God Of Slaughter Chapter 699: Consume Essence

Chapter 699 devours Essence

The creature of Underworld Clan, under the powerful counterattack of Shi Yan, seemed quite embarrassed, and constantly wanted to break free, but was given Chaos by various forces, and it was too late to deal with it.

The Yin Spirit Ghost Flame and countless Yin Spirit and ghosts radiated from him were dragged on by Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame, Vanishing Corpse Flame, so that he could not borrow the power of Heavenly Flame, and could only deal with Shi Yan by consuming the power of soul Turbulent offensive.

Space Cutting Blade!”

Shi Yan sips low, and re-runs the energy of space, a little forehead, the space mystery in sacrificial altar is released, and the power in his body condenses.

The mystery of space power seems to dominate his whole body Essence Qi, which makes Essence Qi faint and space have some wonderful resonance. Under the urging of Space Deep Meaning, a huge blade of space stunned from that Underworld Clan sacrificial altar appears.


Third Level altar, everything by the Space Cutting Blade was directly divided into two parts, and the soul of the Underworld creatures were all cut off.

He wants to reunite his soul as much as possible and restore sacrificial altar to his original state, his heart is anxious.

Soul Gathering Bead also rushed to cover his soul, trying to absorb the soul of that soul.

Unfortunately, I do n’t know why. The attraction of Soul Gathering Bead seems to be invalid for that creature ’s Divine Soul. It is impossible to swallow Divine Soul.

He doesn’t know, Soul Gathering Bead is Soul Swallowing Beast of Monster Core, that Soul Swallowing Beast has only nine levels, and can only devour the soul of the same level, that is to say, the soul of Soul Gathering Bead absorb is the True God Realm category.

Beyond this level, Soul Gathering Bead is useless and difficult to absorb.

The soul of Underworld Clan seems to have reached God King Realm. Only Soul Gathering Bead formed by Monster Core of Soul Swallowing Beast of ten levels can be absorb.

Shi Yan saw that Soul Gathering Bead was invalid, but he was not in a hurry. He continued to apply the power of space and uprising to form a huge Space Cutting Blade, which repeatedly cut the soul of that creature, and did not allow him to gather.

Suddenly, a violent tremor surged out of his forehead.

A strange mark on his forehead, slowly shining, emitting a strange wave.

The wave escapes a mark. The mark seems to be alive and disappears from his forehead. Instead, it appears in his sacrificial altar condensed by Xinhai 5 Devils and Immortal Devil Blood.


Shi Yan‘s head trembled, and for a moment, he was a little confused.

The sacrificial altar floated out of his Sea of Consciousness and came to his eyes all of a sudden.

He was taken aback, shocked by such an amazing change, and immediately found that at the sacrificial altar, a mark kept sending out a large reacted, what seemed to be forming.

It seems like an extremely horrifying power.

The imprint of the forehead disappears, and it appears in sacrificial altar. sacrificial altar is constantly changing. The conscious soul and energy of 5 Devils, which absorbs the sacrificial altar foundation formed by the seven Devil God Statue, collapses and undergoes a wonderful reorganization.

In an instant, his connection with the five demon heads was completely terminated. If the five demon heads were broken up and merged into the imprint, the imprint was constantly undergoing amazing changes, distorted, as if formed. A black hole, overflowing with extremely evil and ruined Aura.


Soul Gathering Bead also flew out, as if being towed away, and plunged into the black hole.

In the black hole, the power fluctuations are getting more and more strange, making Shi Yan whole body tremble, watching the change uneasily.

Indistinctly, he found that he had some connection with the black hole, as if he could use Divine Soul to control it, but it was really something to do, only to find that it didn’t work as expected.

Soon, Soul Gathering Bead is also broken up. This strange Soul Swallowing Beast‘s Monster Core is scattered into countless light spots and disappears within the black hole.

The black hole is twisted and changed, and it is filled with strange and strange energy, producing a huge suction force.

At that moment, all the forces in the middle of this storm seemed to be affected. Countless Yin Spirits and ghosts were sucked away. From his fleshly body, one by one was put into a black hole.

Even the sacrificial altar that the Underworld Clan creature spent countless years building is also affected. No matter how the creature uses its power, it cannot get rid of the pulling force, and it is also drawn into the black hole.

It’s just a few breathing intervals. The creatures of Underworld Clan and sacrificial altar disappeared, including countless Yin Spirit and ghosts, all of which were drained by the black hole, leaving nothing left.

As for the cluster of blue flames, under restraint of Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame, and Vanishing Corpse Flame, they are unable to move directly and stagnate in front of Shi Yan.

Do everything possible to absorb the Underworld Clan creatures Heavenly Flame from Shi Yan, so that the 5 Devils, Soul Gathering Bead that broke up the mind, and based on the power of imprint, the newly formed black hole was absorbed.

Shi Yan is like a wooden chicken.

He didn’t know what was happening, he just knew that the enemy was gone and disappeared completely.

He looked at the black hole formed there, faintly sensed, in the black hole, as if inside the acupoint on his body, there are countless horrible vortex, it is running crazy, it seems Purifying some power.

He understands that the power of the black hole purification comes from the creatures of Underworld Clan.

The black hole floated in front of him for a while, disappeared suddenly, and then appeared in his Sea of Consciousness, quietly at the sacrificial altar where he left.

A marvelous power uprising slowly emerged from the black hole, Shi Yan Divine Soul quietly sensed, and his face changed slightly.

The power upheaval, named Essence, seems to be able to absorb all energy, but it is the most evil and horrible profound truths imprint. It seems that imprint is to destroy everything. The essence is to destroy, destroy, and break all the balance.

This power mystery is the essence of the black hole. It is the core of the black hole. It is a fusion of the 5 Devils, Soul Gathering Bead, and the mark of the forehead. It is self-contained and communicates with his soul.

Shi Yan shuddered, calmed down, realized the essence of the power mystery, put the soul into the black hole, watched countless huge vortexes and turned wildly, and witnessed the evolution of the most weird evil force in the universe.

Everything is realized in his Divine Soul. He is intelligent and meticulous. He must grasp the essence of it and the way in which power works.

Without the owner restraint, the Yin Spirit Ghost Flame is also quiet and there is no next move.

Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame, and Vanishing Corpse Flame, like the most talented lobbyists, are spreading soul fluctuations and communicating with that Yin Spirit Ghost Flame.

The cluster of blue flames has not fluctuated at all, as if listening carefully.

After a while, the Yin Spirit Ghost Flame seemed to be persuaded. From Shi Yan, it turned into a cluster of harmless fires of Essence. Together with the Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame, Earthcore Flame, and Vanishing Corpse Flame, it suddenly entered through his eyes and pupils. .

On top of his Sea of Consciousness, the Yin Spirit Ghost Flame stays in the Heavenly Flame Altar with the four Heavenly Flames, overflowing with the flames of Essence, slowly quieting, becoming one with the Heavenly Flame Altar, landing and taking the sacrificial altar as a new one. Where you stand.

Yin Spirit Ghost Flame likes today’s environment very much.

He was forcibly occupied by the Underworld Clan creature and merged into the soul of the opponent. He had no autonomy and was completely affected by the opponent’s Zhi Heng.

This is totally unequal. His power, his soul and will, have been completely taken over by the other party. There is nothing he can do.

The creature of Underworld Clan consumes his power every time he fights with others, and uses him as a slave to draw everything he has on him.

He was naturally displeased and had wanted to break free, but unfortunately, once fused, his consciousness and soul were restrained by the other side. After several breaks, there was no result, but he was greatly traumatized by the soul. No recovery.

The treatment today is completely different from the previous Heavenly Flame Altar integrated into Shi Yan. He and Shi Yan are equal. You can borrow qi and blood, Divine Sense, and soul from Shi Yan to support yourself, and you can strengthen yourself and further evolve.

Only when Shi Yan encounters fierce danger, will he use his power. Even so, Shi Yan will not use all his power to the enemy, but will be relative. On a specific occasion, when he is most needed, Will use his power.

This is a win-win situation, which is beneficial to both sides, not like he was in the absolute passive side before, and can only consume the power unilaterally.

This is naturally what he would like to see.

So, under the bewilderment of four Heavenly Flames, he lost his master and no bound Yin Spirit Ghost Flame. He took the initiative to import Shi Yan‘s Heavenly Flame Altar and regarded it as a new home. He was very satisfied and was very relieved about the current situation.

Shi Yan didn’t expect that the four Heavenly Flames would help him. They didn’t need him to persuade. Everything went well. Then Yin Spirit Ghost Flame became a new force of his Heavenly Flame Altar.

He is extremely satisfied with this result, and feels that he is not good for the four Heavenly Flames. These four guys are obviously more suitable for persuasion than his.

Heavenly Flame settled down, then Heavenly Flame Altar expanded a little bit more. The energy fluctuations contained in the circulation have obviously grown a lot and made him quite profitable. The Divine Soul seems to have sublimated and become more condensed. Clean and harvested a new energy Aura.

Only, beside the Heavenly Flame Altar, the black hole was still undergoing rapid purification. Among them, countless vortexes ran wildly and devoured the secrets of Essence, which surprised and delighted him.

Gradually, from the black hole, the center of countless vortexes began to overflow with wonderful waves. On the one hand, those waves enhanced the intensity of the black hole consuming Essence. On the other hand, the flow overflowed and merged into his Sea of Consciousness, Heavenly Flame Altar. And power sacrificial altar.

Sea of Consciousness began to expand and expand. A bunch of Divine Sense was inspired by those powers to produce more pure Divine Sense, which increased the area of ​​Sea of Consciousness and made him have more Divine Sense available.

The five flames in Heavenly Flame Altar, with the help of those powers, are also very excited, it seems to have been strengthened, one by one all seem extremely satisfied and very excited.

Even the power mystery sacrificial altar formed by his breakthrough True God Realm, he also benefited. The three mysteries of stars, space, life and death, as if cleaned, made his understanding of the three powers mysteries clear. less.

ps: Brothers will be married tomorrow. I will go to Suzhou early in the morning. These two days will be kept up to date, and will return when I return ~~ Apologize ~~

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