Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 940: Hugging

Sea water.

The salty water slaps the dry-salted, cracked feet,

The soles of my feet were rubbed by the rocks and bloody,

The cold sea breeze blew on her body, causing the thin, dark-skinned girl to tremble for a while.

Rupee is the name of the currency used in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc., English Rupee, code INR, and the unit is 100.

1 rupee, equal to 0.01349 US dollars, equal to 0.8862 yuan.

For Indians, an ordinary meal costs 30 rupees, and a mid-day takeaway for the low-income class is around 10 rupees.

But what does three rupees (about 30 cents yuan) mean for the untouchables in India?

The answer is: two lives.

As night falls, the deserted moonlight scatters on the sea.

A thin, dark-skinned Indian girl, sitting in a cave on a low sloping cliff by the sea,

She was wearing shirts and shorts that were too dirty to see the color, unkempt, with her arms around her knees, shivering under the cold night wind, and her eyes were empty.

Ten days ago, the teenage girl and her two older sisters plucked up the courage to ask their factory boss to increase their daily wages by 3 rupees on top of 25 rupees after get off work.

They are the untouchables, the lowest class of pariahs outside of India’s surnames.

Untouchables, or Dalits, account for 16.2% of the total population in India. Converted to the total population of 1.324 billion, there are as many as 200 million Dalits.

In the traditional concept of India, Dalits’ bodies are dirty, and everything they touch will be contaminated, even their shadows? It can defile people of higher castes.

They are prohibited from frequent public places? Can’t use the same drinking water container, tableware with other castes, can’t touch other castes, can’t marry other castes, work for people in the village, but are not allowed to live In the village, one can only engage in the most lowly and humble professions.

After the girl and her two sisters offered to increase their daily wages by 3 rupees, the owner of the workshop mocked and beat them for hours-long abuse by tying the girls with twine.

What is even more desperate is that? After the arrival of the local police car? The Indian police officers who got out of the car? Not only did they not stop the boss? Instead, they joined the latter in the abuse of the girl’s two sisters.

The girl tried her best to break free of the hemp rope and escaped in the dark. The rear police sirens were blaring? The flashing lights of the car flickered and appeared in the dense weeds of one person height.

She escaped? But her two sisters? were hanged by ropes from a tree? Scarred and bruised to demonstrate against the untouchables who dared to make diabolical demands – this image is of a girl in the early morning I saw it at the entrance of the village when trying to escape home.

Besides several police cars parked on the side of the road at that time, it was the Indian police officers who participated in the abuse.

The girl did not dare to go home or leave here, for fear of being discovered by a police car on the road and killing her.

She hid in a low, shallow cave under a cliff by the sea, eating small fish and crabs when she was hungry, and drinking ice water dripping from the cave when she was thirsty.

The girl doesn’t know what’s going on in the outside world, and can only count the passage of time by the rising and setting of the sun.

It’s so cold…

She squeezed her knees even harder, her chaotic mind filled with confusion.

Hinduism advocates equality for all, but this equality is only at the level of spirit and soul, and it is not equal in body.

The bodies of Brahmins and Kshatriyas are pure and clean, Vaishyas and Sudras have stains, and the untouchable Dalits are a collection of filth and filth in the world.

There are only two ways for Dalits to cleanse themselves.

The first is to practice asceticism, endure what normal people think is the most painful thing, cut off water and food, endure hunger, self-flash, endure bitter cold and heat, until the body and mind are detached, and then the gods can be moved and freed from the sea of ​​suffering.

The second is to obediently accept oppression and exploitation, serve those of the higher castes, not contact other inaccessible people, self-isolate, and reduce the degree of contamination of oneself. Only in this way can one become a Brahmin after reincarnation. , to become a person with a pure mind and body.

Under the rendering of this traditional concept, the Dalits at the bottom have hated each other.

Dalits who kill chickens, despise Dalits who catch mice,

The Dalit who catches mice, despises the Dalit who digs the dung and digs the sewer,

Different ethnic groups are divided among the Dalits, each of whom believes that the other is an impure source of pollution, and actively requests isolation to avoid pollution.

The high degree of introversion and hatred at the bottom make it impossible for Dalits to be united forever. Even with a huge population of 120 million, they still have no right to speak in the social system.

The girl hiding in the cliff cave didn’t think so far. She stared blankly at the sea, and the face of another Indian girl with the same dark complexion appeared in her mind.


The seventh group member of the Wind Chaser, the special envoy of India to the Global Occult Coalition, and the glory of the lower castes of India.

Same age, same identity,

The other party can become the focus of countless spotlights, meeting with dignitaries,

The girl’s two older sisters were hanged from branches in the early morning mist.

There is a sadness in the girl’s heart, if Nina is here, if Nina is still in India, then after she hears the news, she should, no, she will preside over justice,

As she did for the Dalit community before.

However, shortly after the battle for the door ended, Nina, who often appeared on major TV stations in India, disappeared from the news media’s sight and disappeared,

The cohesion that the low-caste groups had managed to build up has also dissipated.

“Damn, where the **** is that girl?”

There was a faint, noisy voice above the cliff, and the light of the flashlight, lit above the cliff, shone on the sea.

The girl’s empty eyes were instantly occupied by fear and despair,

The cliffs here are very low and the sound can be easily conveyed,

She didn’t dare to move, she slowly shrank her body, and moved towards the back of the cave.

A man’s voice said: “I’ve been looking for so many days, but I haven’t found it yet. The **** new director is just a missing pariah girl. If we have to investigate thoroughly, her parents have been taught a lesson by us. Report cancelled.”

“We’ll find her.”

The other man’s voice said slowly: “She has injuries, she has no food, she can’t escape too far.”

“…what do we do when we find her?”

“Do you still need to ask? Kill her.”

“But the new director asked…”

“Never mind the new chief, he’s a Brahmin, the son of a diplomat, an elite of the IPS (Indian federal police system), he’s going to be promoted whether or not this is checked out. And we’re here to stay, Do you want to find out the case and wait for it to be liquidated by the local forces?”


“Don’t forget, your uncle, our boss, also participated in the abuse that day…”

“…I see.”

The two men above the cliff talked in low voices, the light of the flashlight swept across the sea.

The girl under the cliff covered her mouth in desperation, tears falling from her eyes.


The water in front of the cave suddenly opened to both sides,

An animal crawled up from the sea.

It was a dog with brown and black mottled hair, scrawny and wet, just like a roadside dingo.

How can a dog swim up from the sea?

The girl’s brain didn’t have time to process such information, she instinctively moved forward, trying to cover the dog’s mouth to prevent it from barking and attracting the attention of the two men above the cliff.

But, at the moment when she reached out her hand, she froze.

The dog’s body suddenly exuded a strange and invisible aura, like a top predator like a tiger and lion, staring at the girl in front of him indifferently, treating it as a piece of moving meat.

Cannot move.

The girl’s body froze in place, and the brown-black wild dog turned its head and body on its own, and as the hair fluttered, the sea water on her body splashed and dried.

“Wow, it’s so cold here, let’s go and make peace with others.”


The light of the flashlight on the cliff suddenly stopped and illuminated a sea surface, “What is that?”

On the sea surface illuminated by the light of the flashlight, there was a piece of blood-stained cloth floating – it was the piece of cloth that the girl used to bandage the wound on her body.


The second man muttered in a low voice, the light of the flashlight flickered at the entrance of the cave, “There seems to be a cave down here.

Come here, light me up, and I’ll climb down to see. “

The sound of rustling walking sounded above, the light of the flashlight flickered, followed by the sound of palms pulling grass and vines.

Once again, the girl fell into fear and despair,

Tears welled up from the sockets of the eyes and over the chapped cheeks.

And the brown-black wild dog took two steps forward indifferently, came to the girl, and tilted its head.

In the black bean-like eyes, there is no emotion at all, just staring silently.


Without any sign, a harpoon-like slender and sharp tongue-shaped catheter was shot out of the wild dog’s mouth, and pinned it between the girl’s eyebrows.

A vague and powerful psionic will reverberated in the girl’s mind.

【How much can you do to survive? ]

One, everything.

The girl’s eyes were hollow, and she instinctively answered the question posed by the voice.

【Very good. So, embrace the Hive and join us. ]

The wild dog’s tongue-like catheter, which kept expanding and contracting, injected something into the girl’s brow.

After ten seconds, the catheter retracted,

The other party changed back to a normal wild dog again, lying on the rock, scratching the hair on his waist with his hind foot lazily, making a slight rustling sound

On the other hand, the girl stared blankly at her palm, raised her hand and touched her There was a faint bloodshot on her forehead.


A fat man in a brown Indian police uniform jumped from above onto the rock at the entrance of the cave, with a loaded pistol attached to his waist.

The light of the flashlight in his hand swept over, illuminating the ragged girl and the ordinary wild dog.

There was a look of joy on the fat man’s face, and he shouted to his companion above the cliff: “Come down, I’ll find her..”

The voice stopped abruptly,

The girl instinctively raised her arm, and shot a tube with sharp arrows from her wrist, which pierced the plump man’s eyebrows, interrupting his words.

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