Genius Doctor Peasant Girl Chapter 420: Beauty?

Chapter Four hundred and twentieth?

Baili Mochen co-authored a group of generals and lieutenants. After discussing together for one day, they did not come up with a useful strategy to defend against the enemy.

If they were fighting as before, fighting for strength and comparing strength, they would definitely not have to talk about it, but this time the comparison was not about strategy strength.

Relying on all the crushing weapons, even these battle-hardened veterans can’t do anything about it.

Some people say that you can use a roundabout method to attack the enemy’s other cities to attract the enemy’s attention.

But it’s just that far water can’t save near fire.

If all the enemies are attracted, plus the powerful artillery, it will be even worse if they are brought to a pot.

And now I don’t know whether the Xiongnu army stationed opposite Fucheng also has such a powerful thing.


The situation is truly dangerous.

After a commotion, a voice suddenly came out: “My lord, the princess was able to build us a crossbow machine last time, or else the lord will ask the princess this time, maybe the princess has some good plan?”

I don’t know what these people think, and they put their minds on the princess, but when faced with such major events as the rise and fall of the country.

I don’t care about the issue of face anymore, so I have to be a good way, whoever proposes it is the same, the important thing is the result.

So as soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately pinned their hopes on this princess who has been recuperating in Fang.

There is absolutely no sense of shame that big men rely on women to fight.

“Yes, my lord, why don’t you ask the princess how?” Someone echoed.

“Yes, maybe the princess really has a solution…”

Baili Mochen was agitated after hearing the various discussions one after another.

He knows these old guys, but he doesn’t just want to find a way for Chunfeng.

I want to find someone to shirk the responsibility. If Chunfeng can’t think of a way, it’s a matter of saying. If Chunfeng thinks of a way, but it doesn’t work, then this responsibility is shouldered by Chunfeng alone.

It’s really a good idea, is this provoking the authority of his coach and prince?

Sorry, you got the wrong person!

“The princess is ill and should not work hard. The generals should go back and think about it. If there is a good remedy, this king will reward you. Now that the enemy is in front of you, the generals should know that if we lose this battle, we will be waiting for you. What is…”

King Yao said a few more words, but it made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Is your lord planning to make them take responsibility? What’s so good about protecting the princess like this?

Actually, the generals have always been brooding about the king’s attitude towards the spring breeze.

They can’t understand that the prince would exchange millions of stone grains for a woman. This is a joke in the world.

After the princess came back, the prince stayed by the princess’s side for three days and three nights, even ignoring the important affairs of the army.

All these things, in the eyes of these old ministers, this is that the prince is bewitched by this beautiful evildoer, and his beauty is a disaster.

If it weren’t for the crossbow machine diagram Chunfeng gave last time, it is estimated that these people’s opinions would be even greater at this time.

However, Chunfeng doesn’t know all of this. At this moment, Chunfeng is still working hard to make medicine for everyone.

Because the military doctor sent a letter saying that the medicinal effect of this batch of wound medicine powder is very significant, I hope the princess will make more control.

So Chunfeng is now carrying the moon and pearls, working overtime!

If Chunfeng knew that these old ministers thought of her so much, he wouldn’t know what he felt in his heart!

When Baili Mochen returned to the room, what he saw was three young women stabbing in the medicine pile.

“What are you doing? Why are there so many herbs?”

Baili Mochen couldn’t help asking when he looked at the room that was almost out of place to stay.

“The military doctor said that the medicine powder made by our princess is very useful, let’s make more!” Before Chunfeng could speak, Pengyue raised her head and said proudly.

“That doesn’t need to be so much, it’s just as much as the three of you can do, not to mention that your princess is still in good shape.” Baili Mochen’s tone was full of distress for Chunfeng.

I was too embarrassed to ask about Chunfeng.

“I’m fine, I’ve been raising it for more than 20 days, I’m fine now, let me do something!” Chunfeng smiled and stood up, helping Baili Mochen to pick out the medicinal herbs on the ground for a day.

“That won’t work either! You’re taking a good rest right now, you’ve been hurting your bones for a hundred days.” Baili Mochen said, pressing Chunfeng on the stool and sitting.

“Okay, I’ll rest for a while!” The subconscious meaning is that I will rest for a while and continue later, anyway, the medicine is to be done.

Unfortunately, Baili Mochen had no choice but to look at her and let her rest for a while.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll find you some helpers!” Baili Mochen couldn’t say Chunfeng, so he had to think of other ways.

Thinking about the spring breeze, I don’t know how long it will take for this war to end, and it’s good to have helpers. I have more control points and put them away in case of emergencies.

“Okay, you can find a few more.” Chunfeng rarely took the initiative to ask him.

Baili Mochen is naturally happy to agree.

That night, King Yao ordered the family members of the Fucheng county magistrate to come to Chunfeng to help.

As soon as they heard that they could do things with the princess, these women were naturally very willing, and even the family members of many other squires also came to hear the news.

The small courtyard in the spring breeze was very lively for a while…

At night, Chunfeng finished washing up and went to bed with some tiredness, only to see that Baili Mochen was already in bed.

“Why did you come back so early today?” Chunfeng couldn’t help asking, but he didn’t have to be busy until late these days.

It is necessary to keep an eye on the person who makes the crossbow machine, and the person who makes the steel, and the steelmaking has always been carried out in secret, and he has to check it himself.

What’s the matter today, why are you lying down so early?

“It’s okay, I just feel tired and want to rest.” Baili Mochen was lying on the bed and smiled happily at the spring breeze.

The hard work over the past few days has made him a lot thinner.

“Then have a good night’s rest, someone will help you watch those things, right?” Chunfeng lay down next to him, and the two discussed softly.

“Yes!” Baili Mochen gave a soft grace and stopped talking.

Chunfeng hugged him tightly, stopped talking, just wanted to hold him quietly and sleep well.

The two of them seem to have not been together this quietly for a long time.

It feels very warm to hold each other like this, and it didn’t take long for the spring breeze to fall asleep.

Looking at the sleeping sweet spring breeze Baili Mochen, my intuitive heart seemed to be illuminated by a warm little sun, as if the world had collapsed. With her here, everything would be fine.

“Why are you still not sleeping?” Chun Feng, who woke up, rubbed his eyes and asked with a strange face.

I don’t know how long he’s been looking at him like this?

Although the two have been in the same bed for so long, Chunfeng is still a little shy and embarrassed.

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