Genius Demon Empress Chapter 59: Father and daughter meet

c_t; When Xiaoya interrogated Liechang Palace, she was deported. Liechang Palace was in solitary confinement, so there were only two people in the cell at this time.

The figure came suddenly, as if it was teleporting in, without alarming any guards, and the start was quick and accurate, his right hand covered Xiaoya’s mouth, and another palm hit Xiaoya’s neck.

Xiaoya’s eyes are still a little bit unbelievable, she only feels that her eyes are dark, and people have fainted.

Xiao Ya is a subordinate of the Goddess of Cangdai. She is quite strong and is also an expert in the sky, but she thought she was in the cell, so she took it lightly, and she didn’t expect someone to break in suddenly.

“Jinghua!” Lie Changgong opened his eyes with difficulty. After seeing that it was his granddaughter, he was relieved, and then became nervous again, “Why are you here, leave quickly, the city lord’s mansion is heavily guarded,” It’s not something you can break into.”

Yue Jinghua made a gesture, picked up the five poison hairpins, and then untied Liechanggong from the cross reads;.

“Grandpa, adjust your breath first, and I will send you out later,” Yue Jinghua looked at the scar on Lie Changgong’s body, her eyes darkened.

People who are familiar with Yue Jinghua know that this is a sign of her anger.

What a Warsaw City Lord’s Mansion, what a Cangdai Goddess, how dare to treat Lie Long Palace like this, she must confuse the City Lord’s Mansion with restlessness.

Lie Changgong Yiyan took some pills, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Yue Jinghua held Xiaoya aside, flipped her palm, and a cyan flame appeared in her palm. [Marshmallow]

The cyan fire was reflected on Yue Jinghua’s face, with a look of murderous air.

The fire of Chaos Qinglian is like a smart little snake, and the fire letter penetrates Xiaoya’s body.

Xiaoya’s face showed an expression of pain, and the lotus fire entered her body, constantly devouring Xiaoya’s spiritual consciousness.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xiaoya’s expression returned to calm. She looked the same as usual, but when she opened her eyes, there was a little green lotus fire in her pupils. , That is the brand of Yue Jinghua Soul Refining.

Xiaoya knelt on the ground and said mechanically: “Master.”

Her spiritual sense has been refined by Yue Jinghua, and now she is just a puppet who knows how to leave.

“Return to the side of the goddess Cangdai, take this five poison hairpin, and follow my instructions to closely monitor the movements of the goddess Cangdai. You will stay in the prison first and bet on the guards outside,” Yue Jinghua saw Lie Changgong regaining some vitality, supported him, and took Pu Zhishun out.

Yue Jinghua sneaked into the City Lord’s Mansion, and did not choose to spend the night like others did.

In her opinion, playing cards unreasonably is more secure.

As she expected, she used invisibility and teleportation during the day, and she sneaked in smoothly as expected.

It just so happened that she saw the maid named Xiaoya going to the cell while she was groping. She followed her into the cell and knocked her out while waiting for Xiaoya’s interrogation.

Yue Jinghua just sent Liechang Palace to an alley outside the city lord’s mansion, and handed him to Long Rui and Juexin, who were waiting for a response there. reads;.

I heard that Yue Jinghua didn’t leave with them, but wanted to sneak into the dungeon again. Lie Changgong disagreed.

“Grandpa, you have disappeared for no reason, and there will be noise. The city will be heavily guarded and it will be difficult for you to hide. I will return to the dungeon first, and stay for a few days. There is the maid of the goddess of labor as eyeliner, maybe There is still a chance to meet Daddy. When I left the Canglong Continent, I got a set of disguising tools from Hongyao. With a little change, I can disguise myself as a grandpa,” Yue Jinghua has her own plan.

She came to the moon plane this time, and her biggest goal was to find the moon year.

Lie Changgong is well aware of the temper of his granddaughter, and just like himself, he believes that one thing is the temper that the three-headed Asian dragon can’t get back.

He had to tell Yue Jinghua to be careful.

Yue Jinghua sent away the Liechang Palace, then turned back to the dungeon.

Xiaoya still waited there. With her there, the guards didn’t come in and interrogate her.

Yue Jinghua quickly took out the disguise tool that Red Medicine had given him earlier.

Disguise is not something that you can learn overnight, but Lie Changgong is a prisoner right now, with scars on his body, unkempt and unkempt, his face has long been invisible.

Yue Jinghua had grasped this point accurately before daring to stay and pretend to be grandpa.

She turned her hair into tangled hair, wiped some blood from the beast on her body, put on a prison suit, and the duke with the red medicine on her face turned blue and red, and she couldn’t even see the facial features. Let Xiaoya tie herself to the wooden frame, and then lower her head, it looked really no different from Lie Changgong.

The two talents had just been busy, only to hear the sound of footsteps outside, and Yue Jinghua hurriedly ordered Xiaoya to retreat, pretending to be in a coma.

The prison door was opened, and Moon Years walked in.

The dim light and nauseating atmosphere in the cell made Yue Nian frown.

“Master Master,” Xiaoya saluted Yuenian.

“Who allowed you to interrogate the prisoner?” Yuenian glanced at the shocking wound on the “Liechang Palace”, frowning tightly together.

If he doesn’t come to interrogate again, I’m afraid that people have already been tortured to death.

Yue Nian always consciously delayed the interrogation of “Lee Long Palace”, and he couldn’t remember the accusation of “Lee Long Palace” that day.

This feeling is terrible.

He always felt that facing the “Lie Long Palace”, the weird feeling that was suppressed in his heart would become stronger and stronger.

“Yes, the goddess asked the servants to come,” Xiaoya hurriedly fell to her knees and shrank.

“This is not Qingyuan Realm, it is Warsaw City. What qualifications does she have to interrogate prisoners. Go back and don’t let me see you in the cell again, otherwise, don’t blame me for expelling you from Warsaw City,” Yue Nian Xiaoya was trembling with fright.

She crawled around and ran out of the cell.

Yue Jinghua buried her face under the messy hair, showing a touch of enough, her father didn’t like the woman named Cangdai.

It’s just that how she wants to recognize his father and daughter, Yue Nian has lost all her memory now, and rushing to recognize each other will only arouse his suspicion.

In the dungeon, “Liechang Palace” pretending to be in a coma and Yue Nian did not speak.

Yuenian stepped forward and put down the “Liechang Palace.”

“Lao Zhang, you have admitted the wrong person. I don’t recognize your daughter.” Yue Nian had only duties to the goddess Cangdai. He also persuaded Ye Huacheng to release the Liechang Palace, but Ye Huacheng said that the patriarch had an order , This matter must be thoroughly investigated.

“Yue Nian, do you remember the Mansion of the Duke of Blood Sakura, do you remember the woman who washed her face with tears for you, and the pair of helpless children,” Yue Jinghua almost blurted out.

Until Yuenian let go, when she touched her father’s hand, Yue Jinghua only felt sadness and sorrow surging deep in her heart. It was the sadness that belonged to this body’s instinct.

A sense of sadness when a father and daughter meet but can’t recognize each other.

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