God Of Slaughter Chapter 1290: Game

At the galaxy in the south of the Ancient God star field, there are a few stars glittering, and one of the stars of life is turning the extremely gorgeous rays of light. “”

This is the only star of the Bradley family. .

In the mystical valley of the stars, there are mountains and rivers standing, and one of the mountains mountain side hangs the stars-like bright yellow crystal balls, and the fireworks sparkle in the crystal balls.

The crystal ball is the life bead, which corresponds to the soul life of the important person of the Bradley family of one by one. No matter where the clan is, as long as the soul returns to the market, the life bead here will go out, under each life bead The characters are engraved and the corresponding names are written.

At this moment, the three life pearls shimmered and suddenly went out.

A whole body dusty old man who has been waiting for many years has a terrifying luster in his eyes, and silhouette will disappear immediately.

When he appeared again, he had arrived in a secret room. There was only one person sitting in the secret room. This person was the current patriarch of the Bradley family, Byers. Byers was in meditation and wanted breakthrough now Realm. , Into Immortal, but was disturbed by the man’s news.

“What’s the matter?” Baiers said in a deep voice.

Letka, Cook, and Jeremy’s life beads are extinguished, and Lei Xiaoxingyu may be changed.” The man answered with a bow.

Bairs’ face suddenly changed, a sorrow flashed in his eyes, he remained silent for a long time, and said: “Letka is still my brother. Persevere to let him pass, he is afraid that he will not persist for so long. “

Family Head mourns.” The old man sighed slightly.

“They won’t die in vain.” Byers took a deep breath, with a ruthless expression, and immediately waved: “communication Elder will.”



Soon, God Clan Elder will be informed of the demise of Letka, Cook, and Jeremy, knowing that Lei Xiaoxingyu is afraid of losing ground and is no longer the territory of God Clan.

The parties of God Clan were shocked.

Xiao Yao and Tomorrow Wang Wang also naturally understood this news, on Tianshen Peak, Xiao Yao teased, put his wine glass on the jade round table, said: “If you listened to me before, persuaded me to open a hole with Lei Xiaoxing Domain barriers, they may not be okay. “

Previously, Xiao Yao encouraged the King of Light tomorrow, and he collaborated with him to smash Decca Luo’s star field closed, and rushed directly into the Lei Xiao star field, but was rejected by the King of Light tomorrow.

At that time, Guangming Wang was very confident, thinking that under the seat of Letka, Cook, and Jeremy, Lei Xiaoxingyu would sit back and relax, and it would be impossible for Shi Yan to take advantage of it.

But now. Bright began to regret …

All three of Letka are Origin God Second Sky. They all came from their Bradley family, which is the most elite force in the family, and three people died at once. Let Guangming also feel a pain in his heart, he sullen his face and drained all the spirits from the jug in his hand. Immediately stood up and said, “I’m going to shoot with you now.”

Xiao Yao smiled indifferently, “You and I will work together for a maximum of half a month to break the star field barrier. That star field barrier will be condensed by Decca Luo and the star field barrier will be broken, and he will be injured as a result!” At this point, Xiao Yao‘s eyes suddenly sullen.

If it were not for Decca Luo halfway, he would have killed Shi Yan. The three bones of Bloodthirsty should also be obtained by him, Ouyang Luoshuang will not be lost, there will not be so many things.

He has treated Decca Luo as an enemy and treated the enemy. Xiao Yao will never have a hint of kindness.

Decca Luo and my family will go to the opposite side, it will be his greatest misfortune, the life of the three sons of my family. I will count on him.” Guang tomorrow Wang Shen said.


Lei Xiaoxing domain.

In the middle of Heaven Lake, a corpse with God Clan clan was shrivelled, and those who built the magnificent and magnificent palace were crushed and exploded, and the blood was covered with gravel.

The Warrior of the three Leixiao stars, Leidong, Jifeng and Harmon. For example, three afterimage shuttles beside Heaven Lake, wandering at a high speed. Kill the God Clan clan of the one by one net.

Those people, Realm are at the level of Void God and Source God. In the face of three Origin God chases, there is no chance to escape.

The Lei Xiaoxing domain is closed again. All the teleportation arrays in this area have failed. They can only be killed by one by one.

At this moment, they realized the changes of the times and realized that ten thousand years had passed, and the overlord Earth Realm of God Clan was officially challenged.

When the last God Clan clan was buried, Leidong took out Transmission Stone, licked the corner of his mouth, and sneered to spread the word: “Go on, Letka has been killed by Bloodthirsty Venerable Lord, and all God Clan clan of Heaven Lake will be slaughtered. The God Clan people in Lei Xiaoxingyu are all our targets, kill them with all our strength! “

Almost at the same time, Ji Feng and Harmon also each took out Transmission Stone, and the news came out just like Lei Dong.

Lei Dao, Ji Feng, and Harmon represent the three strongest forces in Lei Xiaoxing. They are all leaders. There are many loyal and loyal Warriors under their command. The boiling reacted.

For a time, all Warriors in the Leixiao Star Field clearly realized the huge change of Heaven Lake and knew that the Lei Xiao Star Field changed.

Many of the God Clan people scattered in various corners of the star field, who are still pretending to be powerful, suddenly changed from hunters to prey, becoming the targets of many Warrior siege and annihilation.

An action called “Zhushen” was carried out in the Leixiao star field. Every day and every moment, God Clan people were killed.

Leave message out of each, Leiyong Soul Consciousness moved around, and looked around, and found many women with exposed clothing, one by one shrank timidly in the corner, and looked at them in fear.

Lei Dong looked deeply at the beauties of all ethnic groups who had been imprisoned by Letka for many years, sighed, and rushed to Ji Feng: “Let them leave, they are all people in our Star Territory, all are poor people.” /

Jifeng nodded.

Lei Dao immediately shook silhouette and appeared above Heaven Lake. He just glanced at Shi Yan and suddenly he was startled.

Shi Yan is in a **** smoke, and there is a strong **** smell around it. The body of the red light, God Body is like a torrent of water, and it is extremely violent.

But his expression is extremely calm, Soul Altar moves with a unique rhythm, such as integration with heaven and earth Star Sea.

Lei Dao looked at him, like looking at the Star Sea of the vast mystical.

He was shocked and suddenly realized what was happening. He quickly shouted: “Block around! No one is allowed to enter. Venerable Lord is on the edge of breakthrough and must not be disturbed by anyone!”

As soon as this statement came out, Ji Feng and Harmon were shocked. Ji Feng hurriedly said a few words to the women in their clothes, and then came over with Harmon and surrounded Lei Dao by Shi Yan. Arrange barrier formation to protect Shi Yan, for fear that he will be affected by others and cause Realm breakthrough to fail.

They all reached the Origin God Boundary world, knowing that in this Realm, every time breakthrough is extremely dangerous, one accident is that it will never end.

Lei Dao is in Origin God Second Sky, he was almost soul destroyed/terror-stricken from First Sky breakthrough Second Sky, so he has a deeper experience than Ji Feng and Harmon.

Three people surrounded Shi Yan in the center, condensed their respective strengths, and transformed them into various scenes of clouds, flowers, and thunder and lightning. Each scene is portrayed by pure Divine Power and has a weak defense. force.

“We will protect this place for the time being and wait for his breakthrough to succeed.” Lei Dao said.

Ji Feng and Harmon nodded in agreement.


The depths of the gorgeous void basin.

Decca Luo Ban narrowed his eyes, Divine Light gleamed in the palm of his hand, and turned into countless cumbersome and wonderful barrier, wandering in the gap of the road, and then flocked to the Leixiao star field.

The closed star field needs to continue to exert force, that is, to reach the level of Decca Luo, it is also difficult to live a star field completely restraint with only one layout, so during this time he hid deep in the gap between the void and thunder Xiao Xingyu’s seal adds strength afterwards.

Suddenly, Decca Luo trembles, and hundreds of millions of light beams flow out of the pupil, such as one by one in different spatial miniatures.

He frowned sighed and murmured: “Xiao Yao and Guang joined hands together, the seal may not be maintained for too long, at most it can be closed for another half month, and I don’t know if it’s enough.”

He looked through the stacking space and projected on Shi Yan, and couldn’t help smiling.

At this time, Shi Yan is at the level of breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky, and he thinks that communication cannot.

He was secretly anxious and frowned, “I forcibly intervene, and I will fight for at least half a month, a month, and the kid will have to breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky, and I do n’t know if he will Resurrect enough …” /

Decca and expression are worried.

“He is the heir to that person. For ordinary people, breakthrough of Origin God Second Sky may take a long time. For him, maybe soon, and can only hope so.”


“Master, Master …”

A cry like a dream, echoed in the soul of Shi Yan, that is the voice of “Ring Spirit“.

After it was sealed by Ming Hao, it was not able to reach Shi Yan, and the communication between the two parties was cut off.

But this time Shi Yan is at the level of breakthrough, and the mind is extremely peaceful, and I do n’t know how it found a way, but even a weak news came again.

“Help me unlock the seal, what the man said is a lie, he wants to replace you, become my master, and become a new Bloodthirsty Venerable Lord. You can never trust him, master, I have followed you for years It should be clear that I have never harmed you, you should know … “

The call of Ring Spirit is intermittent, and it seems that it is going to flow the thought to Shi Yan, which is extremely difficult for it.

It ’s just that the timing it chooses is precisely at the time of Shi Yan breakthrough

In breakthrough, you must not be disturbed by foreign object, otherwise you will lose your temper Bedevilment, and your soul will die.

It takes advantage of communication Shi Yan at this time, if it is forced or mischievous.

Sounding like magic, it reverberates continuously in Shi Yan‘s mind, changing from slight to rumbling, making Shi Yan gradually uneasy.

Shi Yan closed his eyes tightly, breathing gradually, and Divine Power circulation began to stagnate everywhere in his body.

Lei Dao, Ji Feng, and Harmon’s face changed abruptly, neglecting to realize that it was not good, and they all came around and looked heavy.

Shi Yan‘s reaction at this time, if you want to get lost slowly, escape Bedevilment in breakthrough.

This is extremely bad

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