God-level Closed Beta Player Chapter 313: One **** coin, reward!


A one-and-a-half-meter wooden throwing spear shot out from the dense forest as fast as lightning, and headed straight for Jiang Shudan with the sound of breaking wind.

The four of Sun Yuan were walking along a stream at this time, Gao Shuang walked in the front to open the way, followed by Jiang Shudan, and then Sun Yuan.

Wu Ge is at the end of the team.

The target of the sporeman’s throwing gun was Jiang Shudan, because in its view, this woman was plump and had few muscles. She was the weakest prey and should be killed first.

This is the experience summed up by the spore people hunting for thousands of years.

Jiang Shudan didn’t notice anything, but when Sun Yuan was standing behind her, and the sound of breaking wind filled his ears, Sun Yuan also caught a glimpse of a very fast black shadow out of the corner of his eye.

Sun Yuan didn’t think too much, and immediately exerted force with his right foot, kicking the ground fiercely, and at the same time stretched out his big hand, pushing it on Jiang Shudan’s back.


Jiang Shudan was pushed and staggered, and fell forward.

“Enemy attack, prepare to fight!”

Sun Yuan shouted, holding a gun in one hand and a survival knife in the other, facing the direction of the javelin.

Gao Shuang looked at the enemy’s direction, and clenched the wooden stick in his hand. There was a triangular military thorn inserted into one end of the wooden stick, which was used as a spear.

Wu Ge hurriedly squatted behind a big rock to avoid being shot.

The spore people did not continue to attack, and the entire stream was eerily quiet.

“It’s over, this is an experienced spore man!”

Gao Shuang’s scalp is numb.

If the spore people were young, they would have jumped out and shouted to kill them, because the spore people are strong in body and fierce in fighting power.

But the older spore people are more experienced than the other.

Especially the psychological quality, very stable!

“Wow, Sun Yuan!”

Jiang Shudan was frightened to death, although Sun Yuan pushed her and made her fall to the ground, scratching her knees and palms and hurting, but she didn’t complain.

Without Sun Yuan, she would have been shot dead by that javelin.

“Shut up!”

Sun Yuan growled and listened attentively.

When he was playing mobile games, the monster data of the spore people showed that he was good at hiding his whereabouts. He didn’t think it was very powerful at the time, but now after experiencing it himself, he found that this ability is too difficult to deal with!

Just like now, the spore people seem to have disappeared.

“What is it waiting for?”

Wu Ge asked in a low voice: “Are you a companion?”


Jiang Shudan panicked, if a few spores came at a time, who would be able to beat him: “Let’s run quickly?”

“Shut up and be quiet!”

Sun Yuan scolded.

If your side panics and runs away, it will be in the middle of the plan of the spore people.

They have plenty of stamina and are good at running, so the common hunting tactic is to drive the prey away until they are exhausted, and then the spores will suddenly launch a general attack to complete the hunt!

The purpose of the javelin used by the sporeman just now was to kill the weakest prey and put pressure on other humans to flee quickly.

“What to do?”

Gao Shuang was frightened and urged: “If two or three spores come, we can’t beat them, so if we have to run and fight, hurry up and make up your mind!”


Sun Yuan is not in a hurry, because he knows that there is only one spore on a sea island.

A few minutes later, the spore man hiding in the dark saw that these people were still in place, so he shot a spear at Sun Yuan.

It can also see that this human being is the head of the regiment, responsible for commanding, and his position is equivalent to the warrior leader in the tribe.

Sun Yuan, who had been on guard against a sneak attack for a long time, easily dodged and fired at the place where the javelin came.


A flock of flying birds were frightened and rushed up into the sky.

“Don’t waste bullets, it’s useless!”

Gao Shuang reminder.

The body of spore people is composed of flesh, spores, and plant fibers. It can also be called a vegetable. Their hearts and brains are not vital parts. If you want to kill them, you must cut off the spine, otherwise they will still die. The severed limb came back to life.

Sun Yuan ignored Gao Shuang, he was testing his opponent, giving the opponent a false impression that he didn’t know the weakness of the spore people.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if the other party doesn’t fall for it. Anyway, Sun Yuan doesn’t rely on these bullets as his hole card, so it doesn’t matter if they are all shot.

The spore man remained silent, obviously calm.

Anyway, it has enough supplies, so if it goes on like this, the two women must be the first to exhaust themselves.

Sun Yuan knew that if he couldn’t kill the spore man, he couldn’t leave this island, so since he met him, he would definitely fight, not to mention that he had prepared cannon fodder for this situation.

“Spore, one-on-one, do you dare?”

Sun Yuan roared.


Wu Ge and Gao Shuang turned their heads and stared at Sun Yuan in surprise.

What language does he speak?

Why does it feel similar to the spore people?

“Don’t make a fuss, I got a spore language skill book!”

Sun Yuan explained, lest Wu Ge and the others mistakenly think that he was parasitized by spores, or that he was a spore man in human skin.

“Is there such a thing?”

Wu Ge was amazed, Song Mingchen had acquired so many equipments, but he had never seen this kind of skill book, Sun Yuan was really lucky.

“Spore bastard, come out and fight!”

Sun Yuan roared.

There is still no movement around.

“Gao Shuang, it’s time for you to step forward!”

Sun Yuan ordered: “I don’t ask you to kill it, just injure its legs and slow down its movement speed, then I will shoot!”


Gao Shuang walked out and stood in a weedy clearing by the stream, he knew he had no choice, otherwise the bomb collar around his neck would explode and smash his head.

“Spore people, come on, be like a warrior, one-on-one!”

Sun Yuan continued to provoke.


Gao Shuang roared and clashed his fists.

At ten o’clock, a two-meter-tall sporeman flipped out of a bush and landed firmly on the ground.

Its skin is green all over, with deep folds, especially those on its face, like the rings of a tree.

“Is this guy very old?”

Gao Shuang asked, Sun Yuan is a wild prophet, and he must know a lot of information that he doesn’t know.

“Yes!” Sun Yuan looked at the one-foot-long bone knife on the spore man’s waist: “How about one-on-one, unarmed combat? You won’t be afraid, right?”

Sun Yuan didn’t expect the spore man to agree, but the monster in front of him seemed dignified, so he agreed.

“Humans, I will use my strength to let you know that it is your greatest honor in this life to be the embryonic bed of our spore people!”

The spore man took the gun pouch and the bone knife, threw them aside, then stood ten meters in front of Gao Shuang, and beckoned: “Let you attack first!”

Gao Shuang knew the meaning of this humiliating action without Sun Yuan’s translation, so he roared and rushed out.


Gao Shuang stabbed out his self-made spear.

The sporeman stretched out his long arms and reached out directly.


The triangular army spear pierced the right palm of the spore man.

It clenched its fist, grabbed the stick, and broke it hard.


The stick is like a chocolate bar and breaks easily.

The spore man turned his right fist and smashed Gao Shuang’s face. You must know that there are three-edged army thorns on the back of its hand. If it hits Gao Shuang, his head will be pierced.

Gao Shuang was able to get the 19th place in the personal record list, he was not someone who wasted his name, and he already knew the difference in strength between the two sides after meeting each other.

If he is in full condition, he can be beaten, but yesterday he was hammered by Sun Yuan, and the injury is still not healed.

“Damn! Fight!”

Gao Shuang roared.

There is no doubt that you will die if you fight a protracted battle. It is better to take advantage of the best condition and exchange injuries for injuries to fight for a chance.

Gao Shuang squatted down, lunged forward, hugged the sporeman’s legs with a bear hug, and then rushed forward with all his strength.

Tap, tap, tap!

The spore man was pushed back five steps in a row. At this moment, it hesitated. If it defended, it could avoid being hurt, but it would also lose the chance to kill the opponent. After all, the human’s back was completely exposed.

In an instant, the spore man made a decision, and the triangular army stabbed at Gao Shuang’s vest.


Gao Shuang roared, kicked his feet on the ground, hugged the sporeman’s right leg, exhausted all his strength, like a crocodile killing its prey, a death roll came.


The spore man was thrown to the ground, but its military thorns also pierced Gao Shuang’s waist.

Fortunately, because of this tumbling, Gao Shuang avoided the critical point.

Seeing this, Sun Yuan rushed to the battle group immediately.

Gao Shuang, well done!

In the live broadcast room, when the gods saw Sun Yuan’s reaction, they either typed an ellipsis to indicate speechlessness, or a question mark.

[What about heads-up? 】

Dafa God is depressed: [How can you be so shameless as a human being? 】

【This is a life-and-death fight, not a duel between knights in the arena. Sun Yuan doesn’t need to reason with a monster! 】

The Dark Demon God thinks that Sun Yuan’s thick face and dark heart make him a Demon God!

【Sun Yuan didn’t think about heads-up at all, it’s all tactics. 】

The beautiful witch is speechless, a guy like Dafa God really only has muscles in his head: [Furthermore, Sun Yuan has no equipment and is restricted in his soul power, so it’s not fair to fight! 】

【That’s right, not only are these spore people’s physical fitness several times that of humans, but their hearts and heads are not critical. They will only die if their spines are severed. It is several times harder for humans to kill them than it is for them to kill humans! 】

The little princess is a staunch fan of Sun Yuan, even if Sun Yuan makes a sneak attack, she can find a hundred reasons to explain it.

[There is an idiom in human beings, which is called soldiers never tire of deceit! 】

Dawn Djinn is showing off his knowledge, but no one is paying attention, everyone is staring at the screen.

Sun Yuan originally planned to wait for Gao Shuang to injure the spore man before making a move, but he didn’t expect Gao Shuang to be so enlightened, so he directly traded the injury for the injury.

Gao Shuang got a judo skill book, so this is one of the reasons why he chose this tactic.

After he threw the spore man down, he immediately wanted to use a triangle twist to expose the spore man’s back so that Sun Yuan could make up the knife.

He had already seen it, Sun Yuan’s reaction was very fast, and he had already rushed over.

“It is worthy of being number one in the double list, this ability to capture fighters is too strong!”

Before Gao Shuang finished feeling, he was grabbed by the spore man with one hand, picked it up, and poured it on the ground fiercely.


Gao Shuang spat out a mouthful of blood, his body convulsed due to pain, and he couldn’t use any jujitsu moves. Fortunately, at this time, Sun Yuan killed him.

The spore man got rid of Gao Shuang and was about to stand up. When Sun Yuan was three meters away from it, he leaped forward. pregnant.


The spore man staggered from the impact, especially his eyes were hit by an iron elbow, his skin was ruptured, and blood flowed out, blurring his vision for an instant.

This human being is difficult!

The spore man knew that he was too big, and wanted to pick up the bone knife, but it was too late.

Sun Yuan landed and bent forward.


Sun Yuan, who walked around behind the spore man, held the survival knife in his backhand, pierced into the spore man’s spine, and slashed down hard.


The skin was torn apart, and blood gushed out.

Sun Yuan’s strength is 47, five times that of an ordinary peak human being. This time, he directly cut the spine of the spore man.

Then he pointed his left hand together to form a knife, inserted it into the spore man’s body, and grabbed a spine.


The spore man roared, turning around with his long arms and sweeping across.

Sun Yuan retreated violently, with ruthless force, he forcibly tore out a section of the Sporeman’s spine.


Jiang Shudan covered his eyes in fright.

This scene is too **** and brutal!


Sun Yuan threw away the spine in his hand, rushed to Gao Shuang’s side in two steps, grabbed his arm, and pulled him back to prevent the spore man from dying to fight back.

“Hey…cough cough! Cough cough!”

Gao Shuang originally wanted to praise Sun Yuan, but when he opened his mouth, he vomited blood.

“Stop talking!”

Sun Yuan will not give Gao Shuang a healing potion, so whether he can live or not depends entirely on his life.

Gao Shuang stopped talking and stared at the spore man, but he was filled with admiration. Sun Yuan’s attack was simple, direct and efficient.

First, the collision caused the spore man to lose his balance, and at the same time, his eyes were injured, his vision was blocked, and then he shifted, destroying his spine!

The whole process is fast, accurate and ruthless!

It can be said that the spore man did not make any mistakes in this battle. The only problem may be that after getting rid of himself, he did not guard against Sun Yuan in time.

But who would have thought that Sun Yuan would be so fast!

His physical fitness is definitely five times higher, right?


The spore man roared with resentment on his face, and rushed towards Sun Yuan, wanting to kill him to vent his anger, but Sun Yuan wouldn’t knock him down, and backed away immediately.

The spore man chased it all the way, spilling blood all the way, looking from behind it, you could see the broken spine.

“If you run away now, maybe you can still live!”

Sun Yuan’s voice was cold.

“Despicable human!”

The spore man roared.

“Why am I mean?” Sun Yuan shrugged his shoulders: “I attacked after you opened him, and I didn’t attack you together!”

The spore man was taken aback for a moment, it really is like this!

After all, there is no agreement between the two parties. After playing one, you have to pause before the other one can be played!

In fact, this sporeman wants to kill one instead, and kill the other immediately!

In the live broadcast room, the **** masters originally thought that there would be a fierce fight between Sun Yuan and Sun Yuan, but they didn’t expect the battle to end so soon!

【This spore man is dead! 】

The Dafa God shook his head.

Any intelligent creature, as long as there is a slight chance of survival, does not want to die!

【Sun Yuan is so black-bellied! 】

The Dark Demon God was very satisfied and rewarded him with a **** coin.

【Its heart is really dirty, but I like it! 】

The beautiful witch admired again and again, a little milk dog with this personality, no, it’s a little wolf dog, I really want to raise one.

So she opened the wallet.

One **** coin,


The spore people are still struggling with the beasts, and if they can’t kill Sun Yuan and the others, they might bring them some trouble, but if Sun Yuan keeps dodging and delaying the time, the spore people’s determination to die will cool down, and then they want to live.

As long as you hesitate and choose to escape, then it will be Sun Yuan’s hunting time.

Because Sun Yuan would never give it a chance to recover from its injuries.

“Lu Ding, come and save me!”

The sporeman yelled and chose to run away.

“Wait here!”

Sun Yuan said: “Wu Ge, take care of Gao Shuang!”

“Don’t chase, watch out for an ambush!”

Jiang Shudan was worried.

Sun Yuan followed the Sporeman more than 30 meters away, don’t worry, anyway, it suffered such a serious injury, it can’t run fast, and the blood shed all the way is the best road sign.

Spore people are in a hurry!

Its call for help is a lie.

There is only one spore man on this island. Its tactic is to scare off this cunning human being. If not, he will definitely be worried that his companions will come to the rescue in time and want to kill him as soon as possible. .

If that’s the case, I’ll do my best and drag him to the end.

But people’s choice is to follow behind, neither hurry nor slow.

“When my people come, you will die!”

The spore man sneered, as if his people would jump out of the bushes in the next moment.


Sun Yuan couldn’t help laughing.

Want to fool me?

I am an internal beta player and know everything about these games. If another sporeman pops up on this island, I will wring its head off and use it as a toilet for you!

With the loss of a section of the spine and the massive blood loss, the condition of this sporeman is getting worse and worse, but it is the human who makes him most desperate.

He was too calm, too sensible.

“Why did you let me meet this kind of enemy!”

The spore man wailed, it no longer said the word prey, because Sun Yuan’s performance was worthy of the title ‘enemy’.


The spore man finally fell to the ground.

Sun Yuan didn’t rush to pick up the corpse, but waited patiently. Sure enough, the spore man waited for three minutes, and seeing that Sun Yuan was not fooled, he started to move again.

Only this time, instead of running away, it crawled under a palm tree and leaned against it.

“Human, what’s your name?”

The spore man asked, his voice weak.

“Sun Yuan!”

Sun Yuan showed his kindness, because it was a rare encounter with a spore that could communicate, and he wanted to inquire about some information: “You came to Earth because you were forced to participate in this game by those Trojan horses?”

“Earth? Is this the name of this planet? It sounds so good!”

The spore man laughed: “Game? No, for us, this is a war!”

“Sun Yuan, you humans are less than 30 days away from extinction. Our queen will soon bring her invincible army to descend on this planet!”


Sun Yuan raised his brows when he heard this name. Is it the final boss he fought in the game? It’s just that when he wanted to ask again, the sporeman had already passed away.


The sporeman’s belly exploded, and a light golden ball the size of a walnut bounced out, falling into the grass and fallen leaves.

Sun Yuan was relieved, walked over and picked up the light ball.

Ding dong.

【Congratulations, you got an attribute stone, +5 strength! 】

Congratulations from the system ~IndoMTL.com~ Sun Yuan picked a few clean leaves from the nearby tree, wiped off the blood stains on the attribute stone, and threw it into his mouth.


Sun Yuan swallowed, and a wave of heat immediately spread from his stomach to his whole body!

His muscles became tighter and stronger.

Sun Yuan opened the attribute panel and took a look. The power column changed from 47 to 52!

How much can this attribute be added?

In the extreme state, can the body resist nuclear bombs?

Sun Yuan suddenly looked forward to it.

On the body of the spore man, there was also a waist bag woven with rattan and grass. Sun Yuan took it off, opened it, and prepared to admire the spoils.

Hope there’s something good in there!

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