade that Jian Xingfang had just thrown out.

Everyone is in an uproar, this person can catch the blade issued by Jian Xingfang, it can be seen that his skill is not low, and such a person is actually in the guard of the monarch!

“Hmm!” Although he never let his close subordinates pay attention to these things, he always has to pretend to be in front of outsiders. “Get up! Haven’t seen the Divine Phoenix Monarch yet, don’t lose the etiquette of our Rong Maoguo!” reached out and took the blade.

“Yes, little prince!” According to the order, he got up, and then turned to bow to the Emperor Divine Phoenix. “See King Divine Phoenix!”

“You…when did you…” came in? “Servant… Chief Guard! What is going on?” King Divine Phoenix asked angrily.

With a plop, the captain of the guard landed on both knees. “The monarch forgive me!” His head fell.

“What’s your crime? I’m asking you, what’s the matter with him? Such a big living person has been mixed into your guards, haven’t you noticed it?” His guards of the king of the Divine Phoenix Kingdom have such Lax?

“No…no…” The captain of the guard’s voice was trembling. “Subordinates know…know this person…and still…” A drop of sweat slipped down his cheeks. “Subordinates… took the initiative… the guards who took the initiative to let him in! However, the subordinates didn’t know that he was a member of the enemy country. The subordinates had no intention of murdering the monarch, and the monarch forgive him!” sound.

“Enough!” King Divine Phoenix roared impatiently. “Your sin, I will deal with it, and now what is going on with him, you can tell me clearly!” The monarch’s guards are protecting the monarch’s safety, but he let this thorn on his back for so many days.

“Yes, yes…” The captain of the guard repeatedly said yes. “He was encountered by his subordinates during training in the woods more than a month ago. At that time, because they didn’t investigate the area well, they even encountered a bear…”

He knew about this. He heard that someone helped them out. Could it be…

“A few people were injured, and the subordinates still did not get rid of the bear. At this time, he appeared, fighting alone and killed the bear…” Although he was from an enemy country, he had to admit him The bravery.

“The subordinates just took notice of his skill, and after several persuasion, he nodded, but he didn’t expect…” It was really impossible to steal. “By the way, he said his name is Weiying…” The name should also be fake!

“He is indeed called Weiying, my personal bodyguard!” Jian Xingfang, who has been watching the show, said.

“Let’s look back and I’ll settle the account with you again!” The Divine Phoenix King said angrily, his face turned, all the emotional fluctuations have long been hidden, and it still looks like a lofty figure. “What? You want to tell me that you can retreat all by him?” If you lose, you don’t lose.

Back with both hands. “How come, this is just a reminder to the monarch!” Jian Xingfang looked at ease.

The King Divine Phoenix is ​​angry in his heart, but he can’t come out!

After all, he is a friend who has known each other for many years, and Luo Jinglan is alert. “Xing Fang, what did you do?”

Jian Xingfang smiled brightly. “It’s okay! Weiying is in the king to keep me and Huo’er from leaving the king safely. If necessary, I will trouble the monarch to follow us and send us away from the Divine Phoenix!” The hand caressed his waist intentionally or unintentionally. “Of course, this is not a way to lose everything, so I made a little action!” These were all arranged by Huoer after he was kidnapped by the national teacher, so that after Huoer was rescued, they You can leave safely!

“Where?” Luo Jinglan asked immediately, with seriousness on his face.

“Where is it?” The finger tapped his chin. “Weiying, I can’t remember, you can talk about it!”

“Yes, little prince!” Before the Emperor Divine Phoenix asked him to get up, he kept kneeling to the ground. “The Divine Phoenix King has many strongholds, the four corners of the king are the most. This is the place where the subordinates come to the king to investigate…There are also…”

“Wait!” Junjing Lan called to stop. “What are you talking about?” He only heard that they had installed something in the king.

“Oh… nothing…” Luo Jing Lan added another sentence when he let out a breath. “It’s just some gunpowder!”

There was a sound of gasping. “You…what did you say?” The King Divine Phoenix stammered in shock.

Luojing Lan is relatively calm. “Will cause more casualties?”

“I’m a little tired!” Jian Xingfang said instead. “Bring a chair! No, bring two!” Luo Jinglan immediately ordered, and after they sat down, he waited quietly.

Sitting down, Jian Xingfang sighed slightly. He was still a little tired while his body was recovering!

Nan Huofeng patted his hand knowingly, and Jian Xingfang tilted her head to smile.

In response to their aggressive behavior, the Divine Phoenix King has now opened one eye and closed one eye!

“The size of the casualties? I know the people in the city, but…” he held his chin and smiled slightly. “I can’t tell you that, this is my secret…but it’s in the king!” He cast a hint at Wei Ying. ,

Wei Ying understands. “Every stronghold in the king will not cause casualties!”

“Can this be controlled?” King Divine Phoenix blurted out.

Wei Ying lowered her head slightly. “Yes!” replied concisely.

“Control the gunpowder, what’s the matter, even the bear was brought to the forest by Weiying!” Jian Xingfang muttered in a low voice.

The high-ranking Divine Phoenix Monarch certainly couldn’t hear it. Of course, the Nanhuofeng who was closest to him heard it, but he just glanced at him. But Luo Jinglan, who should have been inaudible, because there was something to tell him, after a few steps, he heard it by accident. Looking at his eyes, he was immediately full of disbelief, and even forgot what he wanted to say. Up!

“So, does the monarch understand? We won’t let the monarch handle it. Gunpowder is only part of it!”

“Part of it?” King Divine Phoenix’s eyes widened in surprise. “You…what else have you prepared…”

Laughing leisurely. “This can’t tell the monarch!” As soon as this was said, it was immediately exposed. “By the way, I almost forgot to tell the monarch, don’t move rashly to find the location of those gunpowder! At that time, if something goes wrong accidentally, then the gods will have no choice!”

The Emperor Divine Phoenix gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. “I see!” He felt it deeply what it meant to be completely led by the nose!

Jian Xingfang nodded in satisfaction. “Okay, stop here, about…”

“Monarch!” The personal servant of the Emperor Divine Phoenix suddenly appeared, and said a few words in the ear of the Emperor Divine Phoenix, interrupting what Jian Xingfang was about to say.

The King of Divine Phoenix frowned, listened carefully, and muttered. “Call him in!”

“Yes!” The waiter respectfully withdrew.

After a while, the door opened again, and two unexpected people came in.

“Father, are you going to kill both of them?” Logina’s face changed when she came in and saw the weapons all over the floor. “Jill…”

“Princess!” Jian Xingfang got up, and after a slight salute, stretched out his arm, and separated from Logina for a distance.

Logina stopped in front of Jian Xingfang’s arm. “Jill, are you angry with me?” They haven’t seen each other since he was taken away from her villa by Nan Juehuo last time. “Don’t be angry with me. No matter what I do, it’s because I love you too much. Why don’t I rush to save you? Let me see if you can? Are you injured?” He grabbed his arm that was in front of him.

“Princess, men and women can’t be kissed!” Jian Xingfang dodged her hand, but the arm was still in front of her, preventing her from taking a step.

“No, I don’t care, Jill, and you and Juehuo are not married. Then you are the prince, and I am the princess. If we are a pair, we can’t match it anymore!” !

Jian Xingfang wants to blush for her, this princess is still so wishful, she hasn’t changed at all!

“Jina, pay attention to your identity!” The Emperor Divine Phoenix yelled, unable to stand. “Come here, come to my side!” She dignified a princess of a country, and said such words to a man, who is still a person from an enemy country, really embarrassing them!

“No, father, your words don’t count, I want to marry Jill, and you want to kill him!” Logina turned around. “Quickly, Jill, kidnap me, I am in your hands, father dare not act rashly! And in this way, you can take me with you, I am willing to go to your country with you!” Dreaming.

Jian Xingfang looked at Logina’s back and smiled bitterly. Now he can be sure that this princess is not only wishful thinking, but also fantasy. Please, if he waits for her to save him, he will die long ago! He really wanted to tell her…

“Jina, stop making trouble! Go to the father!”

Huh? Who has the same idea as him? What he wanted to tell her was: princess, stop making trouble!

Logina’s flat mouth. “No!” She didn’t want to listen to Brother Dawang! “Jill, hurry up!” urged the people behind him.

Jian Xingfang rolled his eyes and cast his helpless eyes on Luo Jinglan.

Luo Jinglan didn’t have much patience. He stared at him and ordered the guards to take her to the father’s. Let Luo Jina struggle, but was taken to the Divine Phoenix King. The guards guarded, not letting her leave.

Roculi, who hasn’t spoken since he came in, walked over after Logina was brought in front of the Divine Phoenix King. “Are you two okay?” There was a seriousness between the brows.

Jian Xingfang and Nan Huofeng looked at each other and shook their heads together.

“Sorry!” Roculi said softly.

Jian Xingfang and Nan Huofeng once again looked at each other in confusion, wondering why he apologized.

“Father!” Rokuli turned to face the Divine Phoenix King, and also gave a rare gift.

“What else do you want to say?” The King Divine Phoenix frowned. What’s wrong? The two sons didn’t worry about him!

“Father, please take back the holy intention of letting your son marry Nan Juehuo!”

The King Divine Phoenix raised his eyebrows. “You don’t like Nan Juehuo?” It seems that Si Wanger doesn’t know. Now even if he wants to make Nan Juehuo marry Si Wanger, he is powerless!

Lokuli raised his head and looked at the first Divine Phoenix King. “I like her, no, not only like, I love her!”

“Then why?” Sit down slowly!

“Just because I love her, I hope she will marry me willingly. I don’t want her to be unhappy!” Witnessing the feelings between Jue Huo and Jian Xingfang, he was even more sure that what he wanted was a wholehearted one. Feelings~IndoMTL.com~ The Emperor Divine Phoenix shook his head helplessly. “I don’t know if I should say you are infatuated? Or are you stupid?”

“Father, please agree!”

The King Divine Phoenix sighed. “Wang’er, this is no longer a question whether or not the father should agree to it. The father can’t ask them anything…”

“Because of the fire?” Loculi thought so intuitively.

“It’s not just because of the fire of Nanjuhuo!” He said with a sigh. “The people around her are not easy…”

Lokuli was still puzzled, Luo Jinglan saw this and told him one by one, what good things Jian Xingfang did!


The author has worked so hard. I have updated to this point today. Please look forward to the colorful content. Your support and understanding will be the author’s greatest motivation to continue creating!


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