God Of Slaughter Chapter 336: Full integration!

Chapter 336 Fully Integrated!

On a desert island.

Shi Yan is as powerful as rainbow.

The heaven and earth Spiritual Qi floating on the surface of the sea nearby, attracted by the Essence Qi cyclone in his body, keeps pouring in, and injects into him madly.

Under such a huge and suffocating heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, the strange space of the Essence Qi cyclone center in his body, that huge Essence Qi ancient tree appeared again, desperately *** those fast-transformed Essence Qi.

Holy Spirit God, this strange life, has the magical ability to absorb nearby heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, and after integrating with Profound Ice Cold Flame and Earthcore Flame, its ability has been greatly improved again. The heaven and earth Spiritual Qi absorbed instantly is shorter than that of the unbounded magic sword. Time gathering thick Devil Qi.

A large number of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi injections, Shi Yan‘s lonely cyclone, overflowing with Essence Qi, and tens of thousands of strands of Essence Qi infiltrated into the strange space, making his Essence Qi ancient tree suddenly skyrocket.

That huge Essence Qi ancient tree, after getting these Essence Qi supplements, each branch will form a transparent crystal.

Essence Qi is cured!

Same time.

Thanks to the Escaping Lightning Changes bursting of his legs, under the powerful repair force of Immortal Martial Spirit, the veins are reconnected and the flesh is reborn. In a very short time, the legs are restored as before.

“Boy, you are great.”

Mo Jita is a hundred-meter-high horror monster floating on the desert island, smirking and looking at Shi Yan with a smirk, holding an unbounded magic knife, growling, “It’s a pity I won’t give you room to grow!”

A black magic light with a length of hundreds of meters, such as the black water that has fallen down from the Nine Heavens Silver River, is shot obliquely from the unbounded magic sword. The black magic light weighs more than ten thousand, and it seems to have the power of thousands of mountains. Such as Giant Dragon out of the abyss, Ancient Times World of Warcraft dives with all its strength, the arrogance is soaring, the ancient times are shining.

The face of Shi Yan changed dramatically.

Under the deterrence of the unbounded magic sword, his Sea of Consciousness was shaking again and again, the main soul seemed to be trembling, as if he couldn’t bear the pressure of this heaven shaking.

The 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousness, when the situation was not good, turned into five magic shadows and instantly entered Sea of Consciousness.

The Sea of Consciousness, which was constantly undulating, finally got 5 Devils‘s strong attachment, finally stopped shaking and overflowing, shocked the main soul of Shi Yan, and regained the delicate control of the body.

I saw the magic sword blooming for hundreds of meters, and watching the sound of tearing from the void, Shi Yan‘s crimson eyes highlighted the crazy color.

Blood Vein Ring burst into a wide range of rainbows in a timely manner. The rainbows covered the sky, forming a terrifying dome, covering all the small bodies of Shi Yan.


Hundred meters of magic knife and sword mang fell from the sky, tearing the sky and tearing the ground, chopping on the dome condensed by the rainbow.

The Dome suddenly twisted, where it was chopped by the sword, was deeply recessed, pressed towards the top of Shi Yan, but stopped ten meters above Shi Yan.

A circle of crimson waves rippling from above the dome, and the crimson waves spread out. This desert island was fragmented and split into more than ten blocks instantly.

Shi Yan was shocked.

Mo Jita is also a moment.

“Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!”

Blood Vein Ring suddenly sounds a wonderful sound, as if there is an ancient soul, under the blow of the magic sword, is provoked, and emits a silent resounding resonance for millions of years.

With the tweet of Blood Vein Ring, the simple and tedious texture of the ring face Ancient Times begins to spin secretly, and the ancient patterns of one by one are generated on the ring face. Each pattern seems to be a self-contained world, among which there are living things. Multiplication, there are hundreds of thousands of types of mountain tremors, and countless Divine Ability is being produced.

My head shakes.

The Shi Yan spirit suddenly feels a little embarrassed, the soul seems to enter a strange space on the ring face, and sees a head-on, foot-holding mannequin Ancient God, then Ancient God whole body is entangled with Ancient Times Heavenly Dragon, those Ancient Times Heavenly Dragon penetrate his body, like his body Every vein, every acupoint on his body, gushes out dazzling Divine Light, and every acupoint has living beings.

There are 720 acupoints, of which 720 worlds seem to be hidden. Each world is independent of each other. There are living beings, the true meaning of life, and countless Expert falls. They are used to trace the past and future in the long history of the world. The most intuitive way is to speed up the one by one.


The horrible Ancient God is in a chaotic and vast world, making an unwilling howl toward the depths of the universe. The sound shatters countless worlds, rushing to the end of the universe, the world’s end.


Shi Yan‘s brain was terribly painful. The main soul suddenly swelled madly in Sea of Consciousness, and hundreds of millions of Divine Sense forces poured into Sea of Consciousness.

The ring surface on Blood Vein Ring cracks a gap that is hard to see with naked eyes, and then the Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame is suddenly pulled out like a nutrient, and is directly put into him Sea of Consciousness.

Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame uttered a terrifying shout. This third-ranked weird Heavenly Flame seems to be aware of the fetters of fate, feels the threat of life, struggles with all its strengths, and wants to get rid of the traction of Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness.

However, no matter how he struggled, under the Strange Energy of Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, he seemed futile.

In the end, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame fell into Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, was pulled by that kind of power in Sea of Consciousness, and was directly integrated into the main soul of Shi Yan in Sea of Consciousness. It became a part of his main soul and became the third eye of Shi Yan main soul. , Was instantly refined in his forehead.

Unbearable pain, from Sea of Consciousness, Shi Yan hugged her hair and made a howl like wild beast.

In this process, the Mo Jita continued to condense and gather power, waving the unbounded magic sword, and cut it again.

The crimson dome that covered Shi Yan‘s whole body blocked it again, but the dome began to show numerous cracked textures, as if it would really break at any time.

Shi Yan howled, another Imaginary Space Ring in his hand burst at the same time, and one of them Demonic Beast Monster Core flew out directly, bursting on top of his head, turned into a bunch of energy, and injected the crimson giant In.

The crimson dome, after getting this one Monster Core, the surface cracks under a stream of light, and it instantly recovers as before.

Mo Jita growls, growls, and waves his sword again.

Shi Yan whole body tumbled, under the protection of the dome, withstanding inhuman pain, feeling the fusion of the main soul and Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame, Sea of Consciousness set off a stormy sea.

Into Sea of Consciousness‘s 5 Devils, it seems that I have also felt some amazing changes. I dare not scoop out Sea of Consciousness and hide it carefully.

Essence Qi Cyclone Center. In that strange space, the Essence Qi ancient tree belonging to Shi Yan grows rapidly, and each branch is crystal clear like Jade Crystal, solidified, filled with huge energy that makes people tremble.

Thousands of miles away.

Watching this scene through crystal, Tang Yuannan, Cao Zhilan, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Man Gu, dumbstruck, look dull, as if being immobilized, motionless.

One line *** opened his mouth, and Tongrenzhong reflected the scene appearing in the crystal. He was like a wooden chicken, he almost forgot who he was.

The crowd was terrified by the huge shock of the heart, and even their breathing seemed to be gone, but they just stared at the clear scene in the crystal.


Tang Yuannan shook his body and woke up from great fear. He just froze, never seeing the crowd again, and flew away.

As soon as Tang Yuannan left, Gu Xiao, Wu Qin, Cao Zhilan, and Man Gu instantly awakened, the four of them looked at each other, all of whom saw huge panic in the eyes of the other party.

Yang Family went to Yang Qingdi, but there was a more terrible Shi Yan. If this boy is Immortal today, Endless Sea in the future, no one can suppress him.” Gu Xiao was silent for a long time, suddenly looked at Cao Zhilan, Shen said: “Wait this The kid has really grown up, even if your grandfather Cao Qiudao, he can’t hold him back! “

Cao Zhilan‘s body fluttered, her eyes filled with remorse. Until this moment, she didn’t know what she had missed.

The most emotional investment in her life was easily abandoned by herself …

Cao Zhilan wants to cry without tears, deeply regrets, regrets that he has no eyes, and has missed such a future man of world-shaking.

“If he Immortal today, Endless Sea ten years later, I’m afraid it’s all he said.” Wu Qin sighed silently, looked at Cao Zhilan, and looked at the East, muttered to himself: “Battle list The first bell is blunt, and he is not even qualified to lift shoes. Yang Family is really a powerful place … “

“Let’s save him!”

Cao Zhilan Jiao shuddered and suddenly exclaimed: “Even for Endless Sea, you have to rescue him, he may be the key to dealing with the devil in the future.”

“Sister Lan …” The expression of Man Gu was complicated, and he shook his head gently.

Wu Qin and Gu Xiao are also cloudy and silent.

“You guys …” Cao Zhilan took a moment to understand, instantly came to understand, sneered: “Are you afraid?”

“He was Immortal, even if the Devil had left, we could not escape.” Gu Xiao lowered his head, did not dare to watch Cao Zhilan, and his voice gloomy and cold said: “We have shot together to deal with Yang Family, Shi Yan as long as we live, in the future Once you grow up, you will inevitably get **** revenge …. You Cao Family can’t escape his investigation. If you don’t want to become a vassal of Yang Family in the future, it is best to stand by and watch. “

“He is too strong, this Endless Sea is afraid that he cannot tolerate him.” Wu Qin also shook his head and sighed. “If Cao Qiudao and Yang Yitian know that Yang Family has such a character again, I am afraid they will be happy to see him die early, for the family, for Martial Spirit Palace, these two people will not give Shi Yan room to continue to grow. “

“He must die!” Gu Xiao bowed his head and drank.

“Sister Lan, Endless Sea really can’t bear him …” Man Gu also shook his head and sighed, “He is alive, it is not good for anyone, Yang Family‘s strength and tragedy, we all know that we have worked together to deal with Yang Family , He has to live, but he has to destroy the one by one home we made.

Cao Zhilan‘s beautiful eyes show a confused color, staring blankly at the crystal, hesitant.

“Ding Dong!”

Suddenly, a bracelet on her arm suddenly made a noise.

Cao Zhilan immediately touched the bracelet, and then her piece of Crystal Stone which communicated with Cao Family was quietly revealed in her palm.

I just communicated with my soul. Cao Zhilan immediately turned pale, and then sighed sighing, “Meanwhile, it seems that understood is happening in my family. As you said, they don’t want Shi Yan to live.” Come down … “

So saying, Cao Zhilan sits down helplessly, no longer holding back to save Shi Yan, just staring blankly at the crystal in front of it, watching Shi Yan in it.

Shi Yan in the crystal, I do not know when to get up, actually stood up, hanging a mystical giant sword over his head.

Countless closed eyes above the sword body, one after the other opened.

Endless evil, as if descending from a certain mystical realm from that open eye.

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