Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 939: Benevolence

“Then let’s start here.”

Miss Chai waved the pointer, only to hear a snap, the tip of the pointer pointed at the position of South Asia and India.

“India has a huge population and a vast territory, but its infrastructure is backward, its identity verification and monitoring systems are outdated, its hygiene and medical conditions are extremely poor, and its concept of hygiene is poor.

Even in a big city, next to the bright and modern high-rise buildings are a circle of slums, and the streets are full of animals such as monkeys, calves, cats and dogs, which are very suitable for the dispersal of mimic insects. “

Chai Chai said casually: “The nobles of the upper castes and the untouchables of the lower castes are completely two species.

2%~5% of Brahmins live in a happy and prosperous environment and are already modern human beings,

20% of the untouchables work in the dirtiest, hardest, dangerous, and degrading jobs, receive the lowest wages, and suffer discrimination and abuse from the entire social system,

Living conditions are as bad as struggling in the Middle Ages.

They have a cold, a fever, or a brief disappearance without causing any suspicion or social repercussions.

In addition, the gene stealer worm eggs will not replace the personality and consciousness, but subtly modify the consciousness, so that ordinary people will spontaneously yearn for the will of the nest.

This kind of yearning is the induction of the hive psychic network in the dark,

There will be no side effects such as personality distortion and lifestyle changes.

It is a benevolent and humane act to make gene-stealer worm eggs parasitize on the numb and lowly Indian pariahs-the worm eggs will release hormones and transform their bodies,

It can make their living conditions a little better, and they also have a spiritual sustenance. “

Chai Chai paused for a moment, then continued: “Besides, the Indian states are very different, not closely connected, and corrupt and superstitious.

A small number of players, after possessing extraordinary power, also choose to leave their area? Come to a big city and enjoy the power brought by modern life and individual power,

Indifferent to what’s going on in the borderlands.

During the expansion of the Hive? The probability of being discovered is greatly reduced.

The main problem? With the European heavy industry group…”

Chai Chai tapped the map on the small whiteboard with a pointer a few times, then narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: “Shortly after the start of the killing game, Prometheus Labs? Several branches and pharmaceutical experimental centers have been established.

In the folk, search and train players.

Established a dominant position in the superhuman field with a first mover?

A player born in India? Such as Da Krishna? Surrendered to Prometheus Labs early? Accepting the latter’s funding.

With money and power?

Before the battle for the door began? Prometheus Laboratories has been involved in dozens of industries in India, such as pharmaceutical research and development, power and energy, automobile manufacturing, light industry and food, clothing and textiles, metallurgy and minerals, transportation, and building materials. “

Chai Chai paused for a moment, then said slowly: “With Prometheus Labs and gen-sys biotechnology company, it was acquired by the European Heavy Industry Group.

The latter has officially established a monopoly in every industry in India and is so powerful that it is stronger than the East India Company in history.

And different from the Indian official? The European heavy industry group is more professional in the field of development?

What is India’s online authentication and surveillance system now? They built it.

They also train players and ordinary people to form relatively unprofessional mobile task forces to maintain the most basic security.

European Heavy Industries Group is a problem if the Hive is going to expand…”

“Want to clear?”

Two-knife turkey asked softly: “The first batch of reconnaissance soldiers has already advanced to the hinterland of India? If necessary, it can take the lead in transforming the decision-making level of the European Heavy Industry Group-out of concern for the power of the extraordinary,

Most of the decision-makers of the European Heavy Industry Group and their agents sent to India are ordinary people without extraordinary power. “

“Don’t worry.”

Chai Chai shook his head, “Though those agents don’t have supernatural powers, they can’t be without guards around them. Let’s infiltrate from bottom to top.”

The two-knife turkey nodded respectfully. After collecting the complex genome of the creatures in the door world, the overall strength of the hive tyrant has made a long-term improvement.

If it is assembled into a team, it is not impossible to raid the Indian stronghold of the European Heavy Industry Group in a day and violently clean up all the players there.

However, the Father is the creator and the Holy Maiden is the second.

Since the Holy Maiden has an idea, the two-knife turkey, one of the most devout brain bugs, will not object.

“In addition to India, Hive will also carry out large-scale infiltration work in Africa, West Asia, South America, Australia and other places.”

Chai Chai waved the pointer and pointed on the world map, “As for Europe and North America, there are more players in these places, including local superhumans and players from other regions.

The risk of exposure is higher when infiltrated.

Let’s start with the coastal cities, lay worm nests in the coastal areas, and go to the hinterland from the highest-level, least-undetectable Genestealer special forces worms,

If possible, try to convert ordinary people in key positions – such as engineers, scientists, corporate CEOs, etc.

These people are important but not extremely important, and the degree of protection they receive is not high, so it should be easier to start.

They can be used as a springboard to further expand the Hive’s intelligence network. “


Double-knife Turkey kept nodding, looking at Miss Chai with admiration in her eyes.

As a new intelligent species, the brain worm has been engraved with loyalty attributes at the genetic level,

All take the Creator’s will as the supreme will, and obey the command and dispatch of the Holy Maiden.

Under the principle of allegiance to the loving father and the saint, each brain worm will also have some differences in personality due to different factors such as the source of the brain and the environment in which it grows.

This difference is more obvious after all the brain worms are psionicists.

Some brainworms like to grow creep crops, some brainworms like to cultivate fungal spores, some brainworms like to study biological genes, adjust soldiers, and some brainworms like to hunt themselves, or command a hive army.

Based on these differences in personality and talent, cerebral worms are assigned to different jobs, becoming hive tyrants, gene bank administrators, and biotechnology engineers.

All kinds of factors make the brain worms not a group of harmony,

Take the double-knife turkey as an example. Because of its extreme piety, it is favored by holy grace and is allowed to stay by the side of the loving father and holy daughter.

Before that, it was the chief cook of the Fathers Prayer (which the Two-Knife Turkey is very proud of), the inspector of the state of the brainworm beliefs,

Frequently criticize, accuse and educate other compatriots in their belief in a loving father, accusing them of not being religious enough.

Especially a brain worm called [Chimera], which hatched from an egg with a double-sworded turkey,

Gene similarity is higher,

To a certain extent, they can be regarded as sisters or siblings.

Two-knife turkey, often linked by divine power, questioned Chimera’s daily beliefs, and asked the latter to frequently transcribe the Apocalypse of the Holy Chai.

Chimera was overwhelmed, and volunteered in the last assignment,

As a member of the Hive Tyrant, I entered the door world, and now I am hunting indigenous creatures on the alien ocean, venting my depression——

The turkey with double knives is the red worm beside the loving father and the saint.

Brainworms are equal but some brainworms are always more equal than others.

The loving father and the saintess are busy and work hard, and their vision covers the entire world, so they do not know the complex and delicate interpersonal relationships between the hive brain worms.

But one thing is certain – the “human” part of most brainworms is relatively thin.

Good and evil, morality,

Man-made concepts that bind human beings do not exist in the group of brain worms.

As long as the loving father and the saint are willing, they can be a powerful civilization that presides over equality and justice, or an evil natural disaster that spreads destruction and death.

As for now…

The two-knife turkey stared at the proud majesty with his hands on his hips and laughing with sincere worship,

As I sink my consciousness into the divine link and psionic network, I observe the hundreds of thousands of swarms of soldiers that are crawling up the coastlines around the world.

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