God Of Slaughter Chapter 276: The general trend

Chapter 276 General Trend

Snow Dragon Island, Koller Family.

In the hall, more than a dozen Snow Dragon Island leaders, one by one are honest and calm. In the eyes of Yi Tianmo‘s gloomy and cold, they are afraid to move, for fear of causing Yi Tianmo‘s dissatisfaction, and unpleasant things will happen.

The two, Yi En and Uker, noticed the terrible soul power of Yi Tianmo, and then set their sights on Linda. They asked Linda with their eyes, and wanted to know the true identity of Shi Yan.

Whether it is Yi En or Uke, they are all gangsters. Naturally, they can see that Yi Tianmo has been waiting for Shi Yan‘s orders. This made the two secretly startled. Subconsciously guessing that the identity of Shi Yan must be unusual.

Although Linda and Shi Yan have been in contact for some time, she is not clear about the origin of Shi Yan. Now that she has seen the power of Shi Yan behind Yi Tianmo, of course, it is also clear that Shi Yan is not an ordinary person, so I can’t help asking.

Shi Yan stood in the hall. When he found that Yi Tianmo had controlled the situation, he suddenly smiled softly and said to Linda: “I’m a Yang Family person.”

Yang Family!”

The faces of the people suddenly changed.

Linda‘s eye pupils shrunk, and their expressions were a little dark, and they nodded gently. “I should have guessed. After we separated, I seemed to see you and Shura King Mo Duanhun take Cyan Blood Bat to leave, but at that time, I didn’t believe it. , Now it’s finally confirmed. “

I heard Shi Yan‘s identity, no matter Yi En or Uker, his face was a little embarrassed and his expression was a little disturbed.

Yang Family is well-known for its Endless Sea trails. Jialuo Sea Area and Yuanluo Sea Area are not far apart. At the time, Three God Church and Yang Family were often at war, and they were not at odds with each other. Snow Dragon Island belonged to the external forces of Three God Church. The Warrior family on the island naturally did not become rusty to Yang Family. Know how horrifying a force Yang Family is.

“You, come to our Snow Dragon Island, what do you want to do?” Yi En sat on the stool with a buttock, pretending to hold a glass of water calmly, and took a sip, restlessly: “Two years ago, Endless Sea many forces Settled in Jialuo Sea Area and shot against you Yang Family, but we Three God Church did not participate in this matter, even if you want revenge, you should not come to us. “

Yi En said this, everyone in the hall responded, and some hasty explanations, or that Three God Church and Yang Family have not been involved in the recent period, or that they are only outside forces of Three God Church, it is not clear about the situation in the teaching .

Speaking of it, I just want to prove their innocence, and hope that Shi Yan will raise their expensive hands.

Shi Yan, you, you come to our Snow Dragon Island, do you want to?” Linda clenched his fingers, gritted his teeth, and looked angrily at Shi Yan, “If you want to deal with us, I, I will hate you For a lifetime! “

Shi Yan dumbfounded, shook his head, complexion said weirdly: “What do you want? I happened to pass by Snow Dragon Island this time, I just want to come to see you, what else is there?”

Everyone in the hall was relieved.

“Don’t say that Three God Church does not target Yang Family, even if Three God Church targets Yang Family, in your face, I will not deal with your Koller Family.” In order to prevent Linda from thinking, Shi Yan smiled and said frankly: “I It’s just … I want to see you and see if you’re doing well. “

Linda moved his face, and his eyes were full of moving colors.

Yi En looked at Shi Yan stunned, then quietly stared at Linda, as if something unusual was seen, his eyes gradually lightened.

At this time, Koller Family is experiencing some tricky things. Yi En is struggling to find a solution. Recently, she is full of distress. Now suddenly she finds that her daughter seems to have a good relationship with Shi Yan. I can’t help but think …

Yi En groaned for a moment, and suddenly had an idea, suddenly he laughed, slightly fat body pulled out from the chair stiffly, raised his wine glass with his face full of red light, and yelled, “Shi Yan Yin Nephew, If you do n’t mind, how about sitting down for a drink? “

Shi Yan looked at him for a while, and then subconsciously refused, and suddenly found that Linda looked at him expectantly, as if begging him to promise.

Now, Shi Yan smiled indifferently, slightly toward Yi En nodded, “Okay.”

“Sit down, please sit down.” Yi En hurriedly came to say hello, personally came to arrange a seat, the attitude is very good, even can be said to be charming.

Linda saw him show such a charming smile, naturally know what he was thinking, I wanted to secretly remind him not to do so. However, thinking of today’s complex situation, I sighed softly in my heart, and dispelled my thoughts, just a little awkward Looking at Shi Yan, he used his eyes to signal that Shi Yan is not strange.

Shi Yan nodded with a smile, signaled that he didn’t mind, and after sitting down with Yi Tianmo, he didn’t talk. He picked up the green snake fruit in front of him, and bite it politely, chewing, and mumbling praise: It tastes good. “

“Haha.” Yi En kept smirking and didn’t rush to speak. He waved to signal that Linda sat down beside Shi Yan. When Linda sat down to the left of Shi Yan, he pretended to ask, “I don’t know Where does the nephew come from? Well, the situation in Jialuo Sea Area is extremely complicated now. Does the nephew know the situation over there? “

This Correct Shi Yan is currently the most concerned issue.

Shaking his head, Shi Yan‘s expression gradually became heavy, “To be honest, I didn’t come from Jialuo Sea Area. I have been away from Endless Sea for a while, and have just returned, dare to ask what is the situation now?”

Yi En seems to know that Shi Yan did not come from Jialuo Sea Area. It is not surprising to hear Shi Yan saying so, but just sighed softly, “Jialuo Sea Area has fallen …”

Shi Yan eyes narrowed slightly.

“Two years ago, when your Yang Family people disappeared, not long after, Fourth Devil Area Demon came to Jialuo Sea Area. It took only one year for those Devil from Fourth Devil Area to occupy Jialuo Sea Area At this time, Jialuo Sea Area and already belong to the devil of Fourth Devil Area, hey … “Yi En looked sorrowful, shook his head and sighed, as if his entire family had been destroyed by the devil.

“I knew this would happen.” Shi Yan sneered, “At the beginning, the parties joined forces. After clearly know and Great Devil Emperor imprisoned our Yang Family master, they dared to cooperate with the devil to deal with Yang Family. Finally, Yang Family had to Retreating everywhere, leaving the Gate of Heaven leading to Fourth Devil Area unattended, and giving birth to the ridiculous idea of ​​exchanging trade with the Devil. Now that the invasion of the Devil will gradually eat away Endless Sea. Those people now have to eat their fruits. It is really happy. . “

Yi En shook his hands, covered his face with embarrassment, wiped his sweat, and chuckled: “Well, our Yuanluo Sea Area is close to Jialuo Sea Area, and our Snow Dragon Island is not far from Jialuo Sea Area. I heard that after the recent adjustment of the Fourth Devil Area demon, I am ready We Yuanluo Sea Area attacked, that … “

Shi Yan gave him a slant, and said strangely: “You belong to the power of Three God Church. Three God Church will naturally think of a way. At this time, Gu Family and Heaven Lake Holy Land should be discussed by already and your Three God Church. Isn’t this yet? ? What are you nervous about? “

“It hasn’t been called yet, but once it’s called, it’s too late.” Uker smiled wryly, shaking his head and sighing, not as impulsive as before.

Linda sat beside Shi Yan, gently bowed his head, did not speak, but just listened in silence, but the hands under the table clenched secretly, seeming a little nervous.

“To tell you the truth, we received the news. It may take another month for the Devil to start coming from Jialuo Sea Area. For up to two months, the Devil will pass us Snow Dragon Island.” Yi En pondered for a moment, The expression was difficult: “In other words, we have only two months for Snow Dragon Island …”

Shi Yan stunned, direct: “Then you retreat early, don’t you want to stay Snow Dragon Island? What is Three God Church? You are their external forces, they will not ignore them?”

“It’s like this …” Yi En looked a little embarrassed, explaining the problems they encountered.

Learning that the demon man of Jialuo Sea Area was interested in launching an attack on Yuanluo Sea Area in a recent period, Yi En, Uke, and others immediately sent their opinions to Three God Church. Three God Church proposed that those forces on the periphery temporarily abandon their islands. , All went to live in the island near Three God Church total sect, ready to focus on the battle with Fourth Devil Area Demon.

Some forces in other sea areas will send masters to sit in the Three God Church, Gu Family, Heaven Lake Holy Land, and learn about the movement of the devil at any time, and then fight with the devil.

After the order from Three God Church was issued, Yi En and others immediately fell into a big problem.

During these days, when the Correct Yuanluo Sea Area tsunami is frequent, the tsunami tornado of Snow Dragon Island is the most fierce. The ship is extremely dangerous when sailing at sea. If you accidentally, the ship may be destroyed. From Snow Dragon Island to Three God Church total sect will enter a sea area called chaos, where the hurricane and tsunami are the most terrifying in this season.

The three major families of Snow Dragon Island have limited strength and can only use ships to sail. They also have to pass through the chaos. The Nirvana masters of the three families are only a dozen. In that chaos, there is no confidence at all. Can protect all ships, dare not go easily.

From the perspective of Yi En, if you can have Sky Realm master and the Nirvana Warrior of the three of them, you can ensure that this line is unharmed and safely pass through the chaos.

They reported the situation to Three God Church, and Three God Church told them to wait, but if they could not wait for Sky Realm master, they could only venture into the chaos.

There are too many forces around Three God Church. There are at least a hundred islands like Snow Dragon Island. Even if Three God Church is willing to send Sky Realm master to help them, the resources in hand are also limited. Those Sky Realm master sent out may not be able to take into account Snow Dragon Island.

If the time is late and their departure time goes on, they may fall into the hands of the Fourth Devil Area demon and be brutally slaughtered.

Three God Church gives a deadline, but I can see that the deadline is getting closer, there are only a few days left, and there is still no Sky Realm master nearby to come to help. In this way, Yi En and others are in a hurry, they are so bad, they have recently begun discussions. Or do you set off in advance and venture into the chaos?

In addition to the three major families on Snow Dragon Island, there are other small stock forces Warrior. There are hundreds of Warrior of various Realm. In addition, there are nearly 10,000 civilians on the island. There is no Sky Realm master sitting in town. Starting, once entering the chaos, no one can say how many people can survive.

This is a problem for Yi En and others.

After seeing the Warrior on Snow Dragon Island of Yi En, after seeing the terrifying soul suppressing force of Yi Tianmo, I immediately realized that Yi Tianmo must be Sky Realm‘s Expert. Naturally, stunned gave birth to the idea that Yi Tianmo can come forward to shelter.

But Shi Yan comes from Yang Family, Yang Family and Three God Church have always been discordant. These people are willing to let Shi Yan help, but know that there is little hope, but the situation today is indeed extremely dangerous, time is getting tighter, and keep dragging on. , They will become more and more dangerous, so they have an idea of ​​Shi Yan.

Shi Yan sits indifferently, drinks tea in a hurry, expression is calm, his eyes turn around on the faces of Yi En and others.

Yi En and others will explain the situation, naturally know that Shi Yan can understand their meaning, one by one exposed the expression pleading, secretly looking forward to the decision of Shi Yan.

At this moment, a small hand suddenly rested on his leg, gently sliding on his leg, and slowly rubbing to the lower abdomen of Shi Yan, moving quietly …

Shi Yan swayed in the heart, feeling the swell and comfort of the ***, could not help but whispered quietly, immediately do not look at the Linda beside him.

Linda bowed his head, his face was crimson, and he did not dare to look at Shi Yan, but the small hand under the table did not stop, and continued to be active in Shi Yan ***, bringing the wonderful ecstasy enjoyment of Shi Yan.

Front, Yi En, Uk entire group, and one by one looked at Shi Yan nervously, their faces begging.

Under these eyes, Linda was bold enough to be active in Shi Yan ***, which immediately gave Shi Yan a very refreshing experience.

Under everyone’s attention, Shi Yan squinted slightly, looking like frowning, but in fact enjoying it secretly …

This girl … is really daring …

Shi Yan A faint smile filled his lips, but he didn’t speak. He knew the meaning of Linda, and didn’t hurry to express his attitude and continue to realize.

“That …” Yi En didn’t know his woman’s movements and waited for a while, seeing that Shi Yan was still silent, and finally couldn’t help it.

Suddenly, the aggressiveness of Shi Yan *** tightened sharply and was pinched by the small hand of Linda.


Shi Yan *** Painful, can’t help but whisper, cursing the girl for heavy hands.

Knowing that Linda is anxious, and pretends to groan seriously, with a slight cough, Shi Yan smiles slightly: “This thing is simple, I will find someone to help you get it done. Well, since you are leaving Snow Dragon Island, this island I will take care of you for a while. “

Yi En eyes light up.

Uk, who was not very friendly with Shi Yan before, also got excited and stood up, surprised: “Will you help us?”

“One small thing.” Shi Yan smiled, then quietly glanced at the Linda beside him, signaled that she had agreed to her affairs.

Linda neck is red, exhaling lightly, but still dare not look up, and continue to move under the table, thank you to make Shi Yan more comfortable.

“Well, Jialuo Sea Area has been invaded by the devil, then Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family, how is it now?” Shi Yan enjoyed it and asked with a smile.

Xia Family has been suppressed by Tianxie Fairyland after your Yang Family disappeared. After your Yang Family defeat, Xia Family not only did not gain much, but also used Tianxie Fairyland to find various excuses and occupied many of the islands that belong to them. Xia Family‘s first generation Family Head was crazy. , Never showed up, making Tianxie Fairyland more and more embarrassing, and gradually began to think of driving Xia Family out of Jialuo Sea Area … “

Uk stood up and explained this time. He seemed very clear about the situation of Jialuo Sea Area, smiling and explaining what happened over there, one by one explained to Shi Yan.

Tianxie Fairyland initially intentionally used the marriage of Xie Kui and Xia Xinyan to bundle Xia Family on their War Chariot. However, Xia Xinyan always closed the retreat cultivation. Xia Family continued to be postponed under this pretext. Eventually Tianxie Fairyland became impatient and continued to For Xia Family.

Before the advent of the Devil, Xia Family ’s power already at Jialuo Sea Area was greatly attenuated, far from being an opponent of Tianxie Fairyland.

When the Fourth Devil Area demon finally appeared in Jialuo Sea Area, Xia Family knew that it was difficult to fight against Devil Territory demon, because its own interests had lost too much, Xia Family was simply, and when it found that the demon was here, it immediately began to retreat.

Before the more Expert of the Devil has arrived, the Xia Family people directly give up everything in Jialuo Sea Area, enter the Yuanluo Sea Area wisely, and temporarily reside in several islands in the middle of Gu Family and Heaven Lake Holy Land.

Correct Because of the wiseness of Xia Family, they avoided a disaster and did not suffer too much damage. The masters of the family have been preserved, and only those outside forces could not take care of it. They were left in Jialuo Sea Area.

Tianxie Fairyland is different.

After the disappearance of Yang Family and the decline of Xia Family, their power is getting larger and larger. already has truly become the first hegemon of Jialuo Sea Area. It has even more island resources than Yang Family of the year.

Even if the Devil is here, they are unwilling to give up the foundation business that was hard to lay down in Jialuo Sea Area, naturally they will not leave Jialuo Sea Area.

Fighting is inevitable.

Soon, Tianxie Fairyland saw the terribleness of the Devil. Those Devil from Fourth Devil Area took only three months to defeat Tianxie Fairyland and killed most of the masters of Tianxie Fairyland.

When the two masters under Lang Xun came to Tianxie Fairyland together, Tianxie Fairyland also meant that they were completely finished.

In the face of the overwhelming power of the Devil, Tianxie Fairyland‘s Cave Master finally made a decision to shame all Endless Sea forces.

Tianxie Fairyland surrendered.

Today’s Tianxie Fairyland, already have become a force in the hands of the devil, and have become the dog legs of the devil, distributing the power of the forces of Endless Sea, and their understanding of the Warrior of Endless Sea parties over the years, one by one told the demon people.

The devil got the power of Tianxie Fairyland, and knew already of Endless Sea extremely deeply. The devil got a lot of resources that they didn’t have in Jialuo Sea Area. The power increased very fast. Many demon were on Jialuo Sea Area breakthrough and Realm. And strength soared, the strength of each day is increasing.

Tianxie Fairyland is really a shame.” Shi Yan gloomy faced, eyes gleam, “This kind of betrayal guy, who was able to betray our Yang Family, naturally can also betray the entire Endless Sea!”

From Wu Ke’s mouth, after clarifying the current situation of Jialuo Sea Area, Shi Yan thought secretly.

“Three big families, let ’s get ready. When you are ready, someone will help you naturally.” After a deep groan, Shi Yan frowned and looked at Yi En and Uker. “I promised you, and I will talk.” , Well, remember to bring all the civilians on Snow Dragon Island. “

“Understood.” Yi En, Ucker a *** head.

“You can go to work.” Shi Yan waved his hand, his expression impatient.

Linda as early as already was sitting in a critical position, and did not continue to move under the table, but the rosy face, which had not yet faded away, looked gorgeous and moving.

Yi En and Uke were promised by Shi Yan, relaxed, and treated Shi Yan quite respectfully. After hearing the news, one by one stood up and left the hall without long time.

Before leaving, Yi En took a quiet look at Linda, and seemed to want to understand the relationship between his daughter and Shi Yan.

From the ruddy face on Linda, Yi En seemed to guess something. Not only did he not blame, but he was secretly glad, some complacent.

After all the people inside and outside the hall have left, Yi Tianmo slowly stood up and whispered towards Shi Yan: “I’ll go outside and turn around. If there is anything, you should say hello inside.”

Shi Yan knows that Yi Tianmo has seen the small action of Linda long ago. Now that he wants to leave, he naturally wants to leave space for him, so he smiles at nodded, “It’s hard.”

“Should.” Yi Tianmo turned away and blinked.

In front of outsiders, Shi Yan said not to call him a to attach most importance person. Yi Tianmo also knew the title of the owner. It was a bit shocking, so he followed the instructions of Shi Yan.

“This guy is weird. The Aura on his body is not the same as some of us.” Linda and other Yi Tianmo disappeared before he spit out his tongue, and then blushed. Will you see it? “

“No.” Shi Yan smiled, immediately grabbed Linda, put her on her thigh, and yelled, “I have dialed me for so long, it’s time to change me!”

giggle, I’m not afraid of you.” Linda is full of joy, beautiful eyes full of spring love.

Shi Yan temporarily stayed at Koller Family.

While waiting for the staff of these large families, Snow Dragon Island, to inquire about Endless Sea through Linda. After two and a half years, the biggest thing in Endless Sea was the invasion of the devil.

When the demons really came to the power of Jialuo Sea Area and Endless Sea, they realized how stupid they were at Yang Family.

The savage of the Devil was beyond their expectations. After the fall of Jialuo Sea Area, everyone in Endless Sea was in danger, and they feared that a certain Devil person would land in their waters.

Because of fear, because of the common enemy, all the forces of Endless Sea soon began to twist.

The leaders of the various forces meet constantly to discuss the plan of the devil.

But between these forces, existence has always been contradictory. Those forces that are far away from Jialuo Sea Area have the intention to let other forces consume the power of the devil, and dare not do their best …

The starting point is correct, but when it comes to implementation, many contradictions will always be exposed.

The devil has really invaded. Those forces still ca n’t change the selfish nature of human beings. I always want to let do n’t put cannon fodder first, so as to try my best to protect my strength. I ca n’t see the coffin without tears. It is said that the heads of the major forces meet. After that, there were often quarrels, and there was no real perfect plan.

That’s it. They haven’t organized an attack yet, but the devil has begun to do it.

Koller Family, Shi Yan are sitting on the top floor of the exquisite Third Level building.

He continues to delve into those soul mysteries of Yin Demon Race.

He has been staying at Koller Family for the past three days, and Yi Tianmo is responsible for protecting him. Those in the three major families are always busy, busy gathering the accumulation of the family for many years, busy arranging masters in the family, busy Go prepare the civilians …

After several carnivals of Shi Yan and Linda, the desire is released, and meditation is started as usual.

Yi Tianmo stays with him. Shi Yan has some unclear Yin Demon Race soul secrets in the past. He will come up and ask Yi Tianmo for opinions.

Since Yi Tianmo saw Shi Yan and very ruthless in the forest last time, his attitude towards Shi Yan has changed subtly. It seems that he really started to treat Shi Yan with his heart. No matter what questions Shi Yan raises, as long as he can answer it, he will Attentive help.

In this way, Shi Yan‘s understanding of the soul of Yin Demon Race has made rapid progress.

Sea of Consciousness blue waves, Divine Sense strands in Sea of Consciousness like silk thread, quietly gathered in the main soul, the main soul entangled more and more Divine Sense, Shi Yan perception extended, spreading in all directions.

In Sea of Consciousness, 5 Devils was very quiet for a while. After the main soul settled in, Shi Yan did not use negative energy. 5 Devils seemed to know the suppressive force of the main soul and had not taken any action.

To this day, Divine Sense of Shi Yan is continually condensing on the main soul, and he feels that he can control 5 Devils, and suddenly he has an idea in his heart.

The flow of thoughts in the heart turns to the main soul, with the main soul as the medium, and starts to guide 5 Devils

Early, Sea of Consciousness set off a stormy sea, and 5 Devils staying in Sea of Consciousness suddenly turned into five black light, and flew out of Sea of Consciousness.

small building, there is a wicked, violent, desperate Aura, an extremely horrible evil wave, and it is so pervasive.

The five-foot-tall scorpion monster is suspended in the sky of the small building, releasing the terrible soul waves that bring people into endless suffering.

Shi Yan‘s body suddenly dried up for a while, and Negative Energy in acupoint rushed out, injecting 5 Devils.

I saw 5 Devils‘s body that was a little fuzzy illusory, slowly condensing into substance, and the Aura emitted from the body became more and more scary.

“Master beware!” Yi Tianmo changed its colors, looked at 5 Devils floating in the sky with a shocked expression, exclaimed: “What kind of soul technique? What a terrible Aura, this is, this is the entity of soul power condensing! “

Shi Yan opened his eyes, eyes was cold and ruthless, coldly looked at the horrible demon suspended in the void, reached out and drank, “Come back!”

5 Devils is struggling and seems unwilling to return. At this moment, Shi Yan once again coldly snorted, releasing a red ray of Heavenly Flame in his hand.

Five detached from the head of Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, then I knew that I was afraid and did n’t dare to continue to confront Shi Yan. After shaking in the sky for a while, one by one shrank.

It only took a while, 5 Devils turned into black light again, and disappeared in the body of Shi Yan again.

Shi Yan took a deep breath, and the cold and stern eyes slowly returned to peace, before exhaling a bit, and said lightly, “I know you are afraid of Heavenly Flame.”

Yi Tianmo also avoided it far away, watching the Heavenly Flame released by Shi Yan a little uneasily. The power of Heavenly Flame is also a lethal threat to him.

Shi Yan smiled and retracted Heavenly Flame in his hand, and said, “It’s just Fiery Flame of 10,000 years Earthcore Flame. Although this Fiery Flame has restraint against cold things, it is not terrible. If Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame comes out, Those five demons, I ’m afraid I ’m really afraid. Unfortunately, Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame ca n’t take over. “

“Master, the five soul creatures you released were you condensed with the power of the soul?” Yi Tianmo was shocked, “The master only has cultivation base of Earth Level, even if it is an abnormal mastery of my Yin Demon Race soul mystery, It ’s also very difficult to get through so quickly. How can it be condensed into this kind of soul creatures purely according to the power of the soul? “

Yi Tianmo can’t believe this fact.

Using the soul as a guide to condense soul creatures. This is an extremely advanced soul technique recorded in the secret texts of Yin Demon Race. In addition to cultivation, this soul technique is extremely proficient in soul attainment. Own cultivation base of God Realm, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve.

Even Yi Tianmo himself, in the realm of God Passage First Sky, is so superb in soul accomplishment that he cannot condense 5 Devils.

Only Earth Level‘s cultivation base can rely on a few Yin Demon Race‘s secret texts to condense such soul creatures. This already cannot be described by genius.

“You mean 5 Devils?” Shi Yan smiled, and explained, “It has nothing to do with the soul of your Yin Demon Race. Before I did not get the soul secret texts of your Yin Demon Race, my already was in Sea of Consciousness. These five guys have been condensed. “

Yi Tianmo dumbstruck, looking at Shi Yan‘s eyes, like looking at a monster.

Half a sigh, Yi Tianmo sighed and said, “Fortunately, I made the right decision. If we had killed you in the first place, I think we Yin Demon Race may really disappear completely in this world.”

Yi Tianmo is a little afraid of him.

Waving his hands, Shi Yan stood up indifferently, feeling the quietness of 5 Devils in Sea of Consciousness, he walked straight to the window, watching Yi En and other Koller Family hurriedly hurriedly, and he yelled, “Sorry, cultivation just got a little accident, It’s okay now, don’t worry about you. “

The family members of Koller Family, one by one‘s face turned pale, and was shaken by the Shi Yan‘s actions.

These Warrior cultivation base are generally average, do not even know how to use any soul technique, and suddenly found that on the floor of Shi Yan, such a terrible movement came out, they still came as the devil ahead of time, if not 5 Devils suddenly disappeared again, they even Never dare to come.

Yi En stood sweating and stood far away. After hearing the words of Shi Yan, he immediately stopped and arched his hands towards Shi Yan, saying, “Well, then I won’t bother.”

So saying, Yi En gestured to those in the family, and they were very familiar, and they all left after a while.

“Master, I want to ask you some tips for condensing that kind of creature …” After the people of Yi En left, Yi Tianmo hesitated a bit, and said with embarrassment, “I have been in It ’s a pity that there is no progress in studying this area. I am curious. What does the master, 5 Devils, rely on to form? “

Negative Emotions of the human heart.” Shi Yan frowned, did not conceal or elaborate.

Negative Emotions?” Yi Tianmo stunned, “Can this Negative Emotions be enhanced by cultivation? This, I have never heard of it, master, can you continue to enhance Negative Energy, let these five condensed creatures, constantly Enhance? “

“That’s the principle.” Shi Yan nodded.

There was a shock in Yi Tianmo‘s eyes, and his expression became extremely weird.

“What’s wrong?” Shi Yan‘s strange Yi Tianmo performance, “Is this unusual? I think this is normal.”

Yi Tianmo took a deep breath, and then lost his heart in a half-hearted voice: “The master is really … a natural wizard, hey, I’m really convinced. Although I can’t figure out, the master’s ability is really not something we can do. I understand. “

“What the **** is going on?”

“Only True God Realm‘s Warrior, the condensed soul creature, has the ability to continuously enhance and continuously evolve!” Yi Tianmo looked at Shi Yan deeply, strange light glittering in his eyes, and spoke word by word.

Shi Yan looked shocked, and immediately smiled, and touched his head, “Oh, it seems my luck is really good.”

Until this moment, he realized the terrible soul technique of 5 Devils, which comes from the Blood Vein Ring soul technique. He has such a strange ability. It is indeed the soul technique revealed in Blood Vein Ring. Shocked by man.

Yi Tianmo also wanted to explain something, suddenly frowned, and slowly closed his eyes.

The faint soul fluctuations suddenly permeated the body of Yi Tianmo. A subtle new soul, Aura, slowly floated from a very remote place, seemingly entangled in Yi Tianmo, and was quietly communicating with Yi Tianmo.

Closed eyes, Yi Tianmo felt a bit, and suddenly said: “There was some trouble over Ka Ba, some Warrior appeared to them, they found Ka Ba, it seems that they also know the human girl who belongs to the master, Ka Ba Ask the host if you want to kill those people? “

“Know the girls …” Shi Yan froze, and immediately realized that they should be some masters of Endless Sea. After a deep groan, Shi Yan directly ordered: “No matter who it is, catch it first, The appearance of the Yi family is too different from ours. If they let the rumors spread randomly, there would be unnecessary trouble. “

“Understand.” Yi Tianmo nodded, eyes closed went to communication over there.

At this moment, Yi En, which had left before, suddenly appeared again. Ten meters apart, Yi En said to Shi Yan: “Received the message, someone came to support us. That is the Gu Family and Heaven Lake Holy Land people. They happened to want Go to the Three God Church religion to discuss important issues. Passing here, we were asked to help us by Three God Church. “

Gu Family, Heaven Lake Holy Land?” Shi Yan has a weird expression, “When will they arrive?”

“It is said that we will be able to arrive today, huh, huh, thank you for your kindness, it seems you don’t need to trouble you,” Yi En said suddenly.

“Don’t bother me?” Shi Yan was happy, “But it’s best, you just wait for those people to save you, I’ll worry about it.”

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