God-level Closed Beta Player Chapter 387: Desperate level 3

In the primeval forest, the trees are tall and the branches and leaves are flourishing!

The fight became intense in an instant, and the two sides wanted to kill each other immediately!

The moment Sun Yuan collided with the green water, his fist turned into a claw.

Lushui wanted to hide, but Sun Yuan’s speed was too fast, he snapped and grabbed its fist.

Black flash shock!

Zi bang bang!

The ring Sun Yuan wore on his left hand immediately released dazzling lightning, like small fish with the length of a thumb, running along Lushui’s arm and all over its body.

This equipment is worthy of being an “artifact” in terms of killing the spores. Lushui is also the top elite of the spores. If they are singled out, Ji Shihan will definitely not be able to take it. Su Tanxia and Jin Baixue will be able to do it. Even Sun Yuan had to spend a lot of effort, but now, he just ignored it for a while, and after being shocked by the electric shock, his whole body was in a paralyzed state.

Although this state is very short, for an experienced master like Sun Yuan, the victory can already be decided.


Sun Yuan swung his sword, Di Yun, who cut iron like mud, cut into Lu Shui’s neck, and cut straight down, splitting its spine.


Blood spurts.


Green water died, and a pale golden light cluster burst out from its body.


Although Sun Yuan didn’t catch it and check it, he knew what it was.

Mushroom gold is gone!

Sun Yuan had a face-to-face meeting and instantly killed the leader of Lushui, which brought great deterrence and panic to the spores.

“The tribe has no way out, fight to the death!”

Green soil roared, boosting morale.

“Jin Baixue, hold on!”

Sun Yuan yelled and teleported to appear beside Gu Ran and Jiang Shudan.

Jin Baixue is impeccable in all other aspects except for her virginity.

In Sun Yuan’s view, teaming up with Jin Baixue can certainly kill the commander first, but within this time, one’s own staff will be reduced, so it is better to let Jin Baixue hold it back and kill those spore hunters by himself.

Gu Ran was clumsy on the left and right, and she was in a mess, but she was smart because she knew how much she weighed, so she wisely chose to defend with all her strength.

She knew that if she was with Jiang Shudan, Sun Yuan would definitely be the first to save her.

Now it’s time to wait.

“Senior, save me!”

Zhen Yu shouted anxiously, she was with Su Tanxia just now, but Su Tanxia doesn’t care about her right now.

“Wait a minute!”

Sun Yuan’s firepower was fully fired, enduring the headache, teleporting three times in a row, changing positions non-stop, dazzled the eyes of the spore man.

The spore man panicked and didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his head, and then half of his body was cut off by Sun Yuan.

“Hurry up and make up the knife!”

Sun Yuan gave an order to activate the lightning boots and rush to Zhuo Wen!

He didn’t save Zhen Yu, because Zhuo Wen’s side was more dangerous.

Gu Ran took a shotgun and aimed at the still dead body of the spore man, with three shots bang bang bang, completely smashing its spine and chest.

When the spore people attacked, Shen Jingran immediately hid behind a big tree, and then disappeared.

Her soul power allows her to walk through the shadows. Even if she can’t beat the spores, at least she can hide and dodge.

Da da da!

Zhuowen held the Vulcan machine gun and fired, but the sporeman was extremely fast, and according to his weapon, he was judged to be an extremely threatening person, so five sporemen besieged him.


Zhuowen roared, venting the panic in his heart.

There are too many spore people, and they are very fast. Zhuowen missed the monster, and two rushed out, slashing furiously with the machete.

Zhuo Wen rolled over in embarrassment, because the machine gun was too long to aim and fire in time.

At the moment when Zhuowen was in crisis, a sporeman suddenly appeared from the shadow under his feet like diving and swimming, and stabbed its vest with a dagger with fangs.

Shen Jingran was too nervous, she stabbed at the wrong position, and did not make up the knife to cut off the spine. The next moment, she sank quickly and disappeared in the shadow of the spore man.


The spore man turned around and beheaded, but it was empty. When it wanted to kill Zhuo Wen again, Sun Yuan came to kill him.


Several sporemen roared, full of momentum, but it was useless. Their force value would not become stronger just because they worked hard.

After Su Tanxia beheaded the sporeman that attacked her, he turned around to rescue Zhen Yu.

Wei Dongmai wielded the savage mace haphazardly, but because of the high level of the weapon, its lethality was still beyond the charts.

Under his attack, the spore man could not stand firm at all.

The brothers and sisters of the Tang family cooperated skillfully, killing monsters very efficiently, and they were also very accurate in judging the battle situation. They always picked those spores that could bring danger to the team to attack.

Although there are few people in the Shenyuan group, they played well.

“Fuck, this old man can do it!”

Qin De had originally planned to wait for the old man to die and use his corpse as an undead soldier, but he did not expect that the old man was flexible, and his pistol fighting skills were good-looking and useful.

Under the spore man’s pursuit, the old man blocked and fired at the same time, hitting the monster’s body with precision.

This means that the weakness of the spore man is the spine, which is too difficult to kill. If it was replaced by a human, it would have been shot into a sieve and died.

Bang! boom! boom!

Every punch of Jin Baixue will cause a wave of explosion, which makes Lutu very uncomfortable, and the strong shock wave makes his internal organs ache and his head dizzy.

Seeing this, Sun Yuan suddenly teleported, threw off the opponent in front of him, appeared behind the retreating green earth, and slashed him with a single blow.

Green soil dodges, but it’s a pity that it doesn’t know that this is just Sun Yuan’s feint.

Sun Yuan made a prediction in advance, and slapped it on the shoulder with his left hand.

Black flash shock!

Zi bang bang!

Lvtu’s body froze immediately.


Jin Baixue’s fist hit Lvtu’s head, and it was directly blasted to a **** mess. Immediately afterwards, it was cut into two pieces by Sun Yuan’s bronze sword.

“I can do it!”

Jin Baixue frowned, feeling that Sun Yuan looked down on her.

“I know, I just want to end the fight quickly!”


Sun Yuan teleported away, and appeared behind the spore man that Su Tanxia attacked in embarrassment to dodge. With a sneak attack, he pierced its vest, and then cut across its spine, cutting off its spine.

“Fight to the death!”

When the spores saw that Green Earth was also dead, they all shared the same hatred and showed a desperate spirit.

“Be careful!”

Zhen Yu was flustered, but for the masters, this situation was even better, because before, the spores had tactical cooperation, but now, they were all rushing and rushing, each taking care of his own.

Ten minutes later, all the spore people died.

Among them, Sun Yuan killed the most, followed by Su Tanxia, ​​and Tang Yan brothers and sisters. Because Jin Baixue was delayed by the green soil, the number of kills ranked fourth.

Of course, if the Tang Yan brothers and sisters killed the ones and divided them equally between the two, then Su Tanxia would be ranked third.

Ji Shihan’s electric shock was mainly used to control the field. Although he didn’t kill many spores, it was of great tactical value.

“Leader, kill the spore man, and you will lose the mushroom gold!”

After Qin De found this thing in the light group, he immediately sent it to Sun Yuan.

It stands to reason that whoever kills the monster will get the loot, but everyone gave the mushroom gold to Sun Yuan for him to control.

Sun Yuan refuses to give way, this is the responsibility of the head of the regiment.

Everyone returned to the first rest area, but after reading the price list on the bulletin board, they were depressed again.

“This is not enough!”

Qin De is depressed, sixty mushroom gold, the rented vehicle is not enough.

“I have never been so eager for the monster to appear soon!”

Shen Jingran sighed with emotion.

She really doesn’t want to leave, otherwise her thighs will become thicker, well, they are actually not thin now.

Since the gamification of the world, she has been working hard to survive every day, and her body has grown muscles. She is no longer the beautiful little fairy in the garden.

“Let’s go on our way first, and kill a wave of spores later, we should have enough!”

Tang Yan suggested that in his opinion, monsters should appear in waves every once in a while.

Sun Yuan pondered.

He always felt that something was wrong with the game in this tower of gods, what if the monster doesn’t appear next?

But in the mobile game, there is no currency that can replace Mushroom Gold!



There are no **** coins in the mobile game, but now there are!

Sun Yuan quickly took out a divine coin and put it into the coin slot.


The sound of metal colliding is crisp.

Everyone stared at the bulletin board, but nothing happened.

Sun Yuan waited for a few seconds, then cast another divine coin.

Still nothing has changed.

Sun Yuan struggled for a while, and was going to try again.

But it turned out that the third divine coin was in vain again!


Shen Jingran swears, and her heart aches to death: “Three **** coins, just such a waste.”

Sun Yuan was about to give up, but when he heard Shen Jingran’s swearing, he wanted to fight again!

At least vote for ten coins!

Sun Yuan took out another handful of divine coins.

“Leader, don’t be reckless!”

Wei Dongmai quickly persuaded him.

He has seen Gambling Dog, and he is really hot-headed, and he can do anything.

“Didn’t the silver Trojan horse say that the **** coin is a high-end currency? I think we should continue to try, but this price cannot be paid by Sun Yuan alone!”

Qin Shu has a high EQ, knowing the money, even if she wants Sun Yuan to pay it alone, other people will not agree, so why don’t you take the initiative to propose it, and gain a good impression.

“Vote at least ten pieces!”

Ji Shihan also thinks so.

Jin Baixue and Su Tanxia didn’t speak, but they were both activists, and they took out five divine coins and handed them to Sun Yuan.

“Tsk, they are all big money!”

The old man was joking.

Zhen Yu and his party are envious to death. Many of them have not even received a reward from a **** coin until now.

This is not RMB, you can earn it back if you work hard.

“No, I can afford this **** coin!”

Sun Yuan doesn’t want to be thought of as stingy, and to be honest, ten **** coins, with his worth, are indeed worth losing.

Two more divine coins were put into the coin slot, but unfortunately there was still no response.

Sun Yuan simply added five more. This time, after waiting for a few seconds, the content on the bulletin board changed.

Players can now choose a vehicle.

Ten **** coins can rent 20 horses, or five tandem motorcycles, or three off-road vehicles.

“Damn, it’s a waste!”

Qin De was depressed. With the addition of 60 Mushroom Gold, the number of vehicles rented by everyone would exceed the number of people.

“No waste, who knows if these vehicles will break down halfway?”

Sun Yuan sees it very openly.

Because in the mobile game, the horse will be exhausted, the vehicle will run out of gas, or the engine will explode!

“Horses, cars, motorcycles, choose some!”

Sun Yuan urged: “Hurry up!”

Everyone was busy for ten minutes, selected the vehicle, and continued on the road.

Su Tanxia, ​​Qin Shu, and Tang Yan can ride horses, so they chose war horses as mounts!

Tang Tang can actually ride, but she chose a sidecar motorcycle, carrying Shen Jingran and Zhuo Wen.

Zhuowen’s machine gun is mounted on the sidecar.

Among these vehicles, motorcycles have the best mobility. If it wasn’t for the ghost cats who finished the scouting work, Tang Tang would be responsible for this.

The road conditions in the forest are very bad, or there is no road, and the convoy has a hard time walking, but fortunately, there are no spores to harass, so it can save a lot of worry.

Six hours have passed!

Lvsheng looked at the gray sky that was beginning to snow, and knew that the teams of Green Soil and Green Water were finished, otherwise, they should have returned.

“Leader, I’m going to hunt those humans!”

Green fire please fight.

“It seems that this group of people is small, but they are a group of powerful enemies!”

Lvsheng did not agree: “Leave a team of people and stay here to prevent other players from entering. The rest of them will go to the fourth level with me!”

Lvsheng is not a reckless man, it is preparing to gather its troops, and at the fourth level, it will wait for work and annihilate those humans.

Do you know how far the end point is? Can the 24 hours be completed? So I was in a hurry and tried my best to hurry, but Sun Yuan knew it, so every time someone proposed to go faster, Sun Yuan found a reason to refuse.

He was even on the way, giving everyone a half-hour break.

No matter what, we can’t let everyone get exhausted.

Wan City, the tower of the end.

Civilization’s ‘Phoenix’, Gu Zhan’s ‘First Paradise’, and Shen Qi’s ‘Afternoon Tea’ are all on their way.

12 hours is too little, even with mounts, they are worried that they will not be able to get out of this forest in time~IndoMTL.com~ And they feel that the faster they go, the less danger they will have, after all there are so many player.

Those of them who have vehicles are so anxious, and those players who can’t get the vehicles are even more panicked. Blood was sprinkled, and corpses lay.

The attack of the spore people has not stopped, it feels like all the people of the spore people are gathered here.

But after considering that this is the Tower of the End, the lair of the final boss, everyone is relieved again.

Just a quarter of an hour after the tenth hour, the Phoenix team was the first to walk out of the forest.


Yang Guohao was overjoyed.

Ding dong!

【Congratulations, you have passed the second checkpoint. After five minutes, the teleportation will begin. 】

The mechanical sound sounds.

After the teleportation, the members of Phoenix’s team found that they appeared in a huge amphitheater.

“It’s over, it depends on hard power!”

Zhang Siyuan has a big head. Next, he will either face the spores or the players. This kind of battle is absolutely unavoidable, so there will definitely be casualties.

Ding dong!

[The third level is called the death match. When players pass the second level and enter the Colosseum, they will start a death fight after they have gathered a hundred people. In the end, the remaining fifty people will pass the level and advance to the next level. next round. 】

“Fuck you!”

“It’s terrible! It’s terrible, I’m going to die now!”

“Fuck, if I knew this, I might as well walk slower!”

The scalps of the players are numb. You must know that the players entering the Colosseum are all top players. In a fight, no one can guarantee a sure win.

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