Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation Chapter 520: Breakthrough

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“Let ’s get started!” The assessment elders are also looking forward to seeing whether Jiang Xiu will make a difference in this session, but at the same time, he is also looking forward to seeing if he will not be able to beat the street in this session.

Looking at the large array in front of him, Jiang Xiu feels so interesting. He used to hate the formation method. It was too complicated and cumbersome. There were too many things to calculate and too much knowledge to learn. But for the seat of Sect Master, he forced himself to study hard and eventually become a master of formation.

I saw him walking slowly into the formation.

“Will he succeed?”

There was a breeze blowing in the formation, and his shirt fluttered.

The strong mantra does n’t mean that the skill of escape is superb, especially for a young monk like him. The total life is only a little. If time is limited, if you can learn the same essence, you do n’t have the extra time to learn other things. .

I saw the strange twist of the scene in the formation, saw that he only took a step forward, saw that the figure came out from the end of the strange formation, and saw him understatement.

“Uh …”

The hand of the law-enforced disciple who did n’t even have time to take it back, turned his head and saw that Jiang Xiu came out at the end of the formation.

What is the situation?


This fragrance is just on, is it here?

“What’s going on?”

“Why did he suddenly appear a hundred miles away?”

Explode, explode, when everyone realizes that Jiang Xiu is really standing at the finish line, everyone on the stage is calling, it ’s incredible, it ’s incredible.

Patter, the roster in the hands of the law enforcement elder has fallen to the ground.

“How did he do it?”

After testing the Inner Sect assessment for so many years, this is the first time that this situation has been encountered. Seconds, I am afraid that this speed will have to catch up with Immortal King.

But he clearly has only the next god! ! !

“This …”

The evaluation elder recovered from the shock after half a ring, and said, “Jiang Xiu, qualified!” A smile appeared on his face. Although it was unknown, Jiang Xiu shocked him completely. First, the bell sounded through Heaven Treading. At this point, he would walk away for a hundred miles in an instant, and have never seen such a stunning novice disciple.

An elder from a crowd on the sidelines said, “How about it, see, this kid can see his genius at the time of the Jia Lan Dynasty selection, and he is under pressure, except him, Do n’t underestimate it, Song Gongming and Ye Fei, their innate skills are all one-of-a-kind. “

“Song Gongming, I know that half a month ago, he defeated Brother Liu Jian, who is famous for his genius, Inner Sect, now many people are discussing him!”

“Song Gongming is arrogant and does have capital.”

“Ye Fei too!”

The elder said, “Is this Jiang Xiu not?”

Everyone is still confused. How did Jiang Xiu know, just because it is not clear how Jiang Xiu is done, all the people are more shocked, and the whole person is covered with a layer of mystery.

People are always in awe of the unknown!

Some people looked at the elder Ying Hou. The only person who can solve the problem here is the strong Immortal King level. His eyes are tightly looking at Jiang Xiu. At a certain moment, he feels familiar, but I ca n’t remember who Jiang Xiu was, but it was quickly replaced by the surprise brought to him by Jiang Xiu. He gently spit out two words: “Break array!”

The people suddenly realized that the incredible means of Jiang Xiu were known to everyone. Although there are hundreds of miles in this large array of worlds, but they are not straight lines, once the array is broken, only a small escape can be reached.

“It turns out so!”

“The formation of this one is extremely high!”

It’s much harder to break the line than to walk a hundred miles in a joss stick.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity!” Ying Hou‘s eyes showed people who admired, but sighed helplessly, he regretted that Jiang Xiu was just a divinity cultivation, if it was Xian Xiu, he would take Jiang Xiu under any circumstances The talent, but if it is divinity cultivation, he can’t take it. He is not Deity Xiu, why should he be a teacher?

“It turned out to be a break!”

Look at Jiang Xiu’s ’s eyes once again. I just thought that this person was arrogant and did not converge, but now the formation method has added aura of wisdom to him. Those who study the formation method are all wise men with outstanding minds.

“The son is so amazing!”

Xiaoyue is very excited.

Li Qiang is also difficult to be indifferent. He was already astounded by Jiang Xiu when he was far away in Jia Lan Jiang Family, but the more he has been in contact with it, the more mysterious and powerful Jiang Xiu is. Even when he comes to the genius-prone Heaven Treading Sect, he is already a genius, a true genius genius.

“I do n’t know, how fast is his cultivation ?”

The content assessment of the third level is outside battle!

In Heaven Treading Sect, there is a cliff wall, which is the ranking of the outside disciples. The assessment elder will hang a wooden sign with the disciple’s name on it, and then make a group.

The appraisal elder may be annoyed by the disciples: “You need to ask Brother Senior Sister for such a trivial matter as the rules of the team, do n’t come and ask me!”

At the end of Heaven Treading Sect, the end elimination system is implemented. Outer door children will be eliminated at the end, and the ones behind Inner Sect Disciple will fall to the outer door.

And there is no doubt that the Inner Sect children will have a great advantage over the outsiders.

“Son, would you like Zhaorong to inquire about the ranking rules?”

Jiang Xiu gently shook his head and said, “No, it ’s the same as anyone!”

This is extremely rampant, but Deity Xiu is telling the truth, and a fairly qualified Senior Sister on the side reminded: “You are a newcomer, even if you do n’t know the rules, I persuade you to take advantage of it. Without your turn, go out and practice the fierce ancient calendar first, kill some monsters and monsters, and accumulate a little practical experience, otherwise, hehe … “

“Yeah, we were all ignorant when we first participated. The brothers and sisters started so hard, trick trick was fatal and merciless.”

Jiang Xiu smiled briefly. If the competition in Zongmen kept hands everywhere, what meaning would it have? When you are really facing life and death, will others be merciful? Definitely not, he was only afraid that you died not completely.

“Thank you for your advice!”

A voice came up: “Hey, will you participate in outside battles?”

Looking around, it turned out that the girl named Tan Taxue was close to Jiang Xiu. They all took part in the assessment together. She had already regarded Jiang Xiu as an opponent.

“I plan to give up, I will come again after five years.”

She has been watching here for a while, and she feels that she is not strong enough, she can only tolerate it. This is a very down-to-earth and well-planned girl. None of Heaven Treading Sect is vegetarian.

Jiang Xiu said: “Of course!”

More people really talk about the rewards if they win.

In the distance, there is a magnificent woman who looks at the situation of this external battle.

“Miss, what’s so beautiful about the interaction between the disciples outside …”

The girl said: “In fact, the most interesting thing is the outside door, because they are the hope of the sect, and every time there will be new people coming out, and there are just so many people who come and go back and forth. It’s all counted, and it looks really boring. “

“Have that lady followed anyone?”

The girl ’s eyes searched through countless crowds and finally fell on Jiang Xiu’s. He said, “He!” It ’s not that Jiang Xiu innate skill is superior, but because Jiang Xiu also helped her a little bit on that day. Qin Qing.

“Is he … very good?”

Qin Qing said with a smile: “It’s awesome, he kicked Gu Qian down the mountain.”

“It’s him!”

Yamao was very surprised. She looked carefully at Jiang Xiu. “He is really brave and the old man dares to offend. He will definitely not be mixed in Heaven Treading Sect in the future.”

Qin Qing said: “It is true that Gu Qian was not drunk that day, nor would he lose such a large person, and with Gu Qian’s face-loving personality, he would be very troublesome.”

“Just follow him?”

Qin Qing said: “That can still be done. I didn’t ask him to take action. If I want to be a hero, then I must have the strength of the hero. I ca n’t help, I ’m going to die by Gu Qian myself. ”

Suddenly there was a commotion in the distance, and I saw a rich and handsome man walking among the crowds. Qin Qing suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the maid, and a flash appeared in the distant mountains. : “Gu Qian is here …”

“Why did he come to see outside battles?”

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