Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 97: 2 cuts

Since when did you devote your allegiance to Tama Riadi?

Chacha thought.

Was it many years ago, in the abandoned factory where the underground boxing match was held, when he, as a spectator, smashed a stack of banknotes at himself, who was still standing with blood on his face?

Was it when he smiled lightly and invited himself to join the gang?

Was it when he paid for the treatment of his seriously ill father?

Chat hasn’t read a book, but he’s not as stupid as he looks,

He is well aware that a large part of Tamar Riady’s favor to him comes from his own displayed value.

This is normal. People who are incompetent are not even worthy of being used.

As a humble black boxer who was once in a quagmire, unable to extricate himself, and couldn’t even pay a penny, a little kindness from others in despair is worthy of retribution.

Even if the price is to abandon the previous view of good and evil, and to commit many sins that I never dared to think about,

The thin, dark, and unremarkable Cha Cha, standing in the middle of the corridor, has gathered behind him many gang members with long guns and short cannons.

Step, step, step.

The sound of footsteps came from the distant corridor,

Everyone’s muscles tensed instantly, their sweaty hands grasped the firearms, and their fingers lightly squeezed the trigger.

Li Ang, who was dressed as a special operations team member, pushed a beautiful red motorcycle and walked up the stairs.

He stepped on a Ducati panigale V4 motorcycle, and twisted the motorcycle grips with his palms over the gloves.


The exhaust pipe roared hoarsely, and the streamlined body trembled slightly. This swift and ferocious beast was already impatient.

In the distance, Cha Cha squatted down suddenly, picked up the individual bazooka on the ground, knelt down halfway, and pulled the trigger towards Li Ang.


A huge flame spewed out from the rear of the rocket launcher, flying off the nearest gang members,

But the sound of the cannon seemed to be some kind of signal, causing the gang members gathered in the corridor to pour bullets towards the end of the corridor.

Bullets of warheads roared down the corridor like a torrential rain.

Li Ang looked at the bullets and turned the accelerator to the maximum.

The tires of the Ducati panigale V4 turned wildly, and the huge grip made the whole motorcycle rush out like a wild horse.

At this moment, he was like Don Quixote who challenged the windmill, sprinting towards the hail of bullets of death.

The motorcycle was moving forward, and at the moment when it was about to hit the bullet raindrops, Li Ang took out a shield from the backpack column.

The front of the shield is triangular in shape, and its overall shape is slightly larger than the door panel. It is made of two 10mm homogeneous high-strength steel plates spliced ​​together at a 60° angle.

At the intersection in the middle, it is supported by several short steel pipes.

From the center of the junction, a long threaded steel pipe extending diagonally downward serves as a grip for Li Ang.

Under the shield, three pulleys are welded,

Above each pulley, a steel plate extends backward and parallel to each other, intersecting with the threaded steel pipe handle in the center of the shield, and a pulley is welded at the intersection, which is responsible for the final stability.

This bizarre, earth-butter-like artificial shield was built by Li Ang himself, and it took a lot of time and energy.

Its only function is to resist the ammunition coming in from the front.

As it is now.

Li Ang released the motorcycle grip, pushed the shield with one hand, took out the SCAR-H assault rifle with the other, and fired at the rocket that was galloping.

A series of bullets, precisely chiseled on the slightly curved rocket warhead,

There was only a loud bang, and a dazzling fire appeared in the middle of the corridor.

The shock wave sent shock waves, and the gang members at one end of the corridor only felt their hair being blown back

A thick plume of smoke wafts, obscuring people’s sight.

In the smoke, the sound of the motor of the motorcycle is still dull and whistling.

Cha Cha didn’t say a word, threw the rockets to the men next to him for reloading, and quickly picked up the firearms and continued to shoot at Li Ang at the end of the corridor.

The motorcycle under the crotch is Don Quixote’s horse, the triangular steel shield, and the knight’s spear in Don Quixote’s hand.

Finally, the “Knight” hit the bullet head-on.

When, when, when, when.

The bullet kept hitting the steel plate, but it was defeated in the face of the thickness of 10mm.

The forward momentum of the motorcycle was slightly retarded, but Li Ang was still moving forward amid the wild roar of the engine.

He ran over the floor smashed by the rocket explosion, broke through the heavy smoke, and came to the middle of the corridor.

Li Ang pushed the steel shield forward sharply, released the palm holding the shield, swung the direction of the vehicle, and kept himself within the shield’s defensive range at all times.

He picked up the gun, pulled the trigger, and let the bullet go through the unprepared enemies.

Cha Cha, who had already foreseen this scene, hurriedly rolled to the side, avoiding the death line formed by the ammunition.

He turned his head and saw that his men kept falling to the ground, blood flowing.

At the back of the team, someone has already started to flee in panic,

However, before Cha Cha shot them in the back,

Bullet after bullet came from the door on the side of the corridor.

Four of Li Ang’s teammates climbed the eighth floor through the traction rope while he was sprinting on his motorcycle,

They sneaked into the room silently, through the door panel, and aimed their guns at the unknown gang members.

Under the raid, the temporary battle line the poisonous insects had set up instantly collapsed, and the entire corridor became a deadly channel for contagion and death.

Blood is flowing, and there is almost no place to stay in the corridor,

Cha Cha hurriedly rolled over, breaking through the wooden door of the factory, turning over and hiding behind the load-bearing wall.

He listened to the continuous gunfire, and after a brief frantic beating, his heart became quiet.

Is it today?

He recalled that he was not very glorious, and flashed before his eyes scenes of pain, joy, or a mixture of both, there was neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

Finally, the gunfire slowly subsided, and no more groans and screams could be heard.

The wooden door of the factory was kicked open,

Chacha, who was hidden behind the wall, bounced from the ground instantly. He held a pistol in his right hand and a tiger-claw knife in his left, and aimed the muzzle at the door.

He was already prepared. Once the door was opened, he would hold the door opener and take him as a hostage in exchange for his own chance of survival.

However, behind the wooden door that was kicked open, there was no one,

Instead, there was a grenade, and someone pulled the tab off and gently threw it into the door,

Gululu rolled and stopped just behind Chacha’s butt.



The grenade exploded, and Chacha was blown into two pieces before he could express his final life testimonials.

One part is in the corridor and the other part is in the door.

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