Gamers Are Fierce: Fanwaiyi

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“So, where is this?”

A boy with a disdainful expression on his face, his arms wrapped around him,

The back is leaning against the railing on the edge of the high-rise rooftop,

Let the light blue jacket scrape the rust on the railing surface, making a rustling sound. Watermark Ad Test Watermark Ad Test

“Inadequate questions. You should ask, where, and when.”

The quiet voice came from the other side of the rooftop,

It was an ordinary middle-aged man with almost no features. He was wearing a brown trench coat with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He stood on the smooth railing and overlooked the crowd passing under the building.

“Ha, so this time not only through space, but also through time?”

The boy in the jacket pouted indifferently, not surprised by the other party’s words, “If you want to make me your apprentice in this way, forget it. I have said it many times, I’m not interested in supernatural powers or anything.”

The middle-aged man smiled gently, without trying to explain what an honor and precious miracle it was for ordinary people to be his apprentice,

And did not continue to demonstrate the extraordinary power he possesses,

Instead, he stood on the crumbling railing and said calmly, “This is Belgium, the center of Brussels, the Hasselbeck district. May 18, 2003.”


The teenager raised his eyebrows and couldn’t think about it, “In the new year of Guiwei, Yang, Dingsi month, Xinmao day. International Museum Day and Jerusalem Day.”

The middle-aged man nodded noncommittally, “In ten minutes, the voter election in the Schaerbeek district of Brussels, which is held every four years, will officially end. After counting the votes, a little-known female candidate mariavindevogel Will be elected with 8,706 votes to become a member of the Brussels Regional Council after tonight.

Belgium is a constitutional monarchy. The federal parliament is mainly responsible for justice, defense, foreign affairs, etc., while the lower regional councils are responsible for land-related regional development, environmental protection, housing policy, port economy, etc.

mariavindevogel will present her private member’s bill in over a month,

The bill aims to lower tax rates and protect domestic businesses,

After the approval of the committee, the approval of the plenary, the signature of the king, and the publication in the National Gazette,

The bill becomes law,

And caused a Brussels shipping company to choose to cancel the order with Xin’an Shipyard in Fujian Province. “

Xin’an Shipyard.

The boy’s pupils contracted slightly. He remembered clearly that it was the unit where his father worked more than ten years ago.

“Yes, it is precisely because of the news of the cancellation of the order that the employees of Xin’an Shipyard took an early holiday, which led to your father and your mother meeting in July 2003, and finally leading to – your birth.”

The middle-aged man smiled and said, “Don’t be in a hurry, I don’t mean to say something like ‘uncommon sons must be different’, but to point out some unknown secrets.

The candidate congressman mariavindevogel was not well-received before the election. In fact, her actual number of votes should be 514 votes, not 8706 votes when she was elected. “


The teenager frowned slightly, “What do you mean? Election fraud?”


“Paying for a ticket?”


“Citizens watched the fun and selected a candidate who was not selected?”

“Or not.”

The boy who was constantly denied frowned deeper, looked at the smile at the corner of the middle-aged man’s mouth, lowered his head and thought silently.

“8706 votes, actual 514… difference, 8192.”


Eight thousand one hundred and ninety-six.

This number is inconspicuous in the vast ocean of numbers, but in another field, it has a special meaning.

“2 to the thirteenth power.”

The teenager said indifferently: “The software is wrong.”


The middle-aged man snapped his fingers and laughed: “The computers used by modern humans use binary and work with strings of 0 and 1.

When the transistor is turned on, it is displayed as 1, and when the transistor is turned off, it is displayed as 0.

In the electoral system, each string corresponds to a power of 2.

For example, 1 is 100000000000000

2 is 010000000000000

3 is 110000000000000

4 is 001000000000000

5 is 101000000000000

6 is 110000000000000

And so on, 514 votes is 010000001000000

8706 votes are 010000001000100

Did you notice that between these two strings, only the 13th power of 2 has changed from 0 to 1.

However, saying it’s a software bug is true and false.

The computer used to count votes in Brussels’ Schaerbeek district has no software problems, no hardware damage, and no hacking claims.

The real key is that there is only one transistor, the transistor that represents 2 to the thirteenth power.

That is, what actually happens is a bit flip. “

The middle-aged man said with a smile: “The cause of the bit flip phenomenon is the single event effect – a single space high-energy charged particle hits the sensitive part of the microelectronic device, and extra charge is generated due to ionization, which changes the logic state of the device and changes its function. interfered or ineffective.”

As if noticing the expression on the other’s face, the middle-aged man added: “It was not me, but the universe that released that high-energy charged particle.

The explosion of an old star,

Supernova event,

The super-giant black hole swallows the planet…

The movement of terrifying celestial bodies unimaginable by mortals will produce massive amounts of high-energy rays close to the speed of light.

These high-energy rays travel freely through the cosmic vacuum, bent by the gravitational force of celestial bodies, and unless hindered, they will roam in perpetuity.

And a certain high-energy particle, after tens of millions of time, spanning tens of millions of light-years, fell on the earth, and collided with atmospheric molecules 25km away from the surface, just like a natural collider, producing new high-energy particles.

neutrons, protons, positrons, photons, muons…

Collect into a lightning-like dense and massive stream of particles.

One of the high-energy charged particles, during the May 18, 2003 parliamentary election for the Schaerbeek district of Brussels,

It fell from the sky and hit the transistor in the computer, which represents 2 to the 13th power, generating an extra charge, turning the transistor from off to on,

In the end, the candidate for MP mariavindevogel got 8192 more votes, which led to your birth.

This process I call destiny. “

The middle-aged man paused and said slowly: “The universe is vast, the vacuum is vast, and hundreds of millions of stars are suspended in it. It seems that there is no connection, but in some unexpected way, fate can always be connected to each other. together.

Don’t you want to take a look? A future that is vast and full of unknown possibilities. “


The boy was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, “Very good, then from now on, you will be my fifth disciple.”

“What? Only fifth?”

The young man’s face collapsed, “Our organization only has three or two big cats and kittens?”

The middle-aged man named Professor waved his hand, “It just opened, there’s no way.”

“Alas, I always feel like I’m on a pirate ship.”

The teenager complained, “Forget it, what are the other people’s names?”

“Your brothers and sisters have given themselves the code Taihao, out of control, wild fire, door-shaped spikes, you can also get one for yourself.”

“Tsk, enough to kill Matt.”

The teenager pouted and rolled his eyes, “Then I’ll call ..n.”


The professor nodded with a smile, opened a portal suspended in mid-air, and glanced at the sky for the last time before stepping into it with his disciples.

He wasn’t lying, the high-energy particle that changed the trajectory of n’s life came from…the destroyed star in his hometown.


The professor turned around, no longer lingering on the last ray of light from his hometown, and stepped into the portal.

The trench coat flutters.

(The author has opened a new book, titled “Ask the Sword”)

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