Genius Demon Empress Chapter 18: The evil man

   Yue Jinghua is heading towards the downtown area.

   After turning a few streets, we arrived at the corner of the downtown area. A woman in white clothes with a mask came up, stopped his way, and asked where the largest drug store in the city was.

   There are many profound practitioners in the city of Polo, some of them wearing masks and walking strangely.

   After looking at her flat figure, Liejiabao’s guard replied impatiently, “Where’s the soil buns? There is only Liejiabao’s medicine shop in Perluo. Just turn left in front.”

   After thanking the woman in white, she walked to the drug store in Liejiapu.

  After she interrupted like this, the guard had completely lost Yue Jinghua’s whereabouts, and had to turn back to Liejiabao and return to life.

  After the black shadow left after the Fuwei walked away, the woman in white who had asked for directions earlier walked into the “Yongchuntang” drug store in Liejiapu.

  ”The shopkeeper, here is a panacea that can increase profound strength in a short time.” The white-clothed woman is Yue Jinghua wearing a mask, but she doesn’t know what method she used to make her body concave and convex. The shape becomes a half-screen tablet, just like a man.

   That Lieyiwei couldn’t think of it. After changing his face and changing clothes, Yue Jinghua dared to ask for directions blatantly.

   The shopkeeper of “Yongchuntang” looked at Yue Jinghua for a few moments, and saw that she was a strangely dressed, a weird outfit that looked like armor, robe, or robe. He didn’t seem to know what it was like: “This guest , That kind of elixir is not easy to find, at least it must be refined by an alchemist above the intermediate level, and the price is even more expensive. In our shop, there are several physical tonic elixir, for example, this is called refining. The elixir of the body pill is personally refined by our lady. After eating it, it can strengthen one’s bones and muscles. This kind of elixir only uses 500 gold coins.”

   After talking, he took out a porcelain bottle and poured out an elixir.

  ”Five hundred gold coins, the price is too high. Can you sell cheaper herbs here?” Yue Jinghua shook his head and asked about the prices of the three most common herbs.

   When the shopkeeper heard that he didn’t buy the medicine, his face collapsed.

  Pills are different from medicinal herbs. Although they have only gone through the process of refining, their value has doubled a hundredfold.

  ”To take medicine, first find the doctor in the hall to get the pulse, give the prescription, and buy the medicine. If it is a serious injury, it needs to be reported to the government and then treated.” Yongchuntang is the only one in the city, for the flat-headed people The medicine used by ordinary profound practitioners has always been arrogant.

   Yue Jinghua thanked him and walked out of Yongchun Hall.

   After asking about it, Yue Jinghua already knows roughly that the value of the pill prescription recorded in the ink rare treasure book is really precious.

   Take the case of her refining the true profound pill last night. This kind of pill is a profound pill that can quickly improve cultivation.

   Yue Jinghua is just a small test. The first refining, ten pills were made.

   Yue Jinghua took a pill first, and with her cultivation base of Yuxuan Xiaocheng, in just half an hour, she broke through to Yuxuan Dacheng.

The advantage of    True Profound Pill is that there are no side effects at all, and the whole process is painless and itchy. The disadvantage is that when Yue Jinghua takes the second one, the effect of the second one is negligible, and it can even be said to have no effect.

   And Yue Jinghua’s alchemy technique is very common today. The ten true profound pills last night, five furnace alchemy were made, and all the three medicinal herbs left in the alchemy were consumed.

   Yue Jinghua doesn’t know whether this kind of pill is useful for every profound practitioner, but at least she can be sure that the true profound pill is effective for profound practitioners below Yuxuan and has no side effects.

   In a small country like Shang, there are quite a few mysterious people below Yuxuan.

   Although the pill is good, Yue Jinghua had to face the problem of “the emperor’s daughter is also worried about marrying”. How should she sell the medicine?

   Just now, the guards of Liejiabao also said that there is only Liejiabao’s drug store in Perluo. It is obviously not feasible to sell the medicine to Liejiabao.

  As an ace female spy, Yue Jinghua soon had an idea.

  In every city, no matter how big or small, there are always places and people unknown to everyone.

  , for example, helping to get rid of some dirt, another example of helping to find out some unseen news, or helping to solve some people unconsciously.

  These places and people can be as big as a casino, or as small as a beggar.

  Polo City, naturally there is such a place. Qianbin Building is such a unique place.

   said it is special because Qianbinlou is a tea house, but it only sells wine.

   Its owner is obviously a man, but he likes to wear a pink coat that can be seen at a glance.

   Yue Jinghua just sat down, so she called Xiao Er, but the first sentence of her opening was: “Give me the most expensive wine in your store, remember to ask for the most expensive one.”

  It didn’t take long for a “human-shaped peach blossom” to brighten people’s eyes and floated over: “This guest, what can I do for help? I am the owner of Qianbin Building, Xie Yu.”

   “I want to find a place to sell a kind of pill,” Yue Jinghua pointedly explained his intention.

  ”The guest is a famous alchemist?” Xie Yu laughed, and a pair of peach blossom eyes contained tens of thousands of styles, “If the alchemist sells pill, you have come to the wrong place, you should go to Yongchuntang,” Xie Yu Angrily, he gave Yue Jinghua a lethal wink.

   “Yongchuntang sells vulgar medicine, but my pill is a pill. How can Mingzhu be confused with Yumu,” Yue Jinghua picked up a bowl of wine and drank it in one gulp.

   A whole bowl of “Strong Lips”, I drank without breathlessness.

   Xie Yu couldn’t help but look at Yue Jinghua a few times.

   There is no trace of profound energy radiating from the whole body, and the mask is hideous.

   Xieyu saw the white armor on Yue Jinghua’s body, Ying Ting’s nose wrinkled, he got up and poured a glass of wine for Yue Jinghua.

  A seemingly inadvertent action attracted the attention of the folks and dancers in Qianbin evil boss is not a master who easily pours wine for others, even the King of Shawl is rare to let him Pour the wine last time.

  Xie Yu’s eyes flashed by evil light, and the armor on Yue Jinghua’s body had been determined.

   Tier 6 Blizzard Rhinoceros, a leather armor made from a whole piece of Blizzard Rhinoceros skin, this person has a good origin.

   “Evil Jade really knows that there is such a place that specializes in the sale of elixirs. They are just ordinary elixirs. They don’t want to?” The implication is that they want to weigh the spirit of Jinghua next month. Dan, are you qualified to enter that special occasion?

   “True Profound Pill, which allows profound practitioners below Yuxuan to be directly promoted to a first-tier spiritual pill. It has no side effects and will not have any impact on future cultivation.” Yue Jinghua drank the wine again. The eyes are shining brightly.

   I was taken aback when I heard the evil words, and said, “Are you from Danlu or from the Temple of God?”

  Such a pill, although it is only useful for profound practitioners below Yuxuan, its effect is enough to shock the entire Eastern Continent.

   You must know the Jade Profound and Human Profound Stages, although they are the most basic stages of profound arts, they are also the most basic stages. For some big families, allowing juniors with good talents to break through the Yuxuan as soon as possible, which means that their chances of becoming a master of the Profound Sky or even the Profound Pill greatly increase.

A pharmacy like    Huaichuntang is absolutely impossible to refine such a heaven-defying pill. Only powerful organizations such as the Palace of Gods and Pills in the hidden world can refine such a pill.

   “My identity has nothing to do with my pill. Tell me how to sell this batch of pill. I will pay 10% of the transaction amount or a pill as a reward.”

   “I choose a spirit pill, and I want to use this pill. I can only use…” Evil Jade dipped some wine and wrote the word “靥” on the table.


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