God of Illusions Chapter 996: Just wait!

“You didn’t leave me just to look at me like this.”

After Bai Xiaofei, who was left by Ye Qingcheng, followed Ye Qingcheng into the room, Ye Qingcheng, who had taken off her armor, began to watch for a long time, and she suddenly saw Bai Xiaofei panic.

“I just want to see when you can be cold, and the rumored Bai Xiaofei can laugh at all times. How did you become a person after a battle?”

Ye Qingcheng said lightly, choking Bai Xiaofei directly back in one sentence.

It is true that since being rescued by the second head, Bai Xiaofei has completely changed himself, and no one dared to talk to Bai Xiaofei about this issue for more than ten days on the way.

But Ye Qingcheng doesn’t matter so much.

“More than ten thousand people followed me, and finally…”

“Do you know how many battles to fight and how many people to die on this continent every day?”

Bai Xiaofei hasn’t finished talking yet. Ye Qingcheng interrupted him directly. A cruel question once again made Bai Xiaofei quiet.

“You are a good general, otherwise these more than six hundred people may not bring you back. And I also believe that the people who followed you were ready to die before the battle started.”

“However, I think what they want to see is not that you are depressed because of their death, but to make their death meaningful.”

Ye Qingcheng said slowly, his eyes filled with stories.

“As soon as it succeeds, some people walk on the corpse, but some people are lifted up by others, and no one will feel that you are sentient and righteous because of your guilt , Only if you keep creating amazing results, those who send you to the altar all the way will become meaningful.”

“If you stand on the top, are you still worried that you should not give those who you feel guilty of them a proper account?”

“Or, you want to always use this attitude to face people who are still around you? If so, I advise you to leave the border, you are not suitable here.”

Ye Qingcheng said that it sounded calm to Bai Xiaofei.

“You have to remember that it’s not that you killed them, but that they are willing to die for you, just like you are willing to stand in front of them, and what you want to do is not to be depressed, but to become More powerful, only…”

“Okay, I understand.”

In exchange for Bai Xiaofei interrupting Ye Qingcheng, looking at the bitter smile on Bai Xiaofei’s face, Ye Qingcheng couldn’t help but follow Yan


“Well, it seems that I am still suitable for ideological work. Why are my sisters not willing to listen to me?”

Ye Qingcheng sighed and Bai Xiaofei smiled.

“Maybe they think you are too verbose.”

As soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, his spine immediately fell cold, and a strong “killing intention” made Bai Xiaofei shake.

“What is wordy, do you mean I am old! Only old people like wordy! I am just worried about them! I am not old at all!”

Ye Qingcheng said earnestly, approaching Bai Xiaofei while talking, and the aggressive manner was like killing people.

It’s over, stepped on the sore spot…

Bai Xiaofei realized that he was in trouble, and quickly turned his head, then slowly stretched his fingers to Ye Qingcheng’s chest, and slowly raised his head to look at the ceiling.

“Your collar is a bit loose.”

Looking at Bai Xiaofei’s embarrassment, Ye Qingcheng subconsciously looked down at his collar, and his face instantly turned red.

“You didn’t see anything, right.”

Ye Qingcheng regained the position of sitting tightly and rearranged his collar and coughed seriously.

“En, I didn’t see anything white.”

“You are looking for death!”

As soon as Bai Xiaofei’s voice fell, Ye Qingcheng appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei in an instant, and his hand was already holding Bai Xiaofei’s neck.

“Are you willing, I just helped you run a 300,000 Sark army.”

Bai Xiaofei said slowly, Ye Qingcheng, who was willing to listen, was stunned.

“It’s a bit reluctant to say that.”

In an instant, Ye Qingcheng followed Bai Xiaofei’s words.

“Although I’m curious, I won’t mention the things that make you unhappy, let’s talk about what you plan to do later.”

Finally, when the topic came to the point, Ye Qingcheng released Bai Xiaofei.

“What are you referring to? Those who follow me, or about the entire frontier?”

Relaxed, Bai Xiaofei sat down with him, and he didn’t even notice. From just now, Ye Qingcheng’s repeated actions made him completely different from when he first came in.

“I want to know.”

Ye Qingcheng put on a posture that the comers refused, and looked at Bai Xiaofei with a smile.

“Then talk about the big things first.”


By clearing his throat, Bai Xiaofei instantly entered the state.

“Although I did not participate in the battle of Lingguang, judging from the situation in the city, you should fight this battle quite easily, and I have a little bit of gain there. In general, it is about the Sark Change.”

“Compared with the Saks we have learned, the Saks are now smarter, and this smart is strategically smart. Now it is absolutely certain that the person who integrated the Saks is a rare one. Commanding genius, this man is not only good at commanding himself, he even taught the entire Sark.”

“They suffered a loss in this battle, but they also made them remember. No matter who started first, the preparation of the Saks must be more complete than all of us think.”

“So, I suggest, bear with him for a month!”

Bai Xiaofei said here, Ye Qingcheng’s eyes suddenly widened.

“One month?! Do nothing?!”

Ye Qingcheng’s words were almost roared, and Bai Xiaofei was completely unmoved.

“If I’m not afraid that Qinger can’t wait, I want to say that I will endure three months.”

The language is not terrible, Bai Xiaofei said so, but Ye Qingcheng calmed down.

“Tell me why.”

“I believe you have also cleaned the battlefield. I don’t know if you have found a problem.”

Bai Xiaofei did not directly explain, but looked at Ye Qingcheng with great interest.

“I am what I am, I did not give it in vain, you want to say, the problem of Sak materials.”

After Ye Qingcheng finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei immediately laughed.

“Well~IndoMTL.com~ It seems that you are not a vase. This is the problem. The Saks have sufficient supplies for combat preparation, but the food is quite scarce. It stands to reason that the attack on Chiyue has to be prepared for eight or nine days. Coupled with the time on the road, they should not bring so much dry food.”

“So, if I guessed right, the reason why they invaded violently was probably because of food shortages and forced to help! And what they did not expect was that they found the wrong time to attack, the seven fortresses occupied were Isn’t there nothing left to store grain?”

After finishing the question, Ye Qingcheng nodded.

“China’s grain production is not high this month. The military grain is three months late, and the grain reserves of the fortress haven’t had time to fill.”

Ye Qingcheng never imagined that a problem that had caused her headache turned into a turning point in war.

“So, we just have to wait.”

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