Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 934: View

The serving speed of this restaurant was much faster than expected. The three of them finished their meal, settled the bill, left the restaurant, and got into the black sedan parked on the side of the road.

As an important travel tool, the special affairs bureau standard car has a low-key and high-end appearance,

The explosion-proof capability of the hull frame is comparable to that of armored vehicles,

The interior is spacious, the seats are comfortable, and the air smells of nice leather seats.

After awakening the intelligent AI in the car, more functions can be enabled,

Such as autonomous driving,

Call out the medical surgical robotic arm, flatten the rear seat of the car, and use the seat as an emergency medical operating bed,

Call up a list of weapons, use a small revolver gun, a miniature homing missile, etc.

Wang Cong[]Shan and Li Ang in the back row, such as Wei Linglan, fastened their seat belts,

Reach out and press a few times on the LCD panel next to the steering wheel to wake up the intelligent AI (the shape is a half-length woman composed of light blue lines),

put the vehicle into autopilot mode,

I flattened the driver’s seat a little,

Reaching out of the storage box behind the gear shift lever, I took out a spray bottle, a bottle of mineral water and several medicine bottles,

Squirt the spray into his mouth a few times, drank water, and ate a few pills of different colors.

“This reduces the effects of insomnia, relieves fatigue, accelerates sleep, and improves sleep quality.”

Wei Linglan looked at Wang Congshan’s worried eyes in the rearview mirror and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, players’ physiques are different from ordinary people.

These medicines have been thoroughly tested and are absolutely fine.

It is estimated that in a month or two, these medicines, or weakened versions of health supplements, will be available on the market for ordinary people. “

She took out a pink silk eye patch from the baffle under the roof of the car and put it on herself, “I’ll be at the base in twenty minutes, I’ll sleep for a while.”

As a front-line operator of the Mobile Task Force, Wei Linglan is under more pressure in her life and work than Wang Congshan knows,

I fell asleep almost as soon as I put on the blindfold and lay down? Go into fast sleep.

Twenty minutes…

Lee Ang leaned against the window and looked out?

I quickly calculated the driving speed of the black car and the road conditions in Yin City observed by the scout soldiers and insects, and delineated the range? From the various bases of the Yin City Special Affairs Bureau?

Locks the specific stronghold the vehicle is heading to.

Judging from the results of the Secret Digger title skill detection, Wei Linglan didn’t lie or conceal? At least there was no information about [Learn that Li Ang was a player and tricked him into entering the special affairs bureau].

But that doesn’t fully prove? There is no danger.

Equipment like the Anti-Dragon Crazy Helmet? It can resist the effect of the Mystery Digger title skill,

And some other skills in the killing game can also deceive mind reading by disturbing their own mind and hypnotizing themselves.

Li Ang has done a lot of things? There are also many cases that can be targeted by the special affairs bureau?

This time Wei Linglan invited him to the Special Affairs Bureau. There are several possibilities.

One, this time, as Wei Linglan said, the Special Affairs Bureau has a list for students, and I am on the list?

And because being a tutor nurtured students who became players, it aroused further interest in the Secret Service? Ask him to go to the stronghold to take notes, and invite him to join the Secret Service – as an intern and a reserve player.

Two? Li Ang, who knew the identity of an ordinary person, committed a crime.

Three, the other party knows that Li Ang is a player.

Fourth? The other party not only knew that Li Ang was a player? He also knew the important identity of Li Risheng.

Five? The other party already knows all the secrets, including the case that Li Ang committed, and the fact that he owns the Nest and Stargate.

The above possibilities, no matter which one, are situations that Li Ang does not want to see.

But after checking one by one, the second and third possibilities are undoubtedly the lowest in relative terms.

If the special affairs bureau really discovered one or several secrets of Li Ang’s past, then it should not be Wei Linglan who came to the door,

It should be a fully armed mobile task force or a police officer (the specific severity depends on whether the secret service has found the player’s identity)

The possibility of the fourth guess is also relatively low,

Compared to other extraordinary organizations, the negative news related to the Secret Service can be said to be the lowest.

At the beginning of the killing game,

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Special Accidents Division has been exposed to have used fishing methods to pretend to be a broker who can provide heavy firepower weapons on the Internet, and lure new players who have just become players to meet offline.

After obtaining the identity information, the armed forces were immediately dispatched to arrest him and bring him to justice. Together with his family members, he disappeared from the world.

There is a high probability that new players will be tortured, questioned about killing game related content, looted equipment and props,

And even directly plunder the player’s qualifications.

There are similar rumors from the Hijima Anomaly Investigation Bureau, the GRU Parapsychology Department, and others.

As for private institutions such as Prometheus Labs, there are countless black materials,

The more players at the top, the clearer they can see,

In recent times, player qualifications have emerged frequently and are no longer as scarce as before,

Such tricks are used less often.

Among all organizations, the special affairs bureau that never uses these methods is very abrupt,

Although there are some accounts that are obviously navy on the player forum, they often smear the secret affairs bureau, catch the wind, and concoct rumors,

However, players who have more access to information are smart people who can see the conduct of the Special Affairs Bureau, which is obviously much higher than that of other organizations.

If the Special Affairs Bureau really knew that Li Ang was a player, then they would not use Wang Congshan and Wei Linglan as bait.

This is too dangerous for Wang Congshan, an ordinary person.

And if the Special Affairs Bureau knows more and has mastered the connection between Li Ang and the Hive, and knows that he has a Stargate in his hand,

Then Wang Congshan and Wei Linglan will not be regarded as lobbyists to soften their emotions – just like the previous assumption, the Special Affairs Bureau has always been open and aboveboard and disdain to take hostages.

Also, the alert level is too low…

Lee Ang doesn’t know how much damage he can do to the real world after his full power,

But just send an explosion-proof armored vehicle and an operator?

Anyway, I also brought Su Nisheng and Han Shui Shi, and the whole city went under martial law…

Li Ang’s face was reflected in the car window, he smiled lightly, and his mood relaxed a lot.

At present, the identity should not be revealed. The only troublesome thing is the physical examination after entering the headquarters building of the Special Affairs Bureau…

The vehicle is driving on the highway in the east of the city. Looking out the window, you can see the dock with all kinds of giant-like construction machinery.

Under the surface of the sea at the mouth of the sea, schools of fish swim and undercurrents surge.

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