God of Illusions Chapter 441: Confrontation, break the game!

Looking at the sudden appearance of Bai Xiaofei, listening to what shocked everyone, for a time, everyone fell into a state of coercion.

Did you make trouble? !

Making trouble at the throne ceremony? !

Don’t want to live? !

This is the first thought of the vast majority of the people, and then a thrill of watching the drama flooded everyone’s mind.

This is a play!

“Guardian! Don’t take this big-eyed kid!”

Tang Bing wanted to directly smooth Bai Xiaofei by his own identity, but the situation was somewhat unexpected, neither the Guards nor the Guards, no one moved.

Tang Bing turned his head and saw Kang Tongling and Wang Shoubing, who came out from both sides.

Seeing that the Chief of Defense did not let Tang Bing out, but the emergence of Kang Commander was indeed beyond Tang Bing’s expectations.

“Are you two rebelling?”

Trowed frowning, Tang Bing turned to put pressure on Kang Wang and wanted to break through from them. Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed.

Kang commander is the prince, Wang Shoubi is the third prince.

Both of these people were ostracized by Tang Bing, and went crazy and died…

King Commander was directly dismissed. Although Wang Shoubi chose to bear the burden of humiliation, this does not mean that he has no feelings for the three princes. The thing of knowing the grace is never clear.

The enemy’s enemy is his friend. Bai Xiaofei successfully grasped this point and was helped by Wang Shoubi in the lobby.

And he is just one of the lobbyists!

“No need to scare them. Since they dare to stand up, it means that no one is afraid of death. If you can be scared, you will not have everything today.”

Talking lightly, Bai Xiaofei pulled Tang Bing’s attention away from both Kang and Wang.

“Should you let your followers come out? How many people have the world chamber of commerce assigned to you?”

Bai Xiaofei went on to say that Tang Bing’s complexion had become ashen.

“Come here, get me this rebel thief and these two traitors!”

This time some people responded, and dozens of guards who were not ordinary people rushed up from below, and a lot of plain clothes also stood out from the crowd.

At this moment, a tidy sound of horseshoes came in. A moment later, a group of cavalrymen riding a black-scale horse surged in from all directions. The Tang soldiers had not been fully in place yet, and they were surrounded by cavalrymen. Got up.

Blackscale cavalry!

When did the ancient Yue Kingdom have such a terrifying power!

The word “horror” is reflected on Tang Bing’s face. This unexpected power is the most unacceptable.

And, under his detection, these black scale horses all seem to be true…

It’s really not true. Where can I find so many black scales immediately, but Tang Bing can’t see through Xiao Hei’s ability, you know, Xiao Hei can even be fooled by the Imperial Warcraft! Tang Bing is just a master puppet master!

“General Tang, your people seem to be scared. It seems that the World Chamber of Commerce is not treating them well. They don’t seem to be desperate!”

There was a smile on his face, Bai Xiaofei said lightly.

This time, changing Bai Xiaofei put pressure on Tang Bing!

Bai Xiaofei’s pressure is indeed useful, because Tang Bing can’t force people from the Chamber of Commerce in the world to regret the black-scale horse cavalry, to put it plainly, he can’t let others die.

There is no difference between Zhirenxia and Wupingzhiping, and it is not because of your own strength that there is a gap after all.

If Tang Bing can’t break this deadlock now, those people in the Chamber of Commerce that day will probably choose to protect themselves and abandon him.

“It seems that you are prepared, but I don’t know if you have prepared enough!”

With a sneer, Tang Bing returned to calm.

Although it seems that the situation is controlled by Bai Xiaofei, the situation on the whole is still inclined to Tang Bing, at least Tang Bing thinks so!

Because Bai Xiaofei has a fatal problem that cannot be solved.

There is no one on his side who can be equal to Tang Bing!

Maybe just after coming out, Bai Xiaofei can control the situation, but once dragged down, this fatal weakness will be magnified infinitely!

By then, Bai Xiaofei is a real rebel!

At that time, Bai Xiaofei will face a difficult situation riding a tiger!

Unfortunately, Tang Bing’s abacus was very loud, but he really underestimated Bai Xiaofei, without enough preparation, how could Bai Xiaofei stand up so stupidly…

“If you mean preparations, how to bring you down, then I think my preparations should be sufficient enough to not be sufficient.”

So, Bai Xiaofei took out the booklet that he had thrown to Baiye.

“Tang Qianqiu, the founder of the first emperor, without his help, the first emperor will never be able to ascend to the throne, but later cunning rabbits slay rabbits, Tang Qianqiu was chopped down by the whole house, and even the nine clan, but in my investigation Among them, there seem to be two people who escaped death in Tang Mansion, one is an old housekeeper who has retired from the Tang House, and the other is the younger son of General Tang who just went to play with this old housekeeper.”

Speaking of which, Bai Xiaofei paused, then looked at Tang Bing, whose mouth was twitching.

“Am I right? The four sons of the Tang family?”

Bai Xiaofei’s voice has been amplified by a loudspeaker, so everyone can hear what he said.

And this message is tantamount to pouring cold oil into a hot pot, and in a flash, everyone is fried!

Fake prince?

Is the decree true again? !

The imperial edict was also forged? !

That’s a capital crime!


Tang Bing’s cold voice rang when the argument began to sound again, and when the situation was about to get out of control.

“I admire your ability to compose stories, but everything requires evidence. I am a prince with a decree to prove it, but you are empty-mouthed! To defame the prince, do you know what sin should be?”

A fact that has been acquiesced once, Tang Bing has now refused to admit it.

And what he said is correct, Bai Xiaofei really can’t come up with any evidence, and everyone who can prove it is already dead, which is why Tang Bing dare to stand here unscrupulously.

Or even Tang Bing will not let him live to the day of the throne.

The plan to defraud Tang Bing’s collapse failed, but Bai Xiaofei didn’t mean to panic.

Because, he holds a trump card in his hand!


Laughing bitterly~IndoMTL.com~ Bai Xiaofei’s face was a little helpless, and then he sighed for a long time.

“Okay, just when I was slandering you, but I don’t admit that I slandered the prince, because you are not a prince!”

As soon as the voice fell, a stern person in the front row came out under the protection of the guards, and slowly untied the cloth covering his face.

Prince, Gu Heng!

ps: The third one is more than a million words soon. The group of book friends is still a bit deserted. Promote it. Your few dollars are a great help for me! Thanks in advance!


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