Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 962: Smell (Four K)

Latest URL: “Is it a special memorial…”

Hohenheim groaned and glanced at the people in the hall, “There are six people on the mural, two warriors, two mages, a priest, and an archer.

Is it possible that this is an allegorical painting, not a commemorative painting? “


David narrowed his eyes and said slowly: “You mean the six people on the mural correspond to the six players at the moment?

The archer corresponds to Miss Liu, the two warriors refer to me and Miss Amberley, the two mages and one priest correspond to the other three of you? “

Li Ang said casually: “Hohenheim is undoubtedly a mage in the traditional sense, but I also have skills that are barely related to necromancy…”

“You still know necromancy?”

David’s tone is quite surprising. After the last battle for the door, major organizations formed a think tank team, watched the video of the game over and over again, carefully studied each player, and analyzed their equipment, props, and power systems. , fighting style and fighting technique.

Li Risheng, the leader of the white lab coat, successfully advanced to the final round. Although he did not wait to the end, the scene of him beheading the demon general still shocked those large organizations, and the evaluation and attention to him rose by one level again. ,

He even turned his head to look for Li Risheng’s previous script mission experience.

In the evaluation of the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Division, Li Risheng should be a player specializing in melee combat, and his long-range attack is also quite strong. In addition, he has quite good logistics ability.

The psionic power that just linked everyone’s mind, plus necromancy…

How many skills does this person have?

“I know a little bit.”

Of course, Li Ang would not explain in detail that he has [Summoning Fear Warhorse], [Dead Creature Resurrection (Intermediate)], and the ability to manipulate corpses that can be achieved by using the biological master. He smiled casually and said: ” Don’t look at me now, in fact, a long time ago, I wanted to be a police officer who can detect and solve cases and host justice.

For this purpose, I went to Hawaii to study the ingenuity of criminal investigation.

A lot of embarrassing things happened during this process. For example, I encountered a Blizzard Mountain Villa-style secret room murder case in Hawaii. After careful observation of the scene,

As well as the inspection of the clothes of the three deceased, it was accurately determined that the three deceased were named Nike, Li Ning, and Adidas.

But even if I ask them out loud ‘Where is the death? ! ’, and they refused to reveal their original place of death.

That’s why I started working **** necromancy, hoping to make corpses talk one day,

Don’t have to keep calling them ‘rotten and stinky’ because they won’t explain the case,

Threats to hang them up and put them in the gym as punching bags. “


David’s eye muscles twitched, and he didn’t know what to say for a while, “Okay, you’re a necromancer…”

“Uh…then I’m the pastor?”

Ding Shinsi, who has seen the relevant materials of Li Risheng, did not react so much-according to Xing Hechou’s description, this is Li Risheng’s normal behavior,

He controlled the Kui Niu mecha, scratched his head, and smiled bitterly: “My mecha’s mechanical arm is loaded with a medical module, which can perform some medical operations that are not very difficult if necessary.

I have some of the most rudimentary medical skills myself.

However, it would be a little bit…”

“Too far-fetched, right.”

David nodded and said casually: “After all, it’s just a guess, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t correspond.

These frescoes on the wall are relatively faded, and there are quite a lot of dust in the chapped traces of the frescoes, which proves that the frescoes are very old,

And these claw marks…”

He turned to look at the wall, jumped lightly, jumped into the air, his fingers lightly hooked the deep and messy claw cracks on the wall, supported his body weight, and looked at it more carefully,

Then jumped down and said plainly: “The depth of the crack on the wall ranges from half a meter to two meters. Considering the high similarity between the angle and depth of the crack,

It should be the same, or the same creature, left with its claws.

The materials of the wall tiles are the same as those in the corridors and tunnels, they are all special stones,

Then, the strength of this creature should be very strong…”

Ding Shinji smacked his mouth, “Is that the monster that the village chief said stole the stone bricks?”

“Not sure yet.”

David sighed, “Try to prepare for the challenge…”

Since the last battle for the door ended, both the contestants and the audience outside the field have been wary of scripted missions with special terrain restrictions,

Begin to keep equipment on your body that can guard against any environmental factors.

Such as parachutes, radiation protective clothing, high temperature protective clothing, low temperature protective clothing, chemical protective clothing, oxygen masks, diving bells, etc.

The higher the level of players, the greater the threat to the script, and the higher the quality requirements of such equipment items – low-level Mengxin may just be suddenly transported into the hot desert, while high-level Players may be teleported directly into the crater.

David carries a drilling machine that can cut through thick rock, and a movable protective prop similar to the hamster ball in the new Jurassic Park movie, even if it is buried in thick rock,

Give him enough time to escape.

But the rocks here are made of special materials. If they are really buried…let’s consider the next one-time escape ticket.

Everyone explored the hall for a while. The ground masonry here is the same as the stairs and corridors above. It is covered with heavy dust.

Ding Shinji enabled the shooting function of the Kui Niu mecha, took pictures of the murals on the wall and the traces of animal claws, printed them as photos on the spot, and gave a copy to each of the other people – it is convenient to get the bricks of the gate of the holy mountain at that time. Shi, go back and ask the village chief about the murals.

As for each person’s photo, it is also for mission considerations – even if there are casualties, others can continue to attack.

Afterwards, everyone walked to the front of the heavy wooden door deep in the hall and looked carefully.

Compared with the walls painted with gorgeous murals, this wooden door is too plain and ordinary. David gently poked the wooden door with the judgment spear, and the tip of the spear made a crisp humming sound of metal vibration,

Retract the spear, stand on your feet, and push hard with the palm of your left hand.

David’s feet rubbed against the dust on the ground, making a “sand–” sound,

Heavy dust rustled off the door, but the door itself remained motionless.


David stood up again with a little surprise. He knew best how high his strength was. Even a fully loaded armored vehicle could easily be pushed away with only one hand under full force.

“I will.”

Li Ang rubbed his palms and signaled David to step back. He took a step forward and pressed his palms on the wooden door. He didn’t push hard, but released a small amount of swamp divine power, trying to make the divine power flow along the wooden door.

Theoretically, the swamp power has a very strong affinity for plants in any form of existence,

But after releasing the divine power, Li Ang instantly realized that all the energy was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was not one divine power capable of penetrating the wooden door.

The wood that composes this door has long since died, and has become a fossil in a certain sense, which has an extremely poor transmission effect on divine power.


Li Ang retracted his palm, and in the spirit of plucking the geese, he directly took out the tyrant’s horizontal railing, and slashed at the wooden door until a little sawdust was cut off, and then he closed his hand with satisfaction , turned to the others and said, “This door is blocked from the inside.”


David looked up and down the wooden door. Whether it is the real object or the description on the mural, there is no structure such as a door lock on the wooden door. The brave warriors who come will take the dungeon as the first stop of the trial,

Theoretically, the door will not be blocked,

Otherwise, those low-strength warrior teams would not even be able to pass the first level.


Li Ang nodded and said casually: “There are quite a lot of rubble behind the door, blocking the door tightly, which may be caused by the collapse.”

Ding Shinji asked softly, “Then what should we do now?”

“I’ve got a prop to break the door,”

Liu Wulan calmly said: “But it’s a personal bound item, other people can’t use it.

The door needs to be closed less tightly. “

Hohenheim groaned, and bound the equipment personally, which meant that all the consumption of special effects had to be borne by the equipment owner, and Liu Wulan’s strength attribute might not be enough to open the door.

“I have a way.”

Hohenheim nodded, and the air swirled under his feet, lifting him up.

He flew around the wooden door and landed on the ground. “The craftsmanship of the wooden door is very strange. The gap between the two doors can only fit the blade of a utility knife.

However, the door latch is made of steel, and I happen to have a spell here…”

The book of sand in Hohenheim’s hand turned slowly and stayed on one page.

【Ms. Skillful Home Secret Recipe·Rust Removal】, the effect is to create a resin-like solvent, dissolve metal rust marks, lubricate fasteners, facilitate the removal of metal parts, or remove the surface of ships, vehicles, household silver tableware rust, making it shiny again.

I saw that the page of the Book of Sand slowly turned into dust, and four clusters of pale golden turpentine-like liquid also appeared in Hohenheim’s hands, flying to the four corners of the wooden door and penetrating into the latch.


Visible steam gushed from the latch.

“I’ll try.”

Liu Wulan said lightly,

She took a step forward and took out a crowbar-shaped tool with a red middle and gray ends from the void. She gently chiseled the sharp end of the crowbar into the narrow door gap and pushed it hard.

[Name: Rod of Physics (pseudo)]

[Type: Tool]

【Quality: Perfect】

【Special effect: Nail up. Pry up all objects that can theoretically be moved by a crowbar (such as nails, wooden boxes, door cracks, steel plates), and the strength of prying depends on the user’s own strength. The prying process only consumes one-fifth of the theoretical physical energy. ]

【Consumption: At least 10 physical points. The stronger the prying force, the higher the energy consumption. ]

[Cooldown: None]

【Conditions for use: Possess a doctorate degree in physics, philosophy or mathematics】

[Remarks: This crowbar was once used by the slender and unremarkable Dr. Gordon Freeman, although it was only a temporary item and did not accompany Dr. Gordon Freeman in alien civilizations, deformities The gods who are fighting in and out under the siege of monsters, but it is still contaminated with a special quality…]

【Note: Give me a fulcrum, I can move the earth】

“It turned out to be the holy sword of physics.”

Li Ang’s eyes lit up. Last time he saw Dr. Gordon Freeman in the form of a video game character in the mission of Gaowei Hacking the Script Dr. Man communicates more.


With Liu Wulan’s hard push, the wooden door made a piercing noise, and finally opened a crack.

With the gap, the next step is much easier.

Ding Shinji took out the high-frequency cutting knife, David took the judgment spear, Amberley held the tide messenger, and Li Ang also held the tyrant’s horizontal bar,

The four of them worked together, further prying open the wooden door and pulling it open.


After the gate opened, some smaller gravel rolled down,

As Li Ang said, the back of the door was blocked by stones of different sizes, almost forming a stone wall.

But as long as there are gaps between the rocks, everything is fine.

Several melee players used various means to open the gravel. It took less than 20 minutes to clear a narrow passage at the top of the pile of rubble.

It then took a few more minutes to get the Kui Niu mech to pass against the ceiling.

At this time, the original fuel of the candlestick brackets on the beams and pillars of the hall was about to burn out. Li Ang took some fuel from the sodium ring and refilled it to keep the hall bright.

Then followed a few others and climbed into the underground palace along the crevice at the top of the rubble.

Part of the rock above the rock pile collapsed. In order to prevent it from collapsing again, Li Ang took out the alloy stored in the sodium ring and used alchemy to cast it into a cylinder shape to support the rock formation.

The main road of the underground palace is a very wide and straight tunnel. It is darker than the steps down the stairs before. Fortunately, there are candlestick brackets on both sides of the wall. Hohenheim swept through two fireballs.

The candlesticks on both sides of the tunnel were all lit, illuminating the road Only then did everyone see that the tunnel extended forward for a distance of more than 200 meters, and immediately at the cross-shaped intersection, it divided into three identical forks. .

A group of players continued to advance along the tunnel. The walls were the same as in the hall, with messy animal claw marks.

The difference is that the traces on the tunnel walls are more varied and messy, and there are some dirty bloodstains that have long dried up – some of them green or blue.

“Huh? What does this smell like?”


Before reaching the crossroads, Li Ang suddenly twitched the wings of his nose. He didn’t even want to take out the respirator from the sodium ring and put it on himself.

“The lingering sour rotten smell.”

Hohenheim frowned, and put a protective gas spell on everyone in the team, and put a gas mask on himself to prevent the spell from failing. “To be precise, it’s the smell of a lot of corpses…”

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