God-level Closed Beta Player Chapter 393: Death!

In the spore lair, the fog is shrouded, and nothing can be seen.

The players were tense and stared at the surroundings. The smart ones even pricked up their ears to monitor the boss’s movements, but Jiang Shudan, like him, could only pray.

“What are you thinking?”

The sudden sound behind Qin Shu startled her, she subconsciously turned the gun and was about to fire.


Sun Yuan grabs the barrel of the gun: “It’s me!”

While Sun Yuan was speaking, he grabbed Qin Shu’s arm and led her away. The next moment, the boss came and punched him down.


Gravel splashes.

“I’ll take you to the BOSS, you release the devil clown, can you do it?”

Seeing the monster chasing again, Sun Yuan could only keep moving.


Qin Shu understands that there is no room for bargaining at this time, even if he is desperate, he must complete the task, otherwise he will not be able to hang out with Sun Yuan in the future.

“Come on!”

Sun Yuan gave a word of encouragement, then suddenly hugged Qin Shu, and rushed to the foot of the boss, because the boss was attacking, so Sun Yuan couldn’t stop.

“Hurry up!”

Sun Yuan urged.

Qin Shu calmed down, pushed Sun Yuan with his right hand, left his embrace, rushed towards the boss, and at the same time shot out with his right hand.

Demon clown!


The soul power was activated, and the body of the BOSS immediately glowed with a pale light. The huge body became smaller than the naked eye, and a clown makeup appeared on his face.

In order to buy time for Qin Shu, Sun Yuan opened up all his firepower. He teleported and appeared in front of the boss, firing heavy artillery and pistols.

Bang! boom! boom!

The bullets roared, and all of them hit the boss’s face, smashing its head into pieces, but the boss’s hands also swat over like flies.


The air was turbulent. If it hit, Sun Yuan would be smashed into a pulp. Fortunately, he teleported away in time.

I have to say that this piece of equipment is not a divine weapon, but its function is comparable to that of a divine weapon.

Sun Yuan appeared next to Qin Shu, grabbed her arm, and led her away.


Qin Shu was excited, she saw the boss’s head was broken.

“It’s still early!”

Sun Yuan rushed out again: “Be careful yourself!”

The neck of the BOSS wriggled, like maggots, a large number of spores were produced, proliferated, and exploded, and a new head grew out, but there was still a clown pattern on the ugly face.

The mother of spores was severely injured, and the process of regenerating her head required a lot of energy, and she couldn’t see the enemy. It could be said to be the player’s best chance to attack.

As an internal beta player, Sun Yuan died more than a hundred times when he played this level in the mobile game because he had no teammates and could only fight alone. At that time, Sun Yuan was abused and almost abandoned the game, but now It seems that, thank God, these deaths have allowed him to accumulate a lot of experience.

“Zhen Yu, run quietly to the right, the boss is coming towards you!”

Sun Yuan roared to remind him that after changing the ammunition, the heavy artillery pistol continued to fire.

Bang! boom! boom!

The BOSS’s head, which hadn’t fully recovered, was blown up again.

Zhen Yu and Shen Jingran moved quickly.

Sun Yuan’s command is very clear, people don’t have to think, just follow it.

“Tang Yan, the boss has passed!”

Sun Yuan shouted again.

The BOSS lost its head, and began to rush around non-stop, trying to run into a dead mouse.


Tang Yan did not run, but listened attentively, and raised the MG42 machine gun towards the direction of the footsteps.

“Go to hell!”

Puff puff puff!

The machine gun fired, and the bullets hit the boss densely like a storm, and some plant debris was blown away.

The boss sensed Tang Yan, and immediately killed him, stomping on him.

Tang Yan rolled and dodged, and the life energy on his body overflowed a lot, forming an ancient general several meters high.

It was wearing heavy armor, with red eyes, and when it saw the mother of spores coming, it roared angrily and drew its sword to slash!


The long knife came out of its sheath, like a flash of thunder, slashing at the monster’s waist.


The long knife cut into the boss’s waist for a foot and got stuck. The next second, the boss punched him hard.


The general was punched, but it didn’t fall to the ground. Instead, it let go of the handle of the knife, sprinted, and hugged the monster!

“Sun Yuan, fight!”

Tang Yan growled and continued to shoot!

“Don’t waste life energy!”

Sun Yuan was speechless.

This is the first stage of the BOSS, why are you working so hard?

And to be honest, Sun Yuan was able to defeat the giant form of the boss without injury, but Tang Yan was so desperate, Sun Yuan was very pleased.

Bang! boom!

After two rounds of bullets, the additional special effects of the heavy artillery were activated, and the twelve-round continuous fire mode was activated. Sun Yuan immediately moved the muzzle of the gun and aimed at the body of the boss!

Bang! boom! boom!

Big holes were made on the body of the boss, especially the abdomen and legs, which Sun Yuan focused on, were completely crushed.


Boss lost the support of his legs and fell to the ground.

At its wound, spores squirmed and grew wildly, wanting to repair the wound and re-grow its legs!

Sun Yuan changed the bullet and continued to fire!

The general picked up the long knife and chopped it wildly.

Jin Baixue listened to the commotion and wanted to come over for reinforcements!

“Jin Baixue, Su Tanxia, ​​don’t come here!” Sun Yuan stopped him: “You will be accidentally injured by bullets!”

Jin Baixue listened to the sound of bullets flying around and gave up support, but Su Tanxia was still moving because her hearing was quite good.

Shua! Swish! Swish!

A series of crescent-shaped sword qi slashed out and hit the monster.


After another bombardment, the monster’s body suddenly swelled up as if it was inflated, and then exploded with a snap.

A coconut-sized ball was exposed.

“Hurry up!”

Sun Yuan urged, quickly shoot.

The weapon he holds now is much better than when he played this level in previous years, so the first stage of defeating the boss is faster than he expected.

This caught Sun Yuan a little off guard.

This ball is the body of the mother of spores. It was only exposed in the air for a few seconds, like a black hole, which produced a huge suction force and began to absorb a large amount of the surrounding spore mist.

Hoo! call!

All the mist was drawn by the mother of spores and gathered on it, forming a misty sphere with a radius of about three meters.

Without the spore fog, people can see things again.

“What just happened?”

Ji Shihan asked.

“How did that giant become a sphere?”

Shen Jing was nervous.

“This should be the second stage of the BOSS, everyone, fire!”

Tang Yan was very excited.

“There is still a second stage?”

Zhen Yu’s scalp is numb, because she feels that this monster, as the final boss of this game version, must have at least three forms, so this battle is still very long.

Da da da!

Bullets, crossbow arrows, and lynx arrows hit the fog group without causing any damage, and passed through directly.

This made everyone dumbfounded.

“Isn’t it immune to physical attacks?”

Tang Yan is very annoying, all his injuries are physical blows.

“Shihan, it’s up to you!”

Sun Yuan knows that for the boss in this form, all physical attacks are useless, they must be elemental attacks, that is, wind, rain, thunder, flames, frost, etc…

“Full firepower, shoot it down as soon as possible!”

Sun Yuan ran to Qin Shu while talking, “Gu Ran, bless Shihan with an attack boost!”


Gu Ran began to sing in a low voice, because he was wearing a gas mask, his voice was a bit dull.

“Qin Shu, I’ll take you up and give it to the devil clown!”

Sun Yuan didn’t give Qin Shu a chance to refuse, his voice fell, and he had already hugged Qin Shu and jumped up.


The two flew up, but the cloud of spores was too high to reach. When Sun Yuan felt that the rising momentum stopped, he threw Qin Shu up with his arms.

“Don’t be afraid, I will protect you!”

Sun Yuan activated the cat’s elegant ring, landed lightly, and fired his pistol furiously at the same time, trying to attract the attention of the boss.

Qin Shu was close to the fog, but before he could touch it with his right hand, several coconut-sized spores suddenly spewed out from the fog.

Bang! boom! boom!


Qin Shu screamed, as if hit by a shell, and fell to the ground.


Sun Yuan rushed over quickly and caught her.

Boom! Boom!

Ji Shihan waved his hands repeatedly, releasing lightning, and the others also fired. Even if it was useless, they had to attract firepower for Sun Yuan and Qin Shu.

“Jiang Shudan, come here!”

Sun Yuan shouted.


Jiang Shudan stumbled and ran towards the two of them.

Qin Shu’s protective clothing is not bad, but this is the final boss’ attack, and the damage is very high. The impact of those spore clusters is astonishing, comparable to shells, and after hitting the target, it also has a corrosive effect.

The protective clothing on Qin Shu’s chest had been corroded, and his fair skin was now burnt black, emitting black smoke.

“Be patient!”

Sun Yuan took out Ai’s electric shock device and gave Qin Shu a shot first to help her relieve the pain.

“It’s okay, as long as you go back alive, these injuries can be healed!”

Sun Yuan comforted.

Jiang Shudan arrived, and hurriedly knelt down beside Qin Shu on one knee, put his hands on her wound, and treated her.

Gentle white light shone on her hands, and some spots of light overflowed from her palms and fell into Qin Shu’s body, making her feel much more comfortable.

Lightning struck the mist, injuring the mother of spores, and it immediately spewed spores towards Ji Shihan.

Ji Shihan moved to dodge, and kept waving lightning with both hands.

Sun Yuan took a look and found that Ji Shihan was full of fighting spirit and performed extremely well, which made him heave a sigh of relief. Sure enough, recruiting her was the right thing to do.

Otherwise, Sun Yuan can only fight monsters with flaming arrows now.

“I’m fine!”

Qin Shu pushed Jiang Shudan’s hand away: “Sun Yuan, send me up again!”


Sun Yuan took a deep look at Qin Shu. He actually wanted the big star to try again, but she didn’t expect her to bring it up.

“Sun Yuan, I’m also afraid, but I know that even if I’m afraid, I have to do some things!”

Qin Shu stood up and looked at Sun Yuan: “After this time, I should be qualified to be your companion, right?”

It’s not the kind that Zhen Yu and Qin De hang out with, but the kind that Sun Yuan regards as his own and is trustworthy.


Sun Yuan nodded.

“Hurry up!”

Qin Shu is ready.

Sun Yuan saw an opportunity, repeated the tactic just now, and jumped into the air with Qin Shu in his arms. When he reached the highest point, he used his arms to throw Qin Shu out.

This time, Qin Shu was prepared, planning to suffer a spore cluster and touch the boss, but luckily, the boss didn’t attack her.


Qin Shu touched the mist, the devil clown immediately activated, and then she fell from the sky.

She didn’t know that Sun Yuan had already figured out the frequency of the boss’s attack. When he threw her out, he chose the interval between the boss’s attack.

Now, the BOSS aimed at Qin Shu and spewed spore clusters. Just when the big star was covering his head with both hands, thinking that he was going to be seriously injured, Sun Yuan teleported over and took the next step to take her away to avoid the spore clusters.


The monster screamed, and a clown face appeared on the entire fog group.

It felt that its life was threatened, and began to release its big move to clear the field.


The spore clusters that hit the ground originally contained spore eggs. After they touched the ground, they immediately absorbed the nutrients of the surrounding spore plants, quickly took root and germinated, and quickly grew out.


These mushrooms split, and each of them formed seven plant tentacles, twelve or three meters long, which beat and bound the player.

The movement of everyone was immediately affected.

At the same time, the spore group of the mother of spores did not stop attacking, so to speak.

“Quick, clear a safe passage for Shihan!”

Sun Yuan roared and bombarded with heavy artillery, artificially creating a bombing zone.

Wei Dongmai wields a savage mace and acts as a human tank to open the way. Tang Yan’s generals are not idle either. Every time the long knife is swung, it can cut off a few plant tentacles, but soon, it is entangled , tied into a zongzi shape.

“Senior, save me!”

Zhen Yu cried, she was caught by the plant tentacles, and Jiang Shudan didn’t run away.

“Sun Yuan, go save Teacher Jiang!”

Shen Jingran sank into the shadow of the ground, and in the next second, appeared next to Zhen Yu, slashing wildly with the fangs and daggers, cutting off those tentacles, and saving Zhen Yu.

“Thank you!”

Zhen Yu was in shock.

“You’re welcome!”

Shen Jingran saved the female anchor purely for the sake of gaining favor in Sun Yuan’s heart.

“Shihan, don’t hold back, this form depends entirely on you!”

Sun Yuan rescued Jiang Shudan and urged him.

He reckoned that Ji Shihan had to stay strong and prepare for the next boss battle.


Ji Shihan took a deep breath, a little hesitant, if she went all out, the consequence would be that she would have problems protecting herself in the next battle.

Damn it!

Ji Shihan, what are you thinking about?

Sun Yuan has never treated you badly, now is the time for you to repay him.

And only by showing a performance that is enough to convince the whole group, can you secure the position of deputy head.

Thinking of this, Ji Shihan went all out.

This battle is to be fought as the last battle of life!

Zip! Zip!

Inch-long electric arcs shot out from Ji Shihan’s whole body~IndoMTL.com~, they drifted away, gathered towards her hands, and then waved out with her hands.


The thick thunder, like a silver snake dancing wildly, hit Wu Tuan’s body.

“Tan Xia, Bai Xue, clear the roadblocks for Shi Han!” Sun Yuan assigned a task: “Dong Mai, you are responsible for protecting Shi Han’s safety!”

Boom! Boom!

Ji Shihan went all out.

Zi pa pa pa.

After the twelve ultimate lightning strikes, Ji Shihan’s life energy was almost exhausted. She tore off the gas mask, took out a supply liquid, poured it into her mouth, and continued to blast.

Finally, after three minutes of indiscriminate bombardment, the cloud of spores exploded with a bang, and the mother of spores was once again exposed and fell to the ground.

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