Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 932: Great work


Li Ang squinted and said, “What happened? I can’t remember too many.”

He was calm on the surface, but his mind turned sharply, thinking about all possibilities.

What happened?

Since Wang Congshan said it was Wei Linglan representing the Mobile Task Force, it shouldn’t have been a long time ago when she collected money to go to a restaurant to pretend to be a blind date.

Player thing? Or is it a matter of suspected hunting?

No, not likely.

Wang Congshan is just an ordinary family member, she won’t let her know about this kind of thing,

And listening to her tone, she is more joking…

“I don’t know.”

Wang Congshan pouted and raised her chin towards the camera in the corner of the ceiling of the restaurant, “She asked me if I was staying with you now, and told me to stay still, she will be there soon.”

Li Ang blinked: “Uh, what do you mean?”

“It should be fine,”

Wang Congshan said: “If it’s serious, she will tell me directly. I guess it’s a meal?”


Li Ang nodded and closed the divine link to the Hive Fleet.

The Skynet system of the Special Affairs Bureau has the right to call all surveillance cameras except private houses (including street shops), and can use face, gait recognition (sometimes including voice), and mobile phone positioning, /

To determine the real-time location of each citizen.

It doesn’t take a second to find someone.

Wang Congshan narrowed her eyes and said sharply, “Why do you feel a little panic…”

“I have nothing to panic.”

Li Ang smiled, “Walking upright, sitting upright, upright, upright, magnanimous, resolute and optimistic, intelligent and diligent, kind to the weak, not afraid of power.

The rising star of Yin City, the top ten young people, who else is mine. “

“The more you say that, the more suspicious it becomes…”

Wang Congshan narrowed her eyes, put her hands on the tabletop, and leaned in front of Li Ang, “I smell a lie…

Did you do something bad behind my back? “

“Why do I do bad things behind your back? Aren’t you tired?”

This is not good for childhood sweethearts. Li Ang silently held Wang Congshan’s shoulder? He gently pressed her back to his seat.

“Anyway, it’s suspicious…”

Wang Congshan bit her fork suspiciously, “You wouldn’t have taken the shrinking pill aptx-4869, been lurking by my side for many years, and because the whereabouts of murders and corpses were exposed, the mobile task force dispatched armored vehicles and helicopters. An international killer under siege, right?”

“Sisters, please don’t add drama to yourself?”

Li Ang rolled his eyes, “You have something worth my lurking.

And I’m always very particular about throwing corpses?

Every time a corpse is thrown, the soil will be planted with precious flowers and plants that are endangered and protected by law? In this way, the person who breaks the law is the one who dug up the corpse. “

“Hey, if there are really precious flowers and plants, you will definitely try to cultivate and plant them in different places on the mountain, and divide them into several calls to the official agency? Earn pennants and several bonuses.”

Wang Congshan pouted? Looking out the window, “Ah, she’s here.”

With the sound of vehicle tires rubbing against the ground? A black limousine parked on the side of the road.

Wai Linglan, who was wearing a special affairs bureau suit, got off the driver’s seat? stood on the side of the road and waved to Wang Congshan who was in the window? Walked towards the restaurant door? Pushed the door open.

“Why are you in uniform?”

Wang Congshan said casually: “Aren’t you going to work overtime today?”

“Something wrong? Sit in.”

Wei Linglan stabbed the arch king Congshan? Seizing the latter’s seat and sat down, he took a sip of the ice coke on the table, glanced at Li Ang, and said with a smile, “Meet again.”


Li Ang sat well, showing the nervousness of a petty citizen being approached by the MTF? “Wei? Keke? Is there anything wrong with Miss Wei looking for me?”

Wei Linglan didn’t rush to answer? She snapped her fingers,

A faint wave of energy immediately reverberated in the compartment,

Forming a barrier? Blocks out internal and external sounds and blurs the scene inside the cubicle.

“The last time we met was, uh, embarrassing. But this time I’m looking for you because of the killing game.”

Wei Linglan took out a black briefcase from the void and took out a stack of documents. While browsing, she calmly said, “You have a good academic performance in school.”

Li Ang answered honestly: “Uh, it’s okay.”

“The physical test scores are also acceptable.”

Wei Linglan’s eyes swept across the document, “Is it a family relationship?

Parents died young and were adopted by Yin Public Welfare Orphanage,

I have won many awards since I was a child, and my composition has been published in newspapers and magazines many times…”

Li Ang smacked his lips, and the smile on his face faded a little, “Well, is there any problem with this?”

“No, very inspirational, root is red.”

Wei Linglan closed the document, looked up and said, “I’m looking for you this time for two main things.

The first one is special.

Well…you usually do tutoring to supplement your family, right? “


Li Ang nodded and said, “Is it a matter of taxation of tutoring remuneration?”

“No, that’s not up to us.”

Wei Linglan shook his head and said, “One of the students you are in charge of was selected by the killing game not long ago and became a naturally promoted player.”


Li Ang was taken aback for a moment, “Which student?”

“You don’t need to know this for now.”

Wei Linglan smiled slightly, “According to the normal procedure, we need to investigate the interpersonal relationships and past experiences of new players who have been promoted naturally, and investigate the points worth noting.

During our investigation, we found that the new player seems to be the one most influenced by you.

According to the results of the comprehensive analysis, your unique education method has given that player an ability to adapt beyond ordinary people. “

Wang Congshan, who was sitting next to her, was stunned for a while, and couldn’t help but interject: “Wait, you mean his Pavlov education method is really effective?”

“What Pavlov.”

Wei Linglan’s face is In short, we would like to invite you to report to the special affairs bureau, make a transcript, and describe in detail your counseling process and educating ideas——

Due to the differences between people, it is difficult to train special talents who meet the standards of killing games based on popular training methods,

If your approach proves to be effective, then you’ve filled the gap and you’ve really done a great job. “

“Wang Wang Team Makes Great Deeds”?

The name of this cartoon popped into Li Ang’s mind inexplicably, but luckily it wasn’t “Team Ang Ang’s Big Demerit” or “Team Ang Ang Going to Prison”.

“Transcripts are unavoidable, and there is a requirement from superiors in this regard.”

Wei Linglan said: “After recording the transcript, you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement to cover up the identity of the player.

After this, we may also give you light amnestics.

Can you accept it? “

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