God of Illusions Chapter 1014: End of war

From the time when the Fortress of Stars was defeated, less than two months before and after, the Saks explained what they mean by successive defeats.

However, the commander Qiu Muxue used practical actions to explain what a bifacial is.

Outside, Qiu Muxue rightly encouraged the Sak warriors. After returning to his place, Qiu Muxue could not wait to open a bottle of wine and Bai Xiaofei to celebrate the current situation.

And equally happy are the warriors on the frontier of Yuehua. Everyone thought that this war would last at least one year, two years or more, but I didn’t expect that after Ye Qingcheng arrived here, it would take less than three months to add up. In time, the battle situation has been completely stabilized.

Most people counted the credit for Ye Qingcheng’s personal expedition, but Ye Qingcheng as a party became more and more clear. The battle situation in the past two months was definitely planned by Bai Xiaofei.

It’s just that Ye Qingcheng couldn’t figure out how Bai Xiaofei did this.

“According to the current situation, the city should be broken in another three days.”

Ye Qingtong said slowly, although it was a happy thing, but from the tone of Ye Qingtong he could not hear any meaning of happiness.

“Yeah, it’s over.”

Ye Qingcheng smiled bitterly, then sighed.

The two sisters were generally in a “depressed” state. They looked at each other, and the two couldn’t help laughing.

“How long have we not sat and talked together like this?”

Looking at Ye Qingtong, Ye Qingcheng’s eyes showed a touch of sister’s tenderness, and Ye Qingtong lowered his head after listening.

“Are you going to fulfill your promise?”

Ye Qingtong suddenly opened her mouth and raised her heart. After all, the reason why Ye Qingtong was willing to come to the border this time was because of the cake that Bai Xiaofei painted for her.

Now, everything has been achieved according to Bai Xiaofei’s expectations, but whether the final goal can become a reality depends on the meaning of Ye Qingcheng.

“Of course.”

Ye Qingcheng slowly exhaled two words, and Ye Qingtong was relieved.

At least, the sacrifice of more than 10,000 people was not in vain…

“I’ve lost one of my dearest people once because I shouldn’t have one. This kind of mistake, I won’t make it a second time. What’s more, I know that Yuehua came this time Now, if there is no impermanent army, I am afraid we are still worried about the fortress of colored stars.”

Ye Qingcheng said falling into a long silence, Ye Qingtong looked at her with a little hesitation in her eyes.

“You and he are impossible.”

Suddenly, Ye Qingtong broke the silence, and Ye Qingcheng, in a word, froze.

“Yuehua is inseparable from you, and he is not the kind of person who can give up freedom. If you continue this way, you are the next mother. Are you really not afraid?”

Ye Qingtong continued, and the expression on Ye Qingcheng’s face dimmed.

“I thought you would ask me when I started.”

With a wry smile, Ye Qingcheng unexpectedly did not deny or refute, with a hint of confession in his words.

“Some people take a long time to be tempted, but some people only need an instant to understand what kind of person my sister is. I also know what you are because of it, but the truth is in front of you, if you can , I hope you do not continue.”

Ye Qingtong said, the bottom of my heart seemed to overturn the chaos of the Wuwei bottle.

She doesn’t know whether it’s right or wrong to say these words, but she knows that if those words don’t come out, when that day really comes, she will deeply blame herself.

“I also know, but sometimes things are out of control,

But as you said, he is going to leave after all, and I don’t plan to do anything to leave him. “

Ye Qingcheng said with a smile, the sunshine’s smile formed a sharp contrast with the current context.

“Time will solve all problems!”

After Ye Qingcheng finished, Ye Qingtong fell silent.

It’s not that Ye Qingtong doesn’t know what to say, but she knows that it doesn’t matter what she says.

Time can indeed cure everything.

But it does not include feelings. For feelings, time will only make it ferment………


“Welcome our big actress Qiu to return, how come, today they did not want to make trouble.”

Qiu Muxue opened the door, and Bai Xiaofei’s voice immediately rang. During the past time, because of limited movement, Bai Xiaofei could only be “Jinwu Zangjiao”.

So, stimulating Qiu Muxue has become the only thing Bai Xiaofei can do.

“There will always be troubles, but can you solve the problem by tidying up?”

With a slight smile, Qiu Muxue’s face was followed by a bit more ruthless look, and Bai Xiaofei could not help but feel a cold back.

In the past two months, Bai Xiaofei once curiously tested Qiu Muxue’s strength.

Then, Bai Xiaofei deeply realized the meaning of the word “terror”!

The strength lost to Yan Raner and Bai Xiaofei recognized. After all, people have special bodies, but what is it like to be abused by a real woman? !

Yuanli can’t be used, and power alone is not an opponent. Therefore, Bai Xiaofei can now be described as a thin ice on the day he lives every day…

This makes people under the eaves!

“How do you… solve it.”

After swallowing, Bai Xiaofei has begun to contemplate the misfortune of bad luck.

“Break both legs, and then take a punch to knock off his teeth while he was crying, making him want to cry, but he couldn’t scream, and then announce who dare to take care of him. The same sin, let him die by himself.”

Qiu Muxue said while making gestures, and looking at the serious posture was not like a joke at all.

“Then if there is a retreat now, nobody should have an opinion.”

Bai Xiaofei quickly accepted the idea of ​​continuing to stimulate Qiu Muxue and turned to the topic. For a man, the desire to survive is a must…

“No, I haven’t figured it out yet.”

Qiu Muxue sighed, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

“Don’t think about it? What do you mean?”

Bai Xiaofei said, frowning, it’s all about this time, what else can I think of?

“Do you think that we will be able to return to the Sark safely after retreating?”

Qiu Muxue asked back and Bai Xiaofei immediately reacted.

“You mean, those guys taught by the gods will embarrass you?”

In one sentence, Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, Qiu Muxue sighed again.

“It’s not just embarrassment, they may even take advantage of this opportunity to kill me. You know, my saint is not the one they wanted to seal, but I used the name of Xing Luo to scam Yes, but soon they discovered that I had a tendency to get out of control, but before they started, I took someone out.”

Although Qiu Muxue’s tone was very relaxed, Bai Xiaofei heard Qiu Muxue’s dilemma at this time.

If you don’t go back to the Sark, there is no way to make a follow-up plan, but if you fail to return, you will be the handle of others.

Perhaps because of this, Qiu Muxue regarded Bai Xiaofei as a life-saving straw. She didn’t know how to plan, and

I can’t think of a way to get out 100%.

“Why didn’t you say it early?”

Qiu Muxue was annoyed and Bai Xiaofei followed in a circle in the room.

“How did you assure those people?”

After a long time, there was no way out. Bai Xiaofei had to continue to understand the situation.

“It will inevitably lead the Sak tribe to win all the strongholds in the frontier, otherwise, let them dispose at will.”

Qiu Muxue’s tone is not ordinary, as if the person to be disposed of is not her.

However, after Qiu Muxue had finished speaking about the situation, there were people who were anxious.

If there is a problem with Qiu Muxue, and not to mention whether Sungrass can get it, Bai Xiaofei himself has to finish it.

“Is there any breakthrough? Is it true that the barbarism is a monolithic one? For example, does anyone have any special hobbies that can be used to suit their own needs?”

Bai Xiaofei began to think hard about meditation, but in return, Qiu Muxue kept shaking his head.

After that, Bai Xiaofei officially entered the infinite circle mode. After a while, Bai Xiaofei proposed a method, and Qiu Muxue denied it immediately.

For half a night, until Qiu Muxue was so sleepy that Bai Xiaofei continued to think about it.

Until Qiu Muxue’s door was knocked.

“What I don’t know is that Mu Xue is studying countermeasures.”

Pushing open the door, Lan Shuang pulled the two out of their state in one sentence.

“So what do you know?”

Qiu Muxue took Lan Shuang’s words naturally, but after Lan Shuang gave the answer, Qiu Muxue regretted it.

“I thought you two could not control the fire!”

As soon as Lan Shuang’s words fell, there was a sudden “killing intention” in the room.

“Why, I’ve hit it, do you want to kill people?” I tell you, before I die, I will definitely make everyone known! The gods teach the saint to steal men, this news is Not very popular?”

Seeing that Qiu Muxue was about to start, Lan Shuang successfully pulled himself back from the ghost gate in one sentence.

“Let’s talk, do not sleep in the middle of the night and go around here, what do you want?”

Lan Shuang looked at Bai Xiaofei. Bai Xiaofei, who was about to give up, briefly explained the situation.

“What’s so good about this? Didn’t you tell him?”

After listening to the meeting, Lan Shuang immediately looked at Qiu Muxue with a face full of disbelief, and the voice was not falling. Qiu Muxue rushed directly to cover her mouth.

“What didn’t you tell me?”

Bai Xiaofei’s ears weren’t given by Bai, and when he saw a turnaround, he immediately joined them.

“No! She said everything! She talked nonsense!”

Qiu Muxue immediately came to deny the triple, but unfortunately Bai Xiaofei was not so easy to buy.

“Okay, that’s all the big difference, I hope your identity as a saint will allow us to choose a better cemetery.”

Bai Xiaofei said sitting down~IndoMTL.com~ Qiu Muxue was embarrassed by his self-violent posture.

“Uh… don’t you continue to think of a way?”

Bai Xiaofei didn’t respond.

“You have to be confident! I believe you can do it!”

Bai Xiaofei still didn’t respond. He even picked up the fruit on the table and nibbled up.

“Okay! The surname is Bai, you’re ruthless! I’ll do it!!!”


As soon as Qiu Muxue’s words fell, Bai Xiaofei turned his head in an instant, and put on a deaf ear.

Women, it’s time to clean up!

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