God-level Closed Beta Player Chapter 257: Powerful monster

The latest URL: “Leader, there are monsters!”

Wei Dongmai rushed out of the guest room, yelled, and was about to go out to the battlefield.

“Come back!”

Shen Jingran let out a low growl.


Wei Dongmai doesn’t know why.

Shen Jingran frowned, not wanting to explain, if Sun Yuan hadn’t taken a fancy to this food delivery guy, she wouldn’t have talked much at all.

“The one who died was a member of Song Mingchen’s regiment, so it’s none of your business?”

Boss Wei has never seen such a simple person: “Why are you running there now? To send warmth?”


Wei Dongmai was silent, looking at Sun Yuan who walked out of the master bedroom.

“It’s not that we don’t want to help, we just look at the situation first, in case they are attacked or even surrounded by several waves of monsters, we can also serve as a reserve team and go into the battlefield.”

Shen Jingran explained.

In fact, she just wanted to wait for the opponent to consume the monster before going down.

“Tsk, as expected of someone who has studied, such a scheming.”

Boss Wei admires him, he is obviously just paddling for cheap, but he can be said so freshly and refined by this beautiful girl.

“So it is”

Wei Dongmai originally thought that the two of them were a bit shameless, but after hearing this explanation, he was relieved.

“Let’s go!”

Sun Yuan stood in front of the window, glanced into the community, and immediately rushed out the door.

It’s not a critical moment, there’s no need to play tricks, if you see something bad, just run away, and this is the first time you’ve cooperated with Song Mingchen, if you’re cheating now, the two sides won’t trust each other.

“Head Sun is not a bad guy, is he?”

Boss Wei has a headache. He has a bad personality, so he is more difficult to mix with these people with a higher moral bottom line.

“Shut up your stinking mouth!”

Shen Jingran scolded: “Get down quickly, you are cannon fodder, rush to the front!”


One day, I will play with your stinky mouth.

Boss Wei is very angry.

Sun Yuan walked out of the residential building and trotted towards the place where the gunshots were heard, while guarding his surroundings.

The fog floating in the air seems to be thicker than before.

Da da da! Da da da!

Under the darkness of night, orange-red gunfire roared.

“Don’t panic, the first and second teams shoot alternately.”

Chewing gum, Chen Xiao commanded the battle: “It doesn’t matter if you can’t be killed, don’t worry, pay attention to keep the firepower suppressed!”

Near a residential building on the east side, there were a few sporemen wandering over. After spotting a group of players, they immediately attacked them.

Because it was too dark and the field of vision wasn’t good enough, the players didn’t find them in time and suffered a small loss. They didn’t stabilize the situation until Chen Xiao led the team to come.

When Sun Yuan ran over, he saw the last living spore man leaping up like a vicious dog preying on Chen Ling.

The woman in the bulletproof vest didn’t change her expression. She raised the shotgun in her hand and didn’t aim at it.


The orange-red muzzle flame was like a blooming flower, and a slug shot out from it, smashing the spore man’s head.


The spore man fell to the ground.


After Chen Ling loaded the bullet, he fired another shot at the spore man’s heart.


The spore people did not move at all, and then some dark red mist floated out from their bodies, like pollen.

Because everyone was wearing gas masks, they didn’t panic, but Sun Yuan became nervous when he saw this scene.

“Back, fast back!”

Sun Yuan reminded.

“No need, the monster is dead!”

Chen Xiao was very calm.


Sun Yuan was holding back the words in his throat, unable to speak out.

This is not an ordinary spore man, but infected by a boss monster. In the mobile game, after this special monster dies, it will spread a spore blood mist, which is full of spore eggs.

Ordinary spore eggs, humans can only be parasitized by implantation after they are inhaled into the body, but these spore eggs are more infectious, as long as they come into contact with the skin, they can parasitize.

Sun Yuan saw the blood mist drifting over, and hurriedly urged: “Stand back, stay away!”

Shen Jingran and the others naturally obeyed Sun Yuan’s words.

“All solved?”

Song Mingchen came, and he was very satisfied to see that Sun Yuan arrived before him.

This shows that Sun Yuan does have the sincerity to cooperate.

“It’s just a few mobs!”

Chen Xiao didn’t take these ‘ordinary spore people’ to heart at all.

“How many people died?”

Song Mingchen saw fewer people.

“I haven’t planned to go to the battlefield yet!”

Chen Xiao waved her hand, she would not deal with such a trivial matter in person.

“Team Leader Song, these monsters are spraying gas, and I don’t know if it is harmful. You’d better keep your team members away and don’t touch them!”

Sun Yuan could only use this method to gently remind everyone.

He has never been in contact with this kind of monsters before. If he suddenly said how scary they are, he would definitely be suspected by the gods and Trojans.


Song Mingchen frowned, and pointed the tactical flashlight at the monster’s corpse, and sure enough, he saw red mist rising from the shattered wound.

This situation is different from the monsters killed before.

“Quick, stay away!”

Song Mingchen spoke, and everyone followed suit immediately.

“Leader, I don’t know if those team members who were ‘killed’ were implanted by monster eggs. If so, they will become monsters if they don’t make up the knife as soon as possible!”

Chen Xiao reminded.

“Solve it with a grenade!”

Even though Chen Xiao is fully armed, Song Mingchen still doesn’t want her to take risks. After all, this is her capable general, and if he gets hurt, he will be so heartbroken to death.

“Too wasteful.”

Chen Xiao was not happy, and cast an unhappy look at Sun Yuan. She felt that this man was overly cautious at best, and cowardly at worst.

“Then I’ll do it!”

Song Mingchen was about to do it himself, but just as he took out the grenade, the three players who had been thrown to the ground by the monster before stood up.

“Be careful!”

Several exclamations sounded.

More than a dozen flashlight beams shone in the past, and everyone saw that the bodies of these three monsters swelled up, as if they were inflated, and their clothes were bulging, and blood vessels protruded from their skin. shaped texture.


Shen Jingran found something wrong.

Every time these sporemen breathe, a faint red mist floats out of their mouths.

“Rare monster?”

Song Mingchen was surprised and felt a sense of crisis.

“That’s not right, Fan Zhi was bitten to death by the monster’s big tongue just now. Why did he mutate?”

A young man with short hair was puzzled. They were the first team to be attacked.

The three players who were companions just now completed the mutation, roared and rushed over.

“Don’t fire!”

Song Mingchen growled and made the move himself: “Chen Xiao.”


Chen Ling responded, and the shotgun began to spit out flames.

Bang! boom! boom!

The two men were very accurate with marksmanship, and the bullets precisely smashed the heads and hearts of the three monsters, sending them to the west.

When they fell to the ground, a dark red mist overflowed from the wound.

“This should be a new monster, these fogs should be able to mutate people!”

Song Mingchen analyzed that he was not in a panic.

First of all, this kind of monster is the same as ordinary spore people, it can only fight hand-to-hand, and has no other ultimate moves, just kill them before they get close.

As for the mist after death?

Wearing a gas mask should be able to prevent it!

“Let’s go!”

Song Mingchen is going to leave here and go to other places to have a look. If there is no movement, he will go to the residential building to collect some supplies and return to the safe area.

Sun Yuan stared at the short-haired young man who spoke just now, and distanced himself from them.

The first few players who encountered monsters had no gas masks and gloves, and their necks were exposed. Not surprisingly, their skin came into contact with the mist.

Sure enough, when everyone climbed over the wall and left the community, and returned to the Hummer, the young man with short hair suddenly started to vomit.

“What’s wrong?”

The companion next to him went to help him.

“Don’t go!”

Sun Yuan shouted.

Everyone looked at Sun Yuan.

“Aren’t you too cowardly?”

Chen Xiao was speechless.

If this kid was infected, he would have mutated a long time ago, and he wouldn’t wait until now.

The player who went to help the short-haired young man patted him on the back to help him relax, but in the next moment, under the moonlight, he saw blood vessels protruding on his forehead, and his muscles were swollen visible to the naked eye. He was terrified and backed away in a panic.

“Changed… mutated!”


Like night owls whose tails were stepped on, everyone backed away in a hurry.


The short-haired young man struggled and wanted to speak, but he couldn’t make a complete syllable.

“What happened?”

Chen Xiao was at a loss: “The monster didn’t even come within ten meters of him!”

“Can’t his gas mask stop the fog?”

Shen Jingran interrupted suddenly, almost scaring everyone to death.

If this is the case, then no one will survive.

Ouch! vomit! vomit!

Two more players start vomiting.

No one dared to step forward to help, but retreated further.

“What to do? Do you want to attack?”

Everyone can’t decide to pay attention.

“Chen Xiao, have they all come into contact with the mist from the corpse?”

Song Mingchen racked his brains to deduce the cause of the problem.

“It seems to have been touched!”

Chen Xiao frowned: “But those with a very low concentration of fog, and their gas masks are well worn?”

“Is it a skin contact infection?”

Shen Jingran speculates.

“Nine out of ten!”

Song Mingchen also guessed this possibility, and then began to regret it.


I should listen to Sun Yuan and let everyone stay away from those misty ones.

“You guys finally reacted!”

Sun Yuan looked at the three players who were mutating, raised his AK47 rifle, and fired at them, otherwise they would instinctively attack humans after the mutation was complete.

Da da da!

The sudden sound of gunfire startled everyone, but then they also started shooting.

Three monsters were killed, because they hadn’t fully mutated, so there was less fog coming out of them.

This time, there is no need for Sun Yuan to remind, everyone quickly backed away.

“This world is too dangerous!”

Boss Wei still has lingering fears~IndoMTL.com~ I am extremely fortunate to follow, it is really good to follow Sun Yuan.

“Should you apologize to our leader?”

Shen Jingran ran on Chen Xiao: “If you had listened to him earlier and kept everyone away, these people wouldn’t have died!”


Chen Xiao’s face was gloomy, and finally he lowered his head: “I’m sorry, I was careless.”

“Be more careful in the future, there will definitely be more and more monsters we haven’t seen before!”

Sun Yuan persuaded.

“This mutated spore man must not have been created out of thin air. There should be a BOSS nearby!”

Shen Jingran suddenly said a word, which instantly made everyone’s hair stand on end, and they were fully alert to their surroundings.

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