God and Devil World Chapter 1030: Fight!

After killing five human race Warriors in an instant, the Fifth-Rank Alien raised a terrifying scream in the sky.

Hearing the terrifying and terrifying screams, many human race survivors tremble in their hearts. Thick fear flows into their hearts, causing them to tremble, and fighting intent is lost.

Seeing this scene of the human race Warrior hidden in the surroundings, everyone’s heart was cold and morale was weak. That holy Warrior is the most elite and tyrannical Warrior in the holy city, which can be compared to Warrior of Common. Such Expert was actually killed by those Alien spikes, which naturally made people feel terrified.

“Beast, die !!”

At this moment, accompanied by a roar, a dragon-shaped energy was coming from the sky, and a terrible mouth was opened to bite directly at the Fifth-Rank Alien.

The dragon shaped bite on the body of the Fifth-Rank Alien with a bite, biting the carapace of the Fifth-Rank Alien, but it was unable to bite the carapace of the Fifth-Rank Alien for a while.

In the dragon-shaped energy, the Fifth-Rank Alien also struggled desperately, trying to get out of that energy, but no matter how it struggled, it could not get rid of the dragon-shaped energy.

Murong Wang turned into a stream of light and landed directly next to the body of the Alien, and slapped a palm on the body of the Alien that was clamped by the dragon-shaped force, and the terrifying Strength burst instantly.

The body of that Fifth-Rank Alien rose and burst in an instant. The violent blood sputtered directly towards the distance, and it fell to the ground, corroding the ground into an big hole.

“Your Highness the Holy Envoy !!!”

“The Temple of the Holy Angel is down !!!”

“His Royal Highness is invincible !!”


After seeing Murong Wang kill the Fifth-Rank Alien, there was a burst of excitement screaming around.

That Fifth-Rank Alien I do n’t know how many human race Warrior were killed, how many Armor weapons were destroyed, almost invincible. This horrible monster was killed by Murong Wang in one blow, which naturally made those surrounding Warrior excited, and worshipped Murong Wang, and the morale was greatly improved.

The Fifth-Rank Alien was killed by one blow, but the Murong Wang frowned: “The defense of these monsters is amazing.”

Originally, Murong Wang expected that a big dragon biting his hand would be able to tear a Fifth-Rank Alien directly into pieces, but the defense power of those Alien was far beyond his expectations. He was forced to blast the Fifth-Rank Alien close to the head, and then Fifth-Rank Alien was killed.

Murong Wang shook his hand, and a sword with a length of two meters appeared in his hand immediately: “Take a weapon, a group of five, fight together. Be careful, these extinct Alien are very strong !!!”

Murong Wang is arrogant and narrow-minded, but he also knows the importance. On such a battlefield, he absolutely does not want his Expert to defeat the enemy.

Hearing the words of Murong Wang, the elites of Sacred Land were all slightly stunned, took out a variety of weapons of Sacred Land, and the five formed a group and began to hunt Alien.

On another street, weird silk threads flashed, and one end of Fifth-Rank Alien was immediately twisted into pieces, and blood was splattered.

The cold and immortal Tang Xi raised his eyebrows, coldly‘s order said: “A group of five, fighting in groups, not allowed to go greedy.”

The women in Sacred Land are all in awe, congratulating: “Yes!”

On another street, fifty human race elite Warriors hidden everywhere are fighting a Alien.

The fifty elite human race Warrior do not have monsters like Saint Warrior. They are human race elite special forces stationed in Bathing Wind City .

Although the equipment of this special force is not as good as Saint Warrior, they are also equipped with Gaussian rifles, lightweight super alloy bulletproof Armor, plasma grenade and other horrible Super Technology weapons.

The bullets of countless Gaussian rifles turned into a horrible barrage towards the Alien.

The Alien body flickered, shuttled through the rain, and dozens of bullets blasted on its carapace, blasting its carapace out of shallow craters, sour blood Flowed down from its wound.

Although the Gaussian rifle is unable to cause fatal damage to the Alien with amazing defensive power, it is not useless to those Alien.

With a roar, five human race Warrior stood up from the position, roaring with a Gauss rifle and madly shooting at the Alien: “Go to death, beast !!”

It was just a breath, and the Alien passed through the bullet rain and appeared directly at the position of five human race Warrior. Its blade arm waved, and the five human race Warrior were directly cut into countless pieces.

At the moment when the five human race Warrior were chopped into pieces, the countless plasma bombs hanging above their bodies exploded in an instant. The horrible explosion directly brought the five human race bodies together with the Alien Completely devoured.

In a corner of the ruins, a burly human race commander, Cui En, looked at the direction of the explosion and performed a military salute. Two lines of tears shed tears: “Man, you are all good! ! Is our hero of Bathing Wind City . “

Beside Cui En, more than a dozen Warrior silently saluted in that direction.

Although these human race Warriors are all elites among the elites, they are still extremely weak compared to Alien, and their attacks cannot capture the figure of Alien at all. Even if it is covered with rain, it can only give Alien a little high damage. The only way they can kill Alien is to detonate the plasma bomb on their body, which is the same as Alien.

A Warrior panicked and ran over to report to Cui Enhui: “Colonel, it’s not good. Four heads, four heads Alien appeared again.”

In the street in front, the four compound eyes with insects, and the Alien, which has evolved towards the most perfect killing weapon, slowly walked here with the majestic murderous qi.

No matter what kind of creature it is, it can’t maintain its maximum speed for a long time. Even if the former Yue Zhong is as strong as Seventh-Rank, if the maximum speed is launched, even if it can absorb part of the world’s vitality, it can only last for half an hour.

Those Alien usually move too fast, but once they encounter prey or objects that need to be hunted, they will explode in terror.

Cui En looked at the four heads in the distance and zombies paled and scolded: “Damn! There are four heads !!!”

This is a four-headed Alien. Once they play their violent battle strength, Choi and their team will have no one to survive.

A tough-faced soldier approached: “Colonel. Let’s go to our class! With that method, you may be able to kill them.”

Cui En nodded and immediately nodded: “Go!”

Suddenly, a somewhat desperate voice came from one side. An Warrior shouted at the place where the plasma bomb exploded: “No, Colonel, look!”

Cui En looked in that direction, and saw that in the center of the plasma bomb explosion, a Alien with a broken arm and a handicapped body stood up staggeringly.

Seeing this scene, Cui En ’s eyes flashed with despair: “Damn bastard, are these monsters unkillable?”

The rest of Warrior also flashed a desperate look on everyone’s face. The horror of those Alien is far beyond their imagination, and it is almost an immortal existence. Such an enemy is enough to make anyone despair.

The body of the Alien with a broken arm was shaken a few times, and then recovered, and it turned around and looked coldly towards the remaining team here.

A hunch of death swelled into the hearts of the Choi En people. Their hearts thumped, their eyes filled with despair.

At this moment, suddenly five wicked blood flew from the sky, brushing directly towards the five Alien below.

A startling scene appeared, the team of Choi En paid dozens of deaths, and at the same time used people. Meat bombs, such extreme methods of Alien that could not be killed by the extreme means, were actually brushed by those five blood , Directly drained the blood and turned into five corpses.

Cui En looked at this scene and thought to take a breath of air: “very powerful !!! Is this still a means that human race can use?”

It was then that Yue Zhong descended from the sky. With a wave of his hand, the five blood lights flew to his side, surrounding his body, and the ten blood lights surrounded him, making him look like an evil spirit.

Yue Zhong glanced at Cui En, and Cui En’s heart shook instantly: “He saw me.”

Soon, Zhang Xuan also walked from one side, looking at the ten bloods that surround Yue Zhong ’s body, full of envy: “Yue Zhong brothers are really magical, I do n’t know what kind of exercises you are practicing?”

Yue Zhong smiled lightly and randomly edited a name: “The name of my practice is” Blood Spirit “.”

Zhang Xuan frowned and said in a deep voice: “Blood Spirit , the top ten peerless exercises, there seems to be no such exercises.”

Yue Zhong shifted the topic and said: “Brother Zhang, I think our current priority is to wipe out Alien from Bathing Wind City first.”

Zhang Xuan smiled: “That’s exactly what it is.”

Yue Zhong grabbed the void of Choi En, a world of vitality turned into a rope, and tied Choi directly, and caught him beside Yue Zhong.

Looking at the understatement of Yue Zhong revealing this hand, Zhang Xuan‘s eyes narrowed slightly: “It’s amazing. Is it Psychic power or other exercises?”

Cui En looked at Yue Zhong and was shocked by the pressure. He reported the name directly and said: “Adult! I am Cui En, the captain of the first mobile team of Bathing Wind City .”

Yue Zhong said: “Cui En, I’m Yue Zhong. I hope you can take your people to maintain the order of Bathing Wind City , Alien to us to solve.”

At this time, the order of Bathing Wind City is very bad, there are chaotic crowds everywhere, burning and looting into a mess. Sacred Land apparently did not have much experience in dealing with this kind of riot. The main force sent to the front to kill zombies.

Cui En responded loudly: “Yes! Cui En understands!”

At this moment, the Zhang Xuan who was smiling and watching everything suddenly changed his face and shouted: “No, Tang Xi they are in danger, let us go to rescue as soon as possible.” (To be continued) . Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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