God and Devil World Chapter 266: Empress Bee!

Charging chapter (12 o’clock)

Chapter 266 Empress Bee!

Yue Zhong?” Zheng Yun glanced at Yun Qiang, and then looked at the ten Type 03 Rifles under Yun Qiang, frowning. After Yun Qiang had these ten Type 03 Rifles, his strength was greatly improved. If their Twenty three Suzakus with a machete rushed to help the crowd, they would be directly sieved. [..com]

Zheng Yun hesitated for a while, and said to Yunqiang, “I can’t do this. The Lord must ask sister Liu to wait here.”

Cheng Yu glanced at Zheng Yun’s coldly before Yunqiang and said, “Go back, I’ll just wait for you here for 1 hour. If you haven’t made a decision in 1 hour, don’t blame us.” /

After all, women still take advantage. Cheng Yu saw the firm eyes of three Twenty Suzakus holding a machete to help the public. If Zheng Yun gave an order, these crazy women would rush to death and rush to fight with them. He didn’t want to kill the ring, killing all these women in front of him.

Zheng Yun was relieved and immediately sent a woman back to the headquarters of Suzaku Gang.

“What about big sister?” Zhang Lili, a girl with a burly build, a height of 1.8 meters, and dark skin with thick hands and feet, looked at her long legs, her chest was hip, her face was like a peach, her long hair was beautiful sexy‘s Empress bee Liu Yujiao asked slowly.

Liu Yujiao is very simple. She is also a very thoughtful woman with ability. At the beginning of the last days, she made great use of her beauty to let many male cannon fodder kill her for her and let her survive the dangers of the last days. She later drifted into a small force. Soon, she used her beauty and her ability to unite more than a dozen tortured women and stole all the materials of that small force to the survivor base of sy city to establish a Suzaku gang.

Liu Yujiao is very smart. She specially recruits those female survivors who are bullied. While giving alms and small favors, the female survivors are grateful to her. At the same time, they are training those female survivors strictly and training them to be comparable to men Crazy thug. Those women who lost their dignity and lost everything once trained are the most loyal subordinates of Liu Yujiao.

Liu Yujiao frowned and thought quietly: “Yue Zhong turned out to be him. This time it was really difficult”

Yue Zhong‘s big name Liu Yujiao was just recently known. She is also in the sy city government, although the level is not very high. But the news was very sensitive. Yue Zhong killed the Yuan Ye mountain director of the tax office, and already passed to her ears. A giant who has not been punished by the Commissioner of Taxation is going to crush her Suzaku gang.

“I’ll meet him in person” Liu Yujiao stood up from his chair, his eyes flashed with indomitable light. Hard to fight her strength is absolutely unable to fight Yue Zhong, the only way is to persuade Yue Zhong in person.

“Big sister let me go” A beautiful lady Liu Manyu with beautiful long black hair, soft and slender hair, white and creamy skin, and exquisite appearance, stood up and looked at Liu Yujiao.

It is very difficult for a power composed of women to gain a foothold in these last days. Liu Manyu is the third sister who is in charge of public relations. She has drawn a lot of umbrellas for Suzaku, and it is also under those umbrellas that Suzaku can compete with the Black Tiger and Blue Dragon.

The Faction without an umbrella cannot grow and develop at all, and the strength of any Faction cannot be compared with the strength of the government. Several teams of police were able to completely destroy a Faction.

Liu Yujiao stubbornly said, “No, this time I have to go in person, otherwise we Suzaku are afraid that they will really perish”

Liu Yujiao made arrangements for the aftermath of her two sisters: “If I can’t come back, you will immediately disperse, if they surround you, you will drop him.”


“Let me go”


Liu Manyu and Zhang Lili both yelled at Liu Yujiao and hoped that she could change her mind. Liu Yujiao didn’t bother to call them, and strode away from here.

Yue Zhong glanced at the Liu Yujiao indifferently said standing in front of him: “You are the Suzaku Gang Liu Yujiao?”

The Liu Yujiao who was standing in front of Yue Zhong was wearing a black tights, a pair of black leather boots, a long leather whip inserted at the waist, and her sexy hot body was really full. Alluring charm.

Liu Yujiao smiled slightly at Yue Zhong, revealing tens of thousands of styles, bright and beautiful: “Yes, I’m Liu Yujiao. Boss Yue, I’m here this time, I hope you are like a black tiger gang, let us help Suzaku You let us help Suzaku to help us. In the future, Suzaku will definitely take your Boss Yue as the leader.

Liu Yujiao is not a stunning beauty at the level of Zhuo Yatong and Zhou Yanxue. But she knew how to make the most of her own charm, and with every move, she carried a very touching style. Coupled with the temperament of a strong woman, it is easier for men to give birth to a kind of conquest. Only those men who tried to conquer her became already her stepping stones. She stepped on her feet and became her way forward.

Yue Zhong coldly is looking at Liu Yujiao, without a hint of ** in his eyes: “As long as you pay a sufficient price for your Suzaku to continue existence

In the harem of Yue Zhong, there are three beautiful women, and he is not the kind of man who will be lost by women. The charm of Liu Yujiao did not help him much.

Liu Yujiao watched Yue Zhong not be moved by her charm, and finally threw out her trump card: “I don’t know if you are not interested in making bullets?”

“Will you make a bullet?” Hearing the words of Liu Yujiao, Yue Zhong‘s eyes suddenly burst into a strange look. He looked at Liu Yujiao with a different look.

“No, I won’t?” Seeing that his hole cards were valid, Liu Yujiao smiled and continued, “But I know someone will make bullets.”

Yue Zhong finally revealed a smile: “Very well, just leave that person to me and I will let you Suzaku out. But here are three old streets: Xinglong Old Street, Nanshan Old Street and Xingye Old Street. Site. You Suzaku must leave here. “

Bullets are extremely difficult to make. Yue Zhong already can now reload bullets, of course not a lot. But to make new bullets, he didn’t have that technology. There are many disadvantages of reloading bullets. One of them is that the use of reloading bullets will greatly reduce the accuracy of shooting. The threat of zombies to bullets without firing accuracy will be greatly reduced. New bullets have always been an important factor that plagued the development of Yue Zhong forces. If Yue Zhong can make new bullets by himself, his power will be greatly enhanced. A small Suzaku gang can’t be compared with that bullet-making technology at all.

“I still have a request for Boss YueLiu Yujiao continued to turn to her charming big eyes and said, “I hope to be able to help you with Suzaku, like the Black Tiger Gang, and we can work for you. Although Suzaku Gang battle strength cannot talk to you Compared to our troops, but we are well informed. If you need, we are willing to be your eyes and ears. “

“Good” Yue Zhong glanced at Liu Yujiao and agreed to her request with a smile. This is a clever woman, she knows how to live better in this end time.

With Yue Zhong acting as a backer, Liu Yujiao‘s Suzaku Gang can develop better. In this last age, there is no strong backer that can’t work, only the bullying of others.

Yue Zhong ordered to Liu Yujiao: “I will give you a task. Within five days, give me all of the three old streets, Xinglong Old Street, Nanshan Old Street, and Xingye Old Street. Rogue and liar thieves. Send it to me. I will give you ten Type 03 Rifle, 300 rounds of rifle bullets, and send Expert to help you kill all of them.

“It’s Boss Yue and I will definitely complete the task.” Liu Yujiao answered with excitement

Yun Qiang from the Black Tiger Gang also received the same task.

The next five days, the black tiger gang and the suzaku gang combined two Factions to raid the three old streets of Xinglong Old Street, Nanshan Old Street, and Xingye Old Street crazyly, and arrested all the landlords Rogue and crook thieves Sent to Yue Zhong here. They are the ground snakes in this area, and they really know this area very well. Those Rogue and liar thieves can’t escape their eyes. Five days later, these three old streets, Xinglong Old Street, Nanshan Old Street, and Xingye Old Street, turned into streets with good security.

Those Rogue and liar thief bullies were directly compiled by Yue Zhong into a coolie camp to clean the streets of these three old streets, and clean up the three old streets where most of the sewage was flowing and the smell was smoky. . Those who urinate and threw trash everywhere are also directly caught by Yue Zhong, thrown into the labor camp, and clean the streets. Soon no one dared to urinate or throw garbage anywhere. Sanjie Street’s hygiene is much better.

Yue Zhong After cleaning up Faction in Sanjou Street. Soon eight Factions were set up in these three old streets. Each Faction recruited 50 or 60 thugs, and the total number of eight Factions exceeded 500.

A short time after the establishment of the eight Factions, a request was made to the city of sy to go out and look for supplies. After obtaining approval, these eight Faction immediately took people out of the city of sy and then most of them disappeared. Only a few people returned.

After the elimination of the eight Factions, eight Factions were established shortly, and hundreds of survivors were soon recruited. After a period of time, those Factions left the city of sy by disappearing by applying for supplies. In this way, Yue Zhong quietly transferred the survivors in the city of sy.

Chapter 266 Empress Bee!

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