Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 975: The Thief (Quad K)

When Li Ang fell to the ground, he stepped on the invisible steps generated by the cloud vertical skill in advance, as a buffer, without making any sound.

However, the aberrant creature that was plowing the field suddenly took a half step back, as if it could “see” Li Ang, and it was hard to hide the shock.

I froze in place for five seconds, before waking up from a dream, shaking all over,

Backing up half a step, in a panic, he picked up the rusty long sword with his strongest green arm and slashed towards Li Ang.

The whole body green arm is extremely strong, but the skill of exerting force and swinging the sword can only be described as “clumsy”.

Li Ang did not dodge or evade, just waved the lance at will, only to hear the sound of “clang”,

The long sword held by the aberrant creature was knocked out cleanly, and it was spun and nailed to the wall. The hilt of the sword trembled.

The weapon was taken,

The aberrant creature trembled all over, as if shocked by fear, and took a few steps back,

Then suddenly turned around and didn’t even want the sword,

Take the road and run wildly, fleeing towards the door of the room.

Is this gone? Don’t struggle?

Do I look scary?

A trace of doubt flashed in Li Ang’s eyes,

There are eight hundred script monsters he has seen, no one thousand,

The types range from violent and ferocious to ghostly and evil,

But it’s the first time I’ve seen someone so timid and cowardly.

Li Ang frowned slightly and landed on the ground. He really didn’t want to kill the opponent directly, otherwise he would just shoot or release the dissociation technique.

In this script mission, almost all the creatures I saw can resist the mind-reading effect of the title skill [Mystery]. I don’t know if the script was designed like this, or they all have the attribute of spiritual protection.

However, the deformed creature in front of me does not have such strong mental protection, and can be discovered by the title skill of Mystery Digger.

The previous mind-reading results were displayed as, [So Lonely],

After Li Ang appeared,

The result of reading the mind changes to, [so scared],

The aberration monster looks so terrifying, but its personality is so cowardly. . . .

Li Ang shook his head, holding a revolver in his left hand and a long lance in his right hand, chasing towards the back of the aberrant creature.

With his speed, he can easily catch up with the opponent at any time,

One lance kills the life of this deformed creature, which is strong in the outside and in the middle,

Or use a wide variety of psionic powers,

Such as [Dizziness], [Clone], [Domination], etc. to control it.

Let it run away, but Li Ang wants to see where it can go – this area seems to be extraordinarily vast,

Having a guide who knows the terrain is definitely better than trying to find the way by yourself – after all, drones and scout bugs can’t be used.

Li Ang ran a distance behind the opponent,

Aberrant creatures have obviously lived in the vicinity for a long time, and the path they choose when fleeing in a hurry is quite complicated. In theory, they can use the fork in the road and blind spots to get rid of the trackers,

It will even take the initiative to enter the room with traps, trying to stop Li Ang.

However, Li Ang has left spores with swamp power on it,

And cast [Suggestion] from the psionic list at it.

[Suggestion] It belongs to the second-level skill of the psionic enchantment system. The effect is to induce the subject to act according to the suggestion command.

Under the effect of pressing the [hint] effect, the aberrant creature will run away involuntarily and try to go to a place it thinks is safe. Li Ang only needs to follow behind it, maintain the psionic effect, and track and locate the spore. /

You can find the most likely locations to trigger the story.

In order to maintain the sense of oppression on the deformed creatures, create fear and enhance the effect of the [Suggestion] skill.

Lee Ang was still laughing wildly in the back intermittently, shouting: “Run, cry, cry, and die.”

If the other party is tired and slow, they will symbolically speed up the pace and shorten the distance between the two sides,

And use the mouth to simulate a variety of noises, such as chainsaws, machine guns.

He was like an evil villain, chasing the distorted creature all the way, took out the walkie-talkie, pressed the button, and connected to the communication.

Li Ang: [Hello? Anyone else? ]

Ding Shinji: [I’m here, why did you disconnect the link just now? ]

Li Ang: [I’ve come here to hunt strange creatures who are strong outside and at the center, not strong, and now I’m chasing him. How are you over there? ]

Ding Shinji: [Can you still chase monsters and play like this? Forget it, I’m still in that closed room where the statues are placed. There are no doors and windows or other exits, there is only one wall with a pile of puzzles. ]

Li Ang: [Puzzle? ]

Ding Shinji: [Well, a whole wall is covered with a large number of stone bricks. These stone bricks are of different shapes, similar to Tetris, which are spliced ​​together. Only the top square stone brick is white, the rest are black. There is a square vacancy at the bottom, which is exactly the same area as the white stone brick. ]

Ding Shinji briefly introduced the situation in his room, Li Ang said without hesitation: “Hua Rong Dao?”


Ding Shinji replied: “I tested it just now, and I couldn’t leave the room by violent means. It seemed to ask me to solve the puzzle game similar to Huarong Road on the wall.

If it is an ordinary hero, it may also face the double dilemma of decreasing oxygen level and slow thinking with the passage of time.

Fortunately I had an oxygen tank with me. . . “

Li Ang asked casually, “Can you figure it out?”


Ding Shinji said to himself: “Although I am not very smart myself,

But the Kui Niu mech I’m driving is equipped with the most advanced computer processor,

Even if it’s a rotten game, you can use exaggerated computing power, brute force, and crush it.

It’s just a Huarong Road game, I’ll show you in minutes. “

Why can you speak the truth of your low IQ in such a confident tone?

I am so proud to play puzzle games with AI made by others,

Are you the legendary talent without virtue?

Li Ang’s eyes twitched, and he almost complained,

But he himself had a similar experience before – holding the ai chess software on his mobile phone, and going to the roadside to set up a chess booth to earn ten yuan and twenty yuan, he didn’t really complain.

While Ding Shinji was solving the Huarong Road puzzle with the Kui Niu mecha, Liu Wulan’s intercom signal was also connected to the network,

There is no immediate danger in her room,

According to her description, she is in a huge well-shaped space, full of free-rotating, changing directions, splicing and separating stone stairs,

You must observe carefully, seize the opportunity, and take advantage of the rapid rotation of the stairs,

Climb all the way to the top of the space – there is a window with white light, which should be the exit.

This level of predicament is not difficult for Liu Wulan,

She is light and agile, jumping back and forth in the stairwell, and it will not be long before she can get out of trouble.

Li Ang summed up the current situation of the three people. The locations they were teleported to were all dangerous, but not fatal.

Use the player’s own abilities to get out of trouble.

“According to what we heard before, the prompt sound from the surrounding environment, the so-called trial should be to go to each room and keep looking for the way up.”

Li Ang said on the walkie-talkie channel: “Climb to the top and get rewards and so on.”

“I don’t know where they are in Hohenheim.”

Ding Shinji said: “There is no signal from them on the walkie-talkie, it may be beyond the 10k communication range, or they are in a space where communication can be blocked,

Or maybe they encountered a strong opponent, a deadly room, and didn’t have time to get out a walkie-talkie to communicate. . . “

Li Ang thought about it and said, “The battery capacity of the walkie-talkie can last up to three hours of talk time.

We didn’t use a lot of electricity in the underground palace before, at least for at least an hour.

Now we will continue to keep the power on. During the exploration process, we will continue to describe the room scene we saw along the way to others.

It’s best to be based on each person’s route of action and the room they pass through,

To draw a general map of this entire building, reunite as soon as possible.

Wait until the last 30 minutes of talk time are left before using it to save power. “


Liu Wulan agrees. With the player’s agility, he can move very quickly. He only stops and thinks when he encounters a puzzle.

The prompt tone said to go up. It can be assumed that this place is also divided into different floors. Maybe there is more than one passage to the upper floor, there are multiple passages and multiple solutions.

Should not die at a certain level.

“Hohenheim and the others have not yet connected to the walkie-talkie communication network.”

Li Ang said in a deep voice: “Well, when I am moving now, I will leave arrow marks on the intersection and walls to mark my course of action.

If you are moving up, you can follow the signs to find me and complete the rendezvous. “

“Good way.”

Ding Shinji agreed, “However, what should I do if I encounter a recurring road, or a dead end? Will it have a negative impact on Hohenheim and the others?”

“You can record the current time next to the marker,

It can also be marked with more complex patterns, maps and texts. “

Li Ang said casually: “Just like when a thief stepped on a spot, he would leave a robbery code on the wall near a residential building,

A diagonal square pattern indicates uninhabited,

The horizontal ‘Sun’ shape with vertical lines extending on both sides indicates danger and needs to be avoided.

Of course we don’t need to be so complicated, just leave text descriptions and time records directly on the walls and doors.

When Hohenheim and the others meet, they will naturally understand what happened. “

Lee Ang deliberately learned the symbols used between thieves and thieves before,

However, what these symbols mean is not fixed,

Different theft gangs have their own habits and will use special code words according to the agreement. Only the people in the gang can understand the specific meaning.

Of course, the real world is now full of surveillance cameras, all connected to the Skynet surveillance system, under the unified jurisdiction of intelligent AI,

What thieves, thieves gang,

Just leave a mark at the door of the house, and it will be marked by Skynet AI in the next second, marked as a dangerous target, and continue to track,

And automatically backtrack the marked person’s birth address, upbringing, and movement trajectory in the past few months,

If it can be determined that it is a thief, the wanted order will be issued directly to the jurisdiction where it is located,

The gang was caught in minutes and thrown into jail.

For the stealing profession that has been passed down for thousands of years, the Skynet monitoring system is simply a dimensionality reduction attack,

There is no room for ordinary thieves to start, and almost all civilian devices are now developing towards the Internet – small mobile phones, large bicycles, battery cars,

The massive computing power of computers can greatly compensate for the lack of police force, not to mention that the Special Affairs Bureau is already developing intelligent robots that can be put into various positions.

Li Ang’s wandering thoughts came back to his senses,

Those special skills he had spent time learning,

Such as opening the door and picking locks, cryptography, slang words, etc.

It’s all useless now.

But he didn’t feel that it was a pity–this is also the inevitability of the development of the times,

After the monitoring system is fully rolled out, the vast majority of people will be under intelligent AI monitoring,

It will be more and more difficult to hide secrets or use special skills to do some gray area actions.

Probably, Li Ang’s disguise will be exposed sooner or later.

I just don’t know, whether I reveal my identity on my own initiative, or be exposed by other people or organizations.

In Li Ang’s mind, the worry about identity exposure flashed away,

With his current strength, even if he completely exposes his identity, it is not a big problem,

What’s more, he gave Wang Congshan “that” prop, so don’t worry about the latter’s personal safety being Since the Kui Niu mecha driven by Ding Shinji comes with photo printing and spray text functions, Liu Wulan and Li Ang also have their own skills, which can easily and quickly leave marks,

So after a brief discussion, the three of them headed towards the upper space, leaving a pattern mark in the process of exploration.

They are not worried, the pattern logo left behind will be tampered with by the monsters in the script mission, misleading later people——

The pattern mark is only a substitute for the walkie-talkie,

As long as Hornham and the others free their hands and re-establish the call, they can quickly meet without relying on the pattern mark.

“The walkie-talkie given by Hohenheim seems to have a lot of hidden functions.”

While chasing after the distorted creature, Li Ang was chatting on the walkie-talkie channel, “There is even an FM radio function.”

Ding Shinji said: “The broadcast function can’t be used in the script world, after all, there is no broadcast station here.”


Li Ang smacking his lips with a pity, he really wanted to hear what a radio program from another world would be like, “The background setting of this scripted world is quite complex,

With their technical level, it is not difficult to develop a radio station.

No. . . I remembered a long time ago when I took the CET-6 test. “

“Brother Li, are you still taking the CET-6 exam?”

Ding Shinji was a little surprised. According to the estimates of the Special Affairs Bureau, Li Risheng may be part of his daily life as an unknown and cautious ordinary citizen.

Every day is ordinary, so I let myself go in the killing game.

“I did.”

Li Ang said naturally: “However, listening at level 6 is too difficult. I tuned it to 92.1 MHz and transferred it to Tianjin Crosstalk Broadcasting Channel.”

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