Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 942: Fabrication (Quad K)

What is the nature of psionic energy.

Li Ang sat cross-legged on the ground of the alchemy workshop, lost in thought.

Psionic energy is the embodiment of spiritual power. Psions use their own spiritual power to project it into the real world, or distort matter and transform reality,

Or directly act on the spiritual aspect of other beings to induce effects.

Such as mind blast, mind manipulation, memory distortion.

So, where does spiritual power come from?

According to the psionic handbook, all beings with a mind have spiritual power, strong or weak.

The strength of spiritual power does not depend on the level of intelligence. Animals on some primitive planets can also have innate psionic power.

These creatures are usually frail and instinctively use their psionic powers to help them hunt, feed, and protect themselves—just as other creatures use their fangs and claws to protect themselves.

Psionics is not mysterious,

Intelligent creatures can stimulate their spiritual power potential through reasonable training and exercise, sharpen their skills, and improve their psychic level faster than wild animals.

In a few years, I learned the instinctive talents that wild animals took thousands of years to evolve,

And on this basis, develop complex psionic skills.

Spiritual power comes from consciousness.

Consciousness comes from the brain, or other types of nervous systems.

Returning to the beginning of life evolution, eliminating the interference caused by animism or the theory of divine creation, the source of biological consciousness is the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm.

An independent creature instinctively maintains itself and creates more similar individuals, and in the process, it needs energy.

Organisms that grow in an environment of absolute stability and abundance have steady access to energy without all needs including movement.

Of course, this is an extremely ideal environment. In most cases, organisms have to find energy that is not evenly distributed in order to maintain their own existence.

In this process? It needs to have the ability to move, and also needs to have the perception of the outside world? For example, sight, smell, perception? Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, stay away from danger?

This is not enough? A creature living in a dangerous environment also needs to have a “purpose”. It needs to actively search for food. Even if the food has left the perception range, it can continue to explore based on residual perception.

Organisms with nervous systems? The need for purpose creates memory. And memory creates imagination.

Organisms not only need to remember the shape, direction, and location of food, but also on the basis of external factors? Imagine how the relationship between yourself, food, and other external elements will change over time.

The brain as the cornerstone produces memory, and memory produces purpose? Purpose gives birth to imagination, and all elements such as brain, memory, and imagination are mixed together? Together, they form the feelings of intelligent life about the objective material world at this moment—and also is consciousness.

Li Ang frowned? The five fingers of his palm gently pressed the ground? Around his body, there was a circle of invisible and surging spiritual energy fluctuations.

In short, psionic power is born out of suffering.

It is the difficult and difficult external environment that prompts living beings to move, forage, and fight each other for limited food and space resources, which eventually leads to all kinds of suffering that do not exist in an inanimate environment.

The psionicists went upstream, fighting against the sky, the earth, and the people, using suffering as fuel for fuel, licking wounds, drinking blood, and growing and growing.

However, why should the extraordinary become stronger?

Man, why live?

Li Ang stared at the concrete floor of the alchemy workshop and fell silent.

Along the way, he has seen too many people and things, and seen too much suffering – a lot of suffering for no reason at all.

Children lost, broken down, mentally disturbed parents;

In the beggar’s den, there are women and girls with missing hands and feet, who don’t know where they came from;

The elderly who are sick and unable to work and move;

In the isolated villages, people of the same age who continue to live numbly and work hard for their ancestors;

Others may feel a brief burst of sadness, leaving a few tears and sighing,

But this feeling will eventually fade.

For the person involved, life is still going on, and the aftermath of suffering is something called peace.

Just like the stones that hit the lake will eventually sink to the bottom of the lake and disperse the ripples,

All unbearable suffering, under the tempering of time, will precipitate, solidify, and become a terrifying peace.

Li Ang’s eyes were solemn, and his psychic instincts flowed out during his breathing.

In the face of fate, everyone’s only choice,

Just endure the pain, bathe in peace, and live—for the sake of being alive, for the experience of being alive.

But what if not.

Many faces flashed in front of Li Ang’s eyes, as if a flame was ignited in his eyes, and the psionic energy fluctuations in his body suddenly expanded.

Human’s mind and ability are limited, but the extraordinary can carry more and transform more reality.

In the past, Li Ang was always in anger.

Angry at the filth in the hearts of some human individuals, angry at the dark corners of human society that cannot be illuminated by the sun, and angry at the obstacles and stagnation that the social system, this machine, encounters in the face of maintaining fairness and justice.

People shouldn’t just live.

The spiritual energy in Li Ang’s body gradually took on color and formed together, like thousands of broken lenses, colliding, rotating, absorbing, and overlapping each other.

There is no security in the three realms, just like a house on fire, full of suffering, so terrifying.

When the Buddha saw the suffering of the world, he felt compassion, spread teachings, and wanted all living beings to seek inner peace – this is the Buddha’s mercy.

The world is like a house on fire, no matter how peaceful and stable it is, and how to detach from oneself, it cannot change the fact that hundreds of millions of beings are living in a fiery copper furnace and boundless sea of ​​karma.

It is better to smash misery and restore order.

Li Ang clenched his fist gently, shattering the recast willpower, as strong and dazzling as a diamond, his mind was clear and bright, and the anger entangled in his memories was also turned into burning firewood at this moment.

The human individual has limited power, but the superhuman can do more.

He not only wants to live peacefully for himself, but also to let other people, more people, live with dignity and honor in this world – a world without class, without exploitation and oppression, and in a world of human self-liberation.

“Ambition or compassion…”

Li Ang stood up slowly from the ground and said lightly: “I have the ability to make this world a better place…”

Understandable thoughts, clear mind and nature, the surging spiritual energy lingering in Li Ang’s body, slowly calm and stable, turned into an ancient well without waves, quiet and deep.

In his mind, the contents recorded in the psionic power manual naturally appeared. When his mind moved, the psionic power spontaneously condensed and formed, ready to go.

The fourth-level power of mind enchantment: [Domination]: Force the subject to obey the will;

【World-weariness】: Instill negative emotions into the subject;

[Forced Heart Linking]: Creates a psychic link between two involuntary recipients;

【Clear Memory】: Erase recent memory;

[Making Memory]: Instill false false memories into the subject;

Invisible and intangible psionic energy, flowing slowly,

Li Ang has a deep intuition that he can cast many psionic spells on the fourth-level list at any time if he wants to.

Not only that, he can also freely cast second-level abilities of other factions such as prophecy, creation, transformation, and self-formation.

Is this a…breakthrough?

Li Ang smiled and waved his hand indifferently, dissipating the surrounding psionic energy.

After being promoted to a demigod, his physique did not make a qualitative leap, but his sanity and spiritual power limit increased a lot.

With the foundation of a demigod, a breakthrough in psionic energy is naturally a matter of course.

“[Psionic Power Handbook Crystal · Elementary], only show zero-level tricks, to 4-level psionic power. If you want to learn 5-7 psionic powers, you have to sacrifice three more perfect-level psionic powers. Extraordinary item. Same conditions as when it was first unlocked.”

Li Ang thought casually: “Before, I sacrificed the extraordinary items in my inventory, mainly because I was afraid that I would buy it at a premium price in the mall auction house and cause unnecessary trouble-the price of almost all perfect-level items rose by 30% at that time. .

And now the battle for the door is over, the development of the hive is on the right track, and I myself have been promoted to a demigod, with enough self-protection ability.

It’s not impossible to directly spend money to buy three perfect items in the auction house…”

The version update of the killing field game has lifted the drop limit of epic equipment,

In addition to the overall expansion of player scale,

The frequency of perfect items appearing in the mall or auction house has increased a lot, and the price is relatively reasonable.

“The runner-up in the battle for the door will be rewarded with 30,000 game currency points, plus the net profit of the Wushou Furnace shop for a while, minus the cost of buying alchemy materials, potion materials, and materials needed for the large-scale development of the hive. ..

Now I have 54,130 game coins on me. “

Li Ang nodded, “It should be enough.”

He just walked out of the alchemy workshop,

I saw that Chai Chai didn’t know when to take out the paper Frost Iron Throne empty shell used in the Shengnan King script mission,

Sitting on the throne, his expression is solemn and deep, his eyes staring into the distance.

Li Ang felt inexplicable and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Her Majesty is watching the first generation of converts,”

The two-knife turkey made a gesture on his chest respectfully, and said reverently: “Your Majesty believes that they are your first human believers in the mortal world, and they must be strictly selected, inspected, and tested before they can take on important responsibilities. .”


Li Ang raised his eyebrows, his thoughts immersed in the divine link,

As the master of the divine power network, I found the thought fluctuations belonging to Chai Chai.

At this moment, Chai Chai is lowering his voice, whispering in the minds of all the first converts around the world: “…hard work, struggle, don’t think about what the hive can do for you , think about what you can do for the hive.”

“It is a great blessing to be able to fight for the will of the worm’s nest. It is a blessing that ordinary people can’t even get through after three lifetimes. Work hard, fight hard, and do something really beneficial, Help you and your children be more blessed.”

“A man’s life should be lived in this way: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret his wasted years, nor be ashamed of his mediocrity; so that when he is dying, he can say, “I put my whole life and All my energy is devoted to the most precious cause of life – fighting for the liberation of the hive and saving all mankind…”

Chai Chai’s voice, under the rendering of the psionic network, sounds grand, deep and powerful, with a Morgan Freeman-style powerful persuasion,

What makes Li Ang more painful is that

Chai Chai didn’t know where to drag a few idle brain worms, and asked them to use their psionic energy to make a magnificent vocal accompaniment of “ah~ahah~” in the communication network.

“As the converted, on your shoulders, bear the heavy responsibility of spreading the will of the hive. Spreading the seeds, spreading love, peace and hope.”

“In this process, ordinary people who don’t understand the great cause of the Hive’s will may hold malice against you. They think that you are erasing your personal will, and you are helping alien races to enslave human beings. But these are all Misunderstanding.”

“The worm nest is here for peace. In the face of chaos, only by hugging the worm nest and accepting the guidance of the worm nest can more human beings be liberated. Therefore, you need to spread the word actively.”

“Transmission needs to be done in the dark, directly planting parasites on other people through physical contact, or dispersing eggs in water sources…”

“If the process is discovered, you need to contact the gene stealers in the city where they are located and ask them to help close the process. Don’t be afraid of being discovered, the Hive is your strongest backing…”

Chai Chai followed a great plan to instill the will of the worm’s nest in the transformants, teaching the transformants how to spread the eggs more widely, and Li Ang smacking his mouth beside him.

I feel that Chai Chai is becoming more and more proficient in the position of the saint…

Li Ang listened for more than ten minutes, listening to Chai Chai’s impassioned description of the beautiful scene of exploitation and oppression in the human world after the realization of the great plan of the Hive.

Her speeches, more than speeches,

It is also matched with the hormones released by the parasites, and the second- and third-level psionic powers released by the brain worms.

Such as [Sensory Invasion], [Intimation], [Heart Linking], etc. Under the superposition of various factors, the first batch of transformed people have begun to have a sense of the will of the worm nest. It can be called the power of firm belief.

This power of belief is passed on in the divine link, through the evil **** figure, and then passed on to Li Ang.

Although the power of faith provided by the first batch of transformed people is not very efficient due to the unclear subject of prayer (the transformed people do not know who their superiors are), but with the blessing of the basic number, it is still considerable enough .

“The creator of the worm’s nest is a wise and majestic father. He is supreme and holy, supreme, pure and blessed, one and all, the beginning and the end. He is the perfect embodiment, compassionate provide food and shelter…”

Li Ang’s eyes twitched, looking at his brows, Chai Chai, who made up the follow-up content of the Holy Chai Apocalypse, shook his head and casually ordered Shuangdao Turkey to leave the real world and land in the game square.

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