Goddess Cultivation Plan Chapter 421: The future?

Lin Jin was very disappointed with her father. Although she had always been disappointed with him, she had never been disappointed to this extent.

Dad seems to know that he has done something wrong, and he seems to be working hard to make up for it. However, his daily salary from setting up a stall is not as much as making money from just finding a job as a waiter in Xiamen. Therefore, he looked sad every day. Coupled with Lin Jin’s sullen expression, he seemed to have more and more gray hair on his head.

Fortunately, Lin Jin has to go to class in the morning and go to the orphanage to play with the children in the afternoon. The only time she sees her father is when she is about to go to bed at night. If it were not for the fact that she would often be disturbed by her father’s voice during the day If she wakes up and occasionally goes out to use the bathroom at night and bumps into her father, she may have almost forgotten that she lives with her father.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Lin Jin came to the orphanage.

Perhaps because of Lin Jin’s limited teaching level, she soon discovered that she didn’t seem to have much to teach Yu Fei.

“Sister, I will go to school in two months.” Yufei sat on the steps, side by side with Lin Jin. She raised her head and said to Lin Jin, “It seems that several friends are going to school this year. Let’s go together.”

“Well, you seem to be six years old, right? Isn’t that just right?” Lin Jin held her chin in her hands and looked at the two little girls in the open space in front of her who were practicing dance hard. Although the two girls were too old, Small, many movements are not standardized and look a bit funny, “I may not be able to teach you anything in the future.”

“Why?” Yu Fei tilted her head and looked at Lin Jin.

Although Lin Jin has not reached the level of omnipotence in Yu Fei’s mind, she still feels that many things cannot be difficult for Lin Jin.

“I’m a dabbler myself. If I teach you to this level, the main thing in the future is that you practice more.” Lin Jin shrugged, “I’ll help you lay the foundation now, and I’ll help you when you study in the future. Find a professional ballet class and learn from a professional teacher.”


“Sister Lin.”

While the two were talking, a tall, thin male student wearing glasses suddenly walked out of the door behind them.

“What’s wrong?” Lin Jin turned back to look at him.

“What are we going to play with the children? It feels so awkward here. There are aunties doing hygiene and other things. If I want to play with them, I don’t know what to do.” This gentle boy had been here yesterday. Here, it seems that Lin Jin was the reason why he found this orphanage.

“Well, you can find another volunteer and ask them to cooperate with you in catching chickens.” Lin Jin said casually, “I see you don’t know what to do here, just chat with the children. , you can watch TV with them.”

“Really?” The boy scratched his messy hair and laughed twice, “Sister Lin, what are you doing now?”

“Sister is with me! Are you blind?” Qiu Yufei stood up immediately, put her hands on her hips, stood upright in front of the boy with her hands on her hips, looked domineering, and hummed, “If you have nothing to do, go and help auntie cook! What are you doing here?”

When Lin Jin heard this, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

When she and Yu Fei met for the first time, the little girl was just being gentle with her. At that time, she felt that she was miserable, but now she met someone who was directly criticized by Yu Fei.

The polite boy was stunned and looked at Yu Fei blankly for a few seconds, then turned around and left in embarrassment.

Then Yu Fei snorted again, immediately sat next to Lin Jin, hugged her arms with both hands, and snuggled her whole body into Lin Jin’s arms as if she was declaring sovereignty.

Although she doesn’t have the feeling of being held by Xiangyu, Lin Jin still likes to be held by Yu Fei. However, due to the problem of perspective, her eyes will always inadvertently see the huge piece of Yu Fei’s back or chest. It is said that Yufei had many birthmarks on her body. When she was just born, her parents abandoned her because of the large birthmarks.

“Yufei, what do you want to do in the future?” Lin Jin held Yufei’s waist with one hand and rested her chin on her knees with one hand.

“Hmm, do you want to be a dance teacher?” Yu Fei said unsurely.

She hesitated for a moment, then changed her goal: “How about becoming a professional dancer? Or some kind of dance artist?”

“Dance artist?” Lin Jin chuckled twice and touched her little head with his hand, “Then come on, no matter what you plan to do in the future, as long as you are happy.”

“Yeah!” Yufei held her little head up and said with a smile, “I’m very happy every day now, okay!”

Indeed, at least when Lin Jin was around, Yu Fei hardly ever had a look of disappointment on her face.

“Speaking of which, it seems that there have been more volunteers recently.” Lin Jin looked into the room and found that another group of volunteers seemed to have arrived. Those volunteers seemed to be college students or young people who had just started working. ~IndoMTL.com~ It was noisy when we first arrived, and the fat aunt has almost become a professional receptionist now, having to receive so many volunteers every day.

“Yes, it’s my sister’s credit.” Qiu Yufei nodded vigorously, “No one came to our place before, so we could only play by ourselves. Now there are more people and it’s a lot more lively.”

“How can it be all my fault.”

Although she was evasive, Lin Jin also knew that she might actually have a part in it. The promotional video for the welfare home had also been online. As before, although the promotional video did not attract people’s attention on other websites, But at least there are many people watching at Station A. Now on the home page of Station A, the number of bananas for the promotional video has reached the first place today, and the second place is her dance video.

Taking it all together, Lin Jin is now somewhat famous in Station A.

Let’s not mention the dance video. Anyway, in the comment area below the promotional video, Lin Jin saw many people in Xiamen saying that they wanted to organize a group to come. Maybe the noisy group of volunteers just now were Users of site A.

“What about sister? What do you want to do in the future?” Yu Fei ignored the noise on the first floor and raised her head to ask Lin Jin.

“Me?” Lin Jin was stunned. To be honest, although she had thought about her future, she had never thought deeply about it. She just wanted to follow the trend in her future work.

“I’m free to do whatever I want. There’s nothing I like and nothing I hate.” Lin Jin shook her head and suddenly realized that she was worse than a little girl.

At least Yufei still has a goal.

“Well, what will Sister Lin Jin do next?”

“It’s cool, let’s take it one step at a time.”

Lin Jin suddenly realized that maybe she really needed a goal and direction.

(End of this chapter)

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