Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 957: Bag (Quad K)

Latest website: The stone pillars are slowly falling like melted candles.

Win or lose?

Seeing the inquiring expressions on the faces of his companions, Hohenheim showed a faint wry smile, and stepped off the stone platform and stepped on the grass.

“I’m willing to admit defeat.”

Claude, who also came down from the platform, threw the three bags in his hands to Hohenheim at a distance with an indifferent expression.

The latter activated the Mage’s hand, grabbed three bags of suspicious material from the air, and did not put them into the space storage device.

“I lost this time.”

Claude patted the dust on the three palms, twisted his neck, and said indifferently: “There are one, two, and three black dots on the bottom of these three cloth bags.

The time they open is when you are attacked by evil and filthy things;

When you hear unreasonable requests;

And when you’re about to leave here;

Strictly follow these three time points and open the cloth bags in sequence according to the number of black spots, which should help you get through the difficulties that follow.

If the bag is opened at an inappropriate time, or if repeated attempts are made to explore the contents of the bag,

Some pretty bad things will happen…

Don’t blame me for not reminding you. “

After saying that, he glanced at the ground, the wild boar corpse that had been dissected by David and neatly stacked on the plastic sheet, and said in amazement: “How did you decompose it? This is my dinner!”


David was stunned for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly: “Uh…I thought you killed this creature to demonstrate with us.

But it shouldn’t matter now, I just broke it down for you. “

“You know what, I’m here to make soup. Just now, I smashed its brain with my fist, just to ensure the original flavor of the ingredients and can be sealed under the fur, and now it’s all ruined by you. ..”

Claude babbled for a while with red eyes, calmed down after a moment, took a deep breath, picked a few pieces of wild boar with a stern face, wrapped it in plastic wrap, and tied it into a package.


He put the wrap on his back, turned his head and took a deep look at the players, and said with a stern face: “From here as the starting point, go three kilometers in the direction of eleven o’clock, and then follow the direction of eight o’clock. , go five kilometers, then go two kilometers to the left…”

Claude quickly reported a long line of travel, concluding: “Follow the line I’m talking about, and you shouldn’t be attacked by wild beasts.

If you veer off the road, don’t respond to any noise you hear, and walk toward the sun until you make up with the others.

Wait out of the forest,

You’ll know where to go next…”

After all, without waiting for the players to ask questions again, Claude picked up the package containing pork, stepped on the ground, and rushed into the depths of the dense forest. The figure was quickly engulfed by the shadows of the trees and disappeared.

“It turns out that such a big wild boar, how big a pot does it take to make soup…”

Ding Shinji stood there and smacked his lips, looking at the others, “Do you want to chase?”


Hohenheim, who was standing at the front, shook his head, turned to look at his companion, “Let’s follow the route he said, and tell you what happened just now on the way.”

A group of players set foot on the road. As Li Ang guessed, the actual area that can be explored in this forest is quite large. The road indicated by Claude is intricate, but overall, it is still heading in the direction of eleven o’clock.

At the player’s speed, and knowing the road, it will take almost an hour.

Along the way, Hornham begins to recount his coin tossing experience.

In the first two rounds of throwing, he won first, and then he was immediately tied by Claude in two consecutive sets to enter the match point of 2-2.

“In the fourth round, I had already calculated almost all the interference factors including the surrounding air density, wind direction, wind speed, and the angle of the coin, but I still lost that game.”

Hohenheim explained: “From then on, I realized that it was not pure luck, or a mathematical game of probabilistic calculations.

The essence of tossing a coin is actually to compare the skills of the two sides, which is more superb, and can influence and interfere with the coin without being discovered by the other party. “

David raised his eyebrows, “Cheating?”

“That’s right, it’s cheating.”

Hohenheim nodded, “There’s nothing wrong with that coin, but Claude.

During the short period of time when I tossed the coin and made it fly and spin in mid-air,

He stared at the coin with his own eyes, causing the trajectory of its rotation to change subtly—this is because I kept replaying the previous video in my mind before the fifth round started. found.

Every time he tossed a coin, a tiny red dot, almost indiscernible, lit up in the back of his eye.

Although at the beginning of the fifth round, I didn’t know what the red dots in the depths of the opponent’s eyes were related to the coins, but knowing his cheating method, I could interfere and see tricks and tricks. “

Hohenheim shrugged his shoulders and said, “The ejection power of controlling the mage’s hand is obviously not good, and it will definitely be disturbed by the opponent.

Manipulating gravity, wind and other means, it is estimated that the other party will detect it on the spot and catch it.

So my solution is to use light. “

Ding Shinji frowned, “Light?”

“That’s right.”

Hohenheim nodded and said, “Although light does not have rest mass, it has momentum, which is manifested in the macroscopic world, commonly known as light pressure.

The thrust generated by this light pressure can be ignored in most cases,

But in special cases, for example, after I use magic to strengthen sunlight and form optical tweezers at the macro level, the thrust generated by the light pressure can interfere with the rotation of the coin.

At the start of the fifth toss, I pretended to throw with normal force, and then suddenly increased the force, causing the coin to bounce high, instantly through the canopy, and fly into the air.

Claude didn’t predict this. When he raised his head suddenly and wanted to focus his eyes on the coin, I had already used the spell to complete the light pressure interference on the canopy layer, making the The rotation angle of the coin has changed.

The potential energy of the coin began to convert into kinetic energy, and it fell straight into the hands of my mage.

Claude was not given enough opportunity to interfere with his sight.

In the end I won that round and didn’t break the rules – I just threw a little bit harder. “

Hohenheim paused and said slowly: “Think about it now, Claude’s gaze should be an ability based on the law of causality.

When he enters the observation state, the coin will spin in the direction he wants.

Maybe in addition to the light pressure interference, I can also win the game by cutting down the surrounding trees, changing the wind direction, or blocking his view.

After all, he is too big, and in the fifth round, he still chose the result of his throw.

In the first three shots, as long as there is a positive, you will lose without a doubt. “

“So it was.”

David nodded, looked at the three cloth bags held by Hohenheim’s mage’s hand, and asked, “Aren’t you tired of holding the bags all the time casting spells? Don’t put them in the backpack?”

“This item is displayed as a bound item and cannot be placed in the inventory slot.”

Hohenheim’s expression became a little weird, and the item description of the cloth bag was made public.

[Name: Suspicious Bag]

[Type: Quest Item]

[Quality: Normal]

【Special effect: containment. Strange cloth bag containing the treasures of the three-armed monster Claude]

[Consumption: None]

[Cooldown: None]

【How to use: Unpack the bag】

[Remarks: Quest items cannot be placed in the backpack or space storage device]

[Note: A long, long time ago, Claude the three-armed monster was a famous chef, and every dish he developed could cause a trend in the kingdom. Until one day he was discovered that his secret of food was to add his own body parts to every dish, such as nails, dandruff, bath mud, saliva, snot, etc.]

[Remarks: Claude, the famous chef who was kicked out of the kingdom, went to the Holy Mountain to make a pilgrimage to visit, rehabilitated and repented, but his personal hygiene was getting worse. Personal advice…it’s better not to touch anything he gives with your palm]


David was stunned for a moment, smelling the strange smell of the cloth bag, and countless possibilities flashed in his mind, “Okay, I understand why you are holding it with the hand of magic…”

“But if you can’t put it in the backpack, keep it with you.”

Ding Shinji thought for a while and said, “Mr. Hohenheim, didn’t you use a spell to observe what’s inside?”

“I tried, but it didn’t work.”

Hohenheim said: “The bag absorbs energy. Detect spells don’t work, but based on shape, weight, sound…

The first bag should contain metal products, the second bag contains stones, and the third bag contains a piece of meat or rubber.

Considering that this thing is a quest item, it will definitely be useful later, it is best to follow Claude’s words and not destroy it. “

Following Hohenheim’s narration, the group walked out of the jungle without any additional trouble.

They stood outside the woodland and looked back. The dark and deep forest was like a huge monster, silently opening its **** mouth and devouring people.

“Come out.”

Ding Shinji took a deep breath and glanced at the remaining power in the cockpit, which was still ninety percent.

The Kui Niu mecha underwent a wave of comprehensive upgrades after the battle for the gate. The overall power level was much higher than before. There were two large-capacity energy devices in his backpack, which should be enough for the next script. Task.


Li Ang nodded slowly, “Looking from the outside, the movement of this forest is really obvious.”

From the player’s point of view, the entire dark and dense forest is changing in a strange way. The canopy of the trees at the edge of the forest in the last second was rustled by the wind,

The next second, the trees suddenly changed,

The species, shape and color of trees, shrubs, and grasses have all changed,

But there is no obvious difference, as if the new tree had grown there.

“These trees change with the land below, but the leaves falling from the air do not move.”

Liu Wulan observed for a while, then calmly said: “Maybe the position change is based on the ground.

If we didn’t encounter NPC Claude, or lost the coin tossing game, we should be able to get out of the forest by levitating.

Maybe a little faster. “

“However, it may take more time to find the pattern of suspension.”

Hohenheim said indifferently, turned his head to look forward, “It should be the holy mountain in front.”

Everyone turned to look and saw a towering snow-capped mountain in the distance.

The rugged rocks on the mountainside are blue and black, and the snow on the mountain peaks is quite thick, white and flawless, and the clouds are smoky, like a fairyland.

And on the top of the snow-capped mountain, stands a towering strange building.

The building is in the shape of a cube as a whole, and the whole body is dark, covered with golden straight lines that cross each other, dividing the building into pieces,

Like a Rubik’s cube, it is inserted abruptly on the surface of the snowy mountain,

The volume of the building deep below the snow layer is unknown.

“Holy Mountain…”

Hohenheim narrowed his eyes, “Let’s go.”

The mission objective of the first stage is to [pass through the forest and reach the foot of the holy mountain]

The first half of the player has been completed, and the second half still needs to continue to move forward. Wangshan is running dead horses. Even at the speed of the players, it is better to be faster.

Everyone took a short rest before moving forward again.

After stepping out of the forest, the enchantment of the lightning strike still exists,

Due to the inability to use modern vehicles and summons,

Li Ang simply used the soil of this world to release alchemy, squeezed out a few sleds with spring damping systems, and let everyone sit on them,

Ding Shinji turned on the pulley function of the Kui Niu Mecha, dragged the rope in front, and pulled the sled forward.

The Kui Niu Mecha was originally made to adapt to harsh environments. In an environment with extremely low free energy, it can also adapt to the “altitude sickness” lacking energy,

Move faster than others, and save energy for others by the way.

For the high-level players present, there is quite a “simple is true” experience.

Soon Ding Shinji pulled other companions, climbed over several small slopes, and approached the foot of the holy mountain.

When the Kui Niu Mecha’s feet stepped on the blue-black rock, a system prompt sounded immediately in everyone’s ears.

【One stage task completed】

[Two-stage mission objective: find a way to enter the holy mountain]

【Task time limit: 5 hours】

【Quest Reward: None】

【Mission Failure Penalty: None】

“Find a way to get to the holy mountain?”

Ding Shinji was stunned for a moment, then loosened the rope of the sleigh and turned to look at the others, “Does this mean we can’t go in directly?”

“It is to enter the holy mountain, not to climb it.”

Hohenheim frowned: “We are already within the snowy mountains,

The task description of the system, if taken literally,

Maybe let us pass the Rubik’s cube-shaped building and enter the interior of the holy mountain?

Or just dig a tunnel. “

“Another 5 hour time limit…”

David narrowed his eyes and said slowly, “It’s impossible to dig a tunnel. There is something wrong with these stones at the foot of the snow-capped mountains, and their hardness is much higher than ordinary stones in the real world.

It is estimated that you can only walk from the Rubik’s Cube building.

However, the height of the Rubik’s cube building is above the height we detected before that would cause lightning strikes.

Climbing a snowy mountain rashly may cause lightning strikes.

In addition to this there is also the risk of encountering monster attacks and avalanches on the snowy mountains.

Huh? “

Suddenly, David seemed to be aware of something, and instantly pulled out the Judgment Spear from the backpack, and the power pouring out of his body flowed to his right arm,

A surging electric current penetrates the golden spear, the tip of the hair shocks the air, and it crackles.

“Who’s there? Come out!”

David growled toward an empty space at the foot of the snowy mountain, his spear ready to be thrown at any moment.

“Don’t attack, don’t attack.”

Just listen to the old call, ringing in that clearing,

In the empty space in front of everyone, the light flickered and changed, revealing a small mountain village composed of wooden and stone buildings, and a group of skinny….bloods?

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