God Of Slaughter Chapter 936: Exclamation

The soldiers of Tu Fei and Blood Halberd—Lu came after Broken Stars City, with a clear purpose of revenge against Tu Feng.

And Shi Yan and Fei Lan, Correct are their goals in this line.

Shi Yan is at the critical moment of Realm comprehension. Once you are disturbed and awake from Mingwu, if you want to enter that Intent Domain again, it will be difficult. Looking at Fei Lan and Ka Tuo, Shi Yan already has done too much for them, and it is time to return.

So they both stood up to face Tu Fei and Blood Halberd Expert.

Although Realm and the number of people are all the same, Fei Lan and Ka Tuo never thought of shrinking, and never thought of abandoning Shi Yan regardless, because Shi Yan is their hope 1

As long as Shi Yan is alive, and as long as Shi Yan is getting stronger, they only need to work with Shi Yan to gain huge gains in strength. They can accumulate huge energy in the First World War and let Soul Altar be tempered.

This indescribable benefit, once they have experienced it in the first place, they can no longer afford to discard it.


Ka Tuo growled, such as the angered wild beast, suddenly suspended in the air.

God’s Domain was released, and the power of Chaos appeared. The ancient trees around one by one were uprooted and whistled out. In his God’s Domain dance, crushed stones, civil engineering, grass cuttings, and gravel filled the Ka Tuo all around.

A twisting force of Chaos, centered on Ka Tuo himself, raged out.

pa pa pa!

In the cracking sound of gravel and ancient wood, if the space where Ka Tuo is located is shattered, the power of Chaos distorts everything and covers all directions.

The blood halberd Expert who came with Tu Fei did not exceed the virtual God Realm, and one of them reached Source God Third Sky in God King Third Sky and Source God Realm, and Realm was higher than Ka Tuo.

However, when Ka Tuo released Chaos Deep Meaning, the power of Chaos that swept all directions affected all newcomer in Blood Halberd, and suddenly a sense of distortion and disorder in the soul appeared. The veins of God Body seemed to be intertwined. When the power of the twist twisted up, the whole body tingled like a needle.

With a deep understanding of Realm, today’s Ka Tuo, like that of Lianna, also has the capital to leapfrog challenges.

Source God Third Sky does not seem too terrible to him, and it is not impossible to defeat.

The battle of Ka Tuo did not attract Tu Fei’s attention and he had no free time.

Because his opponent is Fei Lan.

The Fei Lan also has the ability to challenge the leapfrog.

She showed Void Realm for the first time.

Deep in the sky above her head, a grey and hazy world like a dark and haunted ghost field is full of will to dissipate all will. There is no light, no mountains and lakes, no living flowers and plants, only gray corrosive gas.

Because everything can be corroded, everything will not be born. It seems that the world of Fei Lan will never have life force fluctuations.

The gray, gloomy Void Realm, slowly covering her head over Fei Lan, drowned her whole body.

In Tu Fei’s Void Realm, there are tornadoes like smoke, rising into the sky, straight into the clouds, the momentum is fierce and violent, all indestructible.

His Void Realm and Fei Lan‘s Void Realm suddenly touched.

Fei Lan Void Realm has no hint of collapse. On the contrary, her otherwise empty Void Realm was still in the same place after being tossed in by tornadoes.

Nothing, why fear destroying it?

The tornado of Tu Fei, motivated by his upsurge of spirit and the will of the soul, once fell into Fei Lan Void Realm, after a raging storm, helpless discovery could not destroy everything, but it exerted the energy above it Aura , Unknowingly drained away.

Until Tu Fei finds anomalies, his tornado transformed with power and soul is gradually attributed to nothingness in Void Realm of Fei Lan.

Tu Fei suddenly appeared in the real world. God Body was floated by a strong whirlwind, his face was pale, and his eyes were horrified.

He suddenly realized that if he wanted to rely on Void Realm of Level in the freshman year, it would be impossible for him to crush Fei Lan Void Realm and destroy it.

Fei Lan Void Realm, which has just been condensed, is not afraid of any power attack at all because of the special meaning of the uprising and the characteristics of melt.

Tu Fei did not seek any benefits, but caused a commotion, and his power was greatly lost.

He started to change his policy, instead of fighting on Realm, he aimed at power.

Dead and life force alternately appear on the edge of the forest. Fei Lan and Ka Tuo will output their power at full strength, not even afraid of exhaustion afterwards, not afraid of recovery in a short time, and blocking in an overdraft manner. Give Shi Yan the correct time.

“There is a battle!” A thousand miles away, a Black Scale Clan big man frowned, light shout said.

Ji Lan eyes rays of light glittering, eyes closed sensed a bit, “In that direction, the kid should be seen soon, I really look forward to it, if he is a member of the Immortal Devil Clan family, we can be considered as one of our Devil Clan members, adults must be Excited, I finally have a companion. “

“What if he doesn’t want to be with us?” One of them said humanly.

“As long as we show our attitude and explain the situation, I think he should know how to choose.” Lan Lan smiled indifferently. “The name of an adult shocks Mano Star, as long as he is not stupid, he must know how it is. Opportunity. “

“That’s what it said.” Two Black Scale Clan big guys repeatedly nodded agreed.

Three people talked and laughed all the way, Shenjie was extremely relaxed. It seems to know that in Broken Stars Territory, there are very few forces that can compete with them. Those who are really powerful will also be afraid of their own strength and dare not to compete with them. They are tit-for-tat.

They have this confidence.

Even in Broken Stars Territory, the distance of thousands of miles is slightly instantaneous for their level Expert.

“It’s them!” Ji Lan‘s eyes lighted, and she recognized Fei Lan and Ka Tuo.

“Oh! What a special mystery!” exclaimed an Devil Clan big man.

Fei Lan and Ka Tuo are struggling to support, Fei Lan is still slightly better, as usual, but in the exhaustion of strength, his eyes are slightly weak, Ka Tuo is full of blood, his pressure is too great, not only to cope with Name Source God Third Sky, but also take into account the remaining dozen people.

The manpower has a limit. At this time, Ka Tuo has overdrawn the limit. Under the siege of a dozen people, it is a miracle to be able to persist to the present already.

“Trouble.” frowned, Ji Lan muttered impatiently, and said, “Don’t waste time.”

Two Black Scale Clan Devil Clan big guys, hearing this nodded slightly, and rushed out immediately, coming directly to Ka Tuo.

If the hungry wolf rushes, as in sheep herd, the two Devil Clan guys are in shape. If the halberd Warrior is hit by a giant mountain, God Body suddenly bursts, the bones and flesh blood burst, and there is no room for resistance. God Body collapsed directly and Soul Altar was knocked out.

Blood Halberd’s Warrior is fragile in their eyes like lambs, smashed and crushed by violent bodies.

Ka Tuo looked for a while, staring at it, and found that there was no one beside him, but only the suspended Soul Altar.

one by one Soul Altar, after he emerged, hesitated a little bit, showing the color of extreme fear. He didn’t even dare to leave the words. xiu xiu xiu‘s departed, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“It’s really fast to slip away.” An Black Scale Clan big man laughed, his scales dangled, like formidable like black armor Devil God.

Ji Lan moved swiftly, stood at the place where the battle was stimulated, and glanced at Ka Tuo.

Ka Tuo looks cold, retreat step in my heart, eyes full of fear, ready to walk away at any time.

He naturally recognizes Ji Lan.

Ji Lan originally intended to collect Immortal grass. After being seen by Shi Yan, Ji Lan seemed to see the situation is not good, and took the initiative to avoid it. Counting is that Shi Yan occupied the area of ​​Ji Lan, while Fei Lan and Ka Tuo were regarded as accomplices.

Ka Tuo thought that the other party’s revenge was coming. The two Black Scale Clan heroes were so powerful that he showed no sense of despair and helplessness. He knew that the other party was strong, so he felt restless.

“We’re not asking you for trouble.” Ji Lan smiled calmly, and said leisurely: “What about that kid? — grab my Immortal kid.”

“What do you want to do?” Ka Tuo trembled, gritting his teeth hmph hmph.

“Don’t be so nervous, we are not malicious.” Ji Lan was surprised and groaned, and said, “In order to show that there is no maliciousness, it seems that something needs to be done to express your opinion, um, go.”

She rushed to the two Black Scale Clan big guys nodded.

The two men grasped the mind, and immediately rushed out, like a black giant sword, directly inserted in the direction of Tu Fei.

Tu Fei whole body‘s pores were very disturbed. He didn’t even think about it, and pulled away from the battlefield at the fastest speed.

He had previously discovered the death of His Majesty Warrior before already. He did not rush to leave. He wanted to identify the identity of the person and wanted to understand the reason. However, after the opponent shot, he knew that he had no chance. I leave.

Two big guys with Black Scale Clan flew over to the block, ignoring them and grinning at the same time.

Broken Stars Territory guy, one by one is really cunning and acquainted with it, and he is very proficient in escaping.”

“Well, every day in this place is fighting, when they encounter Expert, they immediately avoid it, and it seems to have become their subconscious instinct.”

“He’s lucky, and he just ran away, otherwise … Hehe!”

When they talked by themselves, Fei Lan wiped the sweat on their foreheads and took a deep breath.

At this time, Ji Lan and Ka Tuo came together, Ji Lan smiled calmly, “Can you tell us where he is now?”

There was a hint of confusion in the eyes of Fei Lan and Ka Tuo. Immediately they sensed a little, and their expression was startled.

Shi Yan is not far from them. Just inside their behind forest, Fei Lan and Ka Tuo thought that the other’s Realm could be easily sensed, so they should not ask them, so they were confused.

However, they explored by themselves and suddenly found that Shi Yan Aura was completely absent, and the inside of the forest behind it seemed strangely stopped.

Fei Lan, Ka Tuo startled and rushed towards the behind forest, wanting to see what happened.

Ji Lan and two Black Scale Clan big guys also followed in confusion.

In the depths of the forest, death and life fluctuations are not present at all, and there is no difference from the periphery, and Shi Yan is gone.

No one knows where he went, there is no Aura that can sense it, he seems to disappear out of thin air.

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