God Rank Hero Chapter 336: Defeat Baron Nash

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—— System Notification: Since Baron Nash has been in a dizzy state for a long time, your “Analyze Information Skill” has discovered the enemy ’s weakness, and your Attack will further ignore opposite side ’s Defense25% -50%. (Note: The weak point effect is a further reduction of 25% -50% on the basis of the stun effect itself reduced by 25% -50% Defense, the total effect is 31% -75%)

Haha! Wahahaha! is out of Analyze Information! Every time when Analyze Information comes out, it’s the time when brother kills the wave ss. It was the same as killing the supervisor in the pool of light, it was the same as killing the demigod at sea, and now, of course, it is the same!

At this time, Baron Nash, whose Defense has dropped significantly, is no longer a wall desperate for Dafei, but a sandbag that can only be beaten! At the same time, the abandoned funnel of Boss hasn’t had time to steal. The addition of 1HP and physical buff per second actually unexpectedly played a huge role in this critical moment! Of course, the main reason is that the title of Da Fei’s sea monster hunter contributed an additional 20% of HP and physical strength also played a huge supporting role.

Victory is at hand! At this moment, the red light exploded on the screen of Dafei!

—— System Notification: Warning! Japanese Server player “Hai Dao Bow” joined the battlefield! Please be prepared for battle!

Da Fei’s heart is tight! What came is finally here! If you come early, you may still be able to kill the brother, but now the scene has been controlled by the brother, who is right?

Dafei shouted loudly: “Boom your frog! Help the frog! There is a kind of wow in the front! Brother beats you to call Yali butterfly!”

. . . . . .

Team Mitsubishi Command, in front of the foggy big screen. Japanese Server professionals at the highest level are also at a loss!

Even if you are a good strategist, you must take a military adventure without knowing the situation. Therefore, even among excellent professional players, they must make a decision under the circumstances that they cannot calculate! And this choice, of course, fell to Tsukamoto Captain. Tsukamoto seemed to understand why Hirata Hirata repeatedly showed a gesture of not seeking progress. This Captain is really used for backpacks.

After tangled choices, Tsukamoto finally made up his mind: “Gao Changjun, you attack first!”

Let the Boss silently show that this big flying has made significant progress, and if he does not shoot, he may delay the fighter. This responsibility he can’t afford anyway. However, the responsibility for defeat is also not small, so the most compromised way is to first let the troops of the bow of the Haidao attack and test the enemy situation. As soon as the situation was favorable, then Tofeiyuan Jun and Yamazaki Jun who lined up behind the sewers all followed up.

After all. This game does not support team formation. Even players from the same country are actually opponents in terms of rules. Once the two sides are close, they are injured by accident and are quite troublesome. And this hall is big. But it does not support the development of the three huge **** legions. Not to mention the large area Damage capability of wave ss.

The Pirate, who has been on standby for a long time, enters the mist like a enemy. Igarashi stared at the big screen intently, his expression extremely grim.

The battle begins! Then in the mist came the shouting of the Chinese inexplicably.

“What is he talking about?” All the people in the command could not help but stunned, and Haido could not help but slow down.

“Frogs. What frogs and butterflies? A lot of garbled characters on the translator! I do n’t quite understand.”

“Is there a frog monster in this water? However, he has no reason to tell us?”

A drop of cold sweat fell on Tsukamoto ’s forehead, and he gritted his teeth and waved: “Go!”

In the mist, vaguely saw the silhouette of the big flying force, and at this moment, the sound effect of the big screen prompting a bow of Haidao exploded!

—— System Notification: You were infected with the “Super Black Death Plague” by the Chinese player “Da Fei”. . .

—— System Notification: You were infected with the “Insect Swarm Disease” by the Chinese player “Da Fei”. . .

—— System Notification: You were infected with the “corpse poison plague” by the Chinese player “Da Fei”. . .

“Nani?” The whole command was shocked!

. . . . . .

At the same time, watching the three rows of System Notification coming out of the screen, Dafei laughed on the spot! Let me go! How dare you come? Didn’t you tell you how the stick died? Also, how could the stick ventilate the Japan? When the stick is dead, I can’t help pulling a few Japan people back!

And at this moment, the buzzing sounded through the hall!

—— System Notification: Your Deputy Hero Alicia releases “Big Colony Nuisance”, all enemy targets of Tactical Position in the audience take 134 points of damage from Enchantment(magic), and all enemy troops of Tactical Position in the audience enter “Blind of the Colony” State, “Bee Swarm” state!

Dafei brows! The big bee colony harassment technique! This is the first time I have seen Alicia come out! Yeah, special ability is the “Queen of the Bees”. It’s not unusual for her to come out. The key is that the Japan people can’t even move this time. They don’t even have treatment. They have no last chance to attack the brother before dying!

Wahahaha! originally wanted to see you two or two and three soldiers can hold the triple plague for a few seconds, but the brother is now busy playing ss. I do n’t want to see any accidents. Brother is a hundred. Take the precious time out of your busy schedule to send you a ride!

The Da Fei’s unit immediately turned back with an arrow, and the chain of arrows and fire screamed and flew to the congested Devil army formation at the entrance of the sewer, and the sea of ​​fire exploded!

. . . . . .

At this time, the Mitsubishi headquarters burst like a shock at the scene of the command of the earthquake! Three plagues! Blind! Heavy fire in the mist! Rows of amazing damage data on the big screen! Refresh Japanese Server professional players’ understanding of Dafei’s strength! At the same time, in the eyes of professional players whose nerve response is accurate to 0.1 second, one second is as long as one minute! Two seconds seemed to pass by two seconds! In three seconds, the defeat of Haido has been decided!

At this moment, Igarashi’s complexion clenched his fists and couldn’t stop shaking! As a professional player, he was beaten by an amateur player. No. There is no chance! How can he not be angry? Although he also wanted to scold, but, the crime of non-war! Even the world champion of Korea does not have the strength of a battle, the strength of this Da Fei’s has already surpassed cognition strong! Perhaps the only way is to report Dafei?

However, the shock of Japanese Server is not over yet. At this time, a row of prompt messages suddenly exploded on the large screen of General Juggernaut who was following behind a bow of Haido!

—— System Notification: You were infected with the “Super Plague of Black Death” by the Japanese Server player “Hai Dao Bow”. . .

—— System Notification: You were infected with “Insect Swarm Disease” by Japanese Server player “Haido”. . .

—— System Notification: You were infected with the “corpse poison plague” by the Japanese Server player “Haido”. . .

“Nani !!!” At this moment, all the people in the command got up in shock!

Tsukamoto took the opportunity to scream loudly: “Yamazaki, retreat. Stay away from Tochihara!”

But. late! The troops of the two of them are too close together, and the big screen on the left of the players also blasted!

The successive blows made the whole headquarters stunned, and there was an instant silence!

What should I do? Withdraw? Where to go? Anyway, it is all about to die halfway, and it is shameless and meaningless to die on the way to escape. It is better to die on the front line of charging and killing the enemy! This time. Tsukamoto no longer tangled and shouted loudly: “Charge! Even if only the last soldier is left, you will have to fight to the end!”

Igarashi also shouted, “For the glory of my big Japanese Server. Charge!”

The entire headquarters shouted in unison: “For the glory of my big Japanese Server, charge!”

—— System Notification: Very sorry! You are defeated by Chinese Server player Da Fei, you lose the qualification for the game! You obtained scored 2 points.

The failed sound sounds. The big screen of a bow of Haido is black. But it doesn’t matter, General Juggernaut’s troops have reopened their vision and continue to charge Da Fei’s former and subsequent charges. That’s right, the successor! For the pride of the Infernal Race1 class soldiers, the small blood HP, a strategic weapon demon with a blue magic skill, they really ca n’t survive two or three seconds in front of the plague. Fall!

The mist finally dissipated, saw it, and finally saw Da Fei!

I saw that Da Fei had rushed in front of Boss, using a gleaming lance to poke Boss, and Boss ’s huge body did twitch in the current flowing all over his body. , No power to fight back!

Isn’t this spear the very controversial artifact spear on Chinese Server forum today? Wasn’t this big fly deceived and deceived in the lance trade today? Why can he still use it?

The scream of Igarashi hissing his lungs: “It is a bug! It must be a bug! Record the video! We will report him!”

. . . . . .

And at this time, Da Fei, after easily crushing a bow of the Haidao where Mao did not drop one, did not bother to deal with the Japan that came out of the back, and the firepower of all the troops once again concentrated on killing the waves!

The blood of Boss has already stained most of the pool and is going to die! Definitely dying!

At this moment, Da Fei’s is indescribably excited! Not only because of killing a super difficult wave ss, but because of the ss in the presence of the audience, this kind of refreshing and proud feeling has never been when playing a single machine! Not to mention that this audience is the enemy! That’s right, isn’t this how I felt when I played game and grabbed ss in front of countless people? No wonder it’s so cool! But at that time, it was a treatment for Internet addiction. Now it is indeed winning glory for the country, and the level is Promote(d) again. Brother is proud! Wahahaha!

When another round of arrow rain roared, Baron Nash was finally freed from the silent confinement of dizziness, and a long scream screamed out, and his huge body hit the water to stir up splashes. Blood waves in the lobby!

At this moment, Japanese Server Command is dead again!

At this moment, Dafei stared at the system bar with extremely excited eyes!

—— System Notification: Congratulations! You success defeated the sewer ruler “Baron Nash”! You obtained hero proof +3, get the game achievement “Ruins of the Ancient City” You will get “arm attack +10, Defense +10, HP + 5%, damage +1, personal HP + 100, morale +1″ in the game server , Luck + 1 “reward.

—— System Notification: You killed success of the ancient city ruins sewer final wave ss “Baron Nash”, won the competition reward: gold coins + 500,000, s-class Strategic Artifact “Nash tooth”, city building drawings “sewage” , Ancient granite +30 unit, ancient iron-wood +30 unit, refined crystal Gem + 20 unit, fine gold iron ore +20 unit, mythril +20 unit, Fine Sulfur Crystal + 20 unit, Condensed Mercury + 20 unit. The game reward will be sent to your district server after the game.

—— Nash’s Fang: s-class Strategic Artifact, ornaments, absorb 1 point of poison, corrosion, plague damage every second, restore 1 point of HP and 1 point of strength every 10 seconds.

—— Urban architecture drawing “sewage”: fortress facility, capable of training sewer arms, and the output of Promote(d) sewer arms, can greatly improve the sanitation environment of Promote(d) city.

—— System Notification: You have recaptured the battle buff of the “Battle of the Lizardmen” stolen by Baron Nash!

—— System Notification: You recaptured the game buff of Baron Nash who stole the “Kobold Arson Battle”!

—— System Notification: You recaptured the game buff that Baron Nash stole the “Blood Tooth”!

. . . . . .

! (To be continued …)

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