God Of Slaughter Chapter 1457: The power of constellation!

“This fiend is the person we are looking for? Is it wrong?”

Immortal Second Sky! He only has Immortal Second Sky! This, how is this possible, Sakimo is in Immortal peak!”

“God! We take it for granted. I already knew this guy was fierce. This thing … we should n’t be involved!”


Many people began to regret that the reason why those Shattered Sea and Warriors stayed was that on the one hand, the Ancestor Territory battle should be used to break the Dark Energy mystery. However, more people still want to capture Shi Yan to get the Deep Meaning Symbol Pagoda.

But now, the targets they have been waiting for have come back boldly, and they showed unimaginable horror when they came back, killing Devourer Clan Sakimo and his men, the Na Pudun evil spirits deterred by Devouring Deep Meaning cannot show the murderousness, and they were awakened with the power of the constellation Sea Shark Emperor.

Almost reversed the situation by yourself!

“Little bear constellation, violent bear roar!” Shi Yan whole body fresh blood drip, grinning, licking the blood on the corner of the mouth, Hehe grinning.

The silver giant bear condensed by the stars, roared up in the sky, as the fierce bear was completely angered by the fierceness, the stars that made up its body collided with each other, and the rumbled with a loud sound fell from heaven At this moment, the silver giant bear bursts and smashes!

The meteorite flow rumbling and sinking, each meteorite is like a mountain, a huge and heavy, and the bear anger.

kacha! kacha! puchi!”

The God Body was smashed directly by those meteorite bombarders. Some people ’s body masks were fragile like eggshells, and they burst when touched. Many Immortal Realm people vomited blood, and they looked even worse than Shi Yan at the moment.

“Why are you moving us?”

“You are crazy!”

“We did not deal with you again, are you crazy!”

Those people yelled fiercely shouted, one by one accused Shi Yan, filled with indignation.

Hehe, you come down from the sea thousands of miles, don’t you just come to me?” Shi Yan sneered. “Since you dare to come, you should have the consciousness to endure my anger! When I am alone, I am bullied? When my Realm is low Can you handle it? You are too naive! “

Mantian meteorite falls. Dozens of people smashed God Body, and Soul Altar had to emerge.

Whenever a Soul Altar emerges, Shi Yan directly uses Devouring Deep Meaning to submerge those altars.

The seabed of Shattered Sea, if it became Shura purgatory, dare to stay here to watch the battle Warrior, have been targeted by Shi Yan, bombarded by those meteorites.

Many people gradually realize that something is wrong. Do not dare to let God Body smash. Even if Soul Altar is hit hard, God Body must be maintained, only God Body. Soul Altar can’t be swallowed by that Devouring Deep Meaning.

Shi Yan! Do you even have to deal with us?”

“You are crazy!”

“Asshole, I will give you a Immortal Pill!”

The Tu Shiqi, Ya Yun and Long Xi Patriarch were also bombarded by three meteorites hundreds of meters high. The three of them worked together to support the meteorite, but their faces became extremely unsightly.

They yelled at Shi Yan, called Shi Yan ungrateful, and called Shi Yan ruthlessly.

Shi Yan‘s eyes fell on them, frowning, cold voice said: “Do you know what ungratefulness is? If you know, you won’t play Shattered Sea! In the Long Xi star, without my help. You Long Xi already Killed by Xin Ge, the refining soul tripod of Na Pudun old monster is enough to swallow your soul and flesh! And you! Tu Shiqi! Without me, use Space Deep Meaning to unlock, can you get out of that space lock? Without me, help you block Mei Ji You and Ya Yun were killed by Mei Ji on Long Xi star! “

“Just because I killed Ling Mei, this woman of your Mysterious Heaven Clan, you give me an explanation for Han Tian Patriarch. Just stare at me? Ling Mei almost collapsed the magnetic field of the soul bombarded by Mei Ji when I was hit hard. When you are going to destroy me completely, where are you? I haven’t seen you ask me to be fair? “Shi Yan‘s expression is somber,” Just because Ling Mei is the granddaughter of Han Tian. It is your Mysterious Heaven Clan clan because I am not your Mysterious Heaven Clan clan. If you did not promise to be your guest secretary, would you deal with me? “

After a pause, Shi Yan shouted sharply: “Why?”

Why? !


Another meteorite fell from the sky. The meteorite impacted on top of the meteorites of Tu Shiqi, Ya Yun, and Long Xi Patriarch. The two meteorites superimposed, and the impact suddenly surged.

pa pa pa!”

The God Body of Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun suddenly burst and blood spattered.

Although Long Xi Patriarch is only Clone, because he is a descendant of “Lizard”, Clone is extremely tough, but it can still be supported, but it is also trembling, and flame magma spewed out of the pupil of his eye.

He was shocked and frightened. It was only ten years later. At that time, the Long Xi star was only Origin God Boundary. When he also used his Immortal dandy breakthrough to Immortal Realm, he already had such terrifying power. At the terrible growth rate of Shi Yan, Mysterious Heaven Clan may not be able to control him in the future.

Long Xi Patriarch regretted it a little bit, and regretted not agreeing to Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun, to find Shi Yan under the sea.

Although he has been very nostalgic, he maintains Shi Yan everywhere and gives Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun opportunities to Shi Yan. However, from the moment he went to the bottom of the sea, regardless of his own attitude, he is regarded as the opposite of Shi Yan.

“Old man, you were right. The potential of this kid is really endless, we are all wrong.” The blood from the corners of Ya Yun‘s mouth flows into his chest and his face is bitter.

“I’m still wrong. I underestimated his potential. If, if he knew that he could achieve such strength so quickly, then at that time, Ling Mei should be abandoned! Hey …” Tu Shiqi sighed.

“Would you like to see it?” On the other side, Ferrell’s face was ugly, and coldly asked Li Kaduo.

Li Kaduo raised his head and looked in amazement. He was surprised to see that Shi Yan is now killing the behind, and he has no intention to intervene. At this time, listening to Ferrer ’s words, Li Kaduo smiled indifferently and said, “You have to do it yourself.” That ’s it, even though the kid is powerful, it ’s easy for you to kill him, why do n’t you move? ”

“If Sea Shark Emperor doesn’t look at me, I will move!” Ferrer scolded.

Beside Ferrer, Sea Shark Emperor‘s expression was cold, and his eyes had been locked beside Ferrer. He knew that as long as he had any action, Sea Shark Emperor‘s violent attacks would inevitably come from the ground.

He did n’t dare to guarantee that Li Kaduo and he would work together to help him deal with behind ’s Sea Shark Emperor, so he hesitated.

… As for Na Pudun. Because the fierce soul was tentatively restrained by Devouring Deep Meaning, he became the most tragic one.

Obviously has the power of Ancestor Territory Realm, but because the strongest evil spirits have been fully suppressed, but they are everywhere. At this time, they are still appeasing the evil spirits, gathering the one by one evil spirits together, gloomy looks like hesitating Don’t use some means.

Li Kaduo, Ferrer, and Na Pudun stood idly by, resulting in no Ancestor Territory coming forward to stop Shi Yan. Qi Mo and Devourer Clan people are in front of Devouring Deep Meaning. Originally, there was no counterattack, and he was attacked by Shi Yan, which shocked everyone.

The power of the constellation can work. It was easy to fall down because those people were shocked by the death of Qi Mo.

Sakimo, the realm of Immortal peak. However, he died in the hands of Shi Yan of Immortal Second Sky, and he was so suffocated, adding a shadow of First Level to their hearts.

Only a few people, such as Ming Hao and God Lord, know that Shi Yan can kill Sakimo, thanks to Devouring Deep Meaning ’s restraint on Chaos Deep Meaning!

They know that if they fight against Shi Yan for another Warrior of Immortal Third Sky, if Shi Yan wins, they will have to pay a terrible price!

They all know, but they do n’t speak. This has caused Shi Yan to overwhelm the bottom of the sea, making people self-defeating, but instead led Shi Yan to freely derive the power of the constellation to test the subtlety of his new insights Stars Deep Meaning.

The situation has gradually become strange.

Expert from various areas on the sea floor and the sea surface was originally designed to cooperate with Li Kaduo, Na Pudun, and Ferrer to hunt Shi Yan, but because of the silence of the three major Ancestor Territory, it was Shi Yan. The God Body that crashed through newcomer crashed, and sacrificial altar was swallowed.

The bottom of the sea has become **** and terrifying. Those meteorites exploded from the giant silver bear seem to have life, falling from the sky. Blow up one person and slowly ascend to heaven again. Continue to rush down again.

Everyone can see that if Shi Yan is left as chaotic, this scene will become difficult to clean up.

After hesitating for a long time, Na Pudun finally looked up. He looked at Shi Yan. “If it ’s not Devouring Deep Meaning, I ’m going to kill you. It ’s easy. Do n’t say your breakthrough to Immortal Second Sky, which is Immortal peak. There is no difference to me. Immortal Realm and Ancestor Territory The gap between … you will see. “

The sound falls, Absolute Beginning Divine Tool comes out!

refining soul tripod emerged from the top of Na Pudun, refining soul tripod came out, and the fierce soul of Na Pudun suddenly disappeared into the tripod.

The three-legged giant tripod is spinning, and countless Absolute Beginning rune spirits are creeping like snakes. There is a breath of soul, and the ghost mist of the soul appears from the surface of the tripod, and the tripod falls between the sky.

Suddenly weeping sounds came from Juding!

Crying together, countless ghosts and ghosts rushed out. There were tens of millions of them. Those ghosts and ghosts passed the stable amplification of refining soul. They were not afraid of Devouring Deep Meaning at all. child.

Several seconds, the silver giant bear condenses again!

This time, it wasn’t that it took the initiative to condense, but was dragged by those fierce ghosts, sticking together!

At a glance, the silver giant bear was wrapped in countless fierce ghosts and spirits, and then the three-legged jade tripod suddenly covered it, and the waves of soul emerged from the tripod, causing the silver giant bear to suffer a painful roar, star The inner spirit is refined, and seeks the help of Shi Yan in fear.


A fierce soul flew out, fierce soul like a lion tiger, a hundred meters high, and a huge palm teared.

chi chi!”

The God Body of Shi Yan with bruises all over the body, the fleshly body that was torn by the fierce soul has more Blood Dripping Gem, and the internal intestines and internal organs can be seen.

Na Pudun coughed violently, looking at refining soul Ding ’s gaze, somewhat complicated and difficult to understand, like using refining soul Ding to make him very uncomfortable and uncomfortable, this refining soul Ding … was not repaired, that is, he was not completely Refining, he reluctantly exerts the mystery of Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, will also suffer from backlash.

Because Devouring Deep Meaning‘s hidden restraint against the evil spirits, he had to bear the price of refining soul and backlash to kill Shi Yan.

Li Kaduo, Ferrer, stop me for a moment, Sea Shark Emperor, and let me kill this kid first.” Na Pudun coughed for a while, and suddenly shouted.

“No problem!” Ferrer agreed.

Li Kaduo looked up at Shi Yan, looked at Sea Shark Emperor again, pondered for a while, and also nodded, “I will look at Sea Shark Emperor so that he ca n’t cause you trouble.”


ps: Monthly pass Monthly pass Monthly pass ~~~ {飘 天文学 www.novelmao.comThank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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