God of Cooking Chapter 44:



While Kaya’s team was in the middle of that, Martin was treating an unexpected customer . Emily Potter . It was her .

Of course, it wouldn’t be too weird to see them together . Because in the first place, they were director and performer . But right now, Emily didn’t seek Martin as a performer .

Emily smiled brightly .

“It’s been a while, since we met in a place without cameras, Martin . ”
“Yes . But what happened? Are you going to agree to that proposal I made?”

Martin looked at her expectantly but Emily shook her head . Martin didn’t get disappointed and asked .

“Then why……?”
“Well, as you and I are both busy people I will go straight to the point . About that proposal, i’m thinking about it . About the tasting program that follows after Grand Chef . ”
“Saying that you are thinking about it means that you have some kind of proposal?”
“You are right . You really are tactful . I want Jo Minjoon . ”

At those words, Martin’s face got strange . Only then did Emily think that saying that she wanted Jo Minjoon could be interpreted in many ways . However, there was no need to correct it . Because Martin wasn’t the kind of person to not know the meaning of it . He opened his mouth .

“Is it because of his talent in tasting?”
“Yes . If the performers of the program aren’t set yet, you can at least put me and Jo Minjoon . ”
“But what is Jo minjoon thinking……?”
“That’s not a problem I should be worrying about . Isn’t the director in charge of recruiting?”

Emily’s words were right . Martin fell in his thoughts . Aside from Jo Minjoon’s opinion, he could only think if the combination was the ideal one . Originally, the program Martin thought of was about sending epicureans with good reputation on a tasting travel . However .

‘Will Jo Minjoon fit in that kind of place?’

Of course, it was true that Jo Minjoon’s sense of taste was well developed . Wasn’t the sensitiveness of his tongue not comparable to any of the epicureans? But although Jo Minjoon was a pearl, he was in a non polished state . He still felt unrest letting him star as an epicurean .

And Emily saw Martin’s uneasiness .

“Of course, it would be a bit different to what you had in plan . But I promise you . Although the direction changes a little, the fun wouldn’t . ”
“I agree with that . Because aside from Jo Minjoon’s talent, he can plentily become a star . ”
“Then I will be waiting for a good response . Call me when you have decided . ”
“Whew………The work has increased . ”
“Increased? Did you have other work to do?”

At Emily’s question, Martin let out a sigh bitterly . He replied with an exhausted voice .

“There surged a little problem in Kaya’s team . Precisely speaking, it would be better to say that discord formed . ”
“Well, I was also uneasy . Kaya is a good chef, but she’s not the type to guide a person . Who did she clash with?”
“Peter Gray . It was him . ”
“Ah…… . . ”

Emily nodded as if she had understood . Peter’s skill was fairly good, but his character was really back . But his skills were only good if you talked about the early stages of the qualifying rounds . The participants that survived didn’t have bad skills, and compared to them, he had quite a lot of lacking points . And even Peter himself would be feeling that .

Even so, saying that a fierce character got fiercer wasn’t a weird thing to say . Emily opened her mouth .

“However, isn’t it unrelevant? In your case, it would be better if that kind of trouble surges up because you can use it for broadcasting material . Shouldn’t you rather be more happy?”
“Of course, I should be if it was only broadcasted . But in the end, this broadcast flows through the participants . If by chance, a bad atmosphere spreads, their attitudes and emotions will also be transmitted through the screen . If you take into account the long term, it isn’t good . ”
“In the end it’s that . That you have to take care of the participants mental health to a point . Right?”
“You are right . ”

Martin nodded . It was at that moment . Emily fell in her thoughts for a moment and clapped her hands and opened her mouth .

“Now that I think about it, the fourth episode is broadcasted today, right? What is it about? Depending on the contents, the moods of the participants would also differ like heaven and earth . ”

Martin replied with an awkward smile .

After finishing dinner, Jo Minjoon and the teammates all gathered in the resting room . Peter, that was feeling bad and went back to his room, came out as if he was also curious about the broadcast . It was also an obvious thing for the other team to come out . Jo Minjoon poked Marco’s side and asked .

“What did you get in charge of?”
“It’s a secret . They told me not to say it . ”
“Ey, you can at least tell me that . Even so, it’s really obvious . It’s dessert right?”

Marco didn’t reply and rolled his eyes . It was at that moment . Anderson grabbed Marco’s arm and stood up from the place . Anderson was looking at Jo Minjoon coldly .

“What are you doing acting like a spy?”
“I’m a spy?”
“Of course, how else can you express stealing information?”
“Honestly, doesn’t it not matter?”
“You don’t know about that . So what are you in charge of?”

Jo Minjoon was about to reply when he frowned .

“You don’t want to tell me but you want me to tell you?”
“I want to say those words back at you . ”
“Leave it . I’m not curious . ”

Jo Minjoon snorted and turned his head . Anderson looked at Jo Minjoon acting like that, and after he laughed coldly he dragged Marco and said .

“Don’t play with the other team . Especially with that guy . He’s a guy that has his insides black . ”
“Ah, no…… . Sorry Minjoon . I will leave . ”

Jo Minjoon looked at Anderson and Marco getting farther and put on a perplexed face . Anderson was Anderson, but looking at Marco, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal . Could this feeling be described like when you were in school . When your friend you used to believe was your best friend goes and play with another guy when the class separates in half .

“You got dumped?”

Chloe sat next to him and asked teasingly . Jo Minjoon let out a laugh and replied .

“What are you talking about?”

Jo Minjoon looked back at Chloe . She was rather well dressed up . She was wearing a lined bandana on her head, and a red and white flowered one piece . Actually, it was a fashion he didn’t know how to evaluate . It seemed like an alps girl from the 80’s and a korean girl were standing in a boundary line . Jo Minjoon said awkwardly .

“Those clothes are pretty . ”
“Really? Actually, I really like them . ”

Maybe, if he had said that it was weird, she would have gotten depressed . Jo Minjoon let out a sigh of relief and changed the subject .

“And Peter?”
“He seemed to have calmed down a lot . Compared to before, he became milder . ”
“What a relief . You made so he didn’t approach Kaya, right?”
“In the first place, even if I tried to make them see each other, they wouldn’t even get close . ”
“Well, he also doesn’t want to get close to you . ”

Jo Minjoon shrugged his shoulders . Saying the truth, it seemed like Peter was more disappointed than Kaya . Because he had bad mouthed them, and also evaluated his dish as a 5 . He could think that he was hated . Chloe let out a sigh .

“You said what you needed to . You did well . ”
“But I didn’t say that I regretted it . ”
“You seemed bothered . ”
“How could I get to that point?”
“It would be good if you are weren’t . . ”

Chloe talked like that and put on a light smile . It was a smile you couldn’t hate . Jo Minjoon shut his mouth and turned his head . The broadcast was starting .

The fourth episode was about the qualifying rounds, like it was announced previously . It started in Grand Chef’s house along the participant’s faces and admiration noises . Among those, there were unfamiliar faces and also ones that were not present in this place .

After the participants, a scene which the judges presented Grand Chef passed, and after that was the catfish . The perplexed faces of the participants were shown in front of the wiggling catfish but among those, Jo Minjoon’s comparatively calm face flashed through the screen . Chloe exclaimed and poked Jo Minjoon’s shoulder .

“Did you see? Did you see? You appeared just then . ”
“I did . ”

Jo Minjoon replied with a calm voice and kept watching at the screen . And he could feel how competitive was that mission . There were many participants that were kicked out for not being able to trim the fish well . It was a situation where they had to shorten a hundred people to a few tens . The level of the evaluation was quite harsh, so he felt quite proud to have passed that mission .

While he was thinking about those things, the screen showed Jo Minjoon . It wasn’t that he flashed by just like before, but a scene where he was cooking properly was shown . The way he was frying the catfish skin, and how he was making puré sauce . And aside from him, participants like Kaya, Anderson, Chloe or Hugo were also shown . Jo Minjoon let out a sigh and said .

“…… . . I will be mentioned in the internet, right?”
“You don’t want that?”
“I don’t, but i’m also expecting to it . If only good words were posted, why would I not like it? However, the ill comments that were casually posted were quite hurting . ”
“If we are like that, then how hard should it be for Kaya? Whew, I would feel more comfortable if internet didn’t exist . ”

At Chloe’s words, Jo Minjoon looked at Kaya . She was almost glaring at the TV from a separated seat with her usual cold face . Was she nervous? Jo Minjoon whispered to Chloe .

“Go next to Kaya . I think that if I go now, she will start to grumble . ”
“Okay . ”

Chloe got up and sat next to Kaya . Fortunately, Kaya didn’t get annoyed at her . Rather, a smile was formed in an instant, so it seemed that in heart, she wanted her to come .

The broadcast was soon ending . Good comments and bad ones from the participants were said, and after the logo of Grand Chef showed up, the screen turned black . It was at that moment when the participants started to stand up thinking that it had ended . The screen brightened up a little and it showed Jo Minjoon’s image .

And at that moment, Jo Minjoon let out a sigh . Because the ones that were on the screen were Kaya and himself . It seemed like they just inserted the sounds of their microphones, but in the TV only the sound of tableware clashing and the conversation from Kaya and Jo Minjoon was heard .

“It’s delicious . ”
“Yours too . ”

Making their lingering voices as the ending, the broadcast finally ended . Jo Minjoon couldn’t help but get bewildered . Just what was that scene for them to edit it and to show it like a cut scene that came after a movie?

Hugo that was seated in front of them turned his head . He grinned and said .

“It’s delicious . ”
“Yours too . ”

At Hugo’s words, another voice was heard immediately . This voice was so close that he could even feel the heat coming from the mouth in his neck . As he looked back surprisedly, he saw Carlos looking at him treacherously . Jo Minjoon frowned and said .

“It’s edited . ”
“Carlos . Do you hear something?”
“What? A lie?”
“A conscience ripping sound . ”
“…… . You have to also get through that to get ahold of yourselves . ”

Jo Minjoon replied hopelessly . It was at that moment when Carlos and Hugo were grinning and teasing Jo Minjoon . Joanne came running as if she was surprised at something . And she was even wearing high heels .

“Loo, look at this . You rose in the search engines!”
“…… . Who?”

Jo Minjoon asked thinking ‘maybe’ . Joanne showed her handphone as if he was asking something obvious . Jo Minjoon’s face froze . The name, no, the names that rose in the portal’s search engine were quite familiar .

3 NEW — Jo Min Jun and Kaya Lotus

< Unexpected fame (1) > End


Translator’s note: Regular chapter .  Thanks for reading and for your support!

Translator : Subak
Proofreader : Maled

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