Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation: The 233rd outbreak

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Police said: “Do you have any illegal activities, you know it yourself!”

Long Yinghong grows so big and has not been humiliated like this. He bit his lip and said, “Mr. Police Officer, it is really a misunderstanding. We are friends. There is absolutely no such thing as you said.”

Jiang Xiu is also very embarrassing. In addition, I lost my passport, and I felt a little angry in my heart: “You guys also use your brain a little bit. I wear the whole simultaneously, what can I do?”

Police pointed at Long Yinghong, okay, wearing a bathrobe with wet hair, the policeman did n’t know whether to wear it or not, and the policeman shrugged his shoulders, which meant it was obvious and needed my explanation. ?

Jiang Xiu said: “Just like her, I ’m not interested in sending me to bed, even if I really want to scoop, then I need to find a hot body, right?”

This sentence immediately made Zan Long University angry, and insulted it directly in English: “Dear jerk, look at your bear-like look. It looks like an African refugee. Even if this miss is blind, he can’t take it. You. “

Jiang Xiu said: “You thought you were the No. 1 school flower in the Imperial City. You can save it. Take the dung school flower and you will have fallen off the list. The flowers in the class are stinky.”

Long Yingqing roar: “this miss fight with you today!”

The foreign police officer said: “Stop!”

Pointing to Jiang Xiu and asking Long Yingqing: “You don’t admit it, what’s his name?” This is the most common screening method used by police officers when they scan pornography.

Long Yingqing just remembers the surname Jiang of Jiang Xiu. When cursing in my heart, how about the surname of Jiang? How do I know the specifics: “Er, Jiang, Jiang …”

Jiang Xiu cold voice: “Jiang Xiu!”

“Yes, Jiang Xiu!”

The police officer smiled and pointed to Long Yingqing and asked, “What is her name?”

Jiang Xiu ca n’t remember such an unpleasant name of Long Yingqing: “Dragon, Dragon …”

This anger in Long Yingqing is whether you are a man or not, what are you paying attention to? He is such a famous school flower, he ca n’t even remember his name, he said angrily: “Long Yingqing!”

The two foreign police officers said: “Do n’t act anymore, my friend. We have seen more of this set of yours. Here, trick chickens are not allowed. This is illegal.”

Long Yingqing said angrily: “You dare to talk nonsense again and smoke you.”

The police officer said: “What? In your Chinese language, you are allowed to do things that are harmful to the customs, and you are not allowed to say it. If you feel really embarrassed and feel humiliated, then you should not sell them.”

Long Yingqing grabbed the neckline of the bathrobe, and the big white legs of Huahua suddenly kicked out.


The two police officers flew out directly.


The door was slammed shut by Long Yingqing.

From the observation of Jiang Xiu’s, one of the two police officers broke their ribs and one had a concussion, which constituted a crime of injury. Jiang Xiu said: “It is hard enough to start, I am afraid it will be more troublesome.”

Long Yingqing glared fiercely at Jiang Xiu: “Not all because of you …”

After she went in, she closed the door. It didn’t take long to change her clothes. Her hair was slightly damp, and she was covered in a fiery windbreaker. Jiang Xiu found that she seemed to like wearing red clothes very much, supporting her skin. : “Let’s go!”

Jiang Xiu asked in surprise: “Where are you going?”

Long Yingqing said, “Keep surrendering!” She was angry just now but she hit someone. However, this is not domestic, she still plans to go to the police station to handle the matter.

Jiang Xiu laughed: “You surrendered to Lao Maozi?”

Long Yingqing said: “You think this is domestic.”

Jiang Xiu said: “It is not needed in China, and it is even more unnecessary here. It annoyed me, and I even extinguished Gaulya.”

Long Yingqing scolded: “nerve!”

Even Gaulya is destroyed together, who do you think you are, the President of the United States dare not say such things.

“Don’t get into trouble with trick, come with me, this matter, I can balance it …” Today’s things started because of two people, Long Yingqing couldn’t pull Jiang Xiu, otherwise she didn’t care about Jiang Xiu. What about love?

The local police station, Jiang Xiu leaned against the door, and Long Yingqing walked in.

The police officer saw such a beautiful oriental girl coming in and welcomed him warmly: “Madam, is there anything I need to help?”

Long Yingqing said coolly: “I am here to surrender myself.”


Long Yingqing said: “Two of your colleagues wronged me, one made me break a rib, and the other made me a concussion.” Then, she sat down on the chair.

It looks lonely and arrogant, where there is a part of it that comes first.

The police officer looked Long Yingqing up and down. She may be less than one meter seven. Because of the length of her legs, she is very tall, but she weighs less than a hundred, and she looks weak and ca n’t help herself. They all laughed.

“Lady, where are you from?”

Long Yingqing said: “Hua Guo!”

“Lady from Hua Guo, you just said, you kicked our police officer, one broke a rib and the other was concussion?”

“Hahaha …”

The police station was a joke.


Long Yingqing jumped into the air suddenly, when the air kicked a sharp side kick, the police officer only felt a flower in front of him, the smoke on his mouth had flew out, but others must have nothing.

Quick, ruthless and accurate!

The laughter came to an abrupt halt, and no one dared to despise the girl who looked weak and could not help but look down.

“My surname is Dragon …”

A little more than an hour later, the sound of a helicopter rang outside the police station. A middle-aged man came down from the helicopter. He was a Chinese. He was in his early forties, with an arrogant look. White man.

“Trouble you, Mayor Hamilton”

Hamil said with a smile: “Small things, I will go in to protect the people.”

Hamil entered the police station and saw Long Yingqing said: “Miss Long, I am very happy to see you. My uncle and I are very good friends.”

He wanted to express his welcome with a European standard hand-to-hand gift, but Long Yingqing has restored her personal settings, and the cold and unconcerned handling of his outstretched hand embarrassed him.

“Your affairs have been settled. Those **** police officers will go to the hotel to check the room. The purpose is just to fine you a few hundred euros. I didn’t expect to kick the steel plate.”

“I am sorry about this.”

Long Yingqing looked cold, stood up, and said, “Now, can my friend and I go?”

“Of course, your uncle is waiting for you outside!”

The middle-aged man has come to Jiang Xiu’s and looked up and down at Jiang Xiu. There is nothing surprising about it. The clothes on and off the body are not influx at all. It is just a normal person who is speaking, but sees Long Yingqing from the police. Out of the game, the middle-aged people’s company is very ugly: “Your parents say you come alone, bring a friend, why not say it?”

Long Yingqing is about to speak. The middle-aged man reaches out to show her that she does n’t have to explain: “We Long Family have a head and a face, and we must consider the impact when doing anything. Fortunately, this is a foreign country. If it ’s in China, you should let Long Family ’s face go . “

Long Yingqing stared at the middle-aged man, his expression was very surprised, he wanted to speak, but moved his lips to explain, the middle-aged man already said, “Still standing here, not shameful enough Is it? “

Long Yingqing‘s anger is so angry, she looked at Jiang Xiu with anger, all this bastard. Ever since she met this **** in the cafeteria, she has been in luck.

“You go first …”

Long Yingqing went to the helicopter helplessly.

The middle-aged man stared at Jiang Xiu and wanted to say something, but after watching Jiang Xiu for a long time, he said: “Leave here and go back to Gaulia. Let me wait. If there is a heavy rain, the helicopter will not be able to leave.”

Jiang Xiu said in heart that he happened to be going to Gaulia, so he would take a free helicopter.

Long Yingqing saw Jiang Xiu coming with his uncle, his eyes widened, and he said that this guy ’s face is also gone, and he wanted to take their plane, “Uncle, I ’m not familiar with him, there is no need to take him . “

The middle-aged man said, “Now I know that I am embarrassed. I will see the people at home and see how you explain.”

Tap the driver ’s seat in front of him and say, “Ready to go!”

Long Yingqing stunned: “I really have nothing to do with him.”

Booming …

Helicopter rumbling, the middle-aged man had put on his headphones, and Long Yingqing said that he could no longer hear. Looking at Jiang Xiu on the side, Long Yingqing was about to push him off the plane.

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