Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 969: Self-selling (four K)

“That little thing in the human body…”

The village chief froze in place with his mouth open, thinking for more than ten seconds before he realized, “You mean…”

Li Ang said with a smile: “If I’m not mistaken, the ancestors of your village should have been more savage and cruel when they were in primitive ghoul form?”


The village chief nodded hesitantly, “A long time ago, we should be just like the ghouls in the outside world. We are pure beasts.

After being indoctrinated by the holy mountain, we have become a lot more civilized,

No longer attacking living humans, only eating animals or human corpses,

And even if I eat, I eat selectively,

We regularly hold very secret gatherings, go through strict cooking procedures such as steaming, do not eat heads and faces, and preserve the dignity of living creatures to a certain extent – although it is hypocritical to say that, we are really ashamed The ugliness of one’s own race,

Every time you eat, try to avoid the fact that you are eating corpses.

For decades, since no team of heroes has appeared,

So we don’t have to hold secret gatherings, and each family occasionally eats their own poultry and livestock…”

The village chief paused for a while, then suddenly remembered,

Just now, when Li Ang conducted a consultation in the center of the village and town square, he would ask a lot of seemingly irrelevant information in addition to looking, hearing, and inquiring.

For example, the types of crops in the village, the source of the villagers’ daily diet, the way of cooking ingredients, the way of eating, etc.

At that time, the village chief only thought it was a normal inquiry from the doctor. Unexpectedly, the other party was already collecting key information at that time.

Li Ang said with a smile: “In order to hide the fact that your village is a ghoul from the outside hero team,

In order to make myself more “civilized”, I have done a lot of work,

Proactively changed the eating habits of the villagers,

I usually eat a lot of vegetarian food, and I eat less meat, and I have to cook meat.

Fear of eating fresh flesh directly, causing bloodthirsty impulses in the blood.

The inheritance of this eating habit,

In the end, it caused you to go against the ghoul’s natural survival, resulting in the evil effect of premature aging. “

Li Ang glanced at the village chief and said: “The essence of ghouls eating people is actually to obtain a large number of species of bacteria in the human gut.

More than 99% of the microorganisms in the human gut are all kinds of bacteria, which can be divided into 500 to 1,000 types. The total number of genes is more than 100 times that of human beings. It is closely related to human growth and health in various aspects.

Generally speaking, the intestinal flora can be divided into commensal flora, opportunistic pathogenic flora, and pathogenic flora.

Symbiotic flora or beneficial bacteria, such as bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, can synthesize vitamins necessary for human growth and development, such as vitamin B1, B2, B6, vitamin K, aspartic acid, phenylalanine and other amino acids,

Participate in food digestion, promote intestinal peristalsis, and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

The opportunistic pathogenic flora, such as Enterococcus and Enterobacter, are small in number, but are unstable factors. When the human body is healthy, harmful bacteria will be suppressed by more beneficial bacteria, but when people are not so healthy, harmful bacteria will cause various intestinal diseases.

As for pathogenic flora, such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli, they usually do not belong to the intestinal tract, and they can also cause intestinal diseases, diarrhea, food poisoning and the like after accidental ingestion.

Because everyone’s growth status, eating habits, daily routine, etc. are different from childhood to adulthood, the intestinal flora in everyone’s body will be different,

You can think of it as a chaotic, dynamically balanced, charismatic system,

Like a complex organ parasitizing your organs. “

Li Ang said with a cheerful tone, “The intestinal flora is like a magic pet and needs to be carefully nurtured and protected.

Eat more cellulose-rich vegetables and fermented foods rich in probiotics, eat a regular schedule, do not overeating, eat less high-calorie and high-fat foods, and eat less food that you have never eaten before. Only in this way can you manage well flora.

On the contrary, it will be riddled with various intestinal diseases——

When I had a physical examination just now, I specifically checked the intestinal conditions of the villagers of all ages and genders in your village, and found that

The growth of intestinal flora in all villagers is a mess,

There are few or no beneficial bacteria commonly found in the human body, but opportunistic pathogenic flora prevail.

As a result, the villagers’ intestinal wall is generally aging, the intestinal mucosa is rough, the blood is not circulating and it is dark red;

Irregular intestinal peristalsis, either too fast or too slow, too hard or too thin stool, unable to retain nutrients, resulting in worse growth of beneficial bacteria, aggravating the alkalinity in the intestine, the decline of the immune function of the intestinal wall, and the formation of malignant tumors loop;

This is true for men, women and children. “


The village chief stayed where he was. To be honest, he didn’t understand the terms salmonella and E. coli at all.

But look at the hero’s tone,

It’s possible, probably, maybe it’s really because of intestinal problems, that their ghouls cause premature aging?

“What should we do then?”

The village chief asked anxiously, “This beneficial… ahem, beneficial flora, how can we obtain it? How can we promote it on a large scale?”

“In general, humans can stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria by ingesting prebiotics.”

Li Ang said: “Prebiotics, in short, are some organic substances that are not digested and absorbed by the host but can selectively promote the metabolism and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the body, thereby improving the health of the host.

For example, oligosaccharides are algae, polysaccharides, and proteolytic substances. Some vegetables in natural plants, Chinese herbs, wild plants, can also act as prebiotics. “


The village chief grasped the key words keenly and said anxiously: “But we have been eating vegetables on weekdays?

Using technology from the outside world, we diligently cultivate farmland and plant various crops,

Life may not be very rich, but even the poorest villagers can eat well every day…”

“It’s good,

However, the constitutions of humans and ghouls cannot be generalized. “

Li Ang spread his hands and said: “The daily intake of prebiotics required by the human body is 15g per day, of course, this is only theoretical data,

On a practical level, a person with a normal diet, the actual daily intake of prebiotics is 2-8g/d, which is much lower than the theoretical requirement.

And your village, because of the bloodline of ghouls, is inherently different from that of humans,

Prebiotics are not digested when passing through the human upper gastrointestinal tract, but are fermented by intestinal flora, ultimately stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria.

It can be ghoul blood, but it will directly digest all kinds of prebiotics including oligosaccharides, so that it cannot reach the intestinal flora, and there is no way to stimulate the beneficial flora that is not much, /

Prebiotic intake is inherently inefficient.

In addition to environmental occlusion, long-term isolation, and a single diet,

A variety of factors have caused your prebiotic intake to be far below the minimum level, and intestinal problems have spread to systemic problems, resulting in weak limbs, various diseases, and shortened life expectancy. “

The village chief thought for a long time, “You mean, our ghoul blood can digest this thing called prebiotics?”


Li Ang nodded, “In the upper digestive tract, it is digested.”

The village chief hesitated: “The upper gastrointestinal tract refers to…”

“The digestive site above the duodenum.”

Li Ang reached out and gestured, “including the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and one end of the duodenum.”


The village chief nodded and hesitated: “Can we just skip these parts?”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “Huh?”

The village chief gestured: “For example, use a tube to directly guide that prebiotic into the intestines?”

“That’s right, I’m very open-minded.”

Li Ang’s eyes lit up, and he clapped his palms in approval, “I can come up with such a solution.

You may be able to usher in a new era of medicine by changing the environment.

However, unfortunately, it doesn’t work. “

Just as the village chief was about to be happy, he froze in place, “Eh? Why?”

“Because prebiotics are good,

Also have probiotics to stimulate it. “

Li Ang spread his hands and said: “You don’t even have probiotics in your intestines, the number is almost zero,

Even if you take a big tube and pour prebiotics into your intestines, you can’t start from nothing,

Creates a probiotic flora. “

“Oh, you can’t make things out of thin air, can you.”

The village chief thought for a while and concluded, “That is to say, the road to prebiotics will not work?

Then… so what? “

“I’m afraid it’s impossible to eat regular food to supplement prebiotics and stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.”

Li Ang shook his head and said, “You can only use some powerful medicine.”


An ominous premonition rose in the village chief’s heart, “You mean…”

“Keeping up with rodents.”

Li Ang said in a heavy tone: “Use a more efficient way to supplement, or at least maintain a healthy intestinal flora.”

The head of the village felt dark, “You, you mean to eat…”

“That’s right, it’s shit.”

Li Ang said bitterly, “I’ve been thinking about it, this is almost the most suitable way to relieve the premature aging disease in your village.”

“Is there no other way?”

The village chief felt like he was about to suffocate, “This is too…”


Li Ang shook his head and said, “Rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, nutria, capybara… These animals have eaten their own feces for tens of millions of years, what did they say?

There is also a dung beetle species that lives in shit, grows in shit, dies in shit, and is linked to **** for a lifetime.

In nature, eating **** is completely legitimate and not dirty,

Completely a self-proclaimed high-level human being, for the behavior of eating feces, smeared with an unwarranted stigma.

Imagine if there were no animals and microorganisms to digest shit, the entire world would be submerged in shit, turning into a planet covered in brownish-yellow material.

Humans live in the selfless devotion of other species, but also trample, criticize, and insult them, which is simply ungrateful villain behavior…”

The more Li Ang said, the more excited he became. Ding Zhensi and Liu Wulan next to him had to persuade him, “Calm down, calm down first.”


Li Angping took a breath and slowly said to the village chief, “Alas, if it wasn’t for the last resort, I wouldn’t have resorted to this.

If you want to cure the village’s premature aging disease,

It’s best to be mentally prepared – not just for yourself, but for the work of all the other villagers. “


The village chief’s expression almost turned into a mask of pain. He took a few heavy breaths and said with difficulty: “Okay…

So what should we do?

At some point, kill a large animal and eat it uncooked… eat its intestines, and what’s in it?

While this is hard to accept, I will try to convince others for the continuation of the village.

After all, as long as you eat a lot of hardship, you will be fine in the future…”

“Who said you need to eat livestock? And only once?”

Li Ang said inexplicably: “How can you do it just once?

It must be eaten regularly as a dietary habit with local characteristics. “

“What?! Eat all the time?”

The village chief was stunned and froze in place, as if struck by lightning, “This, this…

Didn’t you say that you can get probiotics directly by eating it? “

“That’s an animal.”

Li Ang shook his head helplessly: “Many herbivores start eating **** since childhood.

Because the newly born herbivores, like your current situation, have no gut flora responsible for digestion and absorption at all,

It is impossible to create a flora directly from scratch.

Therefore, it is necessary to eat the **** of an adult individual.

Such as elephants, hippos, pandas,

This is called the same lineage, passed down from generation to generation, without a generation.

As for koalas, they also eat feces, and they must eat feces to obtain a class called tannin-protein complexes to degrade intestinal bacteria, thereby obtaining the ability to decompose toxins in eucalyptus leaves, the main food,

Otherwise you will be poisoned by eucalyptus leaf toxin.

If you want to cultivate your own stable probiotic flora in your gut,

You have to imitate the young herbivore,

Long-term, persistent eating **** every day, every week, every month.

This is a very long process, and it may be a little torturous for you. “

More than torment, just thinking about it makes me suffocate.

Ding Shinji, who was beside him, reluctantly resisted the urge to complain, and looked around the expressions on the faces of his teammates, and found that their expressions were also very exciting.

Although Li Ang’s words are nonsense, there is an inexplicable sense of logic.

Ghoul, why do you feel like you should change your name…

Li Ang didn’t care about the village chief’s almost collapsed continued: “You don’t have to worry about it first, in fact, regular intake of microorganisms is also beneficial to adult organisms.

Because adult individuals, even if they cultivate a reliable and stable flora of beneficial bacteria, will still degrade their body functions over time,

and lose part of the diversity of gut microbiota.

For example, the international medical fish medaka, their intestinal flora complexity and change trajectory are similar to those of humans,

The intestinal flora of old medaka is more monotonous. If you eat the fish excrement of young medaka, you can restore the activity of intestinal flora, and even become longer and younger.

I think the same may be true of ghouls. “

Li Ang said seriously: “In general, cubs, adults, and old people all eat shit.

Cubs and older adults can also eat the feces of adults,

Thereby offset, and even completely cure the disease of premature aging. “

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