God and Devil World Chapter 321:

Piaotian Literature A Warrior responsible for communication faced the powerful coercion emanating from Wu Dahui, sweating his forehead constantly, and was a bit timid. “Yes !!! That person also asked us to give us 300 tons of grain for Li Bingyan through Chinese Association.”

Wu Dahui has a blue face, holding the arm of the chair tightly with both hands and glaring at the Warrior, asking, “Who did they kill Dayang?”

Dayang is the top six Expert in Experts as common as the clouds‘s Langfang camp. The Expert, a melee, long-range, tracking, and summoning squad of hunters, is readily available. Even the powerful Evolver died in their hands. Such an elite squad was destroyed by Yue Zhong alone, making Wu Dahui somewhat unbelievable.

The Warrior said: “The one who killed Dayang was a Chinese, whose name is Yue Zhong!”

In the eyes of Wu Dahui, killing intent said: “Yue Zhong! Go back and tell them! I will exchange 300 tons of food for Li Bingyan. Tell Yue Zhong that if he dares to hurt Li Bingyan for half a minute, I will never let him go!” “

“Yes!” The Warrior nodded and retreated.

A dwarf with dark skin and a height of less than one meter four frowned, and asked Wu Dahui: “Dahui! Do you really want 300 tons of food in exchange for Li Bingyan?”

The one-meter-four dwarf named Li Yuanda is a Agility type Evolver. He is also the Deputy Leader in Langfang Camp, battle strength is second only to Wu Dahui. With extremely terrifying skills, he once destroyed a well-equipped Warrior on the front battlefield alone. His prestige is also very heavy in Langfang Camp, and his cooperation with Wu Dahui is also very close.

On the face of Wu Dahui, there was a smile on the face of coldly with a smile: “Of course not! I will use the 300 tons of food as a bait to thoroughly raise the Chinese pig cheekbone called Yue Zhong!”

What kind of Leader there are, what subordinates will gather. Wu Yanhong felt deep pain and disgust for China and regarded the Chinese as slaves. Wu Dahui these subordinates also did not treat the Chinese as a person. Like the original Nazi organization in Germany.

After listening to Wu Dahui, Li Yuanda stopped speaking. He just wanted to kill people, as long as Wu Dahui did not violate the big principle. He would not interfere with the behavior of Wu Dahui. Correct Because of this, the Leader of the two Langfang camps got along very well, and they didn’t quarrel because of power issues.

Not long after, big trucks and lorries drove out of Yaxian. Loaded with a large amount of grain, it drove up the mountain designated by Yue Zhong.

The three hundred tons of grain is not a small amount. The huge team has been shipped for several hours before the grain was shipped to the mountain and unloaded.

Wu Dahui came to the mountain with the team. Quickly let the Warrior in Langfang camp control each of the hills. At the same time, two armed helicopters already were hidden in a jungle, ready to take off at any time to strike Yue Zhong.

Wu Dahui attaches great importance to Yue Zhong, which can kill the Expert of the Langyaying elite team in Dayang. Although this Expert cannot directly resist Wu Yanhong’s army. However, fighting guerrilla warfare can cause a lot of trouble for the big Vietnam emperor.

The elite of Langyaying killed many Expert who attempted to oppose Wu Yanhong. However, those Expert also caused a lot of troubles to Wu Yanhong Ministry. More than 100 Wu Yanhong Ministry Warrior died in the hands of those Expert. It also held back Wu Yanhong’s energy.

The continuous passage of time, Yue Zhong as the main character has never appeared.

“Damn Yue Zhong! What on earth is he trying to do?” After waiting for three hours, Wu Dahui already was agitated. Brow a frown, yell at the teeth.

“Campmaster !!!” At this moment, an Warrior trot all the way. Reporting to Wu Dahui: “Yue Zhong sent someone over! He said that we laid an ambush here without any sincerity. We are now required to transfer the grain to the Green Bamboo Peak immediately.”

Wu Dahui Qi Tieqing faced up, and his heart’s fear of Yue Zhong deepened: “Did he see it? He is really cunning !!”

A Warrior asked Wu Dahui: “Campmaster! What now?”

Wu Dahui was silent for a while. This small setback was also expected, and he directly ordered: “Follow his instructions. Transfer the grain to the Green Bamboo Peak. This time, don’t come over!” “

“Yes!” the Warrior responded in congratulations.

“As long as you still covet my 300 tons of food! You will never escape my palm!” Wu Dahui thought fiercely in his heart. Among the three hundred tons of grain, most of the boxes contained real grain, but more than thirty boxes contained Expert from Langyaying.

As long as Yue Zhong sends someone to pick up the 300 tons of grain, the Wolffang camp Expert in the box is killed. With the support of those two gunships, it was enough to destroy the disorganized mob of a battalion.

Vietnamese army Warrior shipped the three hundred tons of grain to Green Bamboo Peak according to the order of Wu Dahui. It was wasted again for hours.

“The battalion commander! Yue Zhong let us transport the grain to the lizard forest again.” Just one hour after the three hundred tons of grain was shipped to Qingzhu Peak, a Warrior ran over to report to the Wu Dahui.

“Damn Yue Zhong !!! How dare to play with me !!! If I caught you, I would have to kill you Ling Chi !!!” Wu Dahui looked iron-cheeked and embarrassed, and punched a big punch in a big Above the tree, there was a loud noise, and the big tree was cut off by his punch. He already knows that Yue Zhong has no intention of trading with him, otherwise he would not play with him like this.

Wu Dahui grimace gritted his teeth, “Let’s go!”

Under the order of Wu Dahui, the Warrior of Langya Battalion and other Vietnamese Warriors were exhausted and returned to Yaxian.

Yue Zhong was holding Li Bingyan in the direction of the town where the forward camp was stationed. He already completed the goal of pinning Wu Yanhong in Ya County for one day. Now he must return to the town, organize a retreat, and lead a large army to evacuate the town.

Yue Zhong just created a little trouble for Wu Yanhong at this time. He didn’t have ability blocking the Strength of Wu Yanhong’s army.

As long as Wu Yanhong sends Langya Battalion Expert Battalion to attack Yue Zhong, it can definitely defeat the current Yue Zhong.

Li Bingyan stared at Yue Zhong loudly: “You don’t talk about credit! Aren’t you promised to let me go as long as there are 300 tons of grain? Didn’t our people bring 300 tons of grain with already? Why are you? Don’t trade with them and let me go? “

Yue Zhong didn’t even go to the trading place, which made Li Bingyan angry. She is very clear that as long as Yue Zhong steps into that trading place, it will be a nine-death situation. She can also have a glimmer of life, but her hope is completely shattered by the action of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong glanced at the angry Li Bingyan at coldly and said, “Have you be honest! It ’s your Langya camp that didn’t keep its promises and set up an ambush. This caused the transaction between us to fail. On my head. “

From that Langyaying promised the deal so quickly, Yue Zhong knew that it was absolutely impossible for them to succeed. Three hundred tons of food is not a small amount. And thinking in other words, that is, Yue Zhong standing on the position of Wu Dahui, will only find a way to kill the greedy robber.

Li Bingyan glared at Yue Zhong with a hate, lowered his head, and looked obediently, but he didn’t know how many times he had killed Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong After returning to the town with Li Bingyan, I saw those Chinese, white, black and other survivors all already Regaining some vitality, they armed with weapons and patrolled the town, deterring those Vietnam survivor.

On the street, there is no one, and on some traffic arteries, sandbags, barbed wire and a name Warrior are deployed.

Seeing Yue Zhong coming over, those Warrior with guns made a military salute towards Yue Zhong, their eyes were full of respect and gratitude. The man in front of Correct rescued them from hell, and gave them food, health, Strength, and dignity, making them human, not existence like a pig and dog. This filled them with gratitude and admiration for Yue Zhong.

A Chinese man with a huge scald scar on his face made him look a little embarrassed. Warrior came to Yue Zhong to perform a military salute, his eyes flashed with gratitude and admiration: “Boss Yue !! Chen Yao Young Lady is here Side, please follow me! “

The more than two hundred non-Vietnamese survivor prisoners were all abused like pigs and dogs. Everyone had scars on their bodies, and there were not a few people who broke their looks.

“What’s your name?” Yue Zhong asked as he walked along the Warrior.

“My name is Pan Jinyong!” the Warrior replied quickly.

Yue Zhong smiled slightly: “Would you like to be my guard?”

As soon as Pan Jinyong talked about Vietnamese, his appearance became incomparable. killing intent said: “Of course I do! But Boss Yue! I want to kill the Vietnam dog on the front line!”

The **** experts and professors who talk about what is wrong and report the wrongs and revenge can’t solve the problem are just exaggerating. They were not harmed, and naturally they could talk about it nonsense. If their daughter and wife are raped and murdered, they can remain calm and talk about forgiving the perpetrators, then they will be persuasive.

Yue Zhong The two hundred survivors rescued from the Vietnamese captive camp are normal people, and they are full of hatred for those Vietnamese. Anxious to kill all the Vietnamese who harmed them.

After listening to Pan Jinyong’s words, Li Bingyan frowned. She was Vietnamese. When she heard someone yell at Vietnam dog, she felt very uncomfortable.

Yue Zhong patted Pan Jinyong’s shoulder without asking: “That’s ok! Recover well! In the future, kill a few more enemies on the battlefield!”

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