Genius Demon Empress Chapter 22: Flower Protector

She seems to have picked up a treasure.

Yue Jinghua was dumbfounded, looking at bǐshǒu in Ya’s hand, pulling open a long narrow blood hole in the throat of the two black two-headed wolves that were pinching.

This is already the fifth attack in a day. Without exception, all were killed.

Tooth, very ruthless, and even merciless when starting.

She only used a few sachets of water and a few packets of meat to find an extremely resistant thug.

In her previous life as a female spy, she had met some extraordinary politicians or bodyguards of business tycoons. Among them, there were special forces, but none of them were like teeth.

After reaching a silent agreement with her, Ya just followed her most of the time.

He was born with a keen sense of crisis. Several times, when Yue Jinghua was about to step on the Demon God Fire hidden in the sand, he would pick up Yue Jinghua and retreat to several feet away as quickly as possible.

When she picked up Yue Jinghua for the first time, there was a trace of doubt in Ya’s eyes. It was obviously amazed at Yue Jinghua’s “weight”, how can a man flutter like a woman.

But before he could react, Yue Jinghua scolded him over his head. People didn’t like being carried around like a sandbag.

The scolding is scolding, Ya didn’t seem to listen to Yue Jinghua’s scolding. When she encountered danger for the second time, she carried him as usual, but moved slightly softer.

As the number of times increases, Yue Jinghua doesn’t bother to scold him. This person is obviously also a lack of heart.

With the cooperation of Fang and Gore, the snake girl, it took about a day and a half before Yue Jinghua finally walked out of the red quicksand.

The red sand was blown by the wind, and it gradually receded like a low tide. In front of it was a hill with soft curves. The color of the hill was so dark that it was shiny in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The black is not the color of the soil on the hills, but the color of a dark grass.

Liaoyuan toxic algae, a kind of dark algae that mutated and grew out of the flesh and blood of thousands of dark beasts and demon gods thousands of years ago.

The leaves of this algae are sucker-shaped, which can firmly **** the footsteps of passing pedestrians and mysterious beasts. After capturing prey, its sucker leaves will secrete highly poisonous. As long as it is contaminated with human skin, it can In a flash, the flesh and blood disintegrated, and the whole body rotted and died.

The most frightening thing is that this kind of algae reproduces extremely fast. As long as it is moisturized by fresh flesh and blood, it will grow like a wildfire for several kilometers overnight. But this kind of algae has a characteristic, it is afraid of fire, as long as it encounters a fire, it will all retreat like a natural enemy.

After listening to the explanation of the little snake girl Gore, Yue Jinghua visually inspected the boundless area in front of her eyes, which was overgrown with singeula toxic algae on several hills.

This kind of algae is almost a natural city defense soldier. If they are transplanted to Fontaine County and planted outside the city walls, they will become one of the best tools to resist foreign enemies.

Seeing the abnormally lush algae in front of him, Fang frowned slightly. His instinct told him that these hills were not easy to walk.

“!” He noticed that Yue Jinghua walked forward casually behind him, bowed and squatted down, and leaned forward to the Liaoyuan algae swaying with a sucker-shaped leaf.

A pair of iron arms stretched out and held Yue Jinghua’s hand tightly.

Yue Jinghua barely yelled at him. Feng raised her thick eyebrows, and she waved her backhand from the palm of her gloved snapping turtle and patted Fang’s hand.

After noticing that the opponent was wearing a special glove on his hand, the tooth’s face, whose color was no longer visible, was a bit embarrassing.

But soon, he noticed that just now, the piece of skin he touched was extremely smooth, warm, not like a man’s skin at all.

Ya’s eyes moved up quickly, and after seeing Yue Jinghua’s smooth throat, without the slightest characteristics of a man, he retracted his hand like an electric shock.

Smelling the fresh human odor, Liaoyuan Toxin Algae couldn’t bear it, Chaoyue Jinghua’s hand rushed, but the gloves made of snapping turtles were tough and strong, no matter how the Liaoyuan Toxin algae sprayed the venom , Using the strength of the milk, couldn’t pierce Yue Jinghua’s gloves.

Yue Jinghua took the opportunity to uproot several clusters of Liaoyuan Poisonous Algae and threw them into the free gourd, seeming to realize that the same kind was looted by others, and the Liaoyuan Poisonous Marsh on the hill gave out a burst of “sandy” embracing angrily. Cluster sound.

Without waiting for Fang to carry her back and run back, Yue Jinghua’s thumb-sized blue fire popped out between her fingers.

The green fire is small, but it is extremely fierce. As soon as the igneous toxic algae is exposed to the green fire, it will be instantly roasted to ashes, giving off a burnt smell of rotten flesh.

Tooth was astonished, the blue fire was like pouring enough gasoline, constantly devouring the Liaoyuan Poisonous Marsh on the hill, the fire spread from the initial palm size to the entire hill.

It was sunset. When the sunset was dim, this bizarre fire turned the entire hill into a sea of ​​cyan fire. The heat from the fire made people feel uncomfortable.

He, no, who is she?

Tooth looked at the girl who stood in front of the fire like a yushu and Lanzhi with a smile on her mouth, and her heartstrings moved slightly.

The violent air that had been dormant in his heart after crossing over was suppressed at that time.

The fire was two hours short, and it lasted until the east of Yueqi.

“The Lake of Death is supposed to be ahead, and my destination is there.” Seeing that the fire is almost burning, the girl’s thumb and finger lightly There was a clear finger tapping sound on the hill. The fire was mysteriously extinguished, “Ya, this is the last journey, I need to trouble you much.”

Her tone is very kind, just like an old friend who has been together for many years, just like before setting off again, she said carelessly.

His teeth were dull, and he walked forward. At the last moment just now, he gave up the idea of ​​taking the sword and killing people.

The cyan fire, the mysterious single girl, is far more powerful than he thought.

Looking at Ya walked across the mountain alone, Yue Jinghua smiled. She understood that she had completely let go of the other party’s murderous intentions. A moderate display of weakness can make the other party put down their vigilance, but occasionally strong can also kill the other party. Thoughts he shouldn’t have in his heart.

Ya is a wise man, and she hopes that he will not make any unwise moves on the last journey.

It was just more than a day to get along, and Yue Jinghua gave birth to a comrade-in-arms friendship with Ya. Apart from the occasional roughness, Ya is a very reassuring comrade-in-arms.

It’s like a dog.

Yue Jinghua shook his head and couldn’t help but smile. How could he be a dog.

The two walked over the darkened hills, and not long after Yue Jinghua left, there was a creaking noise under the dark hilltop.

A scorched hand stretched out from under the soil. Slowly, a dark, zombie-shaped monster crawled out of the grass remains of Liaoyuan’s poisonous algae and let out a jealous laugh. , “It is Nirvana, Jiejie, how many years have passed, and how many years have I not seen the Protoss appear here again.”

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