Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation Chapter 402: Returning to Hometown

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The news that Mister Jiang returned to Jiangnan spread like wildfire. Jiangnan shook. Especially when I heard that Mister Jiang was going back to Jiangcheng, the Jiangnan authorities immediately blocked the high speed and opened the way for them if they were facing an enemy.

The high-speed block caused many people’s dissatisfaction, especially when they reached the high-speed port, they were suddenly told that the high-speed block was blocked. It exploded.

“Why can they go in, why can’t we?”

“Yes, let us in.”

“This is a violation of our rights.”

Sounds of loud horns sounded one after another, and they were mixed with various national curses.

“Block the road! Do n’t let us go on high speeds, do n’t think about it, and see who spends it?”

At this time, the police sirens roared, and the police car opened the road. This is not unusual, but it is shocking that the number of police cars is really **** scary, and it has been driving for a full mile. Like the dragon, the purpose is to make way for one of the vehicles.

That scene scared the troublemakers on the spot.

The high-speed mouth quietly quietly.

I am secretly wondering what a big man is, such a big show.

The high-speed traffic police saw this group of troublemakers quietly and said: “No more trouble now? Frightened, tell you, the order we received is that the high-speed blockade is 300 miles. The police service includes traffic police and special police. , Dispatched 3,000 people and opened the way along the way. “

“This …”

The people in the field are not shocked.

“Comrade Traffic Police, who is it?”

Traffic police said: “Do n’t ask me, I dare not say it, we just look at it, and it wo n’t delay you for a long time, at most a few hours.”

In the back of this vehicle, all cars are 100 meters apart.

No one saw Mister Jiang in Hangcheng, but who dares to neglect, there are as many as hundreds of vehicles to send, and the senders are all top Jiangnan.

Looking at these super rare luxury cars, which are usually rare, now appear collectively, the high-speed people ca n’t calm down. What kind of characters are they that can be sent by so many big people?

“The Wansheng Sea of ​​Wansheng Group.”

“Longer Rolls Royce!”


“Mr. Wu, the creature of the gods?”

“My God, and Zhongtian Group’s car …”

If these cars appear, these people can still accept, but when they saw a number with Jiang 00001 license plate, they were completely shocked, “Jiang, Jiangnan Border car …”

The Jiangnan Border Gu Dexiao ’s territory was pushed up by Jiang Xiu in one hand. Jiang Xiu can push him to the top all at once, and he can make him fall to the bottom at once. Naturally, he wants to show enough respect, and even this territory Not qualified to say the last word with Mister Jiang, only dare to drive and give away, let alone others.

At this time, even the traffic police are ignorant. He knows that he is a big man, but this is too big. Even the Jiangnan‘s seal must be sent at such a distance of 100 meters, so what kind of people must be there.

“Quick, let go …”

The traffic police only realized that a lot of vehicles were parked at the highway.


The captain of the traffic police arrived, and the cold sweats came down: “What are you doing, so long passed, there are so many cars …”


The traffic police are still a little dazed, and they ca n’t help but also ask, “Captain, who is it?”

The captain said, “Who do you think our Jiangnan will allow Feng Jiang to send like this?”

“You mean?”

The traffic policeman’s eyes glared, and the faces of the owners behind him all changed. One of them said timidly: “Is it, is it Jiang …” He dare not say anything.

“I’m not willing to give up!”

These people hurriedly ran into their cars: “Hurry, let it go!” they all yelled anxiously themselves.

If it is the one, you must give way, not to mention that you ca n’t get on the high speed and delay for a few hours, that is, you can never get on the road without half a word of complaint, but that is China ’s top power, shining China God, the pride of Jiangnan.

It is completely different from being forced to give way, which is completely different from that of taking the initiative to give way, and all the vehicles withdrew at once, and quickly disappeared in the career.

Vehicles are vast, countless people are watching from the outside, wanting to bet on Jiang Xiu, but unfortunately they ca n’t see in the car.

But it does not hinder their enthusiasm.

After Jiangcheng received the news, it was Jiang Yi, but it did n’t make much appearance, but it was already very amazing. The Jiang Xiu’s car resisted Jiangcheng, all police cars, and when he returned home, the wetland villa On the streets, the vehicles stretched to the full land, all came to visit Mister Jiang. Locally, Jiangcheng is headed by Tang Family, and Wen Zuolin …

A lot of people photographed this scene and posted it on the Internet. Most of the people still do n’t know what happened. The traffic flow in the dozens of miles is all luxury car. The vision is really shocking. Maserati, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Lamborghini, not only Jiangcheng, Hangzhou, but also vehicles from other places in Jiangnan.

“I can’t think of it. Jiang Xiu returned to Jiangcheng, and the rehearsal was so great!”

Cheng family of course also received the news.

Hanlin, don’t we need to go to Cheng?” Sun Xiaohong said with a complex expression.

Cheng Hanlin sighed for a long time, with a bitter smile on his face, and said rather sadly: “Where is this face, Jiang Family is not thin for us, but we may not be able to see you even if we come to the door.”

Sun Xiaohong said guiltily: “I blame me and blame me for delaying Susu.”

If it weren’t for her to keep blowing Susu‘s ears, staring at her divorce from Jiang Xiu to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the two may not be able to divorce. That Jiang Family‘s glory today and today is also the glory of her Cheng family.

Footsteps came upstairs, and a young girl, the official young daughter Cheng Lingsu, came down. At the moment, there was no expression on her pretty face, but the loss in her eyes could not be concealed.

“Mom, I’m going out.”

Susu …”

Cheng Lingsu went out of the house and took out the key. It was the BMW car that had been driving for almost three years. After sitting in the car, she lay on the steering wheel and sobbed. She didn’t know why she was crying, she just wanted to cry, but she felt wronged, very wronged, especially when she heard her mother’s self-blame upstairs, she felt even more wronged.

But crying is useless, nothing can be changed. The boy she looked down on has become a big man in the world. He is there, but he is unattainable and farther and farther away from her.

Jiang Xiu, do you think I will bow to you for mercy?”

“No, never will!”

“My Cheng Lingsu will not ask you for forgiveness even if it is poor and suffering.”

Driving to the riverside, she got out of the car, and her family’s group was in the CBD area of ​​the riverside. Last year’s annual customs clearance, after the ban was lifted, it was sold out, and the assets next to the savings building tripled However, after that, Cheng ’s land acquisition was very difficult. Cheng Hanlin had a thick face and belted their family on the Jiang Family for New Year ’s Day. The days of great joy, but in front of the guests, they were bombed by Lin Yueling.

In the last year of rapid development of real estate, in addition to the development of an old land, which has been built and sold, the group has opened empty windows for more than five months, which shows the attitude of the Jiang Family people towards them, there is no old feelings Too.

The two have since parted ways!

Cheng Lingsu took a mobile phone, flipped it around in his hand, and clicked the name Jiang Xiu’s a few times, but in the end he did n’t have the courage to call him. Looking back at Cheng Shi, sister, yes, if Jiang Xiu is close to their family In that case, it was only sister.

She got up and walked to the Cheng’s building, and she didn’t know why. Mingming Group now opened the skylight every day, almost nothing to do, but Cheng Lingran always pretended to be very busy, living in the company and eating in the company.


Cheng Lingsu smiled charmingly and pushed open the door of her sister’s office.


Cheng Lingran glanced up, a sullen expression in her eyes, trick closed her hands and hurriedly came over, “How can my second lady have time to meet my statusless sister today.”

“You are the second lady, just drop the second.”

“Who tells you that your life is not good, so you have such a ranking.”

“Anyway, I don’t care, you call again, I, I ignore you …” Cheng Lingsu sat angrily on the sofa and turned his head away, a pair of Cheng Lingran was not rare.

“Okay, okay, my good sister, come and see me so kindly, so, I invite you to dinner …”

The smile on Cheng Lingsu‘s face gradually converged. The laughter just now was pretended, but she really couldn’t pretend, and she didn’t want to pretend to be so fortunate in front of her sister and sister: “Jiang Xiu is back.”


Cheng Lingran overturned the coffee on the table, dropped it to the ground, and shattered it.

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