God-level Closed Beta Player Chapter 442: Strategies

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The safe house in the castle dungeon is a prison cell.

It is entirely made of large bluestones. Except for a low iron door and a few finger-thick ventilation holes, there are no windows connecting to the outside world, so the air does not circulate and is very dirty. Everyone in Yuantuan has gas masks and oxygen cylinders.

“How long will you be here?”

Su Tanxia squatted on the ground, feeling very uncomfortable, because she was wearing a gas mask, so her voice was very dull.

“Wait for both of them and the boss to lose!”

Ji Shihan doesn’t want to stay here either, because it’s too narrow.

This prison room is not only small, but also only one and a half meters high. People from the Shenyuan Group squeezed in, and it was overcrowded, so they could only squat down.

“It’s better to go out and play a game!”

Tang Tang felt uncomfortable squatting, so he simply sat down cross-legged.

“If you can’t bear it, you will make a big mess!”

As a big star, Qin Shu should have never experienced hardship, but at this time he is more calm than others.

“Hold on, everyone!”

Encourage Sun Yuan!

He has been staring at the map, because his location has been displayed on the map, so in order to avoid the exposure of the gods, he is ready to leave, but he soon discovered that the Shangjing Trojan is not shameless enough to accurately locate his location to the point of centimeters.

So Sun Yuan also stayed in the prison cell.

However, even if Sun Yuan goes out, the giant killer players will not be able to find him, because his ghost ring has an invisibility effect.

The dungeon is not small, Liu Haiquan let people disperse, looking for the trace of Sun Yuan.

He wanted to use a carpet search, but the cells were like hives within a hive, and it was impossible for people to take care of every place.

After the Giant Killer player discovered the treasure chest in the stone prison, he immediately turned his attention from looking for Sun Yuan to finding the treasure chest.

Killing Sun Yuan, the loot will also belong to Li Qingpeng, and everyone will be rewarded with a few thousand points at most.

For ordinary players, a few thousand points is a lot, but these people are the main elites of giant killers, and they are wearing five or six dragon-slaying outfits. Who cares about those points?

It is different if you pick up the treasure box, you can swallow it alone.

Even Liu Haiquan opened the treasure chest as soon as he found it.

After the treasure chest is opened, there is a certain chance that demons will appear, so in the dungeon, the battle broke out.

After Li Qingpeng figured out what was going on, he didn’t stop them.

One is that these treasure chests don’t look luxurious, and there should be no good things in them, and the other is that excessive oppression will make the guild fall apart.

Li Qingpeng has self-knowledge. Everyone follows him because they can live a better life. Once their interests are harmed, these guys will definitely leave.

After all, being able to be the main force in the giant killer, no matter which guild you go to in Shangjing, you can get a job.

Li Qingpeng’s laissez-faire made the main players even more unscrupulous, and those who were close to each other began to form groups, striving to get more treasure boxes.

Twenty minutes later, when the ten treasure chests were opened, a strong cold current swept across the dungeon of the castle, causing the temperature here to drop below zero in an instant.

Crack! Click!

The wet ground began to freeze and become slippery.

The breath exhaled by the players turned into white mist.

Liu Haiquan immediately found Li Qingpeng: “Head, something is wrong here, do you want to leave first?”

“The boss should be here!”

Li Qingpeng looked around.

Frost began to appear on the ground and walls, and the players with weaker physiques all began to shiver from the cold.

“Head, you don’t want to fight, do you?”

Liu Haiquan was worried: “That Sun Yuan hasn’t been found yet!”

He glanced at the map again, the position of the red dot has not changed, the guy is here, he should be hiding in a safe house somewhere.

“Can’t you?”

Li Qingpeng asked back.

“It’s too dangerous!”

Liu Haiquan does not recommend doing this, that Sun Yuan can kill the boss and get top-quality equipment, so he is obviously a capable player.

“Call everyone over here!”

Li Qingpeng cannot withdraw, otherwise he will lose followers.

The main force also discovered the abnormal situation in the dungeon, knowing that the situation was urgent, they stopped grabbing the treasure box one by one, but assembled quickly.

The gathering of so many people naturally attracted the attention of the boss.

“Dirty humans, dare to defile my lair, today, you will all die!”

With a terrifying roar, ice and snow rose up, covering the sky and the sun, among which were mixed with ice guns with thick wrists, roaring towards it.


Li Qingpeng shouted.

The main force fired with guns, immediately forming a firepower net, smashing those ice guns, but the cold current still blew over.

Crack! Click!

The players’ eyebrows, hair, and skin began to freeze.

“A coward who hides his head and shrinks his tail, come out if you have the ability, and see how I chop off your dog’s head!”

Li Qingpeng is a strong general.

It’s a pity that it doesn’t work.

“Haha, I won’t fall for it, you just wait to be frozen into ice sculptures!”

The boss laughed, very wildly.

In the confinement room, everyone in the Shenyuan group was also terribly cold.

“We’re not going to die here, are we?”

Zhen Yu folded her hands on her chest, shivering from the cold, Shen Jingran was smarter than her, and took advantage of the opportunity to hug Sun Yuan.

“Shh, it’s started!”

Su Tanxia listened attentively, because she couldn’t see, so she could only obtain information by listening.

“Sun Yuan, it’s so warm around you!”

Jiang Shudan wanted to put her arms around Sun Yuan, but in name, she was Sun Yuan’s university teacher, so she was embarrassed to do it in front of so many people.

Gu Ran and Yang Weiyuan had noticed it a long time ago, and even rubbed against Sun Yuan.

Sun Yuan shrugged his shoulders.

His protective clothing is a divine outfit, and it’s called Shuguang. Although the attribute introduction doesn’t mention constant temperature and warmth, it’s a basic function for a legendary outfit.

Actually, Zhen Yu’s physique is very poor, but even she can endure it, because the legendary equipment obtained in version 1.0 is still in effect, otherwise, if she were an ordinary player, she would have frozen to death.

“Why is there no fighting?”

Tang Tang was puzzled and lowered his voice: “Sun Yuan, what did the ghost cat see?”

“The boss hasn’t shown up yet!”

Sun Yuan explained.


A group of people were astonished and didn’t quite understand what it meant.

As an internal beta player, Sun Yuan certainly knows about it.

In this boss battle, the first step is to find the boss, otherwise you will freeze to death if you don’t see the boss.

Sun Yuan died five times in the mobile game before finding that guy.

The pressure came to Li Qingpeng’s side, even if the boss doesn’t show up, it’s useless for him to be invincible.

“Look separately!”

Li Qingpeng was decisive and ordered immediately.

The main force immediately dispersed.

But ten minutes passed, everyone was dying of cold, but nothing was found.

“Fuck, it’s minus 50 degrees, isn’t it?”

The five basic attributes of Liu Hai’s body have been strengthened by twelve times, but now he is froze from the cold: “Leader, why don’t you take a break first?”

“Look again!”

Li Qingpeng didn’t want to give up.

Those **** masters have high requirements, once the players they support show poor performance, they will give up immediately.

In less than five minutes, the main players were so cold that they couldn’t take it anymore, and some of them sneaked towards the steps without Li Qingpeng’s permission.

When they stepped onto the steps and walked more than ten meters, a pure white breath of frost blew down from the passage.


Because there was no way to avoid it, these unlucky ones were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

“Leader, the boss seems to be outside the dungeon!”

Someone saw this scene and immediately shouted.

Li Qingpeng came over, but he didn’t charge rashly, but waited and watched.

“The voice of ***oss is in the dungeon, making me think this guy is also inside, but I didn’t expect it to be outside!”

Liu Haiquan felt fooled.

“Old Miao, you have the ability of the fire department, go for it!”

After Li Qingpeng finished speaking, he looked back again.

He is suspecting that this is a trap.

Because according to common sense, many players are in such a low-temperature environment, and they must run away immediately, so the boss is hiding outside the dungeon, isn’t it self-defeating?


A middle-aged man stood up and took a sharp breath.


Orange red flames burned immediately on his body, and then he rushed towards the passage.

Tick tock! tick!

The frost frozen in the tunnel was melted by the high temperature and dripped on the ground.

“Come on, go! Go! Go!”

Liu Haiquan yelled, but before everyone entered the passage, they saw the light inside go dark, followed by Lao Miao and let out a miserable scream.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, terror began to appear on their faces, and then they looked at Li Qingpeng in unison.

At this time, of course it is the strongest one!

“No, this is a trap!”

Li Qingpeng feels that he guessed it right: “If you don’t kill the boss, you won’t be able to get out of this dungeon. Keep going, everyone, and look carefully!”

The players have no choice but to act if they don’t want to sit still.

The confinement room, the anxiety of everyone in the Shenyuan group.

“Why haven’t you started yet?”

Tang Tang complained.

Sun Yuan squeezed the center of his eyebrows, Nima, originally he wanted to make a profit, but Li Qingpeng couldn’t find the boss, so he was also drunk.

If it goes on like this, Sun Yuan has a magical costume and can’t die, but other people can’t bear it, otherwise Li Qingpeng can really be consumed to death.

Forget it!

Give them a hand!

“You wait here, I’m going out to make trouble!”

After Sun Yuan disappeared, he left the prison room.

He let the ghost cat show up on purpose to lure them to the boss.

“Come on, come on, there’s a black cat here!”

A young man screamed and immediately ran after him. It must be unusual for a cat to appear in this environment.

The players swarmed.

Li Qingpeng was also chasing after him, and when he passed by a prison cell, he found that it was the most frosty.


Li Qingpeng suddenly realized.

Since the boss can release cold currents, the place closest to it should be the hardest frozen!

Damn it, what did I think of it just now?

While blaming himself, Li Qingpeng took out a Gatling six-barreled machine gun and fired at the cell!

Da da da!

The bullets howled, smashed the log fence, and sent stone powder flying.

Within ten seconds, a stone wall was shattered, revealing a space, and there was a snowman in it, who let out a breath.

Crack! Click!

The incoming bullets froze immediately and fell to the ground with a jingle.

“Found it, here it is!”

Li Qingpeng shouted.

“Leader Niu o!”

The players cheered and rushed over.

Li Qingpeng had already forgotten about Sun Yuan at this moment, he had suffered such a big loss, all he could think about was killing this boss.

In the live broadcast room, the gods and masters posted barrages with great interest.

[The situation is getting better! 】

The little princess is very happy, Sun Yuan can miss it.

【Don’t get too excited, this Li Qingpeng looks very fierce, maybe kill the boss, and then destroy the God’s Fate Group, and eat it all in one bite! 】

The meat-loving monk appreciates Li Qingpeng’s style: [If it wins this battle, I will give it a big firework! 】

【This Sun Yuan is an old cunt! 】

Plum Blossom Fairy made a hey smile: [But I like it! 】

【Sun Yuan, come out quickly, pull the boss and kill Li Qingpeng together! 】

The Dark Demon God is impatient.

You obviously have strong strength, why do you have to play this trick?

No matter what the gods think, Sun Yuan will definitely follow his own pace. After all, the gods don’t hurt their backs when they stand and talk. If he fails, he will lose his life.

Leading the main team, Li Qingpeng began to fight against the devil snowman.

In the dungeon, a blizzard blew up, blocking the view, and soon there was snow on the ground, making it extremely difficult for people to move.

“Damn it, this guy turned the dungeon into a home game!”

Liu Haiquan scolded.

“Don’t talk nonsense, just do it!”

A horse owned by Li Qingpeng.

Sun Yuan hid in the dark, using the ghost cat to observe Li Qingpeng’s every move, his skills, handedness, and fighting routines he is good at…

Sun Yuan wrote it all down.

It has to be said that the Giant Killer became one of the five major guilds in Shangjing because of several factors. Under the leadership of Li Qingpeng, these main forces took down the Demon Yeti at the cost of twelve people lost in battle.


The snowman fell to the ground, his belly exploded ~IndoMTL.com~ and a ball of light exploded.

Liu Haiquan rushed over immediately, picked up the light ball, and handed it to Li Qingpeng.

“Hurry up and heal!”

Li Qingpeng ordered.

He looked at his dead companions and was very depressed. The field was too narrow for everyone to form a formation, which made it inconvenient for dodging and rescue, otherwise so many people would not have died.

“That Sun Yuan is still here!”

Liu Haiquan glanced at the map, but the position of the red dot did not move.

“Sun Yuan, I know you are here, don’t hide, come out!”

Li Qingpeng shouted.

“Want to kill me? In the next life!”

There was a sudden mocking sound from the other side of the passage.

Li Qingpeng immediately started, rushed over, and then he saw a young man plunged into the passageway, apparently about to run away.


Li Qingpeng shouted loudly and chased after him, but when he passed by a prison cell, he caught a glimpse of a silver light in the corner of his eye.


“There is an ambush!”

Li Qingpeng’s eyelids twitched, and he dodged immediately, but he was still stabbed in the shoulder.

This startled him.

Sneakers are strong.

“Are you?”

Li Qingpeng frowned when he saw Su Tanxia. This girl is so beautiful, and more importantly, her temperament is cold and proud.

Immediately, Li Qingpeng’s gaze fell on the Tang knife in Su Tanxia’s hand.

This weapon is not good enough, if it is changed to a legendary level, I will already be injured.

In the passage, Qin De revealed half of his head.

His task was to lure the enemy into the depths and give Su Tanxia a chance to sneak attack, but unexpectedly he still failed to injure Li Qingpeng.

“Are you Sun Yuan?”

After Li Qingpeng asked, he heard the screams from the group members.

Damn it!

It’s time to tune the tiger away from the mountain!


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God-level Closed Beta Player Chapter 442: Strategies

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The safe house in the castle dungeon is a prison cell.

It is entirely made of large bluestones. Except for a low iron door and a few finger-thick ventilation holes, there are no windows connecting to the outside world, so the air does not circulate and is very dirty. Everyone in Yuantuan has gas masks and oxygen cylinders.

“How long will you be here?”

Su Tanxia squatted on the ground, feeling very uncomfortable, because she was wearing a gas mask, so her voice was very dull.

“Wait for both of them and the boss to lose!”

Ji Shihan doesn’t want to stay here either, because it’s too narrow.

This prison room is not only small, but also only one and a half meters high. People from the Shenyuan Group squeezed in, and it was overcrowded, so they could only squat down.

“It’s better to go out and play a game!”

Tang Tang felt uncomfortable squatting, so he simply sat down cross-legged.

“If you can’t bear it, you will make a big mess!”

As a big star, Qin Shu should have never experienced hardship, but at this time he is more calm than others.

“Hold on, everyone!”

Encourage Sun Yuan!

He has been staring at the map, because his location has been displayed on the map, so in order to avoid the exposure of the gods, he is ready to leave, but he soon discovered that the Shangjing Trojan is not shameless enough to accurately locate his location to the point of centimeters.

So Sun Yuan also stayed in the prison cell.

However, even if Sun Yuan goes out, the giant killer players will not be able to find him, because his ghost ring has an invisibility effect.

The dungeon is not small, Liu Haiquan let people disperse, looking for the trace of Sun Yuan.

He wanted to use a carpet search, but the cells were like hives within a hive, and it was impossible for people to take care of every place.

After the Giant Killer player discovered the treasure chest in the stone prison, he immediately turned his attention from looking for Sun Yuan to finding the treasure chest.

Killing Sun Yuan, the loot will also belong to Li Qingpeng, and everyone will be rewarded with a few thousand points at most.

For ordinary players, a few thousand points is a lot, but these people are the main elites of giant killers, and they are wearing five or six dragon-slaying outfits. Who cares about those points?

It is different if you pick up the treasure box, you can swallow it alone.

Even Liu Haiquan opened the treasure chest as soon as he found it.

After the treasure chest is opened, there is a certain chance that demons will appear, so in the dungeon, the battle broke out.

After Li Qingpeng figured out what was going on, he didn’t stop them.

One is that these treasure chests don’t look luxurious, and there should be no good things in them, and the other is that excessive oppression will make the guild fall apart.

Li Qingpeng has self-knowledge. Everyone follows him because they can live a better life. Once their interests are harmed, these guys will definitely leave.

After all, being able to be the main force in the giant killer, no matter which guild you go to in Shangjing, you can get a job.

Li Qingpeng’s laissez-faire made the main players even more unscrupulous, and those who were close to each other began to form groups, striving to get more treasure boxes.

Twenty minutes later, when the ten treasure chests were opened, a strong cold current swept across the dungeon of the castle, causing the temperature here to drop below zero in an instant.

Crack! Click!

The wet ground began to freeze and become slippery.

The breath exhaled by the players turned into white mist.

Liu Haiquan immediately found Li Qingpeng: “Head, something is wrong here, do you want to leave first?”

“The boss should be here!”

Li Qingpeng looked around.

Frost began to appear on the ground and walls, and the players with weaker physiques all began to shiver from the cold.

“Head, you don’t want to fight, do you?”

Liu Haiquan was worried: “That Sun Yuan hasn’t been found yet!”

He glanced at the map again, the position of the red dot has not changed, the guy is here, he should be hiding in a safe house somewhere.

“Can’t you?”

Li Qingpeng asked back.

“It’s too dangerous!”

Liu Haiquan does not recommend doing this, that Sun Yuan can kill the boss and get top-quality equipment, so he is obviously a capable player.

“Call everyone over here!”

Li Qingpeng cannot withdraw, otherwise he will lose followers.

The main force also discovered the abnormal situation in the dungeon, knowing that the situation was urgent, they stopped grabbing the treasure box one by one, but assembled quickly.

The gathering of so many people naturally attracted the attention of the boss.

“Dirty humans, dare to defile my lair, today, you will all die!”

With a terrifying roar, ice and snow rose up, covering the sky and the sun, among which were mixed with ice guns with thick wrists, roaring towards it.


Li Qingpeng shouted.

The main force fired with guns, immediately forming a firepower net, smashing those ice guns, but the cold current still blew over.

Crack! Click!

The players’ eyebrows, hair, and skin began to freeze.

“A coward who hides his head and shrinks his tail, come out if you have the ability, and see how I chop off your dog’s head!”

Li Qingpeng is a strong general.

It’s a pity that it doesn’t work.

“Haha, I won’t fall for it, you just wait to be frozen into ice sculptures!”

The boss laughed, very wildly.

In the confinement room, everyone in the Shenyuan group was also terribly cold.

“We’re not going to die here, are we?”

Zhen Yu folded her hands on her chest, shivering from the cold, Shen Jingran was smarter than her, and took advantage of the opportunity to hug Sun Yuan.

“Shh, it’s started!”

Su Tanxia listened attentively, because she couldn’t see, so she could only obtain information by listening.

“Sun Yuan, it’s so warm around you!”

Jiang Shudan wanted to put her arms around Sun Yuan, but in name, she was Sun Yuan’s university teacher, so she was embarrassed to do it in front of so many people.

Gu Ran and Yang Weiyuan had noticed it a long time ago, and even rubbed against Sun Yuan.

Sun Yuan shrugged his shoulders.

His protective clothing is a divine outfit, and it’s called Shuguang. Although the attribute introduction doesn’t mention constant temperature and warmth, it’s a basic function for a legendary outfit.

Actually, Zhen Yu’s physique is very poor, but even she can endure it, because the legendary equipment obtained in version 1.0 is still in effect, otherwise, if she were an ordinary player, she would have frozen to death.

“Why is there no fighting?”

Tang Tang was puzzled and lowered his voice: “Sun Yuan, what did the ghost cat see?”

“The boss hasn’t shown up yet!”

Sun Yuan explained.


A group of people were astonished and didn’t quite understand what it meant.

As an internal beta player, Sun Yuan certainly knows about it.

In this boss battle, the first step is to find the boss, otherwise you will freeze to death if you don’t see the boss.

Sun Yuan died five times in the mobile game before finding that guy.

The pressure came to Li Qingpeng’s side, even if the boss doesn’t show up, it’s useless for him to be invincible.

“Look separately!”

Li Qingpeng was decisive and ordered immediately.

The main force immediately dispersed.

But ten minutes passed, everyone was dying of cold, but nothing was found.

“Fuck, it’s minus 50 degrees, isn’t it?”

The five basic attributes of Liu Hai’s body have been strengthened by twelve times, but now he is froze from the cold: “Leader, why don’t you take a break first?”

“Look again!”

Li Qingpeng didn’t want to give up.

Those **** masters have high requirements, once the players they support show poor performance, they will give up immediately.

In less than five minutes, the main players were so cold that they couldn’t take it anymore, and some of them sneaked towards the steps without Li Qingpeng’s permission.

When they stepped onto the steps and walked more than ten meters, a pure white breath of frost blew down from the passage.


Because there was no way to avoid it, these unlucky ones were directly frozen into ice sculptures.

“Leader, the boss seems to be outside the dungeon!”

Someone saw this scene and immediately shouted.

Li Qingpeng came over, but he didn’t charge rashly, but waited and watched.

“The voice of ***oss is in the dungeon, making me think this guy is also inside, but I didn’t expect it to be outside!”

Liu Haiquan felt fooled.

“Old Miao, you have the ability of the fire department, go for it!”

After Li Qingpeng finished speaking, he looked back again.

He is suspecting that this is a trap.

Because according to common sense, many players are in such a low-temperature environment, and they must run away immediately, so the boss is hiding outside the dungeon, isn’t it self-defeating?


A middle-aged man stood up and took a sharp breath.


Orange red flames burned immediately on his body, and then he rushed towards the passage.

Tick tock! tick!

The frost frozen in the tunnel was melted by the high temperature and dripped on the ground.

“Come on, go! Go! Go!”

Liu Haiquan yelled, but before everyone entered the passage, they saw the light inside go dark, followed by Lao Miao and let out a miserable scream.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, terror began to appear on their faces, and then they looked at Li Qingpeng in unison.

At this time, of course it is the strongest one!

“No, this is a trap!”

Li Qingpeng feels that he guessed it right: “If you don’t kill the boss, you won’t be able to get out of this dungeon. Keep going, everyone, and look carefully!”

The players have no choice but to act if they don’t want to sit still.

The confinement room, the anxiety of everyone in the Shenyuan group.

“Why haven’t you started yet?”

Tang Tang complained.

Sun Yuan squeezed the center of his eyebrows, Nima, originally he wanted to make a profit, but Li Qingpeng couldn’t find the boss, so he was also drunk.

If it goes on like this, Sun Yuan has a magical costume and can’t die, but other people can’t bear it, otherwise Li Qingpeng can really be consumed to death.

Forget it!

Give them a hand!

“You wait here, I’m going out to make trouble!”

After Sun Yuan disappeared, he left the prison room.

He let the ghost cat show up on purpose to lure them to the boss.

“Come on, come on, there’s a black cat here!”

A young man screamed and immediately ran after him. It must be unusual for a cat to appear in this environment.

The players swarmed.

Li Qingpeng was also chasing after him, and when he passed by a prison cell, he found that it was the most frosty.


Li Qingpeng suddenly realized.

Since the boss can release cold currents, the place closest to it should be the hardest frozen!

Damn it, what did I think of it just now?

While blaming himself, Li Qingpeng took out a Gatling six-barreled machine gun and fired at the cell!

Da da da!

The bullets howled, smashed the log fence, and sent stone powder flying.

Within ten seconds, a stone wall was shattered, revealing a space, and there was a snowman in it, who let out a breath.

Crack! Click!

The incoming bullets froze immediately and fell to the ground with a jingle.

“Found it, here it is!”

Li Qingpeng shouted.

“Leader Niu o!”

The players cheered and rushed over.

Li Qingpeng had already forgotten about Sun Yuan at this moment, he had suffered such a big loss, all he could think about was killing this boss.

In the live broadcast room, the gods and masters posted barrages with great interest.

[The situation is getting better! 】

The little princess is very happy, Sun Yuan can miss it.

【Don’t get too excited, this Li Qingpeng looks very fierce, maybe kill the boss, and then destroy the God’s Fate Group, and eat it all in one bite! 】

The meat-loving monk appreciates Li Qingpeng’s style: [If it wins this battle, I will give it a big firework! 】

【This Sun Yuan is an old cunt! 】

Plum Blossom Fairy made a hey smile: [But I like it! 】

【Sun Yuan, come out quickly, pull the boss and kill Li Qingpeng together! 】

The Dark Demon God is impatient.

You obviously have strong strength, why do you have to play this trick?

No matter what the gods think, Sun Yuan will definitely follow his own pace. After all, the gods don’t hurt their backs when they stand and talk. If he fails, he will lose his life.

Leading the main team, Li Qingpeng began to fight against the devil snowman.

In the dungeon, a blizzard blew up, blocking the view, and soon there was snow on the ground, making it extremely difficult for people to move.

“Damn it, this guy turned the dungeon into a home game!”

Liu Haiquan scolded.

“Don’t talk nonsense, just do it!”

A horse owned by Li Qingpeng.

Sun Yuan hid in the dark, using the ghost cat to observe Li Qingpeng’s every move, his skills, handedness, and fighting routines he is good at…

Sun Yuan wrote it all down.

It has to be said that the Giant Killer became one of the five major guilds in Shangjing because of several factors. Under the leadership of Li Qingpeng, these main forces took down the Demon Yeti at the cost of twelve people lost in battle.


The snowman fell to the ground, his belly exploded ~IndoMTL.com~ and a ball of light exploded.

Liu Haiquan rushed over immediately, picked up the light ball, and handed it to Li Qingpeng.

“Hurry up and heal!”

Li Qingpeng ordered.

He looked at his dead companions and was very depressed. The field was too narrow for everyone to form a formation, which made it inconvenient for dodging and rescue, otherwise so many people would not have died.

“That Sun Yuan is still here!”

Liu Haiquan glanced at the map, but the position of the red dot did not move.

“Sun Yuan, I know you are here, don’t hide, come out!”

Li Qingpeng shouted.

“Want to kill me? In the next life!”

There was a sudden mocking sound from the other side of the passage.

Li Qingpeng immediately started, rushed over, and then he saw a young man plunged into the passageway, apparently about to run away.


Li Qingpeng shouted loudly and chased after him, but when he passed by a prison cell, he caught a glimpse of a silver light in the corner of his eye.


“There is an ambush!”

Li Qingpeng’s eyelids twitched, and he dodged immediately, but he was still stabbed in the shoulder.

This startled him.

Sneakers are strong.

“Are you?”

Li Qingpeng frowned when he saw Su Tanxia. This girl is so beautiful, and more importantly, her temperament is cold and proud.

Immediately, Li Qingpeng’s gaze fell on the Tang knife in Su Tanxia’s hand.

This weapon is not good enough, if it is changed to a legendary level, I will already be injured.

In the passage, Qin De revealed half of his head.

His task was to lure the enemy into the depths and give Su Tanxia a chance to sneak attack, but unexpectedly he still failed to injure Li Qingpeng.

“Are you Sun Yuan?”

After Li Qingpeng asked, he heard the screams from the group members.

Damn it!

It’s time to tune the tiger away from the mountain!


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