God Of Slaughter Chapter 820: The grudge of Zi Yao

Chapter 820: The Grudge of Zi Yao

During the crushing of ice, Shi Yan stood frowning. Divine Sense wandered among the hustle and bustle.

His gaze wandered through the crowd, and he suddenly felt his eyes lightened. When he found something, he didn’t focus on the direction he sensed.

Within Solar Stars Exploding Fragment Field mystical forbidden land, he and the Zi Yao Chaojian spent a long time, and used the meaning of life to recover the injury of Zi Yao. Shi Yan is extremely familiar with her life magnetic field.

In the battle with Noire, his Divine Sense Yuzen Akane captured all the slight movements around him. At that moment, he knew that Zi Yao was in the crowd.

Zi Yao is Princess of Dark Sky God Country. Once exposed in Heaven Punishment City, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

He knows.

So, he clearly sensed the direction of Zi Yao. He didn’t pay attention to it. He was worried that attracting the attention of others would make Zi Yao‘s “” profile exposed in advance.

This battle left because of Barrett‘s withdrawal, and it slowly came to a close. Fonch laughed, seemed to be in a good mood, and shouted loudly: “Let’s go away, don’t stay still, um, all parties are affected The invited chief, please leave a comment, I will ask you to discuss matters.

He sent out message, and brought the leaders of Divine Punishment Grounds parties together to discuss the important issues of New Star. It was only that Barrett suddenly went mad, so there was such a battle. Now that the dust has fallen, everything must be on track, and of course, idlers and others cannot continue to stay.

Feng Qi drank so much, Stone Gate mouth Green Demon Marauder guarded around, and followed his words to catch people.

Uninvited Heaven Punishment City Warrior, under the deterrent of Fengqi, had to withdraw and leave, including Kashewen, Bi Tian and others.

No long time, the ice-covered pitch is in the middle of the center, and only the heads of the parties are left. Russell and Jie Nong ignore it, frowning towards Fengqi, while Jester is staying. Without moving, a eyes stared at Shi Yan, it seemed to have a thousand words to say in general.

Feng Qi was in a good mood. He smiled and rushed to Feng Rao, saying: “The council will be extremely boring and boring for a while. You do n’t need to participate. Well, this Imaginary Space Ring gives you thousands of high grade Divine Crystal. You take Shi Yan around the city, See if there is anything you need to buy. He first came to Heaven Punishment City and should not have time to stroll around. You can go there. It will take a while to discuss it, and I will tell you when the results come. “

Feng Xiao also smiled, “Little girl, that boy Realm and strength are really extraordinary, but you need to be a little closer. After this battle, his name is sure to spread throughout Divine Punishment Grounds. There are a lot of hot women here Do n’t be snatched away. “

“Who in the Divine Punishment Grounds looks better than me?” Feng Rao smiled proudly and said confidently: “Relax, I will be optimistic about him, um, I’m gone.

During the speech, she flew down from stone, came to Shi Yan, and said, “Go, let’s go shopping with as one wishes. There are many interesting places for Heaven Punishment City. There are countless shops rare object. You have everything you want. . “

Since coming to Heaven Punishment City, Shi Yan has not been stable for a while, and Ka Tuo brothers have not stayed for long. They were forced to flee by Russell. They have been hiding in foreign object of Heaven Punishment City, and have no chance to hang out.

Feng Rao said that, just as he wanted, he also needed to meet Zi Yao through the wide street of Heaven Punishment City.

Claimly agreed, Shi Yan and Feng Rao went out to repair the court together and came to the spacious and lively street of Heaven Punishment City.

The two figures arrived one after the other, first newcomer was Ka Fu, and said with a smile: “I’m staying with Brother, but I’m fine, Shi Yan. Would you like me to walk with you?”

Blood slaughter Ka Tuo was also invited. After finding that Fengqi and Shi Yan had a close relationship, he decided to stay and explore, but did not rush to leave. He secretly ordered Ka Fu to let him accompany Shi Yan, so as to avoid any accidents.

In Heaven Punishment City, Ka Fu is the *** lake. He knows the value of all the items sold in all stores. If Shi Yan really wants to buy something, he will follow it, and he will definitely not lose money.

“No need, I can do it if I have it.” Shi Yan was trying to agree, but Feng Rao suddenly light shout, rejected it first, frowned, “Ka Fu, you still go back to your store and do your own business. . “

Ka Fu smiled in astonishment, but didn’t answer immediately, just looked at Shi Yan.

Shi Yan nodded slightly.

Ka Fu will not say much any more, and arching hands will disappear in the rushing crowd.

The silhouette that appeared next time is Alchemist Jester. This Alchemist, which originally appeared inside the Green Demon base, and many other leaders to discuss the issue of Penang New Star, actually came out and found Shi Yan.

“Why did you come out of Sage Jester?” Feng Rao said a puzzled expression, and his face was positive, and introduced to Shi Yan: “This is Sage Jester, we have Alchemist in Source God Realm in Divine Punishment Grounds, Bao Ao them. Three, he was healed by Mr. Jester. “

Shi Yan was horrified and respectful, bowing down and thanking him, “Mr. Genius, my three friends will not be able to survive for too long without you.”

Alchemist Jester waved his hand, expression exclaimed: “Little things, small things. Can you take the liberty to ask, the flame you released before, but … Heavenly Flame?”

“Yes.” Shi Yan didn’t conceal it, nodded for sure.

Jester’s expression shook suddenly, eyes mocked and shone, “Can your Heavenly Flame be sold to me?” There is no such thing as a price, as long as you nod, there is no problem? “

Heavenly Flame is the root of Alchemist and Refiner Master. If a powerful Alchemist, Refiner Master is pregnant with Heavenly Flame, it will be more powerful on Alchemy and Refiner, and Realm will also be improved, which has extremely significant help.

Alchemist with Heavenly Flame, Alchemy does not even need a medicine tripod, Heavenly Flame is the best tripod.

Jester is a paranoid superb Alchemist, and I have heard the wonders of Heavenly Flame. Therefore, when he saw that he affirmed Heavenly Flame, he immediately became “” inexplicable, and wished to integrate Heavenly Flame into Soul Altar and let Alchemy go. Become freewheeling.

“Sorry, no matter how much you pay, I can’t sell” “.” Shi Yan smiled and shook his head, “You are Alchemist, you should know the wonders of Heavenly Flame. And I, except being a In addition to Warrior, it is still a Refiner Master. Heavenly Flame is also very important to me, so I will never use it for “” for sale. “

Jester was shocked.

Feng Rao also stayed a bit, “Are you still Refiner Master?”

After touching the nose, Shi Yan said casually, “What’s so strange?”

“Are you a Refiner Master who is not in the stream? Otherwise, how can you go so far in the power uprising?” she thought subconsciously.

Shi Yan smiled without explanation.

“I knew that nothing could move you.” Jester sighed, groaned for a while, and said again, “Can you do me a favor and make me a furnace medicinal pills with Heavenly Flame? Of course, I will naturally pay enough! “

Jester was earnestly begging, bowed slightly, longing in his eyes.

“If it’s not troublesome, just help him, Bi Ghost”, … he saved your friend’s life. “Feng Rao said something nice.

“Okay, I can help you back, when?” Shi Yan thought about it, and there seemed to be no inconvenience, so he agreed quickly.

“Don’t worry, huh, don’t worry, I’m not ready yet.” Jester rubbed his hands, his face full of joy “” Fen, “Well, I won’t bother you anymore, I will go in and listen. Shi Yan, as long as you remember OK, please wait for me to gather the materials, and please help, I thanked them first.

“No problem.” Shi Yan smiled and watched this Jester return to the Green Demon stronghold, saying casually: “This old man, is not as difficult as you said before? You said that it was difficult for him to help, Wouldn’t you lie to me? “

Feng Rao has a black face, “Do you know that he promised to heal the three of Bao Ao, what price did we pay?”

“What generation round?”

“Five thousand high grade Divine Crystal! Add three kinds of Divine level herbs he specified!” Feng Rao gritted his teeth and sighed in pain.

Shi Yan stunned, immediately rejoiced, grinning, “So, the old man is rich, so good, when he asks me, I let him spit out half.”

Feng Rao‘s beautiful eyes brightened, repeatedly nodded, rejoicing: “Should you rectify him like this!”

The two talked, walking on the streets of Heaven Punishment City in all directions, hurrying and lingering in every shop.

Shi Yan seems to have no purpose, and there are a lot of strange and strange shop items. He seems to have little interest. He has no desire to buy, but he is just curious. Changing from one family to another seems to simply enjoy the fun of hanging out.

Feng Rao didn’t know he was hanging around casually, but was just waiting for the arrival of one person, but secretly hilarious, thinking that Shi Yan liked the feeling of being alone with her, and was not too anxious, and took him aimlessly to the west. , Gradually away from the hustle and bustle of the street, came to a stream north of Heaven Punishment City.

An arch bridge was erected on the river. The two stood on the arch bridge and looked at the streams of water at their feet.

Also at this moment, Shi Yan raised his eyebrows and sneered suddenly: “I’ll take it easy. You can wait for me here for a while and I’ll be back soon.”

Feng Rao doubted him, blushed and gave him a look, and shyly said, “Asshole, what else should I tell you about this? You just go there, how can you say so clearly?”

Shi Yan smiled lightly, turned and left, and shook in the remote alley, disappearing whimperily.

In a quiet and elegant courtyard, a wonderful silhouette stands under the dense locust tree, facing away from the open door, and said quietly, “You thought you wouldn’t come over …”,

“His Highness Princess.” Shi Yan stopped at the door, bowed slightly, his face complexed: “You haven’t seen you again since Zi Yao Star left. When it’s been a while, why did you come to Heaven Punishment City ? “

Zi Yao turned around, the flesh-colored mask had long since faded, and Fenghua’s unparalleled face still drew “soul-crushing”, but deep down in the beautiful eyes, but with a subtle sourness, said softly: “Master Kashewen received the news, I said that Star Chart appeared in Divine Punishment Grounds, so I came, and I came to see you because I heard that you are also in Heaven Punishment City. However, I thought you were in a difficult situation and wanted to save you out, but did not expect you to be reluctant. It seems that I think too much, and I underestimated your ability. I can’t make you worry about anything … “,

Shi Yan showed a touch of emotion in his eyes, but was silent for a moment. He didn’t know what to say.

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