Goddess Medical Doctor Chapter 112: National Teacher

? Chapter 116 National Teachers

“I can also take you everywhere, and I can help you with intractable diseases that you can’t touch,” Loculi blurted out. [The first publication of this book is Xianjie Novel Network]

Nan Huofeng just frowned, and wanted to scold him, but a voice would preempt him. “Don’t worry about the prince, I will take my wife with me!”

Seeing him coming, Nan Huofeng’s expression flashed with joy. “You are here!” Even the voice was filled with joy, and finally there was no need to stay alone with Prince Curry in this obviously big room, but suffocating because of his existence!

Lokuli’s face was tense, his eyes stared at Jian Xingfang, and the corners of his mouth mocked. “There are some places I feel Huo wants to go, you may not take them.” And he, there is no place in the Divine Phoenix Nation that he cannot go, of course, except for the forbidden area of ​​the national teacher!

In the minds of the people of the Divine Phoenix country, the convenient location stipulated by the national teacher is an extremely sacred place, except for those allowed by the national teacher, no one will take the initiative to take a step. In their thoughts, just step in, no matter what their status, they will be punished by God!

A glance at him, Jian Xingfang didn’t reply, and walked directly to Nanhuofeng. The smile on the corner of his mouth was no longer hypocritical, showing sincerity. “I’m here to help you prepare the medicine!” Gently lifted her feet to the ground, sat down, and took her previous movements!

There is always a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. “Well, just waiting for you!”

Returning to give him a big smile, Jian Xingfang turned around and started chasing people. “Prince, princess, our husband and wife must concentrate on preparing the potion for Princess Grotto, you” did not finish talking about the people, but based on their stupid heads, I want to know what he meant!

Roculi said reluctantly. “Our brothers and sisters won’t bother you!” Pulling Jina and leaving, the gaze cast on Jian Xingfang before she left was cruel!

If it weren’t for the cousin’s solemn statement to him, he can find the fire at any time, but she must never disturb her to treat the cousin. If it disturbs a bit, the cousin will rush him out and take a step. He didn’t let him step into the palace again, he knew that his cousin would definitely do what he said for his cousin, and his cousin would not care if he was a prince.

Frowning and staring at the closed door. “Am I thinking too optimistic?” When she saw Prince Curry leaving, the ruthless eyes that stared at Xingfang couldn’t help but make her feel abrupt!

Squeezed her hand lightly. “Don’t you have some medicine in a hurry? Don’t you do it now?” Of course he felt the malice of Prince Curry, but he didn’t want her to worry too much, and he just heard the name of a person from Princess Gina, he didn’t know it. Is it the person he knows, if so

“Wang Hao, your body is fine now!” Nan Huofeng said after examining Princess Gro’s body.

The corner of Princess Gro’s mouth was a smile of joy and expectation. “Thank you, Juehuo!” As she became more and more familiar with her, Princess Groe changed her name without knowing when!

Nanhuofeng also smiled at the corner of her mouth. “You’re welcome, Wang Hao!” Then he turned to King Gro, who was waiting aside. “Wang, before the princess is pregnant, I have a medicine that needs to be prepared in advance!”

There is also a smile on King Ge Luo’s face and he turns his head. It is because of Princess Ge Luo’s joy and joy, and also because she has a lot of health! “What medicinal materials I need to provide, just say it!”

“I can find all other medicinal materials, but the lack of blindness is extremely difficult to obtain!”

“What kind of medicinal material?” What precious and rare medicinal material is in their palace is running in their minds!


I was turning my mind about precious medicinal materials, suddenly stuck. “What did you say?” He got it wrong!

“Pu Huo!” said it again with aggravated tone.

The smile on his face disappeared suddenly. “The Juezhi Garden of the Jueru clan?” Seeing her nodded, frowning. “There is nothing else to replace?”

Nan Huofeng is sorry. “Puhuo is the most important single-flavor medicine. It is used as a medicine, and then other medicinal materials are added. The role is to promote the incompatibility of the princess and the king!”

In other words, without it, Xu would still get the same result if she became pregnant again. But besides the place where this medicinal material is, there is another more important issue. “Now there will be a mature Puhuo?”

Although there are a lot of Puhuo, the ones that are truly mature are few and far between. One or two of them in a large area is already great!

Nodding affirmatively. “At night, I saw a little bit of light flickering in Jue Zhiyuan from a distance. That is the signal that Puhuo is mature!”

Raised eyebrows in surprise. “Do you know all this?” When Pu Huo matured, even he didn’t know!

I smiled slightly. “I’m a travel doctor. I have heard of it and read it in medical books!” She had heard her adoptive father said, and she had also seen it in a long-lost medical book!

King Groo only hesitated for a moment before he made a decision. “How much time can I have?”

“The sooner the better!”

“Wang, is this okay?” Princess Gro, who was holding a heart when she heard of Jue Rushi, asked worriedly.

Clap her hand comfortingly. “Relax, no problem!”

After the two of Nanhuofeng left, King Gro took Rokuli and hid in the study. “Curry, no matter what you want to do right now, you can’t reappear in taking action. You can’t move either of them or you. You will affect it”

“Gina likes Sangil!” Rokuli interrupted King Gro’s long warning!

The king of Gro squinted at Lokuli’s innocent expression that didn’t concern me, and his lips were cold. “You always brought Gina on purpose, didn’t you? You can’t deny that Sangil has an attractive charm!”

Roculi remained silent, but a flash of unwillingness flashed through his eyes. “Jina has grown up, it’s time to marry!” He didn’t answer his question directly.

King Groo was angry and stood up. “I said what you are going to do, I will not interfere with you, but you must not affect your cousin any more. If you use Ji Na in this way, Nan Juehuo will be distracted. I don’t allow your cousin to be a little different. It’s better not to force me.” Anger flashes in his eyes.

Seeing that his cousin was really angry, Lokuli hurriedly put away his casual attitude. “Jina will never do too much, she will never ### act for Sangil!” He has no interest in being an enemy of his cousin!

My cousin does everything for his cousin, and if he is forced into a hurry, he will really deny him!

A cold snort. “You better remember what you said!” got up and walked away.

Looking at the back of the cousin leaving, the cunning light in his eyes flickered, and he muttered. “I will remember what I said!” He would warn Jina, but how to do it is Jina’s own decision, but it has nothing to do with him!

Every time I see Juehuo and that man, the jealousy in his heart deepens. It is obvious that he met Juehuo first, so why can he get Juhuo? He still has one year at most, and in this year, he must feel fire and return to him anyway.

As long as she can be by his side, he doesn’t mind that she is already married!

Jian Xingfang and Nan Huofeng felt that their heads were big, and they were both in trouble at the same time. The two brothers and sisters became more and more excessive, and they often appeared suddenly, and then they would pull one by one, pull, pull, pull, pull. Open up their two husbands and wives, each one owns one!

This situation makes people dumbfounding. What kind of ideas the two siblings fight is obviously impossible for people to think or not, but they don’t think this is so absurd?

Obviously, these two brothers and sisters don’t feel it at all, or even take it for granted, one brother and one sister, just right, neither one suffers!

This is a bitter for the two of them. They have something urgent to accomplish. In addition, because of the gap waiting for the medicinal materials to come, they asked for King Gro as a reward. ###They went to heal the royal family Some unknown incurable diseases!

As they solved more and more diseases, more and more royal family members came to them for diagnosis and treatment, and even some illnesses that could be solved by royal doctors came to them.

If it weren’t for King Gro’s solemn declaration, they are now Princess Gro’s exclusive doctor, and no one is allowed to rob him. They would not have been robbed by many royal families to become the exclusive doctor at home!

They would also like to see this kind of situation. As long as the more movement they cause, the more attention they will attract. They are waiting, waiting for the other party to come to them!

It’s just that, so busy with them both, Jian Xingfang is also trained by Nanhuofeng, and he has a lot of experience in medical skills. Simple illnesses can fool people too!

Everything is going on as they expected, as long as there is no trouble by the brothers and sisters, it will be more perfect!

“Strange, where did the people go?” Gina walked around the pool in the palace in confusion, and finally stomped annoyed~IndoMTL.com~ Damn, he must have sneaked away and told me Whatever you get back! “

“Gina, what are you doing here?” Lokuli walked up from the other end in confusion, turning his head around. “Sangil isn’t with you?”

“He’s gone, I’m looking for him!” Pouting displeasedly. “Brother Wang, what about you? What are you doing again?”

Lokuli was startled when she heard what she said, and turned his head gloomily for a moment. “Jue Huo, I don’t know where I went?”

When she heard it, Logina widened her eyes and exclaimed. “Did the two of them discuss it well? That’s disgusting!” How can they both sneak away together! “The two of them must be together now, I want to find them, I want to find them, I want Jill to accompany me!” He said it for granted, and turned around to arrest someone!

Looking at his sister’s desperate look, Roculi’s mouth curled up triumphantly. “Unexpectedly, Gina’s love for Sangil will deepen faster than I expected, so” the smile on the corner of his mouth widened, and the day when he got the fire was not far away!

With a satisfied smile on his face, he turned and left! He wants to find his beloved too!

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