God Of Slaughter Chapter 198: Insight into opportunities

Chapter 198 Insight into Opportunity

Four Gravitational Fields, six demons together restraint.

In Gravitational Field, the demon man’s body involuntarily rotates with the power of strangulation, and the black scale armor “pa pa” on his body sounds.

In the field, two different forces impact each other, which is enough to affect various forces.

The power in the devil’s body is also affected, and the speed of power gathering suddenly slows down, making it difficult to exert the power to the maximum extent.

However, the scales on these monsters are really weird.

Under the action of the field, their fleshly body has not been fleshed by the twisted skin, and the powerful of the demon fleshly body completely experienced it at this time.

The He Qingman‘s pampering made the Tianxie Fairyland‘s Warrior suddenly wake up, and rushed towards the devil together.

“Don’t come near!” Shi Yan saw these people want to rush towards the demon, and immediately screamed: “Long-range attack! Once you approach them, you will be affected by the power of restraint! Just like them, it is difficult to stabilize Standing! “

Bati and his face changed slightly, and they hurriedly stopped, maintaining a safe distance from the demons, and exhibiting complacent Martial Skills to bombard the demons temporarily imprisoned.

Shi Yan urged negative energy, his body strength doubled, and he rushed towards the bones and teeth.

As the builder of the domain field, he is naturally unaffected by the domain field. As soon as he falls into the domain field, he immediately exhibits Finger Spear, a sharp five-finger finger, piercing the pupil of the bone and teeth.

The monsters of Black Scale Clan are not only covered with scale armor, but also on their cheeks neck.

The black scale armor is extremely strong, comparable to the body after Shi Yan Petrification. It is very difficult to penetrate those scale armor without the help of God Weapon weapon.

Only their eyes, without the slightest scale armor, this is the easiest place to start.

The dark green pupil of bone and teeth showed the color of panic for the first time. He looked at the five-finger stab of Shi Yan. He wanted to block Bone Thorn in his hand, but found that his arm was waving, and it was difficult to grasp the direction and scale. The whole person seems to be in the mire, unable to exert all its power.

“Aren’t you pretty fierce just now?”

Shi Yan sneered, the five fingers approached quickly, stabbing eyes with bones and teeth.


Just now.

The scales on Bone and Tooth suddenly trembled together, and those scales seemed to come alive, rippled.

In the spots of coins size above the scale armor, a violent murderous aura is as fierce as gunpowder.

Shi Yan recalled something from Profound Ice Cold Flame.

The Black Scale Clan Devil can, at a critical juncture, spur the body’s scale armor to make the scale armor burst out.

The scales are comparable to blades, they are indestructible, and the impact is extremely violent. Once they are shot by those scales, the body will be cut apart and broken like the Realm Warrior.

Scales are not only the defense barrier of Black Scale Clan, but also their most important attack weapon.

However, Black Scale Clan‘s demon will never use the body’s scale armor to fight the enemy when it is not critical, because once the whole body scale armor shoots out, their body will also be severely damaged and it will be difficult to recover .

Until the moment his life is threatened, these demons will never do this.

The dark green eyes of Bone Tooth are full of madness. He stared straight at the five fingers of Shi Yan, with a cruel smile deep in the corner of his mouth.

Shi Yan is very familiar with the cruel smile of this desperate.

The hand that was going to be shot into the bone-eye pupil was withdrawn like lightning. At this time, Shi Yan was very calm, did not dare to work, and quickly withdrew from Gravitational Field.

“Flash in passage!”

As soon as I withdrew from the field, Shi Yan glanced, and suddenly found that the Black Scale Clan Demon in the remaining three fields had the same whole body scale armor trembling. It was like the bones and teeth, ready to take a desperate fight. Inspire life-saving means.

The Warrior and hearing this of the delighted Tianxie Fairyland that are attacking around these monsters are all in a daze, looking at Shi Yan in a puzzle.

“What’s wrong?”

He Qingman is also surprised, she *** controlled the silver spear, and even already penetrated the scale of a demon’s body, it was about to kill the devil’s life.

At this juncture, Shi Yan suddenly said that she wanted retreat, which made her very confused.

“If you don’t want to die, hurry up!”

I saw the scales of those monsters, the frequency of shaking is getting faster and faster, Shi Yan has no time to explain at all, and has rushed to the passage when it came over.

“Listen to him!”

He Qingman only stunned for a second. From the tension of Shi Yan, she immediately realized that something was wrong and informed Batty and others. After Shi Yan, she flashed into passage for the second time.

Tianxie Fairyland‘s Warrior finally reacted and began to hurriedly pull back and rush to passage.

xiu xiu xiu!”

In cave, the scales suddenly fluttered. The scales seemed to be sharp blades, carrying amazing penetration, and shot out from the body of the demon, covering them in all directions.

Those scabbards, ignoring restraint of Gravitational Field, fired in succession.

For a while, the scales were flying around in cave, as if the irregular Arrow projections were flooding the entire cave.

Shi Yan and He Qingman were the first to enter passage. Batty and Zhou Nan knew that Shi Yan and He Qingman would not retreat at this time, and they all evacuated early. They entered passage before those scaled lasings.

However, there are still two Tianxie Fairyland‘s Warrior, but they entered passage one step later, and fleshly body blocked the passage port.

Two terrible screams came immediately from the two populations. Shi Yan was facing the two, clearly seeing the bodies of the two, and they were broken into horse honeycombs by those scales. Into pieces of minced meat.

The sky scale armor is still radiating everywhere. The scale armor penetrates and intersperses into a dense knife net, flooding the entire cave.

Shi Yan keeps his face blank, and murmurs secretly.

Black Scale Clan This desperate fight was indeed extremely fierce. This fatal blow was enough to allow an unknown opponent to be killed instantly.

If he did n’t know from Profound Ice Cold Flame that these Black Scale Clan guys have this trick, even if his five fingers blinded the bone tooth eyes, he was afraid that he would have to get in, and the scaled armor radiated from the body of that bone tooth Torn.

The sky scale armor is flying, and the demon of Black Scale Clan, fleshly body, are fuzzy, and the body is obviously badly damaged.

In the stuns emanating from the scale armor, the power in these monsters’ bodies has increased by several percent!

Among them, the bones and teeth are the most arrogant. After the scaled armor shot out of his body, his body suddenly blasted out a violent explosive force, which exploded a nick in Gravitational Field!

Blood bones and teeth are extremely fierce, and the dark green pupils contain endless hatred.

He did n’t dare to stay in cave for a long time. Before he could not figure out the strangeness of Gravitational Field, he did not rely on the short-term improvement of his strength to hunt down Shi Yan and He Qingman, but instead rushed towards the other passage. , Even the five demon who are restraint are ignored.

In cave, every piece of scale armor seems to have its own life. It stopped flying slowly, staying in the void for a few seconds, and then suddenly shot towards the bone.

Bone’s body seems to suddenly become a magnet, and even those scales that shoot out of the body are retracted by one by one.

I saw that piece of scaled armor, which re-stabbed into his flesh with great accuracy. When the bones and teeth quickly escaped in passage, the piece of scaled armor became the strongest barrier of his body.

You can even take it back!

Shi Yan was horrified. He was shocked by the endless means of Black Scale Clan. He really did not expect that these guys could not only release the scaled armor to hurt people, but also take the scaled armor back to the body. Such a method is indeed very comparable.

Watching Guya escape, Shi Yan was afraid to chase.

Because in cave, the scale armors from the other five devil are still flying around.

The lasing of these scaled armors does not have any laws at all, and it is extremely dense. If it rushes into cave, it will only become a target, and it may be beaten into a horse honeycomb by those scaled armors.

Shi Yan, He Qingman, and others hid in passage, looking at the lasing scale armor with a dignified look.

The five monsters written by Gravitational Field restraint are a little scared, and they are constantly struggling in the field, trying to escape from the field.

Unfortunately, these five people only have Disaster Level and cultivation base. When the scaled armor bursts out, the temporary explosive force formed in their bodies is not as horrible as the bones and teeth, and they have not been able to tear the field.

Shi Yan still dare not act lightly, he still stayed in passage honestly before those scaled armors stopped flying.

“How do you know that Black Scale Clan has this counterattack?”

He Qingman‘s beautiful eyes are full of strange light, looking at Shi Yan deeply, “Did you say that you haven’t heard of Black Scale Clan these demon people yesterday? Why do you suddenly seem to these Black Scale Clan demon people , Are you familiar again? Have you been hiding something, sincerely want to help us? “

Shi Yan slightly frowned, did not look at her, still staring at the scales shot in cave, said lightly: “I was ignorant of Black Scale Clan yesterday. However, the kind of strange treasure I have You can see the soul fluctuations of the devil, you can vaguely know what they want to do. Just when I started working on that bone and tooth, I also discovered the intention of the bone and tooth with the help of such a treasure. “

He pushed all the reasons for the different treasures he held.

He Qingman black eyebrows is deeply locked. I am quite satisfied with the explanation of Shi Yan. “It turned out to be so, it seems that Yang Family is really powerful, and it is really a mystery.”

“It has nothing to do with Yang Family. I haven’t been to Immortal Island. What is the bizarre secret treasure of who knows Yang Family.” Shi Yan said with a lip.


He Qingman is even more surprised. Looking at Shi Yan, weird and wondering, “Aren’t you from a remote place? That kind of place also has such magical treasures?”

From the perspective of He Qingman, Merchant Union is a barren land of Grace Mainland. The Shi Yan from that place, even if it is a treasure, should not reach this level?

“Remote place?” Shi Yan heard a slight disdain from her tone, snorted, and said coldly: “There are magic places everywhere, don’t think that only Endless Sea is the Warrior center of Grace Mainland. . In many places, there are treasures of mystical. “

“Of course I know that Endless Sea is not the center of Grace Mainland.” He Qingman frowned, slightly dismissive: “However, the place you came to is definitely a marginalized place. Huh, I am a Tianxie Fairyland person, naturally know what There are more Warrior Expert in local places and fewer strong side in any place. “

Shi Yan pouted, too lazy to ignore her.

Qingman! Qingman!”

Deep in the behind passage of Shi Yan, the call sound of Lin Nan suddenly sounded. The sound was far away. Then Lin Nan and others should have received communication of He Qingman, and now they finally came over.

He Qingman‘s expression shook, her eyes brightened, and she hurriedly said, “Our people are here, and now we can chase after victory. Hum, this time, we followed the bones and teeth and directly found the Black Scale Clan demon’s army. I cleaned them all up at once, and saved time on the island. “

Shi Yan nodded, just want to answer, but suddenly found abnormalities through Soul Gathering Bead.

Ning Shen sensed a moment, Shi Yan discolored, suddenly yelled: “Withdraw cave, immediately!”

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