Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 946: Open

“This piece of equipment is more practical than a pumpkin head,”

The mule introduced: “After pressing the button, it can absorb the blood of living creatures within 20 meters of the front cone, and store it in the container. The 30% blood-sucking amount in the item description is the total amount of blood that the flesh-and-blood creature currently has. 30%.

The time and suction strength required to **** blood mainly depend on the bloodline purity of the user.

The higher the bloodline quality, the stronger the suction, the shorter the time required, and the larger the range.

However, the question remains. “

The mule shrugged, “[Blood Sweeping Vacuum Cleaner] requires the user to be of bloodline.

The problem is that if you have a high-level bloodline that can perfectly develop the potential of this piece of equipment, you will have the ability to control blood, and you will not rely on it.

And if the body only has about 5%, 10% of the bloodline of the blood family, it can be used,

But the suction and efficiency of blood sucking are too low. “

“It’s tasteless to eat, it’s a pity to throw it away.”

Li Ang nodded, there is no such thing as “there is no completely useless equipment, only players who can’t use it” in the killing game,

There are always some equipment items whose usage conditions are too harsh, or require the cooperation of a lot of other elements in order to exert their power. And even if all the conditions are met, the upper limit is not necessarily high.

(For example, take the [Headless Horseman’s Pumpkin Head] and match it with some props that can greatly enhance the ghost’s ability, you can get an immortal… advanced spoon ghost. That’s it)

In the end, the mule was sold to Li Ang at a price of 14,000 game coins for two items.

Li Anglily transferred the money to the mule through the friend link, said hello, and explained a few words to Laura behind the cashier of the Wushou Furnace, then logged out of the game square and returned to the real world.

In the living room, Chai Chai was still sitting on the paper frozen throne, but his spirits seemed to be a lot sluggish, and he looked weak.

“What’s the matter?”

Li Ang glanced at her and asked casually.

“I’m reviewing expansion plans.”

Chai Chai replied feebly: “The first batch of converts has returned to normal life in the real world. The initial construction of worm nests in Rio de Janeiro, Mumbai, Chennai, Sri Lanka, Congo and other regions has been completed.” /

“Isn’t it good?”

Li Ang asked, “Why are you still so worried?”

“The European Heavy Industry Group has a much stronger control over the backward regions such as South America, South Asia and West Africa than we thought.”

Ms. Chai said gloomily: “According to the news from the front-line reconnaissance soldiers, the European Heavy Industry Group is trying to find a way in some big cities with a large population.

Build a comprehensive surveillance, personal location tracking system and network service infrastructure system like the Special Affairs Bureau.

These two systems are privately used by the European Heavy Industry Group in the name of a private enterprise, and will not hand over data to local official agencies.

In other words, the European Heavy Industry Group is trying to monitor, monitor, and track everyone in the area? Know everything about them, and can seal their mouths when appropriate? Isolate internal and external information flow? Build a country within a country .

In addition to this? The European Heavy Industry Group is also recruiting local people, training armed personnel, and maliciously distributing extraordinary powers – such as selling serum medicines, pills, mechanical prosthetics, magic books, etc. that can temporarily possess superpowers.

If the European Heavy Industry Group’s plan is successful, it will be more troublesome for the nest to penetrate…”

Chai Chai sighed? “South America and South Asia are too rubbish? Let the European Heavy Industry Group ride on their necks and shit? They don’t even dare to return their hands.

In the end, it was us who were in trouble. “

“Um….that’s also a no-brainer.”

Li Ang looked more open? “But it shouldn’t be done so quickly.

If necessary? Hive expansion can be slowed down? Let Genestealers or Transformers harass Europe Heavy Industries for a while.

The specific implementation is up to you,”


Chai Chai nodded, and conveyed Li Ang’s will to the brain worms through the divine link?

Is she a saint? But some general plans? It’s best to let Li Ang decide.

Have you dealt with the expansion of the worm nest? Li Ang returned to the alchemy workshop again and took out three perfection-level items, the same as before? Sacrifice them to the psionic power manual primary.

As a dazzling light flashed, the three items gradually turned into light spots and drifted away, and in the original crystal book material, three strands of red light flowed slowly.

“The quality is still perfect.”

The change in strength has led to a change in mentality. Li Ang’s heart no longer fluctuates when he burns down the three perfect pieces of equipment… Of course, if it hurts, there is still a little bit of pain.

“There is a lot of text in the vacant part,

And the first item in the remarks, [The user can sacrifice an additional epic item to upgrade the crystal of the psionic power manual to the advanced level, and the psionic power learning method of level 8-9 will be opened at that time]. “

Li Ang held the slightly hot crystal book and murmured: “Sacrificing epic items can be promoted to high level…

Well, as I thought, this kind of power system skill book with great potential, as long as the growth speed is faster than the growth speed of the difficulty of winning and killing game tasks, it will not be a loss for how much you spend.

After all, you can teach it to others, pay once, and benefit for a lifetime. “

Li Ang comforted himself a few words, then quickly opened the book and read it carefully.

The new additions to the Psionics Handbook describe the psionic powers of each faction at levels 5-7, and how to learn them.

And some classic examples of using these powers to help beginners better master psionics.

In addition, the new content also records the manufacturing process of some psionic props often used by psion, the production method of magical medicine to recuperate the mind and body, anecdotes about some well-known psion and so on.

“These anecdotes are valuable.”

Li Ang’s eyes lit up, flipping through the book and saying to himself: “Usually a psionicist cannot master the powers of multiple psionic factions at the same time.

However, a hidden sect has taken a different approach, recruiting children with split personality symptoms since childhood, teaching them psionic power, and successfully getting a psionicist to master the same-level powers of the six factions at the same time.

Although it develops to the later stage, it will form more difficult inner demons, but it is also a new idea – at least it can be tested on the newborn brain worm…”

Li Ang carefully browsed the rest of the book, and after a few hours re-folded the book and let out a long sigh.

The psionic manual, which has been upgraded at a great cost, is really worth the money,

Not only Li Ang can learn follow-up abilities,

The cerebral worms of all factions also have a way of promotion-Li Ang’s personal power limit has been increased, which means that the cerebral worms can learn more advanced psionic skills without worrying about the latter’s rebellion and out of control.

Among the sixth and seventh level enchanting abilities, there are skills that detect the mind and control the mind.

“The fifth-level ability has been written down, and the next step is the water mill, continuous exercise…”

Li Ang closed the book, rubbed his tired eyebrows, and thought about finding an opportunity to open a lower-level psionic learning method to the brain worm.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open.

Familiar system beeps ring in my ears.

[The task trigger condition has been met]

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