Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 972: Pick (Quad K)

The village chief looked at the dirty cloth bag and wondered, “This bag is…”

Hohenheim had a strange expression on his face, and said slowly: “I got this by accident in the forest, and I have been taking it all the way before.

I thought this smell was the smell of the bag itself,

Now that you think about it, combined with the shape of the bag itself, the contents should be exactly what you’re looking for…treasure. “

Hohenheim is worthy of being the most promising superhuman in the clock tower, and when the word treasure is used, the expression on his face does not change at all.

Ding Shinji’s heart moved, recalling what happened in the forest before.

Claude offered to make a coin toss bet, lost to Hohenheim, indicated the road to the Holy Mountain, and provided three cloth bags.

According to Claude, the opening time of the first cloth bag was “attacked by filth”,

The opening time of the second bag is when “unreasonable request is heard”.

The filth attack corresponds to the flesh-and-blood creature in the underground palace,

Unreasonable request, is it referring to the treatment of progeria proposed by the village chief at this moment?

Ding Shinji felt that he had vaguely grasped some kind of clue, and quickly manipulated the operation panel of the cockpit, playing the pictures of Claude captured by the sensor before, analyzing the content of the picture frame by frame, trying to find more information.

Hohenheim didn’t change his face, released his palm, took the bag with the mage’s hand, and released several spells between his fingers.

【Isolate Air】——Prohibit the circulation of air in an area to the outside

[Soundproof Barrier] – prohibits the sound of an area from being transmitted to the outside world

【Curse Barrier】——Isolate the curse effect for a short time

【Make Mirror】——make a normal mirror

After getting ready, Hohenheim used the wizard’s hand to gently untie the rope tied to the cloth bag,

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or not. At the moment when the rope is untied, a thin black dust visible to the naked eye seems to rise from the spherical barrier that isolates the air.

Hohenheim’s eye muscles twitched slightly. Through the [Make Mirror] spell, he clearly saw that at the bottom of the cloth bag, there was a black-gray pebble-like object.

The surface of the object is not smooth and relatively rough. If you look closely, you can see some silk-like impurities that are suspected to be hair.

Beside the object, there are also scattered small black-gray particles.

Is this shit? Is this shit? ! It must be shit!

Hohenheim’s mouth muscles twitched, and when he thought that he had walked all the way with this bag, a violent urge to destroy suddenly rose in his heart, and he wanted to rush into the forest immediately,

Hang the three-armed monster Cloud and baptize it with various spells.

Phew, calm down.

Hohenheim released the [Iron Will] spell on himself, quickly stabilized his mind, and calmly said to Li Ang: “Look at the contents in this bag, if you can use it.”


Li Ang nodded with a subtle expression, and took out a pile of metal parts of different materials and types from the sodium ring, as well as several extremely thick medical instrument manuals,

Contrast the manual on site, and start to manufacture and debug the instrument.

The principle of the centrifuge is not particularly complicated. With the assistance of intermediate alchemy, he completed a prototype in less than 30 minutes.

Connect it to the village’s electricity system,

Let Hohenheim drop the contents of the cloth bag into the feeding port and start the instrument.


The instrument runs quickly, smashing the pebbles into slag, and the mixed solution begins to separate until a colorless transparent liquid is separated, which is poured into a glass bottle.

“This shipment is very good.”

Li Ang looked at the data on the instrument panel and nodded, “Although it has been put for a while, the intestinal flora in this is very, very active, beyond the theoretical data of conventional life.

The percentage of beneficial bacteria was also higher. “

The village chief hurriedly asked, “You mean it can be used?”

“It can be diluted with an instrument to reduce the potency of the drug.”

Li Ang nodded, put away the instrument, and returned to the home of the previous senile patient with everyone, asking his family to use the first vial on the patient.

At first, the patient had no abnormality, but as time passed, a dull gurgling sound began to sound in his stomach,

Breathing became heavy and powerful, and the unpleasant smell of **** gradually became clear and shiny,

In less than half an hour, his sanity was restored to the point where he could respond to the calls of his family.

Forty minutes later, he was even fully awake, stuttering that he was very hungry and asking his family to cook for him.

Li Ang used the biological master to observe the progeria patient again. The intestinal flora in the cloth bag is extremely adaptable and has begun to gradually clear the harmful flora entrenched in the patient’s intestine.

Propagation of beneficial bacteria,

The patient’s digestive ability, intestinal function, and physical function have improved significantly compared to the previous time.

The head of the village was overjoyed and hurriedly entrusted Li Ang to regenerate four bottles of potions, and asked the guards to deliver them to the four villagers with the most severe progeria and dying soon.

The test results are also very gratifying. None of the four villagers showed rejection. According to the test results of the biological master, it will take less than a month to recover all body functions.

As for appearance age, there is also a higher probability of becoming younger.

It’s a little strange, the more severe the progeria, the stronger the adaptability to the intestinal flora…

“The production line of the transplant container, the maintenance and manufacturing precautions of the separation instrument, and the solution to the possible subsequent rejection are all in this booklet.”

Li Ang handed a three-finger-wide thick book to the village chief,

The latter solemnly accepted the booklet and nodded gratefully again, “I…I really don’t know what to say, thank you, brave man…”

“If you’re polite, let it go.”

Li Ang smiled casually, the other party was a scrawny old man, and not a cat girl from another world. “A great kindness and great virtue are unforgettable, only by showing promise”,

Li Ang cleared his throat, “In terms of remuneration…”

“Oh, look at my brain.”

The village chief reacted, slapped his forehead, and led the player back to the door of the warehouse, letting the guards open the door again.

“According to what we said earlier, Lord Brave, please choose forty items at will.”

The village chief rubbed his palms with a smile and said, “Because of the rules of the clan, I am not very good at introducing those items that may be more precious,

However…big new items are not necessarily good, and small broken items are not necessarily inferior…”

The village chief reminded kindly, blinked his eyes, and swept the corner of his eyes to the corner of the warehouse.

Li Ang nodded clearly and turned to look at the other companions, “Everyone, this time the reward…”

“I don’t want the payment this time.”

Liu Wulan said first: “After all, it didn’t help you at all. You can control your reward yourself.”

This time everyone is just randomly matched together, and there is no setting for friendly damage shielding,

According to the thoughts of some players in the killing game, some reasons such as “you did the task yourself but wasted all of our time”,

It is to “see whoever has a share” and “meet a half”,

It’s not surprising to fight for wealth.

However, the first and second echelon players in this matchup are the first and second echelon players. It is difficult to say that the strength of each other will form a crush.

It’s not good to do things that kill people.

As a friend, Liu Wulan simply took the lead and blocked the mouths of others.

“Well, yes, you don’t get paid for doing nothing.”

Ding Shinji also reacted and spoke to help.

David smiled dumbly and said, “I have no opinion.”

Amberley spread his hands casually, “Me too.”


Li Ang nodded and looked at Hohenheim, “So, Brother Huo, how about four and six for your reward this time?”

“My surname is not Huo.”

Hohenheim twitched the muscles in the corners of his eyes and sighed: “It’s still twenty-eight, I’m twenty percent, and you are eighty percent.”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “So generous?”

“Just a reasonable calculation.”

Hohenheim smiled, “If it wasn’t for your thinking, I wouldn’t have thought that that smelly bag would hold… that stuff.

Even if I knew, I wouldn’t think about the specific purpose of that thing.

And even without my offering,

You can probably get rid of premature aging too, but it’s just a little more cumbersome. “

Hohenheim is very open. The three cloth bags provided by Claude should not be necessary for customs clearance, but an auxiliary item that can reduce the difficulty of customs clearance.

Even without these items, the level can be cleared normally.

What’s more…

Hohenheim’s eyes flashed with concern, and Claude said at the time that he opened the bag when he “heared an unreasonable request”,

But combined with the fact that the first cloth bag can kill the flesh and blood slush monster, and it is estimated that it can also cause damage to the shadow monster,

Whether there is a more critical purpose behind the second cloth bag, maybe.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse to consume it here.

The doubts were fleeting, and Hohenheim came back to his senses and smiled at Li Ang: “Is there another reason, just think I want to make friends.

I heard you haven’t joined a guild yet?

Maybe we can consider our clock tower, the treatment is good, and the conditions we can provide are not worse than the bureau. “

The demand of the major guilds to recruit the strong has never been extinguished, especially the powerful players like Li Risheng, who bring their own various power systems and logistical capabilities,

Don’t say he hasn’t joined the special affairs bureau yet, even if he does, Bell Tower is confident that he will be able to offer chips of corresponding value that he cannot refuse.

Of course, the premise is that Li Ang only has the strength he has shown so far,

A little further up, it’s not something that simple chips can buy.

Forty items, calculated according to twenty-eight,

Hohenheim took eight pieces, and Li Ang took thirty-two pieces. Although there are many, they should be carefully selected.

Li Ang used his vision to select more than 20 items that seemed to be of high value (there is no systematic item description for the items here),

At the suggestion of Ding Shinji and Liu Wulan, I chose a few items——

Ding Shinji works in the equipment research and development department of the Special Affairs Bureau, and his main business is to be researched,

I have been in contact with many secret props of the special affairs bureau,

Liu Wulan often buys and selects in game malls and auction houses. He has handled a large number of high-quality items, and his vision is not too bad.

When the player is finished selecting, the village chief asks the guards to close the warehouses again, and leads the player to leave the village, heading east of the village to the gate of the holy mountain.

On the way, Li Ang looked at the village covered by the optical camouflage curtain again, and was amazed. In fact, he really wanted this technology,

Unfortunately, the large-scale optical camouflage generation equipment is an important secret for the survival of the village and is not within the scope of the trade.

“That’s right.”

Li Ang remembered something and asked Ding Shinsi to take out the pictures of the murals he had taken in the underground palace and hand them to the village chief, “Village chief, do you recognize these pictures?”

“Is this the fresco of the underground palace hall?”

The village chief nodded, “I saw it in the book my father left me. He got it from my grandfather.”

“Do the patterns above have any special meaning?”

Li Ang pointed to the brave team in the photo, “For example, are these people a symbol of the vast bravery, or are they real?”

“You mean them?”

The village chief frowned and thought for a while, then said slowly: “It should be real…

Our guardians have the habit of recording all the brave,

In particular, we will focus on recording those brave men who have made great achievements, completed all trials, and finally fulfilled their wishes.

The more recent times will be better, and the older records will not be very detailed.

But I remember seeing similar images,

This warrior in red armor, repeated in books, is marked as the first hero to defeat all underground first hero to defeat all underground palaces? “

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “You mean he once led a team to conquer all the underground palaces around the village in one breath, and was carved into a mural for this feat?”


The village chief nodded, “But I don’t know what he looks like – none of the pictorial records depicts the face under the armor, nor does it mention the names of him and his teammates.. .

Wait, I think about it.

By the way, one of his necromancer teammates also seems to have set up a statue in our village due to some special deeds.

It should be the one on the third street to the west of the village—the stone sculpture was not completely destroyed, and the shape of the foundation could be seen. “

Li Ang frowned slightly, recalling a stone statue with only two legs he had seen before, “Necromancers have their own statues in your village? Why don’t others?”

“I’m not sure about that.”

The village elder shook his head honestly, “After all, it’s too old, it’s possible that everyone in the brave team has a statue, but it was accidentally lost,

I also saw the picture and thought of the book, and then I remembered it. “

Li Ang and his teammates looked at each other, then turned to look at the village chief and continued to ask, “Then, did you bring that book with you?”

“Eh? No.”

The village head shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, that’s a text that only the head of a village can read, and can’t be read by outsiders–but I can be sure that the records of these murals in the book are the only ones left to me. Remember these.”

“Is it…”

Li Ang nodded thoughtfully, motioned to Ding Shinji, and asked the latter to take out Claude’s photo and show it to the village chief, “Then do you know who this person is?”

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