Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 959: Rocks (Quad K)

Latest website: Almost at the moment when the village chief said the last word, a system prompt sounded in the ears of the players.

Indicates that the current mission objective has been updated, from [find the way to enter the holy mountain] to [kill the monster, complete the mission of the guardian clan village chief, and get the key to the holy mountain],

The mission time limit has also been changed to 18 hours.

In other words, the village chief in front of me is indeed the key NPC in the script mission.

The players looked at each other, Hohenheim coughed lightly, looked at the village chief and asked, “We just wanted to make a pilgrimage to the holy mountain, and we didn’t expect this to happen again.

Well… Your Excellency the village chief, what kind of monster is that? How did you destroy the gate of the Holy Mountain? “

“Is this…”

The village chief hesitated for a while, then said slowly: “Actually, I don’t know very well. There is no relevant record in the village.

The villagers of my grandfather’s generation were very secretive about that incident and never told anyone about it…”


David couldn’t help but interject, “You said just now that the gate of the Holy Mountain was destroyed by a strange monster fifty years ago?

Aren’t you there at the time? “

The village chief said, “Of course, I wasn’t even born yet.”

? ? ?

All the players looked at the village chief with white hair and wrinkled skin, who looked at least in his 70s, and they fell silent for a while.

David opened his mouth and hesitantly said, “I don’t know the village chief, you… this year Guigeng?”

“According to the season outside, I should be twenty-four.”

The village chief sighed, stroked the white beard on his chin, and said leisurely: “Thanks to my usual focus on maintaining health, going to bed early and waking up late, eating small and frequent meals, having a balanced diet, and exercising every day, I can maintain such a good health. “

You still look like this if you focus on health care… Are you the legendary god-level programmer?

Seemingly noticing the expressions on the faces of other players, the village chief sighed: “Other people of the same age in our village are basically dead, and I am the oldest group in this age group.

Although it’s not something to celebrate…”

David hesitated: “What the **** is going on…”

The village chief sighed again, beckoned, and asked the servant to fill up the tea and explain slowly.

The guardian family of them has been guarding the holy mountain for countless years, and according to the incomplete genealogy, it has at least a thousand years of history.

Their mission is to guard the holy mountain, receive brave men from all over the world, and release primary trials to screen out some pilgrims who are not strong or have a bad temperament in advance.

This is to prevent too weak heroes from entering the holy mountain to challenge, resulting in death and casting an ominous shadow on the holy mountain,

It is also to prevent people with despicable natures from infiltrating the ranks of pilgrims, abusing the blessings of the holy mountain, and causing harm to the outside world.

All villagers will not step out of the holy mountain range. The trials they propose are usually conducted at the foot of the holy mountain, in several dungeons that can change freely.

Those dungeons reset every 24 hours and are filled with all kinds of strange monsters, lethal or non-lethal traps, and the brave outsiders step into them, or complete the trial and come out,

Either die in it, be swallowed up by the dungeon reset effect, and the villagers of the guardian village will never actively interfere.

There has always been an endless stream of pilgrims from the outside world, tourists from other worlds who want to go home, and brave men who want to fulfill their wishes, one after another, embarking on a pilgrimage.

Their arrival will inject new vitality into the guardian village, bring external materials, improve the lives of the villagers, and also bring knowledge about the outside world, so that the isolated village can know what is happening in the outside world.

But about a hundred years ago, the number of foreign travelers dropped from the outside world gradually decreased. According to the few words left by the pilgrims,

It seems that several powerful principalities in the outside world, for some religious reasons, broke out a long-term war, and the scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, and the rest of the countries that tried to stay out of it at the beginning are also involved.

Because the technology trees of the island kingdoms in the scripted world are very different, the war forms are extremely complex. Assassination infiltration, sabotage behind enemy lines, massive bombing by airships, spreading poison gas in the atmosphere to create poisonous acid rain…

The long war has destroyed the original social order, and the number of capable pilgrims has become less and less,

It seems that affected by this, the dungeons at the foot of the holy mountain are gradually abandoned.

Since then, something has gone wrong in the village. Many villagers suffer from the disease of premature aging. They age before they get old, and they will age like 80 years old before the age of forty.

In the generation of the village chief’s grandfather, even the oldest person in the village would have a hard time living past the age of 30.

“For generations, we have also wanted to understand the causes of this disease of aging and fix it once and for all,”

The village chief sighed: “But as the guardians of the holy mountain, we are not allowed to step outside the range of the holy mountain, nor can we enter the holy mountain as pilgrims, accept trials, and make wishes…

Ahem, having said that, fifty years ago, my father was just born not long ago, and he also heard from my grandfather later that there was a powerful and strange monster who destroyed our top-secret Sacred Mountain Gate in the dark of night. .

You should have seen it just now, right? “

The players nodded. On the way to the village chief’s house, they saw a boxy, refrigerator-like large-scale optical camouflage equipment in a square. The technical level was in sharp contrast with the surrounding medieval villages. .

“Including the optical invisibility device, our village has preserved quite a few items of equipment gifted or abandoned by heroes of the past dynasties. Although most of them are now abandoned, fifty years ago, there were still many items that could used.”

The village chief said, “And fifty years ago, our village’s senility was slightly less severe than it is now. The guards guarding the gate of the holy mountain have the average strength of some brave warriors.”

David and Hohenheim exchanged glances. The guardian family responsible for guarding the holy mountain naturally cannot even have the ability to defend themselves.

Although they are now extremely weak, they must be vigilant with pitchforks and swords when encountering outsiders,

But there is still a trace of extraordinary power hidden in their blood.

“However, that monster easily broke through our defense of the gate of the Holy Mountain, brutally killed the guards, violently destroyed and stole a rock on the gate of the Holy Mountain,”

The village chief said slowly: “After the rock was stolen, the gate of the Holy Mountain no longer responded to the key.

Several dungeons affected by the Holy Mountain are also disabled and no longer have reset effects.

We also don’t know if the aging effect of our village is related to that rock.

Of course, it would be great if the heroes could retrieve the rock. “

The players glanced at each other. The mission goal has been written to kill the beast and complete the mission. Naturally, it is impossible not to complete it.

Hohenheim nodded and asked, “Where is that monster now?”

“To the northwest, in an underground cave five kilometers away.”

The village chief added: “It should be there.”

Hohenheim frowned slightly, “Should?”

“I don’t know the specifics,”

The village chief smiled bitterly: “In the past, our village could organize patrols to inspect and patrol various dungeons.

But now…you see, it’s really helpless.

The reset effect of those dungeons has long since disappeared, and they have become lair for monsters, too dangerous for us.

The only thing I know is the words my grandfather left behind – the ‘giant beast covered in shadows’, after stealing the rock, fled towards the underground cave in the northwest. “

Li Ang squinted his eyes and tapped the wooden teacup with warm tea with his palms and fingers.

Several players seem to be silent, thinking silently, but in fact they have already discussed it in the spiritual link of [Group Heart Connection].

Hohenheim: [The lie detector on me shows that he is not lying]

David: [But there must be something to hide. For example, when it came down to the cause of aging, his eyes flickered. ]

Li Ang: [This should be normal. After all, judging from the monitoring of breath, this guardian group is some kind of dark race. Whether it is longevity or short lifespan, it involves the core secrets of their race. Of course, it is impossible to follow an outsider. However, this scripted world is really malicious, and even let a dark race be the guardian of the holy mountain…]

Amberley: [Uh…then what are we going to do now? The garrison of this village is quite empty. Although there are three guards squatting outside the door, who think they are very hidden, we can easily sweep through this guard. Why don’t you use a veritable potion or a mind-intervention type of spell to force the village chief to say something extra? ]

Hohenheim: [I personally hold a conservative opinion. These people are the guardians of the holy mountain, and they may trigger some mechanism, such as directly triggering the thunder and lightning in the sky. Moreover, based on the previous Raiders experience, we are unlikely to use the method of “deception and concealment” to get through. ]

Ding Shinji: [Fuck through? ]

Hohenheim: [It is to deliberately avoid the strategy route designed by the system, follow the text description of the task, and complete the goal at a minimum. For example, our current task is to “kill the monsters, complete the guardian’s village chief’s request, and get the key to the holy mountain”, we can go to the dungeon to kill any low-strength monster, coaxing or violently threatening the village chief has been completed Commission, get the key. At the literal level, we have completed the mission requirements, but at the actual operational level… some behaviors of stealing chickens and playing tricks may increase the difficulty of the mission. ]

Word games are an important part of the killing game, don’t play if you’re upset.

Not only the system can set up word games to entrap players, but players can also use text-level loopholes to steal chickens and play slippery (sometimes stealing chickens and playing slips are also part of the strategy link),

But now everyone is carrying out the difficult scripted tasks of the first-tier players, and there is no reason to take risks and seek farther.

The players quickly negotiated a decision in the spiritual link. Hohenheim stood up first and said to the village chief: “Yes.

As pilgrims, we have no reason to refuse trials.

But before that, we want to know the shape of the Sacred Mountain Gate Rock. “

The village chief was stunned, “Huh?”

“What we have to do is retrieve the rock that repaired the gate?”

Hohenheim said calmly: “Suppose we finally found the ‘giant beast covered in shadows’ and successfully killed it, but what if it lived in a ruin full of rocks? /

Things would be much easier if we knew the specific features of the sacred rock that could be identified. “

“Oh, yes.”

The village chief stood up, walked into the adjacent room, and a moment later brought up an old, tan scroll at least a few decades old with a rock painted on it.

The rock was long, pure white, with a cloud-like complex pattern in the middle.

The village chief explained: “The rock at the gate of the holy mountain is indestructible, and it emits a faint light in the dark environment. If it is not abandoned in a corner, it will definitely be found.”

Hohenheim took a serious look and took the scroll from the village chief, “It’s not too late, we’re going now.”

The village chief paused with his palms rubbing back and forth, “So soon?”

“The sooner the trial is completed, the sooner we can make the pilgrimage.”

Hohenheim smiled and did not explain that the mission time limit for this phase was 18 hours,

It is very likely that the dungeon will have a very wide range, or that the monster is not in the dungeon in the northwest, but in other areas,

Players will need to travel farther to track and lock onto their location.

“Oh, uh, then I wish you all the best of luck.”

There were many pauses in the village chief’s words, his eyes flickered, and he stopped talking.

“What’s wrong?”

Li Ang asked: “If you have anything to help, you can say it directly, we are very happy to help.”

“No, nothing.”

The village chief finally swallowed his words and said nothing, standing at the door and watching the player walk towards the village head.

After the player walks out of the village entrance, the entire village is re-covered with optical camouflage and assimilated into the usual rock scene at the foot of the mountain.

“Let’s go. The system has given a time limit of 18 hours this time. If we can’t find that monster in the dungeon to the northwest, and there is no rock, we have to search again in a large Hohenheim withdrew his gaze towards the village and said lightly.

This time with a clear direction and goal, everyone’s speed suddenly accelerated,

Ding Shinji drove the Kui Niu mecha, turned on the pulley mode, and dragged the people sitting on the sleigh to the front.

The wind was howling along the way, and the others continued to discuss the topic just now in the spiritual link. In addition to the group mind-linking technique, Li Ang released a spiritual link to connect with Liu Wulan.

Li Ang: [It’s me. I opened a private channel, and no one else could hear the two of us discussing. I noticed just now that after the village chief took out the picture of the rock at the gate of the holy mountain, your spiritual link fluctuated…]

Liu Wulan interrupted: [I have seen the cloud-like pattern in the middle of that rock. ]

Li Ang: [Have you seen? where? ]

Liu Wulan: [Special Affairs Bureau, Abnormality Society, database. ]

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