Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 996: Hunt

Wanhe Community, in the room, a young Special Affairs Bureau operative wearing a black suit and red tie, holding a paper airplane in his left hand and a communication device in his right, said calmly, “Yes, the suspect has already under control.”

At this moment, the floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of the balcony of the room have been completely shattered, and the sun shines in, shining on the broken glass, reflecting mottled light spots on the ceiling.

The security door of the room was also forcibly knocked open, and the heavy door panel fell to the ground, scattered with fragments of decorative vases and some clean water.

Eight Special Affairs Bureau employees, shrouded in black protective suits, are around the room, working with miniature drones, to take photos and record videos.

The protective clothing on their bodies is extremely heavy, and bulletproof armor plates are installed on the outside of their chests and limbs.

Everyone has the standard weapons of the Secret Service – such as high-frequency cutting knives, extensible explosion-proof shields, special shock bombs for extraordinary creatures, stun guns, etc.

In addition, the operators of the Special Affairs Bureau also carry some equipment that does not look so good,

For example, the instruments provided by the Abnormality Society (spirit stone, wooden sword, talisman, whisk),

And special items from the kill game.

Among them, the most conspicuous are the rectangular metal pillars inserted in eight different directions in the living room.

These metal pillars are about half a meter high and silver-white in color. The surface is not smooth. They are covered with a spiral pattern like a cloud pattern, reflecting pink, blue, green, gold and other colors under the sunlight. ,

Looks a bit like a crystal of the metallic element bismuth.

These metal pillars are embedded in the ground, and they vibrate slightly every few seconds, emitting invisible and intangible waves.

The circular fluctuations emitted by each metal column will overlap, interfere, accumulate, and increase when they come into contact with each other.

Until it collides with another metal pillar.

The fluctuations emitted by all metals form an octagonal enchantment, which firmly blocks the abnormal energy reaction in the enchantment.

As for “Li Ang”, he stood at the center of the barrier, watching the busy Secret Service operatives around.

I don’t know whether the other party has been planning for a long time, or has a complete and detailed plan and rich experience in this area,

The entire raid was calm and efficient.

The paper plane that flew down from the rooftop of the opposite residential building smashed through the floor-to-ceiling window, and out of it the Special Affairs Bureau operative with a red tie flashed out,

Raise your hand directly to release several high-level Abnormality Talismans.

The effect of the talisman includes but is not limited to fixing the surrounding space to prevent shuttle transmission;

Inhibit the flow of free energy;

Slow down the skill cooldown of all players within the range and increase the consumption of skill release;

Reinforce ceilings, walls, and floors to prevent damage to residential buildings;

Immobilize the air to prevent sonic booms and the spread of toxic gases, as well as to prevent chanting mantras or hurting people with sound waves;

Block the vast majority of communication methods within the range, and cut off internal and external communication;

Almost at the same time as the talisman was released, the security door of the room was violently smashed open, and eight fully-armed special agents rushed into it and threw eight metal pillars in the corner of the living room to form a barrier.


“Li Ang” stood in the center of the enchantment, feeling the slight tremor of the floor from the sole of the shoe, without any expression on his face.

Across the red-tie Special Affairs Bureau operative, he could see two helicopters flying slowly in the sky, with the words of Yinshi TV painted on the outside of the planes.

Fake it.

“Li Ang” silently put the phone back in his pocket. The call with Wang Congshan has been interrupted just now. Now, under the effect of the barrier, the phone has been automatically shut down and turned into a brick.

“Where is Wang Congshan?”

He spoke slowly, his voice sounding extra calm.

The young red-tie operator who was using the communication device raised his head to look at him, half-covered his mouth and asked for instructions at the end of the communication device,

Only then turned to face “Li Ang” and said, “She is safe now.”

“Li Ang” nodded and said peacefully: “You kidnapped her?”

“No, exactly, a request.”

The red-tie operator said lightly, “Ask her to help us with our work.”

“Does work mean come and arrest me?”

Li Ang looked around and said calmly, “Do you know who I am?”

“Know part,”

The red tie operator pursed his lips, flipped his palm, and pulled out a file from the void, “Li Ang, male, is seventeen years old. He entered the Yincheng Chengbei Children’s Welfare Institute at the age of seven, and then studied in Yincheng Chengbei Experimental Primary School and Experimental Middle School have excellent grades and have won a large number of municipal and provincial awards. Their compositions have been published in magazines and newspapers for many times, and they have won the first place in the city’s joint entrance examination for several times. I worked as a tutor in my spare time, and a large part of the money I saved was anonymously donated to the Yinshi Chengbei Children’s Welfare Institute where you were born, to support those special children who were not adopted due to various reasons .

From the resume alone, it can be said that it is almost impeccable. “


Li Ang nodded, “And then, how did you find me.”

“This is what you are about as a human being,”

The young operator with the red tie put his palm on the file and slowly opened it, “At the same time, you are also using the identity of Li Ang as a cover,

Planned and executed dozens of extremely egregious crimes in the dark,

Avenged the murder of Zhang Deping, Tong Yongguang, Ren Fa, Huang Yuanwei and other criminals suspected of human trafficking, and disguised most of the cases as accident scenes.

Since most of the victims were fringe elements who escaped their early pursuit, or those who had been released from prison,

There are differences and gaps in social relations, and there is little contact with each other for various reasons.

In addition, the time and location of each case spans a large span, which is difficult to trace.

In addition, you have perfect criminal investigation skills, strong anti-tracking awareness, and proper overall planning.

Until the death of Qi Lianxiang, the criminal in the human trafficking case who bought you from your biological parents and kept you by his side for several years, it was not exposed. “


Li Ang frowned slightly, as if digesting what the other party said.

“You are a player, to be precise, a player with divine attributes, right?”

The young operator with the red tie said peacefully: “We have retrieved the nature of divine power in Qi Lianxiang’s death case,

Then follow the clues, through the autopsy results of the previous victim’s corpse and the reorganization of the case,

Located your identity.

Emotionally, I can understand how you feel,

But rules are rules,

If you want to believe us, please come with us. “

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