Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 99: Meet again

Yellow-green chlorine gas rolled into the safe house. Because chlorine gas is denser than air, it looks like a yellow-green waterfall is falling from the top of the door frame.

Li Ang waved his hand to signal his companions to go farther, holding the rubber hose in his left hand, while Shi Shiran took out a full-coverage respirator from the backpack column in his right hand and put it on himself.

Across the respirator, he shouted loudly, “If you want to survive, just open the door yourself!”

The metal door of the side room has been twisted and ruptured by the grenade, and a large amount of toxic gas poured into it in an instant.

Soon, hard breathing and coughing came from the room,


“Cough, cough, cough.”


The downstairs of this safe house is a warehouse and a factory. Naturally, Tama Riadi, who took great care of her life, took into account the problem of toxic gas leakage, and prepared seven or eight different types of gas masks in the safe house.

The problem is that now there are not only Tama Riady and his cronies in the room, but a dozen people including Santos…

Soon, Filipino roars, scoldings, arguments and beatings came from the room,

“Bang bang bang”,

The gunshots sounded, the metal door of the side room was forcibly pushed open, and three or four people (including some with blood on their clothes) tumbled out of the room.

Since the number of gas masks is limited, those who did not grab the masks had to fight for their lives, open the alloy gate, and surrender to Li Ang in exchange for the last chance.

The faces of these people were distorted, their eyes narrowed, their mouths and noses covered, and their footsteps staggered towards the front door,

With all his strength, he turned the ring handle of the alloy door and opened the door.

The door opened, and fresh air came in.

Li Ang took away the rubber hose, closed the valve, put the chlorine gas container in the backpack, and retreated to the back of the wall next to the gate.

The few people who opened the door had lost their consciousness and could not open their eyes. They could only stumble and fell on the edge of the door frame.

Before they could enjoy the sweet and pure air, they were smashed into a sieve by several shuttles of bullets from behind.

The shooters, of course, rushed out of the side room and belonged to Tama Riady’s loyal thugs.

These thugs are wearing gas masks, but they are quite desperate,

Eighty or ninety brothers died inexplicably, and the opponent was just a small S.W.A.T. team that was smashed and broken up.

Now, it is no longer the special operations forces who are caught in the urn, but themselves.

“Da Da Da Da”

Shooting at the open door, the gunmen pulled Tama Riadi and Santos Aquino, also wearing gas masks, and retreated to another room to the right of the safehouse.

Unfortunately, Li Ang won’t give them this chance.

He pulled out the grenade launcher, leaned the launcher against the door frame, and fired a grenade at the thugs.

The grenade slammed through the chlorine fumes, sending gang members flying like burlap sacks.

Li Ang put away the grenade launcher, took out his rifle, and leaned against the door frame to shoot accurately, headshotting the gang members who were still alive,

All that remained were Tama Riadi, with a Mediterranean hairstyle, and Santos Aquino, in a black suit.

Tama Riadi, who was hit by the blast from the front, clearly felt that several of her ribs were broken, and she lost consciousness in one arm and both thighs.

He turned over with difficulty, breathing hard, watching Li Ang walk into the house slowly and leisurely, raising the muzzle towards himself.

Four shots fired and Tama Riady was shot through both elbows and knees,

Under the severe pain, his forehead instantly burst into sweat.

For a long time, I didn’t think it would hurt like this…. He thought so, and passed out.

Li Ang put down his gun, he has completed the task of eliminating 100 gang members, and it is only a matter of time before Tama Riadi dies of blood loss.

The only thing that needs to be dealt with now is Santos Aquino, who was also affected by the shock wave and was lying on the ground breathing hard.


Li Ang stepped on the back of Santos’s hand, and the military boots exerted a little force, only to hear a “click”,

Santos’s little finger and ring finger were broken and broken, and Li Ang was still twisting the soles of his feet, crushing Santos’ fractured parts.

Fingers connected to the heart, under the severe pain, Santos’ body curled up like a lobster, his face was flushed, his eyes were red, and no sound could be made from his wide open mouth.

Li Ang slowly raised the soles of his feet, bent down, grabbed the collar of Santos’ suit, and asked indifferently, “Tell me your worth.”

“I, I have a lot of money.”

“I don’t care about money.” Li Ang shook his head. The $300,000 cash that Liu Wulan gave him was enough for him to use for a while, and Santos didn’t carry much cash on him.

“My brother is Cruz, Cruz Aquino, ahem, don’t you S.W.A.T. just want to hold me hostage to threaten my brother.”

Santos endured the pain and said in a panic: “He loves me very much, believe me, as long as you send him my video, he will suspend the attack on the city of Malawi…” /

“Sorry, I don’t care about that either.”

Li Ang tilted his head and looked at Santos, his sharp eyes constantly swept across the latter’s neck, as if he was considering the angle from which the knife should be struck.

“I, I know a lot of powerful people, understand, very powerful.”

Santos swallowed hard and said laboriously: “They are a small group of people who really stand at the top of the pyramid to rule human society, manage human society, and make rules for the operation of human society.

Financiers, industrialists, monopolies, oligarchs, chaebols, capital giants, top dignitaries… I serve them.

In this network of relationships, just a little bit of insignificant resources can be leaked out to help you reach the sky in one step. “


Li Ang had to admit that he was a little interested in this, and said indifferently: “I don’t think that the younger brother of a garbage rebel leader in a backcountry can have a connection with the so-called ‘top dignitaries’.”

Santos breathed a sigh of relief and did not dare to lie, and said honestly: “In the past, this was naturally impossible.

But half a year ago, I joined a very secretive multinational organization through a wealthy heir and friend I met when I was studying in the UK.

That organization, called Epiphyllum. “


Li Ang’s eyes narrowed and he said lukewarmly, “Continue.”

Santos sighed and endured the pain in his fingers, and said, “That organization has a very long history, and its members are top dignitaries from all over the world,

A little guy like me who is only associated with a certain rebel in the Philippines is naturally impossible to become a full member.


Santoston paused, then continued: “Those who are at the top always need people at the bottom to do some dirty work for them that is not easy to do in person.”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “For example?”

“Production compounds.”

Santo said: “As a peripheral member, I am responsible for contacting gang leaders like Tama Riadi in the Philippines, and entrusting them to produce some special compounds called ‘ephemera’.”

Then, Santos informed Li Ang of the characteristics of Epiphyllum and its secondary products one by one,

“The worst quality product, called Epiphany 1, is the one you see in the factory warehouse downstairs that the organization asks us to sell to those low-level poisonous insects in society. Just to spread, not to Make money.”

“A higher-end product, called Epiphany 2. These compounds are made under more stringent conditions, and can only produce a little bit at a time, but the effect is stronger. It’s in those metal boxes in the next bedroom. “

“The organization attaches great importance to each batch of Epiphyllum 2 produced and has special arrangements.”

“But because of his own opinion, he disrupted the organizational arrangement, so my brother came to the rescue, and he was bound to grab this batch of goods.”

Li Ang interrupted: “Wait, if it’s really like what you said, the group of dignitaries who rule the world ask you to produce Epiphyllum 1, 2, then why don’t they use their own network of relationships, in Africa or South America Where, set up a few mega factories and send all the goods all over the world?

Instead, like now, all production factories are scattered all over the world? “

“The only requirement of the organization for Epiphyllum products is to spread and spread as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

Santos replied: “Because of geography and transportation, a large number of low-level processing plants around the world are far more efficient in terms of dissemination than a few giant plants.

And the prerequisite for the preparation of Epiphyllum 2 is that a large amount of Epiphyllum 1 is needed for purification,

Therefore, each batch of Epiphany 2 produced in a low-level processing factory is limited and special. “

That’s right.

Li Ang knew this and asked, “Where was this batch of goods that Tama Riadi had on hand?”

Santos hesitated for a moment, then said, “Yin City.”

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