Genius Demon Empress Chapter 67: Rivals meet each other

White Rhinoceros Armor, Yue Jinghua looked down and saw that she had only ripped clothes, so she took out a set of clothing on her body. It was the white armour she had obtained by the stream earlier.

Although I don’t know where the white armor came from, but the workmanship, even people like Yue Jinghua who don’t pay attention to the quality of life, know that it must be high-end goods.

Speaking of this white armor, not to mention its excellent workmanship, it is warm in winter and cool in summer. What is even more rare is that it can be worn by both men and women. Even if Yue Jinghua made men’s clothing, the clothes are also very suitable. It really makes Yue Jinghua somewhat Can’t put it down.

It’s a pity that she didn’t know what kind of mysterious animal skin this white rhinoceros was made of, otherwise, she would really make six or seven or eight pieces of it.

It was Shaxi who was looking for mercenaries in the town of Five Saints earlier to stop Yue Jinghua.

A place like Xuan Beast Ridge is a dead place in the eyes of Shaxi, and there is no scenery at all when I come all the way.

She was closing her eyes and rested, and she opened her eyes when she heard that she had reached the foot of Kalan Peak. As soon as he opened his eyes, a white figure dangled in front of him.

When I first saw the white figure, Sha Xi’s heart was beating wildly. Isn’t that dress Zong Shaoqing? After all, in the world, only Zong Shaoqing can wear the special white soft armor of the God’s Court. It’s so awesome.

I didn’t know how to look again, only to find that the white armor was worn on the body of a weakly crowned boy, who was walking past with his head down again, and he couldn’t see the specific appearance.

Why can the special soft armor of the Temple of God be worn on outsiders?

As Sha Yan thought, she immediately shouted to Yue Jinghua.

Yue Jinghua didn’t want to talk about it, but the mercenaries quit, only three or five sturdy mercenaries rushed out, blocking her way.

“Girl, are you screaming down?” Yue Jinghua had to stop and raised his head.

She and Shaxi’s eyes touched each other, and each other’s eyes were full of surprises.

In the mist of morning dawn, Shaxi only saw the white-clad boy in front of him. Although half of his face was wearing a mask, his exposed chin was small and exquisite, his skin was like honey, his eyes looked like stars and the corners of his mouth grinned. , Showing a row of white teeth.

Yue Jinghua was sighed with the row of needles on Shaxi’s waist. She didn’t feel it when she was only carving the spirit wood pattern earlier, but she used Yunluo’s “Nine Heavens Waterfall Needles”. Later, I learned a few new magic patterns and holy patterns, and I eagerly felt the necessity of a good set of magic patterns.

The so-called evil grows to the guts, Yue Jinghua secretly swept a circle in the crowd, and paused for Li Rui, who was headed by him. After discovering that the other party was a master of Tianxuan, she had to temporarily put her crooked thoughts aside. Down.

If you can afford more than one hundred mercenaries as green leaves, the identity of the woman in the sedan chair must not be simple.

Shaxi saw Yue Jinghua’s appearance and curled her lips, “Who are you? Why did you appear in Ka Lanfeng? Where did the white rhinoceros on your body come from?”

She asked several times, there was no respect in her words, and it fell in Yue Jinghua’s ears, only thinking that this girl was very domineering.

“Here is a mercenary,” Yue Jinghua smiled on her face, and gently rubbed the “soft fingers” between the fingers of her fingers, secretly trying to figure out the origin of this woman.

Leading Li Rui came forward and looked at Yue Jinghua cautiously, “Mercenary? Why haven’t I seen you in the Five Saints Town? Which mercenary group do you belong to?”

Li Rui spent several years in the town of Five Saints, and he is one of the few masters of the Profound Sky, so he has a high prestige in the town. He almost recognizes all the mercenaries in the town, the young man in front of him. The mercenary looks dignified and looks quite neat with a white armor on his body.

Yue Jinghua talked and laughed freely: “I am a newcomer. I have just completed the assessment of a two-star mercenary. I came from a small town in Sabah. I heard that the income of the mysterious beast ridge is pretty good, so I rushed over. I won’t pay. I haven’t had time to register in the Five Saints Town.”

Li Rui just breathed a sigh of relief, “So, you are a zìyóu mercenary?”

After Ting Shou Yue Jinghua was a newcomer zìyóu mercenary, the mercenaries in that group laughed out loud.

On the mainland, there are several types of mercenaries. Most of the mercenaries belong to mercenary groups of varying sizes, but there are also some people, either because they like to act alone or because they just joined the mercenaries. Soon after the army, there was no affiliated mercenary group.

Although these two kinds of people belong to zìyóu mercenaries, they are treated differently in the mercenary world.

Most of the former are extremely masters, such as the mercenary king and strong mercenaries, which everyone admires. But the latter is miserable. As a newcomer, one has no backers and two no qualifications. The first two years of part-time work were worse than homeless people.

“That being the case, is the little brother interested in joining us, Storm Mercenary Corps?” Unlike the others, Li Rui didn’t mean to look down upon Yue Jinghua. At a young age, he could pass the mercenary assessment. He just walked with agility.

When he was stopped by His Royal Highness Shaxi just now, the young man was calm and relaxed. His big eyes seemed unintentional, but he looked at all the people around him, and finally fixed his gaze sharply on him. Body.

Don’t say anything else, this kind of person in the mercenary will be a good scout. Li Rui himself is the leader of the storm mercenary group. Over the past few years, I have always wanted to recruit young people. Mercenary blood.

“Sorry, I don’t want to join any mercenary group for the time being.” After learning from the previous experience and lessons of the Scarlet Fire Mercenary Group, Yue Jinghua did not plan to join other mercenary groups. “If nothing else, I’ll leave now.”

“Stop, I’m asking what your name is? Who else allowed you to leave. You can leave the white rhinoceros armor on your body. You are not qualified to wear it?” Shaxi saw the moon and was surprised. She ignored her words and suddenly became angry and jumped off the sedan chair.

When Shaxi scolded so much, Li Rui and all the mercenaries were also startled.

“This person is not a mercenary. He is a thief. The white armor on his body belongs to the temple of the gods. The white rhino skins used are all specially raised by the temple of the gods. They are made by special tailors. Specially customized for God’s son Zong Shaoqing,” Every man who has seen Shaxi is overwhelmed by her family background and appearance. I don’t know this young man, she is completely ignored.

It was the same virtue as Zong Shaoqing, which immediately aroused Shaxi’s anger.

It turns out that this fifth-tier white rhinoceros, in order to ensure the integrity of its leather, all live in a specific feeding pen, without a trace of scars on the whole body. Partially in the moon Jinghua said that white armor is a style found throughout the Shang country.

Zong Shaoqing? The **** son of the temple?

Only then did Yue Jinghua know that…

This white armor belongs to Zong Shaoqing? Yue Jinghua’s ears were slightly hot, and she recalled the night she got the white armor. In that case, wasn’t she… she was seen out.

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