Ghost King’s Medical Consort Chapter 115: Soul Eater

Mu Qianyue rushed in fully prepared and found that the terrain here is like a labyrinth. The Soul Eaters on this floor are much stronger than those on the first floor. The ninth-order True Venerable is around.

It seems that the strength of the Soul Eater is different on each floor.

When Mu Qianyue killed from the entrance of the second floor to the entrance of the third floor, she was injured in many places, the blood stained the purple gauze skirt, and it was about to turn red, and the blue silk was messed up. Young Master, her face was pale, and she was panting heavily. If it wasn’t for the thick elixir in her hand, I’m afraid her real energy would have been exhausted long ago. It is far from making up for the consumption of true energy.

Looking at the entrance of the third floor that was close at hand, Mu Qianyue did not rush in, but sat down with her legs crossed in place. She figured out a doorway, that is, after you have cleaned up these soul eaters, It will have a refresh time of ten minutes. After ten minutes, there will be as many Soul Eaters as before, which means that the Soul Eaters here will never be killed.

After taking a few more pills, I felt that my true energy was almost recovered. It was exactly ten minutes before Mu Qianyue stood up and jumped towards the third floor.

The strength of the Soul Eaters in the third floor is around the first to fifth rank spirit warriors. When Mu Qianyue fought into the Soul Eater crowd, she found that Cang Ming and Xuan Ye were struggling in the distance. Fight against these soul eaters.

Both of them were injured, their clothes were ragged, they were torn to shreds by the sharp claws of Soul Eater, their skins were slashed with long slits, and blood was flowing, and there was almost no good place on their bodies. The staggered wounds are densely covered, extremely ferocious.

Because Mu Qianyue was surrounded by these influx of soul eaters, she couldn’t rush through for a while.

Cang Ming felt that the dantian in his body had been used up, and a helpless look appeared on the pale Jun face, “The blood coagulation pill has been used up long ago, and there are not many return qi pills, it seems that the two of us are going to die. Here it is!”

Xuan Ye’s grim face showed a firm and unyielding look, “Even if I die here, I don’t want to go out so easily! We have let the master down once, and I can’t let the master disappoint us a second time! So, no matter what How we must persist for ten days!”

“That’s right! We must persevere! Ten days are fast, and it will be over soon as long as we boil it a little longer!”

The two of them had just finished destroying the red Soul Eater that rushed over, and before they could catch their breath, they saw a violent ‘bang’ on the ground.

Cang Ming’s face showed consternation, “What’s going on? Why is there an earthquake?”

“I don’t know either.” Xuan Ye squinted his eyes, and suddenly, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, “It’s not an earthquake! It’s the Soul Eater King coming out!”

“Soul Eater?!” Cang Ming exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes, I have heard from the master before that there is a Soul Eater in every purgatory. If these Soul Eaters are eliminated within the specified time, there will be no Soul Eater! But If you can’t do it, you will have the Soul Eater King!!” Xuan Ye explained.

“Damn it!” Cang Ming cursed in a low voice.

When the two of them finished speaking, they saw a soul eater with a height of three meters slowly emerging from the ground. Two red firelights appeared in the hollow eye sockets, jumping eerily, and the soul eater held in one hand. With a curved sickle, he roared and charged towards the two of them.

Looking at the Soul Eater King exuding an aura of death, Cang Ming and Xuan Ye saw despair in each other’s eyes, and they couldn’t escape!

If there was a chance to leave before, then when this Soul Eater appeared, they were destined to be buried here! The real energy is exhausted, and the body is seriously injured, I am afraid that I can’t even make a move!

Just as the two of them were in despair, they saw a purple figure descending from the sky, the purple dress fluttering in the wind, the delicate white face was full of icy chills, and the thick eyelashes covered a faint shadow , like Mansha Zhuhua in hell, flirtatious and ruthless.

The purple flame in his hand turned into a fierce sword glow and slashed down. I saw the Soul Eater King under this sword glow, before he could even let out a miserable cry, it turned into crumbs!

“Princess?!” Cang Ming and Xuan Ye looked at Mu Qianyue who suddenly appeared in surprise and excitement. They didn’t die! It was the princess who saved them!

After being saved at this moment, the two felt extremely tired and sleepy as soon as they relaxed because of their extreme fear and despair. They wanted to close their eyes and fall asleep, but they knew that they couldn’t sleep! Once you close your eyes, you will never wake up!

Seeing the two of them in such a situation, Mu Qianyue shook her palm, holding a silver needle in her hand, and mercilessly pierced the three pain points on Cang Ming’s body, “Ah…it hurts so much. !”

The kind of piercing pain that made him turn pale and jumped up from the ground. To his surprise, he was no longer sleepy! Not tired anymore!

“Uh…you’re pretending to be too exaggerated, right?” Xuan Ye said listlessly.

“You’ll find out when you try it later.” Cang Ming glanced at him disdainfully, and now he feels that he is alive again!

Afterwards, Mu Qianyue pierced Xuan Ye’s three painful acupoints again. Xuan Ye also jumped up from the ground. His movements were more exaggerated than Cang Ming’s. Jump around!

It turns out that there are such painful acupoints on the human body! Fortunately, it was just a light poke, if it was stabbed hard, they would definitely faint in pain.

“The reason why you feel so much pain is because these three pain points are located on the most painful and sensitive nerves in the human body.” Mu Qianyue took out four bottles of medicinal pills and handed them to the two of them, two bottles of blood coagulation pills, Two bottles of Huiqi Dan, as for how long they can last, it depends on their own. “You take these pills, half of each person. If you can’t stand it, go out and don’t lose your life here.”

“Princess, you came on time. If you hadn’t arrived, I’m afraid the two of us would have been torn in half by this Soul Eater King.” Thinking of the scene just now, Xuan Ye said with some lingering fears.

“Yes, princess.” Cang Ming nodded in agreement.

“You two are very fast, and you actually reached the third floor so quickly.” Mu Qianyue praised.

“Because we have been to purgatory once, we only insisted on going to the second floor last time, so we were directly teleported to the second floor this time, and we rushed to the third floor at the specified time, so in the first floor I didn’t meet the Soul Eater King on the second floor.” Xuan Ye said.

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