God and Devil World Chapter 980: Destroy!

In the electronic screens, the last image is the evolution zombies with wing flying to them, and then the screen is full of nothing.

The hearts of everyone in that command center are sinking. They know that those unmanned reconnaissance planes have been completely destroyed by the flying zombies.

Randy made a quick judgment and issued an order: “” The whole army is ordered to retreat immediately. After the first division. “

Landy has 20,000 elite Armor troops, well-equipped, ammunition is sufficient, and tank troops. If you deal with the millions of zombies in the world just mutant, you can destroy it and destroy it.

But after these two years of evolution, those zombiess have undergone earth-shaking changes and evolved all kinds of terrible monsters. These 20,000 human race Armor troops are head-to-head with the millions of corpses, and the final result must be swallowed by the millions of corpses after the elimination of hundreds of thousands of zombies.

Under Randy ’s order, the Armor unit turned around very quickly and galloped away in the direction it came from.

“Behind !!! zombies appeared in the back !!! A lot of zombies !!!”

Shortly after Randy’s retreat, the reconnaissance forces in the rear immediately returned terrifying information.

At the same time, the unmanned Surveillance aircraft that Randy deployed in the rear also found that the dense zombies, which was like a tide, was out to them.

Shushasha! !

The unmanned Surveillance aircraft in the rear had just returned the information, and was directly destroyed by the evolutionary zombies flying in the sky, leaving only images of flowers.

Landy’s face was pale, and she couldn’t help but yelled: “Damn! These zombiess are so cunning. Damn it!”

zombies is a stupid, stupid pig-like brainless synonym in Randy ’s eyes. Even if it is a simple trap, it can hunt a lot of Common zombies.

In the last two years of this eschatology, Randy repeatedly used inferior troops to defeat and destroy Corpse Sea with a force of more than one million. Even the evolutionary zombies like Z2 and Z3 is nothing but a bunch of fools in his eyes. He never took that Corpse Sea to heart.

But those stupid pigs that Randy did n’t have in mind had taken the back of his troops, which made him angry and hopeless.

Once surrounded by those Corpse Sea, the 20,000 elite human race army here will become delicious in the mouth of zombies.

At this moment, a correspondent quickly said: “General, a communication request came from the headquarters.”

“Pick.” Randy grumbled sullenly: “Is these fat-headed idiots now coming and pointing at me? What the idiots of the Ministry of Information are doing? So many zombies have their eyes blind Still? The satellite is paralyzed. Damn bastard. “

Just when Randy complained, a display screen turned on, a gray hair, dressed in military uniforms, with patches of old age on his face, appeared with an upper-class old man.

Landy watched the old man’s complexion change and said abruptly: “General.”

The old man in front of him is the military giant Ude in the Paradise God Kingdom . Before the end of the world, he was a major general of the German side. After the end of the world, the army commanding Paradise God Kingdom wiped out countless zombies and human race, and its reputation in the army was extremely high.

Apostle is a very powerful Evolver with a special Strength. It has a lofty status and is a servant of gods in the world. However, most of Apostle has no military talents, and their tyranny is mainly on their personal Strength.

In the military, Paradise God Kingdom mainly relies on regular military officers before the end of the age.

Ude looked exhausted and said: “Landy, the elders will make an order to let you withdraw immediately. Take the lads of our Aryan to the India base.”

Landy heard suddenly lost her face: “What? General, do you know what you are talking about? If we retreat now. The 15th Corps of the Asian Division will be wiped out in those zombies mouths, 20,000 Great boy will die because of your decision. “

Ude said coldly: “I know this command will make you very uncomfortable. But around you, it has been surrounded by countless zombies. Continue to fight, it is only a matter of time before your whole army is wiped out. Our great Aryan guy You should n’t die there. Bring them back. As for the 15th Legion of the Asian Division, it ’s just some China people. We died and died. We have saved them, and we have raised them for so long. It’s time to reward us. “

In the eyes of Ude, the Paradise God Kingdom Warrior in the 15th Legion of the Asian Division, except for the pure-blooded Aryan family Warrior, the rest of the Warrior can be abandoned.

For Paradise God Kingdom , Aryan talent is the first noble race. The rest of the people are splashing races, and they are just the objects they use. In the Paradise God Kingdom army, the High Level officials are all Aryan people, and only some of the Low Level officers will be people of other races. And the promotion of officers of other races is far less easy than that of Aryan.

Most of the High Level managers and mid-level Cadre of Taiwanese companies coming to the mainland are Taiwanese. Most of the executives and mid-level Cadre of Japanese investment companies who come to China are also Japanese. Such country, race, and **** discrimination cannot be eliminated before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world.

Don’t Say is Ude, even if it is Yue Zhong, when facing the choice, it will give priority to those foreigners who have no relationship with him. There is no way to give up those China survivors.

Landy fell into silence for a moment. He has been working in the 15th Army of the Asian Division for many years. He has deep feelings as he sees this army grow from weak to strong. He is also a human, not an animal without emotion. If you want him to give up his loyal subordinates, even those who are China, it is difficult for him to make a decision easily.

Ude frowned, full of majesty: “General Randy, this is an order. This is a command from the military, please execute the order immediately!”

Randy shuddered, and paid a military salute to Ude on the screen: “Yes!”

Randy returned to normal and quickly issued a series of orders: “All troops, immediately gather at the hilltop to form a fortification on the spot. Notify all Aryan Warrior to board the plane quickly.”

The fifteenth legion of the Paradise God Kingdom Asian Division was quickly assembled on a hilltop under Randy ’s order, and at the same time began to quickly build various fortifications.

The fifteenth legion of the Asian Division received rigorous military training and possessed a large number of vehicles, and soon built a simple fortification with the big trucks, tanks, and Armor vehicles as the core .

Just after the fortification was constructed, a large helicopter suddenly flew out of the center of the fortification, and flew towards the distance under the guard of one of their trump cards, Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft.

“What is that?”

“Run away, they run away !!”

“Damn, those **** aliens have left us and fled !!”

“Are n’t we comrades? Why should we abandon us !!! Why !!!”

“Bastard, beast !!”


Seeing that the large helicopter transporter, Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft, took off and flew away. The face of Warrior of the 15th Corps of Paradise God Kingdom below changed greatly and fell into despair.

“Damn beast, go die !!”

In the midst of anger and despair, many Warriors directly picked up assault rifles and heavy machine guns in their hands and shot them crazy into the sky.

A dozen Warriors operating double-mounted 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun vehicles also desperately shot into the sky desperately.

In a flash, both parties changed from comrades to enemies.


A slowest large transport helicopter was bombarded with 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine guns underneath. Very unfortunately the fuel tank was shot and exploded directly, turning into a ball of fire from the sky come down.

“Damn China dog.”

There are more than 65 Aryan Warrior in that large transport helicopter. Seeing the death of their compatriots, several Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft pilots were in a state of rage. They directly manipulated Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft and quickly turned their heads, flying to the fifteenth legion’s position and continuously throwing incendiary bombs.

Boom! boom! boom!

As the incendiary bombs fell into the fifteenth legion’s position, the fifteenth legion’s position was completely engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, and a large number of Warrior all uttered a whimperous scream.

At the same time, a rocket was fired from the Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft and bombarded the tanks and Armor vehicles on the periphery of the fifteenth legion, directly blasting those tanks and Armor vehicles into a ball of fireballs. The line of defense around the legion ripped open.

“Beasts, these white pigs are really unreliable !!! It is a group of beasts !!!”

Those Paradise God Kingdom Warrior, who were originally angry but restrained, suddenly became angry, and the anti-aircraft missile vehicles loaded with surface-to-air missiles quickly drove out, one by one originally intended to deal with the Yue Zhong army. The air-to-air missiles rose into the air and bombarded those Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft.

The Large Caliber anti-aircraft artillery cars on the ground are also spitting out fierce fire tongues and blasting into the sky.

After launching an interceptor missile and intercepting several surface-to-air missiles, a Thunderbolt Fighter Aircraft was finally directly hit by several surface-to-air missiles. With a bang, it exploded and turned into a huge ball of fire from the sky. Among them fell to the ground.

The rest of the Thunderbolt Fighter Aircrafts were quickly pulled up and flew into the sky, toward the main force of Paradise God Kingdom . They have destroyed the line of defense of the 15th Legion. The 15th Legion is already dead, and they do not want to waste time with the dead. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Piaotian Literature Registered Member to recommend the work. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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